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X O C- 0 1 15ppm 舱底水报警装置


Ⅰ 中文说明书
1 概述················································2
2 技术参数 ···········································2
3 结构简介 ···········································2
4 使用方法 ···········································3
4.1 安装 ·············································3
4.1.1 箱体固定
4.1.2 管路连接
4.1.3 接线
4.2 运行 ·············································6
4.3 数据打印 ·········································6
4.4 打印纸的更换 ·····································7
4.5 打印色带盒的更换 ·································9
4.6 存贮卡的更换······································9
5 维护与保养 ········································10
6 常见故障与排除方法 ································10
7 运输与储存 …······································10
8 成套性及备件 ······································11
9 注意事项 ··········································11
Ⅱ 英文说明书········································12

XOC-01 型 15ppm 舱底水报警装置用于船舶舱底油污水的连续检测,也
本 仪 器 经 中 国 船 级 社 型 式 认 可 , 技 术 性 能 符 合 MEPC.107 (49) 决 议
(2003 年 7 月 18 日通过)《修订的船舶机器处所舱底水防污染设备指南和技
术条件》中第 2 部分《15 ppm 舱底水报警装置型式认可试验和性能技术条件》
以及第 3 部分《防污染设备型式认可环境试验技术条件》的规定。仪器设计结
构紧凑、牢固,防护等级为 IP45,完全适合于船舶机舱等环境工作。
XOC-01 型 15ppm 舱底水报警装置,具有测量结果显示、15PPm 报警值
XOC-01 型 15ppm 舱底水报警装置可以记录日期、时间和报警状态以及运

测量范围: 0~30PPm(当测量值>40ppm 时,显示值为 80)
测量精度: ±5PPm
报警指示: 两个发光二极管
浓度值显示: 三位 LED
报警工作点: 15PPm

重 量: 约 13.5Kg
电 源: AC220±10% 50Hz±5%
功 耗: 20W
防护等级: IP45
温度 0~55℃,相对湿度 95~100%中正常工作。

XOC-01 型 15ppm 舱底水报警装置的结构示图见附图一。


4.1 安装
4.1.1 箱体固定
XOC-01 型 15ppm 舱底水报警装置的安装尺寸见附图二。

XOC-01 型 15ppm 舱底水报警装置用四个 M8 螺栓将仪器垂直安装固定
4.1.2 管路连接

管路安装推荐采用 φ8×1mm 紫铜管,仪器箱体左侧的管路接头为取样水

4.1.3 接线
打开仪器箱门,可以看到在箱体底部 12 个接线端子,电源、报警器以及
控制电磁阀的电缆从仪器底部四个 φ20mm 的填料函中穿过与接线端子相连

其中,1 号和 2 号接线端子为仪器外接电源,用来给仪器提供工作电源 ;
3 号和 4 号接线端子为辅助电源,可以用来给被控的报警器以及电磁阀提供
工作电源;5、6、7 号接线端子对应报警继电器 1 的辅助触点,6 号端子为公
共点,8、9、10 号接线端子对应报警继电器 2 的辅助触点,9 号端子为公共点,
1 号继电器通常用于报警, 2 号继电器用于控制外部电磁阀。在仪器断电或
报警情况下,5 号和 6 号端子触点断开,6 号和 7 号端子触点接通, 8 号和 9
号端子触点为断开,9 号和 10 号端子触点接通;在仪器接通电源且运行在不
报警状态时,5 号和 6 号端子触点接通,6 号和 7 号端子触点断开, 8 号和 9
号端子触点接通,9 号和 10 号端子触点断开。11 号和 12 号端子是为监视油
水分离器的运行而设定的,用户必须使用该功能才能符合规范要求。 仪器出
厂时,11 号和 12 号端子接线端子被短接,请用户将被短接的接线端子断开,
4.2 运行
4.2.1 电气部分:
4.2.2 管路部分:
的样水浓度大于或等于 15ppm、或者用清水清洁仪器,或者仪器箱门打开时,
或者取样管路上的样水断流时,1 号报警指示灯和 2 号报警灯在 2 秒内点亮,
同时 1,2 号继电器动作。仪器在停止运行前,用清水通入仪器运行 2 分钟,
再将电源开关断开。每次关机后至少停 10 秒后再开机,以保证仪器正常运行 。
4.3 数据打印

