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Padder Uzma; et. al.

(2022) A study to assess the effectiveness of stretching exercises on joint

pain among obese women in a selected area. © 2022 IJCRT | Volume 10, ISSN:

Padder Uzma; et. al. (2022) conducted a study to assess the effectiveness of stretching
exercises on joint pain among obese women in a selected area. The study was carried out
among randomly selected obese women with joint pain in selected area. The sample size was
30 obese women with joint pain. Convenience sampling method was used. The study result
shows that in pre test knowledge score 93.3% had poor, 6.7%had good knowledge regarding
stretching exercise. After post test 10% had poor, 53.3% had good and 36.7% had excellent
knowledge regarding stretching exercise. This study depicts that there is poor knowledge
about the stretching exercises among the obese women with joint pain and the significant
difference can be found between the pre test and post test scores among obese women with
joint pain.

Jurado-Castro, J. M., et. al. (2022). Effectiveness of Exercise in Patients with Overweight or
Obesity Suffering from Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(17), 10510.

Jurado-Castro, J. M., et. al. (2022) conducted a study on effectiveness of exercise in

patients with overweight or obesity suffering from knee osteoarthritis: a systematic review
and meta-analysis. Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) published between January 2002 and
May 2022 were included.A total of 64 articles were identified, of which six met the criteria
for meta-analysis. The result shows that the pain scale score was higher in the control group
(mean difference 0.95; confidence interval 0.42–1.47; p < 0.001; I2 = 44%). The physical
function scale (lower scores indicate lower levels of symptoms or physical disability)
presented a higher score in the control group (mean difference 3.74; confidence interval 0.85–
6.53; p < 0.05; I2 = 56%). Moreover, the intervention group achieved a greater distance
(meters) walking in a 6 min interval (mean difference 38.18; confidence interval 20.01–
56.35; p < 0.001; I2 = 0%). This meta-analysis concluded that exercise interventions seem
effective in improving quality of life in people with overweight or obesity suffering from
knee osteoarthritis, reducing pain and improving physical function.
Kumari, Babita & Chaudhary; (2023). Effectiveness of stretching exercises on knee joint pain
among obese women at selected community area, Himachal Pradesh. WWW.CASIRJ.COM.

Kumari, Babita; et. al. (2023) conducted a study on effectiveness of stretching exercises on
knee joint pain among obese women at selected community area, Himachal Pradesh. A
quantitative quasi experimental study was conducted in Distt Kangra H.P. A total 60 sample
was collected by using non probability purposive sampling technique. The present study
showed that present that evaluate the effectiveness of stretching exercises on knee joint pai n
among obese women in experimental group. The pretest mean score of knee joint pain was
44.43±22.14. Whereas the posttest mean score of knee joint pain was 63.80±20.44. As result
showed that t29=5.387, p=0.001 which indicate very highly significant Conclusion: the study
arrived at the conclusion that stretching activities were useful for improving obese women's
mobility and easing joint discomfort

Poornima, I.G. (2016). A pre-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of stretching

exercises on joint pain among obese women in selected area at Vellore.

Poornima, I.G. (2016) conducted a pre-experimental study to assess the effectiveness of

stretching exercises on joint pain among obese women in selected area at Vellore. The
research approach was evaluative and Research design used was pre-experimental involving
only one group pre test and posttest design. Purposive sampling technique was adopted to
choose. Major findings of the study are before stretching exercises out of 30 obese student
none of them had mild joint pain. 7% had moderate joint pain 93% had sever joint pain. But
after stretching exercises 10% have moderate pain and none of them had sever joint pain. The
comparison using paired t-test is 25.90*** which proved highly significant of p<001. The
study revealed that there is significant association between the selected demographic variable
and their post test level of joint pain among elderly.

Amoudi M, Ayed A. (2021) Effectiveness of stretching exercise program among nurses with
neck pain: Palestinian perspective. Science Progress. 2021;104(3).

Amoudi M, Ayed A. (2021) conducted a study on effectiveness of stretching exercise

program among nurses with neck pain: Palestinian perspective. A quasi-experimental, pre–
post design with a convenience sample of 90 nurses with moderate-to-severe neck pain from
two hospitals in Palestine participated in the study. The hospitals were randomly selected to
be an experimental and the other one as a control group. The experimental group received the
instruction to perform structured neck and around shoulder stretching exercises two
sessions/day for 5 days/week for 1 month. The control group was told to maintain their
current level of physical activity. Results showed that the magnitude of improvement in neck
pain and disability was greater in the experimental group than in the control group (t(88) =
8.5, P = 0.001).

