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Sun and
Earth is our solar system's third planet from the
It has
the only known celestial body that can support life.
an immense variety of ecosystems, including
for the
continents, and the atmosphere, making it suitable
existence of a wide variety of living organisms, inclu

The presence of water The presence of an
The existence of water at the atmosphere
earth’s surface is neither too It contains 78% nitrogen, 21%
much nor too little that is in oxygen and 1 % argon. It
liquid form. blocks some of the Sun’s
dangerous rays from reaching

Right distance to The moon

the Sun The only moon and its
Proximity to the sun is neither stabilizing effect on our
too much heat nor too little. planetary rotation, which
prevents the poles from
shifting unexpectedly

Plate Tectonics
Plates cover the entire Earth The presence of
and their boundaries play an magnetosphere
important role in geologic The magnetic field of the
happenings. planet renders particles from
the Sun less harmful.

The right size

large enough to hang on to its Energy
atmosphere, but not so large to The most obvious source of
hold on too much atmosphere energy is a planet or moon’s
and consequently too much host star, as in the case on
heat. Earth, where sunlight drives
photosynthesis in plants.

The right strength Time

of gravity Scientist have argued that
Earth’s gravity is a decisive habitable world’s need stars
factor for life’s existence. that can live at least several
billion years, long enough for
life to evolve was the case on

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