数码管停址闪烁,而第二位数码管在不停地闪烁,然后按数字键“ 5”,则
数码管停址闪烁,而第二位数码管在不停地闪烁,然后按数字键“ 8”,则
数码管停址闪烁,而第二位数码管在不停地闪烁,然后按数字键“ 6”,则
15:05 10 NORMAL RUN
15:05 16(Alarm) NORMAL RUN
15:10 10 OPEN (Alarm) RUN
15:15 10 OP+CL (Alarm) RUN
15:20 10 CLEAR(Alarm) STOP
15:25 10 NORMAL STOP
当仪器测量的样水浓度大于或等于 15ppm、或者用清水清洁仪器,或者
仪器箱门打开时,仪器会发出报警并把它记录下来。上述输出的打印格式中 ,

监控油水分离器的运行,请参见 4.1.4 接线一节。如果这一时段仪器没有发生
注意:如果按下“测试”键,仪器会模拟浓度值为 15ppm 时的报警状

4.4 打印纸的更换
(1)取下打印机的前盖板。如下图 4-1 所示

图 4-1
(2)从仪器面板上取下整个打印机,请按图 4-2 所示用手指向内夹住

图 4-2

(3)从打印机上取下纸卷轴,见图 4-3。

图 4-3

(4)将新纸套在纸卷轴上,并按图 4-4 所示将纸卷轴安装牢固,不会


图 4-4
(5)将纸断剪如下图 4-5 式样

图 4-5
(6)接通打印机的电源,按 SEL 键,使 SEL 指示灯灭,然后在按 LF
度,再按一下 LF 键或 SEL 键。关上电源,盖好打印机的前盖板,将打印纸
(7)按下面图 4-6 将整个打印机装回到仪器的安装支架上

图 4-6
4.5 打印色带盒的更换
(1)如图 4-1 所示取下打印机的前面板
(2)打印机头上轻轻取下旧色带盒(见图 4-7)。注意请先抬起色带的

图 4-7


4.6 存贮卡的更换
卡的存贮容量可以达到 18 个月而不需要更换。如果运行中出现的报警次数越
查 18 个月的报警数据。更换存贮卡的步骤如下:

5.1 测量室玻璃管的维护与保养
在使用 1000 小时后,须检查测量室玻璃管是否被污染,并进行维护保养一次,
(1)关闭仪器电源,让清水通过仪器 3 分钟,然后切断进入仪器的水
(2)拧下出水螺塞(逆时针为松),用干净的软毛刷反复洗刷玻璃管 ,
仪器,持续运行 3 分钟即可。

5.2 当环境温度在 0℃以下时,取样玻璃管内的残水应排放干净,以避免玻


故障内容 故障原因 排除方法
开机后无显示 电源是否接通 接通电源

保险丝 FU1、FU2 断开 更换 FU1、FU2
指示值一直偏高。 测量玻璃管不清洁 把玻璃管清洗干净
光电转换器损坏。 检修光电转换器。
电路板损坏。 检修电路板。
指示值一直偏底。 光电转换器老化。 更换光电转换器。
测量室玻璃管漏水。 更换玻璃管。
无打印输出 无打印纸 重新安装打印纸
指示超过报警值仍不报 外接线不正确。 按附图 4 正确接线。
警。 保险丝 FU3 断开。 更换 FU3。
报警继电器 1 损坏 更换报警继电器 1
仪器一直报警 仪器箱门未关好 关好仪器箱门
测量玻璃管不清洁 把玻璃管清洗干净
电磁阀失控 外接线不正确。 按附图 4 正确接线。
保险丝 FU3 断开。 更换 FU3。
报警继电器 2 损坏 更换报警继电器 2