Perez-Huerta, B. D., et al. (2020). Effectiveness of a Program Combining Strengthening,

Stretching, and Aerobic Training Exercises in a Standing versus a Sitting Position in
Overweight Subjects with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of
Clinical Medicine, 9(12), 4113. MDPI AG. Retrieved from

Perez-Huerta, B. D., et al. (2020). conducted a study on effectiveness of a program

combining strengthening, stretching, and aerobic training exercises in a standing versus a
sitting position in overweight subjects with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled trial.
Twenty-four subjects were randomly allocated to receive 36 sessions of 30-min duration of
either sitting aerobic exercises (experimental group) or standing aerobic exercises (control
group). Significant differences were found in the experimental group for self-reported pain
and knee pain and disability at 24 and 36 sessions (p < 0.05). Adherence to treatment was
higher in the experimental group. Adding aerobic exercises in an unloaded position to a
conventional exercise program produced superior effects over time for self-reported knee
pain, knee pain and disability and quality of life compared to loaded aerobic exercises in
overweight subjects with knee osteoarthritis.

Khanam Syeda., et al. (2022) “Effectiveness of Stretching Exercise in the Treatment of

Plantar Fasciitis-A Review of Literature". Acta Scientific Orthopaedics 5.4 (2022): 93-100.
Khanam Syeda., et al. (2022) conducted a study on “Effectiveness of Stretching Exercise in
the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis-A Review of Literature". The major contributing factors
related to plantar fasciitis are Obesity, biomechanics of foot disturbances, poor foot wear,
work related activity and over exertion. Overuse activity is the most common cause of injury
such as running and jobs with prolong standing this will increases risk of micro trauma of the
fascia. The normal presentation of plantar fasciitis includes gradual, insidious onset of
inferior-medial heel pain of the insertion of the plantar fascia worse with rising morning or
after prolonged weight bearing activities and exacerbated by climbing stairs or doing toes

Silva Filho, J. N. da., Gurgel, J. L., & Porto, F.. (2020). Influence of stretching exercises in
musculoskeletal pain in nursing professionals. Fisioterapia Em Movimento, 33, e003317.

Silva Filho, J. N. da., et. al. (2020) conducted a study Influence of stretching exercises in
musculoskeletal pain in nursing professionals. This is a randomized controlled parallel
experiment, in which 28 NPs (7 men and 21 women) were allocated into experimental (EG, n
= 15; 47.4 years ± 9.5) and control (CG, n = 13; 39.15 years ± 9.6) groups. Most NPs work
on weekends (68%) and/or have other professional activities (60.7%); 42.9% had to miss
work at least once in the year prior to the survey and 66.7% of those were due to medical
reasons; 42.9% work more than 10 hours/day. Of the NPs, 89.3% of the volunteers in both
groups lived daily with pain in some region of the body. Pain decreased after the MSE
program was initiated in the EG (p = 0.001) and differed from the CG (p = 0.002). This study
concluded that MSEs were beneficial for pain reduction in NPs.

Raud, B., Gay, C., Guiguet-Auclair, C. et al. Level of obesity is directly associated with the
clinical and functional consequences of knee osteoarthritis. Sci Rep 10, 3601 (2020).

Raud, B., Gay, C., et al. (2020) conducted a study on Level of obesity is directly associated
with the clinical and functional consequences of knee osteoarthritis. Among the 391
individuals included, 57.0% were overweight, 28.4% had stage I obesity and 14.6% had stage
II/III obesity. Mean pain score on a 10-point visual analog scale was 4.3 (SD 2.4), 5.0 (SD
2.6) and 5.2 (SD 2.3) with overweight, stage I and stage II/III obesity, respectively (p =
0.0367). The mean WOMAC function score (out of 100) was 36.2 (SD 20.1), 39.5 (SD 21.4)
and 45.6 (SD 18.4), respectively (p = 0.0409). The Knee Osteoarthritis Fears and Beliefs
Questionnaire total score (KOFBEQ), daily activity score and physician score significantly
differed among BMI groups (p = 0.0204, p = 0.0389 and p = 0.0413, respectively), and the PA
level significantly differed (p = 0.0219). We found a dose–response relation between BMI and
the clinical consequences of KOA. Strategies to treat KOA should differ by obesity severity.
High PA level was associated with low BMI and contributes to preventing the clinical
consequences of KOA.

