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(Activity Sheet #1)

I. Identify the factors of the following
Example: 21 the factors are 3 and 7
1. 9
2. 18
3. 24
4. 12
5. 27

II. Identify the factors of each monomial

Example : = 4 x3 : Factors are = 2 ∙2 ∙ x ∙ x ∙ x

1. 6 x2
2. 12 x3 y
3. 18 x 3 y 2
4. 10 xy 3
5. 16 x 3 y 3

III. Find the greatest common factor of the following.

Example: 4 and 8

4 = 2 ∙2

8 = 2 ∙2 ∙ 2

GCF: 2 ∙2 = 4
1. 2 and 4
2. 3 and 9
3. 8 and 16
4. 7 and 21
5. 3 and 27

IV. Factor each polynomials.

Example: 6 x 2 y 2 +12

6 x 2 y 2=2∙ 3 ∙ x ∙ x ∙ y ∙ y
12 = 2 ∙2 ∙ 3∙ 1

Common Factor is 2 ∙3=6

The other factor is x ∙ x ∙ y ∙ y +(2∙ 1)=x 2 y 2 +2

Answer: Therefore the factor is 6 ( x 2 y 2 +2 ¿

1. 25 a+5
2. 4 x2 y 2−24 xy
3. 10 x 3 y 2−15 x 2 y 3
4. 9 ab+ 12a 4 b4 + 27 a2 b2
5. 16 xy−32 x 3 y 2 +8 x 2 y 3


(Activity Sheet #2)

I. Identify if each of the following monomials is the difference of two squares. Write YES if it is and NO
if it is not.
NOTE: Perfect square are obtain when we multiply monomials by itself.
Example: 2 ∙2 = 4, 4 is a perfect square monomial.
Example: x ∙ x=x 2 , x 2 is a perfect square monomial.

1. 9
2. 15
3. 16 y 4
4. x2 y 4
5. 13 xy

II. Identify the square root of each monomial

Example : Square of 25 is 5
Example : Square of 25 x 2 is 5x.

1. 9
2. c4
3. 36 x 2
4. 4 x4 y4
5. 64 a2 b 4 c 2

III. Factor each of the following difference of two squares.

NOTE: The factors of the difference of two square is the sum and difference of the square
root of the term.
Example: Factor out x 2−4 , answer is (x+2) (x-2)
1. n2 −9
2. 4 x2 −16
3. a 4−b 4
4. 25 x 2−36 y 2
5. 81−c 2 d 2
Factoring Sum or Difference of Two Cubes
(Activity Sheet #3)
I. Identify the cube root of the following.
Example : √ 8 is 2, because 8 is the result of 2 ∙2 ∙ 2, therefore the cube root of 8 is 2.
3 3
Example :√ x is x, because x 3 is the result of x ∙ x ∙ x ,therefore the cube root of x 3 is x.

1. √3 27
2. √3 64
3. √3 x 6
4. √3 27 m3
5. √3 125 x 3 y 3
II. Find the factor of the sum and difference of two cubes.

Steps in factoring sum and difference of two cubes.

Step 1: Get the cube root of each cube.
Step 2: Taking the operation between the cubes, obtain a binomial factor using the cube roots in step 1.
Step 3: Form the second trinomial factor as follows:
a. Square the first cube root.
b. Take the negative product of the cube root.
c. Square the second cube root.

Example: Factor out n3 +8

3 3
Step 1: √ n =n∧√3 8=2
Step 2 :(n+ 2)
Step 3 :
a. n ∙ n=n2
b. −1 ∙n ∙ 2=−2 n −1 isconstant n2 −2n+ 4
c. 2 ∙2=4

Answer: Therefore, the factor of n3 +8 is (n+ 2)(n¿ ¿2−2 n+4 ). ¿

Answer the following:

1. y 3 +27
2. a 3−8
3. m 3 +125
4. 8 x 3+ 64
5. 8 x 3−64
Factoring Perfect Square Trinomial
(Activity Sheet #4)

I. Encircle the perfect square monomials.

NOTE: Perfect square are obtain when we multiply monomials by itself.
Example: 1 ∙3 = 9, 9 is a perfect square monomial.
Example:2 x ∙ 2 x=4 x 2 , 4 x 2 is a perfect square monomial.

