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Westfalia Separator

Mineraloil Systems GmbH

Mechanical Separation

Westfalia Separator’s program

Westfalia China Systems Division

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation

Principle of separation

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 2

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation

Programs of separator

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 3

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation

principle of monitoring systems for separator

1. VARIZONE-02 and 91. 有比重环的分油机。
2. UNITROL-WMS -01. 自思维-水监测-01模式。
3. UNITROL -SMS -36. 自思维-渣监测-36模式。(燃油)
4. UNITROL -SMS -96. 自思维-渣监测-96模式。(滑油)
5. UNITROL WMS+SMS -0136.自思维-水监测+渣监测-0136模式(燃油)
6. UNITROL WMS+SMS -0196.自思维-水监测+渣监测-0196模式(滑油)
7. What is differrent UNITROL -SMS -36 with UNITROL -SMS -96?
8. What is differrent UNITROL WMS+SMS -0136 and UNITROL
WMS+SMS -0196
9. WMS-Water Monitoring System. SMS-Sludge Monitoring System.

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 4

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH How to pre-select monitoring mode
Mechanical Separation

C7-623 Control Unit /C7-623控制器

02-模式在控制器功能键上不选择任何功能 。

01-模式在控制器功能键上选择WMS-01功能键。选择后WMS-01 左上方的绿灯亮。

36-模式在控制器功能键上选择SMS-36功能键。选择后SMS-36 左上方的绿灯亮。

96-模式在控制器功能键上选择SMS-96功能键。选择后SMS-96 左上方的绿灯亮。



2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 5

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH How to pre-select monitoring mode
Mechanical Separation


按下“F2”键, 按下“F1”键,
选择 “计时器 选择 “分油机
和分油机调节” 设定”。

3.36-监控模式:按下F2键使 SMS-36>On<。

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 6

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separator type VARIZONE -02-


VARIZONE -02和-91: 在上盖上没有

环; 适合分离在15℃时最大比重为

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 7

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation VARIZONE-02 and -91

Varizone-02 Varizone-91
有比重环, 有比重环,
单向心泵 双向心泵

特点:水连续排出, 排渣时间由T20时间继电器的设定值来决定的。
2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 8
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Separator type VARIZONE -91-

lower centripetal pump chamber


holes closed holes open
自思维-向心 比重环式向心
泵盖小孔要封 泵盖小孔要打
上 开

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 9

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator 分油机的管理

diagram: density /


2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 10

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separation line 油水分界面
Mechanical Separation

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 11

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separation line 油水分界面

比重环直径过小 比重环直径合适 比重环直径过大

油水分界面靠近分离片 油水分界面位置适中 油水分界面靠外跑油

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 12

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 02模式與91模式跑油報警檢測方式的不同




2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Separator type UNITROL-WMS -01-


UNITROL-WMS-01: 无比重环;配置有
电磁阀,适合分离最大比重为: 1,01 kg/dm³
@ 15℃的燃料油.
Water Monitoring System:

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 14

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separator type UNITROL-WMS -01

电导式水探头 5 8


特点: 分隔盘上的两个小孔打开,由一个电导率传感器检测油的水份. 如果传感器检

开排水. 排渣时间由T20计时器的设定值决定. 当排水时间超过T22计时器的设定值
时 ,控制器发出 “高水份”警报.

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 15

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Separator type UNITROL-WMS -01-


5 8

19 7

当供油阀打开后,分油机开始WMS-01-水监测功能。电导式水探头(5) 通过采样管路检
测到水时,PLC给出指令打开排水电磁阀(8)排水。WMS -01- 监测模式没有水封水。
为了避免油水混合产生乳化,电导率检测为间断式,即 循环阀(7) 通过时间继电器T15
关闭60秒接着通过时间继电器T16开启15秒. 在电导式水探头检测到水的期间,排水电

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 16

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separator type UNITROL-WMS -01-


