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It was the most unforgettable day to Dam Sen Park, I had with my
friends, even though there were many problems happened. I still can
never forget the accident I had at Dam Sen Park, making the trip the
most memorable one. That moment was when my group decided to play
skateboarding at the slope near the entrance. During the play, everything
seemed to be quite fine until the moment I found out that the skate I was
on had a big problem. It had a small crack in the middle which became
bigger as I skated. A friend of mine broke his neck and bled a lot. Then,
suddenly it broke and I fell down from that very steep 2m slope, broke
my left arms and strained both of my feet. My friend were so stunned
and scared that I looked at me with horror. Luckily, Danny called the
ambulance and carried me on his back and rushed to the gate. When we
were at the hospital, everyone made a sign of relief as my condition
wasn’t that bad. But due to having both feet strained, I had to walk with
crutches for about two weeks. Well, this was why I can’t never forget
the trip, a trip that turned into a disaster. From then onwards, I’d rather
avoid taking up dangerous sport or check the equipment carefully before

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