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Factoring General Trinomial

Factoring trinomials is the process of finding

factors for a given trinomial expression. These
factors are expressed in the form of binomials
that are the sum and product of the terms in a
The general form of a trinomial is ax2 + bx + c
which is converted to a binomial in the form of
(x + m) (x + n).
Step in Factoring Trinomials

1: Set up a product of two ( ) where each will

hold two terms.
2: Find the factors of the first term.
3: Find two numbers that ADD to b and
4. Always observe the sign.

1. x2 + 8x + 15 3. 4x2 - 20x + 24
2. a2 + 9a - 14 4. 6x2 + 19x + 10

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