N. Lazzarini, J. Runhaar, et. al. (2017) A machine learning approach for the identification of
new biomarkers for knee osteoarthritis development in overweight and obese women,
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, Volume 25, Issue 12, 2017, Pages 2014-2021,

N. Lazzarini, J. Runhaar, et. al. (2017) conducted a study on “A machine learning approach
for the identification of new biomarkers for knee osteoarthritis development in overweight
and obese women, Osteoarthritis and Cartilage”. The researcher created an analytics pipeline
based on machine learning to identify small models (having few variables) that predict the
30-months incidence of knee OA in overweight middle-aged women without knee OA at
baseline. The result shows that all the models showed high performance (AUC > 0.7) while
using only a few variables. We identified both the importance of each variable within the
models as well its direction. Finally, we compared the performance of two models with the
state-of-the-art approaches available in the literature.

Badley, E. M., Wilfong, J. M., Yip, C., Millstone, D. B., & Perruccio, A. V. (2020). The
contribution of age and obesity to the number of painful joint sites in individuals reporting
osteoarthritis: a population-based study. Rheumatology (Oxford, England), 59(11), 3350–

Badley, E. M., et. al. (2020) conducted a study on The contribution of age and
obesity to the number of painful joint sites in individuals reporting osteoarthritis: a
population-based study. Analysis of the 2009 Survey on Living with Chronic Diseases in
Canada–Arthritis Component (n = 1614) for respondents reporting symptomatic OA. The
sample comprised 73% women and 56% were aged <65 years. The mean number of painful
joint sites was 3.8: 84% reported pain at ≥2 sites, and 45% at ≥4 sites. Age, BMI, education
and smoking were not associated with the number of joint sites. Similar regression results
were found with the clinical OA sample. This study concluded that the lack of an association
of age and BMI (obesity) with number of painful joint sites in OA raises questions about the
role of these risk factors and our understanding of OA as a multi-joint disease.

Raud, B., Gay, C., Guiguet-Auclair, C. et al. Level of obesity is directly associated with the
clinical and functional consequences of knee osteoarthritis. Sci Rep 10, 3601 (2020).

Raud, B., Gay, C., et al. (2020) conducted a study on Level of obesity is directly associated
with the clinical and functional consequences of knee osteoarthritis. Participants with BMI ≥
25 kg/m2 and KOA completed anonymous self-administered questionnaires. Among the 391
individuals included, 57.0% were overweight, 28.4% had stage I obesity and 14.6% had stage
II/III obesity. Mean pain score on a 10-point visual analog scale was 4.3 (SD 2.4), 5.0 (SD
2.6) and 5.2 (SD 2.3) with overweight, stage I and stage II/III obesity, respectively (p =
0.0367). The mean WOMAC function score (out of 100) was 36.2 (SD 20.1), 39.5 (SD 21.4)
and 45.6 (SD 18.4), respectively (p = 0.0409). This study concluded that strategies to treat
KOA should differ by obesity severity. High PA level was associated with low BMI and
contributes to preventing the clinical consequences of KOA.

Zheng H, Chen C, Body mass index and risk of knee osteoarthritis: systematic review and
meta-analysis of prospective studies. BMJ Open 2015;5:e007568. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-

Zheng H, Chen C, (2014) conducted a study on Body mass index and risk of knee
osteoarthritis: systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective studies. This meta-analysis
include 14 studies. The results showed that overweight and obesity were significantly
associated with higher knee OA risks of 2.45 (95% CI 1.88 to 3.20, p<0.001) and 4.55 (95%
CI 2.90 to 7.13, p<0.001), respectively. The risk of knee OA increases by 35% (95% CI 1.18
to 1.53, p<0.001) with a 5 kg/m2 increase in BMI. This meta-analysis concluded that Obesity
was a robust risk factor for knee OA. Professionals should take a possible weight reduction
into account for the treatment of knee OA whenever a patient is significantly overweight.
Pacca, D. M., DE-Campos, et. al. (2018) Prevalence Of Joint Pain And Osteoarthritis In
Obese Brazilian Population. Arquivos brasileiros de cirurgia digestiva : ABCD = Brazilian
archives of digestive surgery, 31(1), e1344.

Pacca, D. M., DE-Campos, et. al. (2018) Prevalence Of Joint Pain And Osteoarthritis In
Obese Brazilian Population. The result shows that 141 patients were interviewed (85.1%
women) with a mean age of 40 years. The mean body mass index was 46. The lumbar spine
and knee joint were the most commonly reported as painful (77.9% and 73.2% respectively).
Prevalence of knee osteoarthritis was 63.1% and hip osteoarthritis was 40.8%. Age, mean
VAS and WOMAC scores were higher in the osteoarthritic individuals. This study concluded
that there is prevalence of 90.1% of pain symptoms in morbidly obese patients referred to
bariatric surgery. The prevalence of knee osteoarthritis was 63.1% and hip osteoarthritis was
40.8% in this sample.