分离: 循环阀开启,由于 排水:循环阀开启,由于被

被检测液为油,水监测传 检测液为水,排水电磁阀打
感器无感应。 开排水。
2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 17
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation

Two types WMS-measuring relays for UNITROL-01 separator

WMS - measuring relais : type RM-3 WMS - measuring relais : type RM-4 LA3

Old type relay parameters setting New type relay parameters setting

2014/1/28 Ronald Eschmann, Service Dept., Hamburg 18

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH WMS - measuring relais : type RM-3 LA1

function: the time from that the conductivity sensor

is detecting water until water is being discharged

R-sector: the full scale adjustment: 50 k

R-value : to be adjusted to approx. 20 means

the actual setpoint has been adjus-ted to 20 k.
When do the „fine tuning“ at site (adding water
manually) please check the switch back from
„water discharge“ to „purification“. The setpoint
needs to be decreased in case the program does
not switch back to „purification“

Time value s: value of delay time: 1 sec

WS part number: 0005-3929-020 (since summer 1996)

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 19

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH WMS - measuring relais : type RM-4 LA3 2MW

time delay adjustment: set to 1 sec

sensitivity adjustment: set to 40 % of full scale,

to be balanced at site. The setpoint is to be
reduced in case the WMS does not switch back
from “water discharge“ to “circulation“.

empty / fill selection: set to empty

sensitivity range / delay function selection:

set to 50 
sensivity range: 0 - 50 k
function: ON-delay (the time from detecting
water to water discharge)

WS part number: 0005-3929-030; since summer 2003

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 20
Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH WMS: conductivity sensor 0005-1347-000

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 21

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH WMS: conductivity sensor 0005-1347-000

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 22

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH WMS: conductivity sensor 0005-1347-000

1 housing 0005-1347-010
2 isolating piece 0005-1347-020
3 cover 0005-1347-030
4 hex head screw 0019-6842-400
5 sensor 0005-1347-100
6 threaded piece 0019-0576-600
7 gasket (2 pcs) 0007-2507-750
8 gasket (2 pcs) 0007-1866-830
9 cable head 0005-0637-000
10 cable 0005-0400-008
11 plug 0019-0644-600
12 plug 0019-1492-000

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 23

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separator type UNITROL-WMS -01-Water Sensor

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 24

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separator type UNITROL-WMS -01-Water Sensor

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 25

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separator type UNITROL-WMS -01-Water Sensor

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 26

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separator type UNITROL -SMS -36-渣监测系统
Mechanical Separation


UNITROL-SMS -36-: 无比重环;

压力开关和循环阀使用中, 分隔盘
上的两个6mm小孔要用螺丝堵上. Sludge Monitoring System:
只有在串联模式中作为第二级运行 CLARIFIER - SECOND STAGE
2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 27
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separator type UNITROL -SMS -36-渣监测系统
Mechanical Separation

1: dirty oil feed

2: clean oil discharge
3: displacement
water feed
4: pressure indicator
5: conductivity sensor
6: pressure switch
HFO 7: circulation valve
8: water discharge
9: sensing liquid flow
10: sensing liquid pump
11: control unit
12: centripetal pump
(clean oil)
13: separating disc
19: screw pin´s (holes closed in 17: operating water 14: dirty water discharge
separating disc !) discharge
p/n: 0019-9045-400 15: sludge holding space
18: operating water feed 16: sludge discharge
2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 28
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Separator type UNITROL -SMS -36-渣监测系统


19 7

少量的检测液经过分隔盘(13) →检测向心泵(10)→循环电磁阀(7)→SMS压力开关
堵塞了检测液通道(15) SMS压力下降到低于1bar,压力开关给出一个脉冲信号
到控制器,从而触发两级分油机自动排渣程序(so called“self thinker”所以称其
为 “自思维” )。在整个分离期间循环电磁阀常开。

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 29

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separator type UNITROL -SMS -36-


分离: 循环阀打开, 检 分离: 循环阀打开,渣空

测压力高于SMS 压力 间被固渣充满,检测压力 排渣: 供油阀关闭,两级
开关的设定值. 低于SMS 压力开关的设 分油机由“自思维“系统
定值. 触发排渣. .

特点: 排渣时间决定于T20的设定值和SMS 压力. 如果开始分离时间小于10分钟. 将触发最小分

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 30
Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH HFO: Separator type UNITROL-WMS+SMS -0136-

UNITROL-WMS+SMS: 无比重环; 电导率水

传感器,循环阀和排水阀及SMS 压力开关起
作用. 排渣时间由T20和 SMS 压力决定. 常发
生“高水”和“最小分离时间” 警报.
Water Monitoring System + Sludge
Monitoring System

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 31

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH WMS+SMS-0136-Timer List

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 32

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH WMS+SMS-0136-Process and alarm

1. 0136运行过程:
1. T15: 循环阀关闭60秒;
2. T16: 循环阀开启15秒;
3. 如果水检测传感器监测到油中含水,排水电磁阀打开;
4. 如果SMS压力低于压力开关的设定值,T27: PSL Delay (SMS) 完成计时,
2. 0136 “Minimum separation(最小分离时间)”报警过程:
1. SMS 压力低于设定值;
2. T21: Minimum separation计时器时间不为“0”.
3. T27: PSL Delay (SMS)完成计时; 分油机自动排渣后触发“Minimum
3. 0136 “High water(高水份)”报警过程:
1. WMS水检测传感器监测到油中含水;
2. 排水电磁阀打开时间超过T22 “High water(高水份)” 设定时间, 触发
“High water(高水份)” 警报.

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 33

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Pressure setting values for different type separators
Mechanical Separation

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 34

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation

New Hood Sensor

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 35

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation

Management of separators 分油机的管理

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 53

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator 分油机的管理

Separator starting time: 分油机的起动时间

1. The separator starting time in order to insure separator must be up to rates of revolution
before it enter to separation process.分油机的启动时间是为了确保分油机在进入分离程序
2. We can judge separator clutch shoes condition by how long time the separator reached rates
of revolution.我们可以通过分油机达到额定转速的时间长短来判断分油机摩擦片(块)
3. So during separator start every time we should be checked motor current change status and
how long time the separator reached rates of revolution. 因此我们在分油机每次起动的过

4. If starting time too long please check clutch shoes and belt. If starting time too short motor
current too high please reduce clutch shoes number.如果起动时间太长请检查离合器摩擦
2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 37
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Management of separator分油机的管理
motor current characteristic 1: separator motor start
2: feed valve open: separation
3: feed valve closed for ejection
4: operating valve open: ejection
5: feed valve open: separation


winding up time separation cleaning

1 2 3 4 5

28.01.2014 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 38

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理

D10 控制器排


Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 39
Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理
Oil separation perfect temperature: 最佳分离温度
1. HFO 98℃. Low temperature alarm setpoint: 85℃. High temperature alarm setpoint: 110℃.
What temperature is better that depend on oil viscosity and flush point and density.
2. L.O 90℃Low temperature alarm setpoint: 75 ℃. High temperature alarm setpoint: 105℃.
What temperature is better that should be asked L.O manufacturer.
3. L.O HD 95℃. Low temperature alarm setpoint: 75 ℃. High temperature alarm setpoint: 105℃.
What temperature is better that should be asked L.O manufacturer.
4. MDO 40 ℃. Low temperature alarm setpoint: 20 ℃. High temperature alarm setpoint: 60℃.
5. DO 20℃ Low temperature alarm setpoint: 20 ℃. High temperature alarm setpoint: 40℃.

Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 40

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理
Mechanical Separation

diagram: viscosity / temperature

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 41

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理
Mechanical Separation

Separation flow capacity:分离量

1. Different type separator that rates of separation flow capacity is different certainly. But same
type separator if last number is different that rates of separation flow capacity is different also.
Such as OSC15-0196-067/10 and OSC15-0196-067/15.不同型号的分油机其分离量肯定是
2. Perfect flow capacity make sure quality of separation. Normally perfect separation flow
capacity is 80% rates of separation flow capacity.最佳分离量可以保证良好的分离质量。通
常最佳分离量为额定分离量的80% 左右。
3. Different separation flow capacity of same type separator decide by different orifice. 同型号

type Separator.

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 42

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Management of separator分油机的管理

Flow capacity table for OSD type separator

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 43

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理

Separation time 分离时间

1. According to oil quality to set separation time. 根据油的质量设定分离时间。
2. Though separator operation with 0136 or 0196 monitoring system that has “self-think”
function. But according to our experience the best separation time should be decided by
quality of oil. 虽然以0136或0196模式运行的分油机具有自思维功能,但根据我们的经

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 44

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理


2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 45

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理
Mechanical Separation

Sludge space of separator 分油机的集渣空间

1. OSC50 and OSD60 sludge space:

2. OSC30 and OSD35 sludge space :

3. OSC15 sludge space and OSD18 sludge space:

4. OSD6 and OSC5 sludge space:

The total space of bowl is sludge space x2.

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 46

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理
Mechanical Separation

Operating water flow capacity 操作水流量

1. OSC30 and OSD35 operating water flow capacity:

2. OSC15 and OSD 18 operating water flow capacity:

3. OSC5 and OSD6 operating water flow capacity:

4. OSC50 and OSD60 operating water flow capacity:

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 47

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation

OSC and OSD Bowl Structure OSC和OSD分离筒结构

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 48

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理
Operating water system filter 操作水系统滤器
1: screw
2: adjuster
3: strainer
4: plug

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 49

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理
Operating water system 操作水系统

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 50

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Management of separator分油机的管理
Operating water quality and working pressure 操作水水质和工作压力


2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 51
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Management of separator分油机的管理

Checking separator vibration value 分油机震动值的检查


2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 52

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理
Mechanical Separation

C ab el ass gi nm en t

+ 24V DC P ink :S upp lyV o ltages

0V B lue M
: ass
20mA G rey :A na log ou tpu t
Y e llow :Sw itch ing con tac tK 1
G reen :Sw itch ing con tac tK 1
W h ite :Sw itch ing con tac tK 2
B row n :Sw itch ing con tac tK 2

S h ie ld :T he sh ie ld ing is to connec ted

w ith g round , from u se r .

vibration limits
ESC4, OSC4, OSC5, WSC5, OSA7, OTB1, OTB2, OTB3, VIBRO I: 2.8 mm/s
OTA7, OTB9 VIBRO II: 4.5 mm/s
OSA20, OSB20, OSC30, WSC25, OSB30, OSA35,
OSB35, OSC50, WSC50, OTA14, OTA18, OTA35, VIBRO I: 4.5 mm/s
OTB35, OSC15, OSD6, OSD18, OSD35, OSD60. VIBRO II: 7.0 mm/s

part-number: 0005-4168-000
2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 53
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Management of separator分油机的管理

LD1: operating voltage "on"

LD2: self-test "active"
LD3: VIBRO II "active"
S1: range 0 - 10 mm/s
S2: range 0 - 20 mm/s
S3: range 0 - 50 mm/s
S4: analog output 0 -20mA
S5: vibration velocity [mm/s]
S6: adjustment VIBRO I
S7: adjustment VIBRO II
S8: self-test
P1: poti setpoint VIBRO I
P2: poti setpoint VIBRO II
red rim: full scale 20 mm/s (S2 „ON“)
P1: VIBRO I: approx: (25 % = 4,5 mm/s) P2: VIBRO II: approx: (40 % = 7mm/s)

standard adjustment ESW-COMPAKT

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 54
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Management of separator分油机的管理

vibration limits (VIBRO I) at reference point 一级震动极限参考值

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 55
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Management of separator分油机的管理

Belt drive type



2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 56
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Separator vibration stage 1 alarm 分油机
Mechanical Separation

• During separator operation when

it take place vibration stage 1
some separator’s program give a
vibration stage 1 alarm and start a
total ejection program at the same
time. After ejection the separator’s
separation process is continued.
• 在分油机运行期间,当分油机出现

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 57

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Vibration Guard Type PCH1240/CHF5210

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 58

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Vibration Guard Type PCH1240/CHF5210

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 59

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Maintenance scheduleⅠ
Mechanical Separation

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 60

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Maintenance scheduleⅡ
Mechanical Separation

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 61

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Maintenance schedule Ⅲ
Mechanical Separation

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 62

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation

Trouble and trouble shooting 故障和诊断

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 63

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Trouble and trouble shooting 故障和诊断

Bowl can’t close: 分离筒不能关闭

1. Oil over flow to disludge channel. Oil spray out.油从排渣孔喷出。
2. Flow indicator has indication but clean oil discharge pressure gauge no pressure.流量表显示有流量但干净
3. Motor current increase and motor sound is heavy. 马达声音沉重电流上升。
Reasons: 原因
1. Operating water system pressure abnormal (pressure too high or too low or water filter block by sludge).
(mechanical) 操作水系统不正常。(水压太高或太低;水滤器被垃圾堵塞)(机械原因)
2. Bowl gasket aged or damaged lead to operating water is leaked. (mechanical) 分离筒密封圈老化或损坏,
导致操作水漏泄。(机械原因 )
3. Closing impulse water time too short or too long. (program setting) 脉冲补水时间太长或太短。(程序原

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 64

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation C7-623和D10冲洗排渣次数的检查和参数设定

“flush ejection”

进入D10 counter

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 65

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Trouble and trouble shooting故障和诊断

Minimum separation <10min. alarm: (The oil feed valve is opened and T21 timer
starts to reckon by time at the same time)
• Monitoring with 0136, 36, 96 mode operation separator take place this alarm often. 以0136-
Reasons: 原因
1. So much water content in the oil. (drain out water from setting tank or find out leaking water
cause for L.O system) 油含水量太多(燃油和柴油系统要排放沉淀柜中的积水,滑油系
2. Sensing liquid channel is blocked by sludge or oil mud. (clean sensing liquid channel) 检测
3. If SMS pressure is lower than setpoint when circulation valve is opening only. T27 PSL
delay (SMS) setting is incorrect. (Please reset T27 PSL delay (SMS) from 10s to 20s to avoid
circulation valve T16 opening time 15s) 如果只是在循环阀打开时SMS压力低于设定值,
则T27-PSL delay (SMS) 的设定值太短。(将T27的设定值由10秒调至20秒或更长一点,
4. SMS pressure switch set point is incorrect. (correct value is 1bar) SMS压力开关设定值不正
5. Upper centripetal pump is out of order. 上向心泵损坏。

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 66

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Trouble and trouble shooting故障和诊断
High water alarm: 高水分报警
• Monitoring with 01 and 0136 and 0196 mode operation separator take place this alarm often.
1. Too much water content in the oil. 油中含水量太高。
2. Displacement/filling water solenoid valve is leaking. 置换水/水封水电磁阀漏泄。
3. Conductivity sensor out of function or water discharge channel is blocked. 水分监测传感器
4. 1K5 level relay is out of order. 1K5 电平继电器故障。
5. High water T22 timer setting is incorrect. 高水分警报计时器设定不正确。(时间太短)
Water seal broken alarm: 水封破坏警报
• Monitoring with 0196 mode operation separator take place this alarm only. 0196监测模式运
Reasons: 原因
1. T02 filling water time setting is too short. T02水封水计时器设定不正确。
2. Either separating disc or upper centripetal pump part is mistake. 分隔盘或上向心泵部件不
3. Operating water system is abnormal. 操作水系统不正常。
4. Sliding piston with bowl top cover matching surface is leaking. 滑动活塞和分离筒上盖密
5. Due to closing water impulse setting incorrect the bowl is opened suddenly lead to water seal
break. 由于封闭水脉冲补水设定不正确使滑动活塞突然打开而导致水封破坏。

