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Verilog Posts


 What is Verilog?

 Introduction to Verilog

 Chip Design Flow

 Chip Abstraction Layers

Data Types

 Verilog Syntax

 Verilog Data types

 Verilog Scalar/Vector

 Verilog Arrays

Building Blocks

 Verilog Module

 Verilog Port

 Verilog Module Instantiations

 Verilog assign statements

 Verilog assign examples

 Verilog Operators

 Verilog Concatenation

 Verilog always block

 Combo Logic with always

 Sequential Logic with always

 Verilog initial block

 Verilog in a nutshell

 Verilog generate

Behavioral modeling

 Verilog Block Statements

 Verilog Assignment Types

 Verilog Blocking/Non-blocking

 Verilog Control Flow

 Verilog if-else-if

 Verilog Conditional Statements

 Verilog for Loop

 Verilog case Statement

 Verilog Functions

 Verilog Tasks

 Verilog Parameters

 Verilog `ifdef `elsif

 Verilog Delay Control

 Verilog Inter/Intra Delay

 Verilog Hierarchical Reference

 Verilog Coding Style Effect

Gate/Switch modeling

 Gate Level Modeling

 Gate Level Examples

 Gate Delays

 Switch Level Modeling

 User-Defined Primitives


 Verilog Simulation Basics

 Verilog Testbench

 Verilog Timescale

 Verilog Scheduling Regions

 Verilog Clock Generator

System Tasks and Functions

 Verilog Display tasks

 Verilog Math Functions

 Verilog Timeformat

 Verilog Timescale Scope

 Verilog File Operations

Code Examples

 Hello World!

 Flops and Latches

 JK Flip-Flop

 D Flip-Flop

 T Flip-Flop

 D Latch
 Counters

 4-bit counter

 Ripple Counter

 Straight Ring Counter

 Johnson Counter

 Mod-N Counter

 Gray Counter

 Misc

 n-bit Shift Register

 Binary to Gray Converter

 Priority Encoder

 4x1 multiplexer

 Full adder

 Single Port RAM

 Verilog Pattern Detector

 Verilog Sequence Detector

Verilog scalar and vector

1. Scalar and Vector

2. Bit-selects
3. Part-selects
4. Common Errors

Verilog needs to represent individual bits as well as groups of

bits. For example, a single bit sequential element is a flip-flop.
However a 16-bit sequential element is a register that can hold
16 bits. For this purpose, Verilog has scalar and vector nets and
Scalar and Vector

A net or reg declaration without a range specification is

considered 1-bit wide and is a scalar. If a range is specified,
then the net or reg becomes a multibit entity known as a

1 wire o_nor; // single bit scalar

2 wire [7:0] o_flop; // 8-bit vector net
3 reg parity; // single bit scalar
4 reg [31:0] addr; // 32 bit vector var

The range gives the ability to address individual bits in a vector.

The most significant bit of the vector should be specified as the
left hand value in the range while the least significant bit of the
vector should be specified on the right.

1 wire [msb:lsb] name;

2 integer my_msb;
4 wire [15:0] priority; // msb = 15, ls
5 wire [my_msb: 2] prior; // illegal

A 16 bit wide net called priority will be created in the example

above. Note that the msb and lsb should be a constant
expression and cannot be substituted by a variable. But they can
be any integer value - positive, negative or zero; and the lsb
value can be greater than, equal to or less than msb value.

Any bit in a vectored variable can be individually selected and

assigned a new value as shown below. This is called as a bit-
select. If the bit-select is out of bounds or the bit-select is x or
z, then the value returned will be x.

1 reg [7:0] addr; // 8-bit reg variabl

3 addr [0] = 1; // assign 1 to bit 0
4 addr [3] = 0; // assign 0 to bit 3
5 addr [8] = 1; // illegal : bit8 d


A range of contiguous bits can be selected and is known as a

part-select. There are two types of part-selects, one with a
constant part-select and another with an indexed part-select.

1 reg [31:0] addr;

3 addr [23:16] = 8'h23; // bits 23 to 16 wi

Having a variable part-select allows it to be used effectively in

loops to select parts of the vector. Although the starting bit can
be varied, the width has to be constant.

[<start_bit> +: <width>] // part-select increme

[<start_bit> -: <width>] // part-select decreme
1 module des;
2 reg [31:0] data;
3 int i;
5 initial begin
6 data = 32'hFACE_CAFE;
7 for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) begin
8 $display ("data[8*%0d +: 8] = 0x%0h", i, da
9 end
11 $display ("data[7:0] = 0x%0h", data[7:0]);
12 $display ("data[15:8] = 0x%0h", data[15:8]);
13 $display ("data[23:16] = 0x%0h", data[23:16])
14 $display ("data[31:24] = 0x%0h", data[31:24])
15 end
17 endmodule

 Simulation Log

ncsim> run
data[8*0 +: 8] = 0xfe // ~ data
data[8*1 +: 8] = 0xca // ~ data
data[8*2 +: 8] = 0xce // ~ data
data[8*3 +: 8] = 0xfa // ~ data

data[7:0] = 0xfe
data[15:8] = 0xca
data[23:16] = 0xce
data[31:24] = 0xfa
ncsim: *W,RNQUIE: Simulation is complete.

Common Errors

1 module tb;
2 reg [15:0] data;
4 initial begin
5 $display ("data[0:9] = 0x%0h", data[0:9]);
6 end
7 endmodule
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Interview Questions

 Verilog Interview Set 1

 Verilog Interview Set 2

 Verilog Interview Set 3

 Verilog Interview Set 4

 Verilog Interview Set 5

 Verilog Interview Set 6

 Verilog Interview Set 7

 Verilog Interview Set 8

 Verilog Interview Set 9

 Verilog Interview Set 10

Related Topics

 Digital Fundamentals

 Verilog Tutorial

 Verification

 SystemVerilog Tutorial

 UVM Tutorial

Verilog Testbench

Verilog Coding Style Effect

Verilog Conditional Statements

Verilog Interview Set 10

Synchronous FIFO

SystemVerilog Interview Set 10

SystemVerilog Interview Set 9

SystemVerilog Interview Set 8

SystemVerilog Interview Set 7

SystemVerilog Interview Set 6

UVM Singleton Object

UVM Component [uvm_component]

UVM Object [uvm_object]

UVM Root [uvm_root]

UVM Interview Set 4

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