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Music Q1 Reveiwer

I.A. Identify the name of each symbol (note and rest) and its number of counts. Encircle the
correct answer.

Symbol Note Count

1. ( whole note, quarter note) ( 4, 2)

2. (Half note, eighth note ) (half+half , 2 )

3. ( half note, quarter note ) ( 4, 2 )

4. ( whole note, quarter note) ( 1, ½ )

5. (half rest , whole rest ) ( 4, 2)

6. (half rest, whole rest) (4 , 2 )

7. (Quarter rest, whole rest) ( ½, 1 )

8. ( Quarter rest , eighth rest ) ( ½, 1 )

B. Count the number of beats of each note or rest. Encircle the correct number among the

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