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 67

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Trouble and trouble shooting故障和诊断

PSL clean oil discharge alarm: 净油排出低压警报

• No pressure in clean oil pressure gauge. 净油出口压力表没压力。
Reasons: 原因
1. Feed pump is failure (pump is out of order, filter is blocked) or feed valve out of order. 供油
2. No pressure or pressure low in the control air system. 控制空气系统失压或低压。
3. Bowl can’t close. 分离筒不能关闭。
4. Has air in the oil system. 油系统中有空气。
5. Clean oil discharge back pressure adjusted incorrect. 净油排出背压调整不正确。
6. Clean oil discharge pressure switch is out of order. 净油排出压力开关损坏。
Motor protection Temp.:﹥130℃alarm: 马达保护温度大于130℃警报
• Motor switched off. 马达关断。
Reasons: 原因
1. PTC is broken that is open circuit. (the resistor standard value is about 180Ω in 20℃)保护电
阻损坏。(开路) (保护电阻在环境温度20℃时的电阻值约为:180Ω )
2. Thermistor relay is out of order. 电热继电器故障。
3. After overhauled the separator brake is not relieved. 分油机检修后刹车没有松开。
4. Clutch shoes number is incorrect or fit mistake. 离合器摩擦片(块)数量不对或安装错误。
5. After dismantled the motor that cable connection is wrong (delta connection change over to
star connection.) 马达检修后接线不正确。(三角形接法变成星形接法)

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 68

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Trouble and trouble shooting故障和诊断
Vibration stage 2 alarm: 二级震动警报
• Motor switched off. Vibration stage 1 no alarm the separator take place ejection only. 马达关
Reasons: 原因
1. Bowl is unbalance. 分离筒不平衡。
2. Bearing is damaged. 轴承损坏。
3. Worm wheel or spindle is worn out. 蜗轮和蜗杆磨损损坏。
4. Motor bearing is damaged. 马达轴承损坏。
5. Clutch is out of order. 离合器不正常。
6. Operating water system is abnormal. 操作水系统不正常。
7. Rubber metal cushion is damaged or neck bearing bridge is out of order. 橡胶-金属垫损坏
Ejection monitoring Eject. current < setpoint alarm: 排渣电流小于设定值警报
• During separator ejection don’t hear sound of ejection. 分油机排渣时听不到排渣声音。
Reasons: 原因
1. Operating water system is abnormal. 操作水系统不正常。
2. Bowl gasket is damaged. 分离筒密封圈损坏。
3. Ejection monitoring set point is incorrect. 排渣监测电流设定不正确。
4. Clutch shoes sliding or belt slipping. 离合器摩擦片打滑或传动皮带打滑,松弛。

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 69

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Trouble and trouble shooting故障和诊断
Can’t start separator: 分油机不能起动
1. pushed the emergency stop button. 应急停机开关被按下。
2. PTC is open circuit or Thermistor relay is out of order.保护电阻损坏.(开路)或电热继电
3. Vibration stage 2 alarm. 二级震动报警没消除。
4. 110/230V control power supply is failure. 110/230伏控制电源故障。
5. Controller is damaged or program is error. 控制器损坏或程序出错。
Can’t enter separation program:不能进入分油程序
Reasons: 原因
1. The separator starting process don’t complete. (separator running indicator LED flushing) 分
2. Memory last time alarm message. (Please push the ACK soft key more times)控制器记忆的
3. Hasn’t remove the SLHH alarm 渣柜高高位警报没有消除。
4. TSL or TSH alarm is registered. 高,低温警报没消除。
5. Who stopped the controller program. 某人停掉分离程序。
6. Controller software is error. 控制器软件出错。

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 70

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation
Trouble and removing methods故障和排除方法
Gearbox oil missing: 齿轮油损耗过大
• During the separator operation gearbox lube oil level down. 在分离的过程中齿轮箱油位下
Removing methods: 排除方法
For gear drive type separator: 齿轮传动分油机:
1. Break the siphon. 破坏虹吸现象。
2. Refit the neck bearing pressure ring. 重新装配颈部轴承压环。
3. Replace the counter ring gasket. 更换反向环密封圈。
For belt drive type separator: 皮带传动分油机:
1. OSC15 separator check bearing housing oil return hole if blocked. OSC15分油机请检查轴
2. OSD18and OSD6 separator check bearing cover
fit if correct. OSD18 和 OSD6 分油机请检查轴承盖安装是否正确。

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 71

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Trouble and removing methods故障和排除方法
Water is into gear oil and gear oil emulsion. 水进入到齿轮油,齿轮油乳化
• When separator is stopped the gear oil color is white. Maybe sludge tank steam or operating
water leaked into gearbox. 分油机停机时齿轮油颜色变白。可能渣柜的水蒸汽或操作水
Removing methods:排除方法
1. Check sludge tank vent if blocked. 检查渣柜透气管有无堵塞。
2. Check spindle cover gasket if damaged. 检查立轴盖密封圈是否损坏。
3. Take measure to avoid the steam enter gearbox. 采取措施避免水蒸汽进入齿轮箱。
4. Check frame water discharge hole if blocked by some material. 检查机架中排水管是否被

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 72

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation

Attention items in maintenance


2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 73

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
OSD: 立轴设计

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 74

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation
OSD 18: bowl height

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Bowl “B” gap 分离筒与机架之间的“B”间隙
Mechanical Separation

The OSD type separator bowl “B” gap: OSD型号分油机分离筒的“B”间隙

• For checking spindle fit condition and drive belt if loose and rubber metal cushion condition.

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 76

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation
OSD6 and 18部件安装注意事项
OSD6 和OSD18 的橡胶-金属垫


OSD18立轴杯形弹簧新的安装方法 OSD18立轴杯形弹簧旧的安装方法

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 77

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Attention items in maintenance 维修保养时的注意事项
Mechanical Separation


1. 颈部轴承和调距环,轴承保护环必须在油中加热到80℃以上并在油中浸泡5分钟以上
2. 立轴底部轴,保护环和轴承套的安装方法与颈部轴承相同,但轴承要加热到180℃左
3. 轴承安装时不能用硬物硬敲入轴上。这样会损伤轴承和立轴安装轴承部位的轴径,

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 78

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Attention items in maintenance 维修保养时的注意事项


宽 窄
边 边

1. 两个角接触轴承必须同时更换。
2. 两个角接触轴承只能承受同一方向的轴向负荷。即推力面在同一个方向。
3. 安装轴承时每个轴承外环的窄边向上。(或轴承内环的宽边向上)
4. 如果错误的安装将会引起轴承的损坏。

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 79

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Attention items in maintenance 维修保养时的注意事项



2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 80

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Attention items in maintenance 维修保养时的注意事项

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 81

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation gear oil for belt driven separators 皮带传动分油机润滑油

kinematic viscosity @ 40℃ (104 °F) in between 90 to 110 mm²/s (cSt) 40℃油
的运动粘度在90 to 110 mm²/s (cSt) 之间。


2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 82

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation gear oil ISO-VG 68 齿轮油

For belt driven separators only. 仅适用于皮带传动分油机

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 83

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH 不同型号分油机润滑油油位的正确位置

蜗轮,蜗杆传动分油机的油位要求:最低 —下线。最高

皮带传动分油机的油位要求:最低 —1/3视液镜。最高

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 84
Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Management of separator分油机的管理

OSD 6 OSD 18 OSD 35

Benefit: Same parts for all types – p/n: 0021-3293-870

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 85

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation OSD6:故障和部件的损坏的案例

M.V 阳光财富

M.V 阳光财富


M.V 台耀

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 86

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation Order Separator Spare Parts 分油机备件的订购

• 备件订购时必须提供分油机的有关资料,这些资料一定要准确无误。
• 船舶名称或IMO号码。
• 在分油机机体上可查到的资料:
1. 分油机的型号:如:OSA20-0136-066
2. 分油机系列号:如:9017-716
3. 分油机分离筒的转速:如:8410RPM
• 在马达和控制柜上可查到的资料:
1. 马达转速:如:2980RPM
2. 电压:如:440V
3. 频率:如:60Hz
• 由于同型号的分油机生产日期的不同,会涉及到某些部件的改进或更新,因此分油机的
• 同型号的分油机其转速不同,蜗轮,蜗杆的模数,尺寸,齿数都不同因此它们的备件号
• 同型号的分油机其转速不同,皮带和立轴或摩擦鼓的尺寸也不同,如订错备件,将会引

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 87

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH
Mechanical Separation

Control Unit D10 Instead of C7-623D10 控制器替代C7-623

Actual C7 623 New D10

West f alia Separat or

M ineraloil Syst ems

27.09.01 10:23:45
West f alia Separat or
R M ineraloil Syst ems
Cent r. Process Service C7
S F1 F2 F3 F4

K1 K2 K3 K4 K5
Progr Progr Process Cent r . Timer-
DC5V St op St art Inf os Inf os List ESC
K6 K7 K8 K9 K10
Cent ri- Feed- Sludge Heat er^ f ree ENTER
f uge pump pump release

Design and colors are variable, Corporat e Ident it y

Dimensions: 240 x 168 x 69 mm 215 x 165 x 69 mm (H x B x T)

Cut out: 231 x 159 mm 200 x 150 mm

A joint development with Siemens

Delivering introduction: August 2002
2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 88
Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Control Unit D10 Instead of C7-623
Mechanical Separation

Service compatible to the old C7 units

with installation frame and cable adapters: Installation frame

Dimension of C7 623

cable adapter cable adapter


X10 X13
cable adapter cable adapter U. Dahlkemper

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 89

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Control Unit D10 Instead of C7-623


U. Dahlkemper

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 90

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Control Unit D10 Instead of C7-623


2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 91

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Control Unit D10 Instead of C7-623


2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 92

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH C7: view from rear

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 93

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH D10: view from rear

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 94

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Control Unit D10 Instead of C7-623

Control unit C7-623 Function Control unit D10 (C7-

Input 24V DC Unit power supply Input 24V DC
X1 X1
DO / DI-24V DC power IN-/Output- power DO / DI-24V DC power
supply X10 supply supply X10
Digital inputs 0.0 -1.7 Digital inputs Digital Input 24V DC
X12 X11
Digital outputs 0.0 -1.7 Digital outputs Digital output 24V DC, 0,5A
X11 X12
Analogue Input AI1-I – AI4-I Analogue Input 4- Analogue input AI1-1 to AI3-
X14 20mA I X13
Analogue output Analogue output 4- Analogue output
X13 20mA X14

U. Dahlkemper

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 95

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Control Unit D10 Instead of C7-623

Frame for D10 unit:

Protection class: IP 65

Part-No.: 0005-4278-040

Cut out of C7623: 231 x 159 mm

2 mounting holders for each side

U. Dahlkemper

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 96

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Control Unit D10 Instead of C7-623

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 97

Westfalia Separator
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Control Unit D10 Instead of C7-623
Mechanical Separation

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 98

Westfalia Separator
Mechanical Separation
Mineraloil Systems GmbH Service Training - Timing
Technical units,
training program.
– the basics

Thank you!

2014/1/28 Yang Lu Hui, Systems Dept. Guangzhou 99

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