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I. Morality is Human Reasonableness:

● Aristotle sees morality more as an affair of human reasonableness.

● Being true to the intrinsic nobility and excellence of one’s rational soul.

II. Immorality:

● Activity which is inordinate, excessive, disorderly, and unreasonable.

● Fault is ultimately traceable to ignorance and error in judgment which makes man miss
his proper end in life - to live a moral, just life.
● Ignorance may be: (1) failure to exercise discipline over his lower passions and desires,
(2) may be due to external factors such as lack of necessary natural, social, or material
conditions / circumstances.
● No discipline - the moral end is not attained, whether it’s the individual’s fault or not.

III. Important points:

● Aristotle’s ethics, similar to Plato, eventually turns out to be exclusive and aristocratic.
● It gives morality a deeper dimension and makes it a matter of conscience and good will.
● The twin ends of moral virtues and contemplation signify for Aristotle the achievement
of that which is best in man.
● The moral virtues constitute the fulfillment of the nobility and excellence of the human
● The ends require:
(1) natural endowment (natural desires, tendencies, and passions) who do not
unduly distort the higher intellectual part of man, except by the individual’s own
sufferance, and;
(2) proper social background that affords man from early childhood childhood and
education and orientation to his proper ends.
● Contemplation means the fulfillment of the highest potential of man which is his
capacity for immanent, self-sufficient activity.

Fundamental Man is seen mainly as being his intellect, apart from which there
Characteristic are only blind irrational desires and passions.

Main Problem of Invariably seen to be how to discipline the lower desires and
Morality passions; how to educate and cultivate the intellectual part.

For The Good, he signifies a transcendent, other-wordly end of


The Moral End is seen as something immanent in human activity

and achievable in life.

1. Psyd S. Bongabong
2. Nur-Qhadir S. Tahamid

1. Agnes Pauline E. Estive
2. Joshua C. Gonzaga
3. Nina Angela T. Resurreccion
4. Ray Rollan A. Rodriguez
5. MaryJean Rhea R. Tingcang

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