4 x2 36 2x
22 16 y 4 8xy
24 27 m
II. Square the binomials.
1. ( x +2)2
2. (n−3)2
3. (3 x+ 5 y)2
4. ( x + y )2
5. ( 4 k +5)2
III. Determine whether each of the following is a perfect square trinomial.
1. x 2+ 6 x+ 9
2. x 2+ 3 x +5
3. y 2−10 y +25

IV. Factor the following.

Step 1: Get the square roots of the first and last terms.
Step 2: Use the sign of the middle term between the roots.
Step 3: Square the binomial obtained in step 2.

Example: x 2+ 4 x +4

Step 1: x 2+ ¿ 4 .

√ x 2=x since x ∙ x=x 2

√ 4=2 since 2 ∙2=4
Step 2: Use plus sign (+) since it is the sign of the middle term 4x. Thus, the binomial is x+2 since the
square of the first term is x and the square of the last term is 8 and the sign of the middle term is plus.

Step 3: x +2( x+ 2)2

Therefore, x 2+ 4 x +4=(x+ 2)2

Answer the following:

Factoring General Trinomial
(Activity Sheet #5)

I. Fill in the blanks to make the following as perfect square trinomials.

1. x 2−8 x +¿ ¿
2. y 2 +6 y +¿ ¿
3. a 2−¿ ¿
4. n2 + ¿ ¿
5. ¿¿ −18 k + 81
II. Complete the table by finding the two integers with the sum and product given.


Example: 8 15 3+5 3 ∙5
1. 10 21
2. -11 24
3. −6 8

III. Factor the following.

Note: Steps in factoring general trinomial in the form ax 2 +bx +c when a=1
Step 1: List all factors whose products equals the first term and constant term.
Step 2: Get the pair of factors in the list whose sum equals the coefficient of the linear term.
Step 3: Write the binomial factors in the form (𝑥 +𝑟) (𝑥 +𝑠).
Remember some important points in factoring the general trinomial.
 If 𝑏 and 𝑐 are both positive, then the factors must be positive.
 If 𝑐 is positive and 𝑏 is negative, then the factors must be negative.
 If 𝑐 is negative, then the factors must have opposite sign.

Example: x 2+ 7 x +12

Step 1: a=1 ,b=7 , c=12

Since 𝑏 and 𝑐 are both positive you must consider the pair of positive factors of 12.
Factors of 12 are 1 and 12, 3 and 4, 2 and 6.
Step 2: Get the factors of 12 whose sum is 7. Get 3 and 4 since 3+4 = 7

Step 3 : ( x +3 ) (x +4)
Answer: Therefore, the factor of : x 2+ 7 x +12 is = ( x +3 ) (x +4)

Answer the following:

1. x 2+ 9 x+14
2. n2 +11n+ 24
3. d 2−8 d−9
Solving Problems Involving Factors of Polynomials
(Activity Sheet #6)

Lesson: Problem solving often depends on the knowledge of formulas that describe relationships between
certain dimensions, amount, or quantities. In many cases, formulas are not given with word problems. It is then
necessary to translate the words of a problem into symbols before solutions can be found.

Method in solving problem

 Understanding the problem

 Devising a plan
 Carrying out plan
 Looking Back

Example: Find two consecutive numbers whose product is 30.

What is/are the given fact/s? : Two consecutive numbers whose product is 30.
What are you asked to find? : Required: Two consecutive numbers.
Write a representation. : Let x be the first number, 𝑥+1 be the second number
Write a working equation : x(x+1) = 30
Solve the Equation:

Solve the following:

1. The product of two consecutive odd integers is 63. Find the numbers.
2. Find two consecutive even integers whose product is 120.
3. Jj is 3 times as old as Jingrick. Five years from now, the sum of their ages is 22. How old are they now?
(Activity Sheet #6)

I. There are verbal phrases below. Look for the mathematical phrase in the box that corresponds to
the verbal phrases.

pq x
x 2+ 2 x +2 10x + 6 p3−9
3 4

1. The ratio of number x and four added by two

2. The square of x added by twice the x
3. The product of p and q divided by three
4. Cube of the number p decreased by nine
5. Ten times a number x increased by six