7.1 仪器在包装运输前应将管路及测量室中的水排干,在包装完整条件下允
7.2 仪器应存放在环境温度为 2~55℃;相对湿度不大于 95%,空气中不含
8.1 成套性:
8.1.1XOC-01 型 15ppm 舱底水报警装置 1台
8.1.2Φ8 接头 2只
8.1.3 保险丝 2A 3只
8.1.4 使用说明书 1份
8.1.5 产品合格证 1份
8.1.6 毛刷 1只
9.1 在使用本产品前请仔细阅读本说明书。
9.2 在使用本产品前请仔细核对供电电源。
9.3 本公司对本仪器于购入之日起一年内因制造原因产生的故障实行三包,。
9.4 本公司对耗材产品(如存贮卡、打印纸、色带)不作备件,如果需要另行
9.5 仪器在出厂之前已经进行了严格的检查和试验,只有本公司员工或经本

船员请注意:根据 MEPC(107)49 决议中,4.2.11 条款修正案规定校正的有效性在
IOPP 年度/中间换证检验时予以核查。我公司生产的 15PPM 舱底水报警装置规定每隔 3
年进行校正或用已经校验的 15PPM 舱底水报警装置更换。证明上次校验检定日期的
15PPM 舱底水报警装置校验证书应保存船上备检查。

开中国大陆时能够正常工作;若在无限航区仪器发生故障,必需提前 15 天
地址:江西省九江市濂溪区生态工业城内顺发路 2 号




Tel: 0792-8326956

1 Summary ···················································14
2 Performance parameters ·······································14
3 Structure ···················································15
4 Using method ···············································16
4.1 Installation ················································16
4.1.1 Chamber mounting
4.1.2 Pipe connection
4.1.3 Wiring
4.2 Operation··················································18
4.3 Data print ················································19
4.4 To change form ·············································20
4.5 To change ink ribbon ·········································22
4.6 To change memory card ······································22
5 Maintenance ·················································23
6 Trouble shooting ··············································23
7 Transportation and storage ······································24
8 Complete sets and spare parts ····································24
9 Attentions ····················································24

1. Summary
Model XCO-01 15ppm bilge water alarm instrument is not only used for
the continuous detection of oil and sewage in the bilge of ship, but also used for
the monitoring of oily waste water in the fields of chemical industry, petroleum
and environmental protection etc.
Model XCO-01 15ppm bilge water alarm instrument has acquired the
approval of CCS , and its technical performance conforms to the third part “
Authorization of Technical Conditions of Environmental test of Anti-pollution
Equipments”, the second section “ Authorized Test and Performance Technical
Conditions of 15ppm Warning Device for Bilge Water”, MEPC.107 (49)
Resolution - “Revised Guide and Technical Conditions of Anti-pollution
Equipments for Bilge Water in Ship Craft” which was passed on the 18th, July of
2003. This instrument has the advantages of compacting and firm design structure,
IP45 guard rank, so it can completely adapts to the working environment in cabin.
Model XCO-01 15ppm bilge water alarm instrument has a lot of functions,
such as, to display measurement result, set 15ppm warning value, output analog
signal of sewage standard discharge control total amount to measurement value,
and also provide these services including data print, storing and inquiry of
historical data etc.
Besides, model XCO-01 15ppm bilge water alarm instrument can record
date, time, alarming state and running state.

2. Performance parameters
Measurement range: 0-30ppm(When the measured sample water
concentration is over 40ppm, digital pipe begins to show 80ppm).
Measurement precision: ±5ppm
Alarm indication: two emitting LED
Concentration value display: 3-bit LED
Alarm point: 15ppm
Weight: about 13.5Kg
Power supply: AC220±10% 50Hz±5%
Power consumption: 20W
Safeguard grade: IP45
Operational environment: 0~55℃, relative humidity 95~100%, normal

3 Structure
Inside detailed structure of this instrument, see Figure 1.

Main component of this instrument is electrical-optical converter. on the

panel of instrument is set data display panel with operating key board. