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Assignment 4

(5 Points)
Student’s Name: Mashael Mohammad Alanazi
ID number: 200026029
Section #:

Write one paragraph describing your past abilities, or a person you know who has
succeeded in spite of some kind of disability or problem. (Minimum 6 sentences)

o Writing Instructions:

 Use the past tense, could and was/were able to.

 Remember to:
1. Add a title.
2. Indent.
3. Write a topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentence.
4. Check the grammar & spelling.
5. Check the capitalization & punctuation rules.
6. Edit and proofread your paragraph using the checklist on the next page before
submitting your final draft.
My Ability to Run
When I was a teenager, I was able to run for more than five minutes without stopping.
However, I cannot do that anymore. I believe that this is a common problem for many
people. When we were teenagers, we could do more physical activities because this was our
normal day. We play with our friends at school and with our siblings at home, but as we
become older, we do fewer physical activities. Now, my normal day is empty of any physical
activities. Last week, I needed to walk for long distance in a mall for shopping, but I could

 Plagiarized assignments will receive a zero.

Editing & Proofreading Checklist

Carefully re-read your paper and check for each of these items before submitting
your assignment:
Check 1. Editing
Editing involves making sure that the content is clear, concise, and
The topic sentence clearly expresses the main idea of the paragraph.

There are enough details and examples to support your topic sentence.

The concluding sentence sums up the paragraph and restates the main idea.

Complete information

Related ideas are expresses in the same grammatical form (consistency)

Check 2. Proofreading
Proofreading involves locating and correcting mechanical errors in
grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and/or spelling.
Every sentence has a subject and verb and makes a complete thought. (No sentence
The verb in every sentence agrees with the subject.

All sentences end with a period (full stop).

Commas and semicolons are properly used. (No run-on sentences)

Beginning of all sentences are capitalized, and capitalization rules are properly applied.

Spelling has been checked and corrected.

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