II. Tell whether each expression is a rational algebraic expression or not. Write RAE if it is and NRAE
if it is not.
Note: Rational Algebraic expression is an expression that is the ratio of two polynomials.

x+ 5 1
_______1. _______6.
x−5 2

1 2n+ 7
_______2. _______7.
a6 n+1

2 x4
_______3. c +10 c+ 25 _______8. 4

−2 x −2 −7 x a2 +10 a+25
_______4. _______9.
√ 5 x 4−8 x a+5

_______5. _______10. a 2+b 2
x+ 8
(Activity Sheet #7)

I. Match column A with column B by simplifying the expressions. Write the letter of the correct
answer on the space provided.
Column A Column B
3 −1
_____1. a.
9 2

−3 1
_____2. b.
3 3

−4 1
_____3. c.
8 4

8 1
_____4. d.
32 2

_____5. e. −1

II. Simplify the following.

Note: A rational algebraic expression is in its lowest term if the numerator and denominator have no
more common factors other than 1.
Steps in simplifying rational algebraic expressions.
Step 1: Factor the numerator and denominator
Step 2: Divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor.
Step 3: Multiply the remaining factors and their product is the rational algebraic expression in
simplest form.

4 x2 y2
Example 1:
4 xy
2∙ 2∙ x ∙ x ∙ y ∙ y
Step 1:
2∙ 2∙ 2 ∙ x ∙ y
2∙ 2∙ x ∙ x ∙ y ∙ y
Step 2:
2 ∙2 ∙ x ∙ y
Step 3: x ∙ y=xy
4 x2 y2
Therefore, =xy
4 xy
x4 y2

6 a2 b2
12 ab

−21 a3 b2 c2
7 abc

2 x−10
2 x +4

x2 +10 x+ 25


(Activity Sheet #8)

I. Perform the indicated operations of the following.

3 5
1. +
9 9
2 1
2. +
3 3
5 3
3. −
6 6
1 2
4. −
3 7
1 1
5. +
6 7
II. Match column A with column B by performing the indicated expressions. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided.
Step 1: Add the numerator and copy the common denominator.
Step 2: Combine the like terms in the numerator.
Step 3: Factor out the numerator and the denominator if possible.
Step 4: Divide out the common factors between the numerator and the denominator.

2 x +6 y 4 x +12 y
Example: +
x +3 y x+ 3 y
2 x +6 y 4 x +12 y ( 2 x+ 6 y )+(4 x+12 y )
Step 1: + =
x +3 y x+ 3 y x +3 y
2 x +4 x+6 y +12 y
Step 2: ¿
x+ 3 y
6 x+18 y
x +3 y
6( x +3 y)
Step 3: ¿
x +3 y
6( x +3 y)
Step 4: ¿
x +3 y
Column A Column B
2 x +6 y 4 x +12 y −1
_____1. + a.
x +3 y x+ 3 y 2

−3 1
_____2. b.
3 3

−4 1
_____3. c.
8 4

8 1
_____4. d.
32 4

_____5. e. −1

III. Simplify the following.

Note: A rational algebraic expression is in its lowest term if the numerator and denominator have no
more common factors other than 1.
Steps in simplifying rational algebraic expressions.
Step 1: Factor the numerator and denominator
Step 2: Divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor.
Step 3: Multiply the remaining factors and their product is the rational algebraic expression in
simplest form.

4 x2 y2
Example 1:
4 xy
2∙ 2∙ x ∙ x ∙ y ∙ y
Step 1:
2∙ 2∙ 2 ∙ x ∙ y
2∙ 2∙ x ∙ x ∙ y ∙ y
Step 2:
2 ∙2 ∙ x ∙ y
Step 3: x ∙ y=xy
4 x2 y2
Therefore, =xy
4 xy

x4 y2

6 a2 b2
12 ab

−21 a3 b2 c2
7 abc
5 x−10
2 x−4

x2 +10 x+ 25


(Activity Sheet #8)

I. Multiply the following

2 1 2 1
Example: ∙ = =
4 3 12 6

1 3 2 1
1. ∙ 4. ∙
2 4 7 3
5 2 10 2
2. ∙ 5. ∙
3 5 16 4
10 2
3. ∙
25 5

II. Perform the indicated operations of the ff. rational algebraic expressions and color the answer that
correspond to the given expressions.
Note: “The product of two rational expressions is the product of the numerators over the
product of the denominators.”
Step 1: Express the numerators and denominators into prime factors if possible.
Step 2: Multiply the numerator by the numerator and the denominator by the denominator.
Step 3: Divide out the common factors in the numerator and denominator.
Step 4: Simplify the remaining numbers/expressions in the numerator and denominator.

