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RksYgGb;rM yuvCn nig kILa

• Identify different qualities, skills and abilities in self and others. • Identify and set appropriate and relevant goals and challenges for self. • Identify differences in community views about qualities, skills and abilities associated with
gender, nationality and appearance.

• Demonstrate through role play the behavior encouraged and discouraged in families, school • Construct possible responses to the same scenarios to show how different behaviors • Construct and perform short scenes that demonstrate different choices that affect family
and community, including ways of identifying, respecting and protecting common and demonstrate different values (for example, honesty, courtesy, thoughtfulness, respect and relationships made by parents and children; discuss and report on the possible consequences
personal property. their opposites). of different choices in these situations.
• Identify actions that can be taken in situations of feeling threatened or unsafe. • Describe the rights and obligations of children, including ways to protect children from abuse. • Explain the importance of and suggest ways to improve the protection of the human rights of
particular groups of people including girls, women, people with disabilities and people from
ethnic minorities.

• Demonstrate an understanding of the need for safe behavior at home and at school, and • Describe ways to respond to pressure from others to engage in risky behavior. • Explain the dangers of hand weapons and the main laws related to gun ownership.
on roads, in the water and in landmined areas. • Demonstrate understanding of main traffic rules. • Explain the principles of non-violent conflict resolution among individuals and nations.

• Describe the duties of local authorities (head of village, head of commune) and identify • Explain the roles of the Royal government, parliament and courts. • Describe important principles of democracy and how they are applied in Cambodia.
the King and Prime Minister.
• Draw the national flag of Cambodia.

• Investigate and report on the daily work of one person in the community and explain how • Investigate and report examples from the local community of the benefits of working
their work benefits the community. cooperatively.
• Identify particular skills in a range of jobs and investigate and report on how they are • Investigate vocational pathways and education and training requirements to develop possible
acquired. career paths and work opportunities.

• Explain the meaning and procedures of three traditional national festivals. • Describe the basic beliefs of Buddhism, Christianity, Hindu and Islam.

• Construct a timeline showing the major events, places and dates in the life of an older person. • Describe key aspects of the daily life of the Nokor Phnom and Chenla people. • Read historical information and use it to identify the most significant people and describe the
• Construct a timeline to show the significant periods and events in Cambodian history from most significant events in Cambodia's history in the period from 1863 to the present.
the 9th to the 16th century.

• Explain the causes and effects of internal conflicts in Cambodia during the Udong period.

• Describe key aspects of the daily life of people and the features of social life in two ancient societies.

• Read historical information and use it to write a detailed account of the causes and effects of
two significant world events in the period from the 17th to the 20th century.

• Describe the local district and surrounding areas using geographic terms • Copy draw a map of Cambodia, showing borders, main waterways, neighboring countries • Identify on a world map and describe the physical characteristics of major natural environments
(for example, stream, plain, forest). and the location of provinces. (for example, desert, polar, equatorial rainforests).
• Compare and contrast the way people live in these regions.

• Draw simple maps, including basic legends, that show common routes traveled by students • Locate on a map significant geographical features of Cambodia and explain their uses and • Identify land areas used as important mining and tourist sites in Cambodia and explain their
in the local area. importance, particularly to agriculture (Mekong River, coastal areas, forest regions, plateau, economic importance.
lowland, riverland). • Describe the impact of natural resource development and use on a natural environment and
discuss strategies for sustainable development in Cambodia.

• Compare and contrast Cambodia to any other South East Asian country in terms of geography,
political structure and economic development.

• Sing two traditional and two popular songs, including one section of the national anthem (Nokor Reach). • Identify a range of musical instruments by sound or appearance. • Use percussion instruments to demonstrate knowledge of notation of whole, half and quarter

notes and 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 rhythm.


• Make and present simple visual art works, using drawing, painting, collage or weaving materials. • Participate in dances, following the rhythms of Ramvong, Ramkhbach, Saravan and Lamleav • Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a traditional dance performance.
and briefly explain the meaning of two dance patterns.

• Construct a folio of visual art works, using a range of different styles as models. • Construct a work of art that expresses a stated idea or theme.

Demonstrate understanding of ways to ensure a safe environment for the home and its

surrounds to prevent accidents.

• Demonstrate understanding of how to use three major cooking methods safely.

• Demonstrate safe techniques for cutting, sewing and darning.
• Explain which traditional clothes are appropriate for various occasions.

• Use a simple task list to plan and organize a limited and defined activity completed by the • Using a task list and timeline, plan, organize and evaluate an activity that involves more than • Take responsibility for the planning, organization and evaluation of an activity that involves

student (for example, a performance of a song or dance). one person (for example, setting up a food stall). more than one event (for example, a sports or games competition).

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