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Nutrition in Animals

1. What is animal nutrition?

Animal nutrition includes nutrient requirement, mode
of intake of food and its utilisation in the body for
growth, repair and its functioning.

2. Write the names of various digestive organs of the


 buccal cavity
 oesophagus
 stomach
 small intestine
 large intestine
 rectum
 anus

3. Explain the process of nutrition in human beings from

ingestion to egestion.
(i) Ingestion: It is the process of taking food into the
mouth; i.e., starting point of the alimentary canal.
(ii) Digestion: Digestion is the process of breaking of
ingested food into simpler substances. Digestion occurs
through two processes, i.e., mechanical (chewing,
grinding, mixing, churning) and chemical (enzymes,
bile, acid). Mechanical processes helps in breaking the
large food particles into smaller ones and mixing them
well with the chemicals secreted by alimentary canal.
Digestion of starch starts at mouth with the action of
salivary amylase. Digestion of protein starts in stomach
with the help of enzyme pepsin and digestion of all the
three components of food, viz., carbohydrate, protein
and fat is completed in the small intestine.
(iii) Absorption: Digested food is absorbed into the
blood through finger-like structures, called villi, present
in the small intestine.
(iv) Assimilation: It is the process where absorbed
substances are transported to different organs of the
body via blood vessels to build complex substances like
protein, enzyme, etc.
(v) Egestion: The process of elimination of undigested
food through anus is called egestion.

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