Hamood, Rola, et. al. (2021). "Prevalence and Incidence of Osteoarthritis: A Population-
Based Retrospective Cohort Study". Journal of Clinical Medicine 10, no. 18: 4282.

Hamood, Rola, et. al. (2021). "Prevalence and Incidence of Osteoarthritis: A Population-
Based Retrospective Cohort Study". A total of 180,126 OA patients were identified,
representing a point prevalence of 115.3 per 1000 persons (95% CI, 114.8–115.8 per 1000
persons). Geographically, OA prevalence was not uniformly distributed, with the Southern
and Northern peripheral districts having a higher prevalence than the rest of the Israeli
regions. OA incidence increased over time from 7.36 per 1000 persons (95% CI 6.21–7.50
per 1000 persons) in 2013 to 8.23 per 1000 persons (95% CI 8.09–8.38 per 1000 persons) in
2017 (p-value for trend = 0.02). The incidence was lowest in patients under 60 years (in both
sexes) and peaked at 60–70 years. In older ages, the incidence leveled off in men and
declined in women. The growing risk of OA warrants a greater attention to timely preventive
and therapeutic interventions. Further population-based studies in the Middle East are needed
to identify modifiable risk factors for timely preventive and therapeutic interventions.

HEADINGS: Osteoarthritis, Obesity, Bariatric sur

Cui Aiyong, Cui Huizi, et. al. (2020) Global, regional prevalence, incidence and risk factors
of knee osteoarthritis in population-based studies. RESEARCH PAPER| VOLUME 29,
100587, DECEMBER 2020. DOI:
Cui Aiyong, Cui Huizi, et. al. (2020) Global, regional prevalence, incidence and risk factors
of knee osteoarthritis in population-based studies. For this study, researcher searched
PUBMED, EMBASE and SCOPUS from inception to April 4, 2020, without language
restriction. The study finding shows that out of 9570 records identified, 88 studies with
10,081,952 participants were eligible for this study. The pooled global prevalence of knee OA
was 16⋅0% (95% CI, 14⋅3%-17⋅8%) in individuals aged 15 and over and was 22⋅9% (95% CI,
19⋅8%-26⋅1%) in individuals aged 40 and over. Correspondingly, there are around 654⋅1
(95% CI, 565⋅6–745⋅6) million individuals (40 years and older) with knee OA in 2020
worldwide. The pooled global incidence of knee OA was 203 per 10,000 person-years (95%
CI, 106–331) in individuals aged 20 and over. Correspondingly, there are around annual 86⋅7
(95% CI, 45⋅3–141⋅3) million individuals (20 years and older) with incident knee OA in 2020
worldwide. The prevalence and incidence varied substantially between individual countries
and increased with age. The ratios of prevalence and incidence in females and males were
1⋅69 (95% CI, 1⋅59–1⋅80, p<0⋅00) and 1⋅39 (95% CI, 1⋅24–1⋅56, p<0⋅00), respectively.

Marieke L. A. Landsmeer, (2019) Predicting Knee Pain and Knee Osteoarthritis Among
Overweight. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2019.04.180302( J Am Board Fam Med 2019;32:575–584.

Marieke L. A. Landsmeer, (2019) Predicting Knee Pain and Knee Osteoarthritis Among
Overweight. Multivariable analysis by backward stepwise deletion was performed for
questionnaire and physical examination variables. The study result shows that 32% of 237
women (mean age 55.7-3.2 years; mean BMI, 31.9 3.8 kg/m) developed FKP and 30%
developed symptomatic KOA. AUC of age and BMI was 0.63 (0.55 to 0.71) for incident
FKP. The final model included age, BMI, mild knee symptoms, knee problems climbing
stairs, morning stiffness, postmenopausal status, and heavy work. AUC was 0.71 (0.63 to
0.78). Results were similar for incident KOA. Applying external validation, similar results
were observed in the RS-III. In this study, easy-obtainable variables modestly improved the
prediction of FKP and symptomatic KOA above age and BMI. To improve the identification
of high-risk individuals, development of valid tests for other known risk factors, like
meniscal damage, that are applicable in primary care, are urgently needed.

Keywords: Body Mass Index, Chronic Disease, Netherlands, Obesity, Osteoarthritis of

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