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1. To study the application of Ohm’s Law in calculating voltage, current and resistance.
2. To verify, experimentally, the calculations using simple circuit.


DC Power Supply
Resistors (100 , 220 , 330  and 680 )


The laboratory experiment is the student’s venture into circuit calculation. The
knowledge of the fundamental laws of electricity is needed in solving circuit problems, one of
which is Ohm’s Law. George Simon Ohm in whose honor the basic unit of electrical resistance
is named formulated it. Ohm’s Law states that when one volt pressure forces one ampere of
current through a circuit, the circuit will have a resistance of one ohm. The international ohm is
the resistance offered to the flow of a direct current by a column of mercury 106.3 cm long at 0
C, constant in cross-section and having a mass of 14.4521 g.

The volt, unit of electrical pressure was named in honor of Allesandro Volta. He invented
the “electrophorus”, a device for producing an electric charge by induction. However, he is much
better known for the invention of the voltaic pile, a stack of alternating dissimilar metals
separated by electrolyte sheets. This became the basis for the construction of all primary and
secondary cells.

The ampere, unit of electrical current flow was named in honor of Andre Marie Ampere.
He studied the relationship of electricity and magnetism and worked in electrodynamics. His
Ampere’s Law is a transposition of Ohm’s Law which states that the current flow is determined
by dividing the voltage by resistance.

1. Using your VOM as an Ohmmeter, measure and record in the table the resistances
of each resistor. Make sure that your Ohmmeter is properly zeroed before making
your measurements.

2. Record in the table, the color code and the indicated resistance value of each of the

3. Using your DC Power Supply, VOM, milliammeter and resistor R 1, connect the
circuit shown in Figure 4.1. Do not switch on the Power Supply yet.

4. A. The current in the circuit may be calculated using Ohm’s Law which states that


If the applied voltage E is 3 Vdc, calculate the current through R 1 using the
indicated resistance value from the table.

I1 = ____________ mAdc

B. Calculate the current through R1 using the measured resistance value from the

I1 = ____________ mAdc

5. Using a supply of 3 Vdc, measure the current through R1

I1 = ____________ mAdc

6. Compare the three current values. Are they in agreement? ______ Explain.

7. A. Substitute R2 for R1 in the circuit shown in Figure 4.1.

B. Repeat Procedure 5.

I2 = ____________ mAdc

C. Did the current increase or decrease in value? ______

8. A. Substitute R3 for R1 in the circuit shown in Figure 4.1.

B. Repeat Procedure 5.

I3 = ____________ mAdc

C. Did the current increase or decrease in value? ______

9. A. Substitute R4 for R1 in the circuit shown in Figure 41.
B. Repeat Procedure 5.

I4 = ____________ mAdc

C. Did the current increase or decrease in value? ______

10. What conclusion can you draw from the results of Procedures 5, 7, 8 and 9?

11. A. Connect R1 back into the circuit shown in Figure 41.

B. Using a supply of 4.5 V, measure the current through R1.

I1 = ____________ mAdc

C. Did the current increase or decrease in value?

12. What conclusion can you draw from the results of Procedure 10?

Figure 4.1

Resisto Color Code Tolerance Indicated Measured Calculated

r Value Value Value


1. Using Ohm’s Law,


calculate R1, R2, R3 and R4 where E = 3 V and I equals your current values from
Procedures 5, 7, 8 and 9. Enter your calculated values in the table.

2. Compare your calculated resistance values with the indicated resistance values from
the table.
A. Are the values in agreement with each other?
B. Comment on the possible reasons for disagreement between the indicated,
measured and calculated resistance values.

3. Why must a voltmeter always be connected in parallel with a circuit element?

4. Why must a current meter always be connected in series with a circuit element, such
as the resistor in Figure 4.1?

5. What will happen when a voltmeter is connected in series with a circuit element or an
ammeter connected in parallel with a circuit element? Explain.

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