5x 4
Example: ∙
8 3x
5x 4 (5)(x) (2)(2)
Step 1: ∙ = ∙
8 3 x (2)(2)(2) (3)( x)
( 5 ) ( x )( 2)(2)
Step 2 : ¿
(2)(2)( 2)(3)(x)
( 5 ) ( x )( 2)(2)
Step 3 : ¿
(2)(2)( 2)(3)(x)

Step 4: ¿

8 x2 3 8 8 8
Example: ∙ (PINK)
9 3 x4 9 x2 3 x2 6 x2

16 a5 24 a3 12 a6 12 a5 12 a4
1. ∙ (BLUE)
4 a 8 a2

12ab 2 6 a2 b2 2 xy 4 xy 6 xy
2. ∙ (GREEN)
2 ab 6 a b2

xy m2 n 2 mn m 2 n2 mn 2
3. ∙ (YELLOW)
mn x2 y 2 xy xy xy

x+2 4 x +28 x+7 2 x +7 3 x +7

4. ∙ (ORANGE)
4 2x+4 2 2 2

m 2−n2 m m−n m+ n −m+ n

5. ∙ (RED)
m 2 m−2 n 2 2 2

III. Match column A with column B by performing the indicated expressions. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided.
Note: The quotient of two rational algebraic expressions is the product of the dividend and the reciprocal of
the divisor.
Step 1: Copy the dividend, Change division to multiplication and get the reciprocal of the divisor.
Step 2: Perform the steps in multiplying rational algebraic expressions.
8 ab2 4 a 2 b 2
Example: ÷
2 cd 4 d c 2

8 ab2 4 a 2 b 2 8 ab 2 4 d c 2
Step 1: ÷ = ∙
2 cd 4 d c 2 2 cd 4 a2 b2

( 2 )( 2 ) ( 2 )( a )( b ) (b) ( 2 ) ( 2 )( d )( c ) (c )
Step 2: ¿ ∙
(2)(c )(d ) (2)( 2)(a)( a)(b)(b)
( 2 )( 2 ) ( 2 )( 2 ) ( 2 )( a ) ( b ) (b) ( d )( c ) (c)
(2)(2)(2)( a)(a)(b)(b)(c )(d )
( 2 )( 2 ) (c)
( a)
Column A Column B

8 x2 2 x 2 x−3
_____1. ÷ 2 a.
4y y x+ 3

x+ y 4 x
_____2. ÷ b.
2 x +2 y x 8

a−1 2 a−2 1
_____3. ÷ c.
a+2 a+2 2

4 a+4 b 4
_____4. ÷ d. y
a2 +ab a

x 2−x−6 x 2−9
_____5. ÷ e. 1
x2 −2 x−8 x2 −7 x +12
Illustrating Linear Equations in Two Variables
(Activity Sheet #__)

I. Tell whether each of the following is equation or not. Write  if it is an equation and  if it is not.
Note: Equation is a mathematical statement indicating that the two algebraic expressions are
_______1. 3 x+ 5=14

_______2. 5 y +9=24

_______3. 2 x+17 y −3

_______4. 2+ 4=6

_______5. 2+3=6

II. Determine whether each of the following is a linear equation in two variables by writing LE if
yes and LEN if not.

_______1. 2 x=5

_______2. 3 x+ 5 y =15

_______3. x−2 y=6

_______4. x−3 y=5

_______5. a=−5

III. Complete the table below using the equation: 2 x+ y =4 . Show your solutions.

x -2 -1 0 1 2
y 4

Example: 2 x+ y =4

2 x+ y =4

2(0)+ y=4 0+ y =4



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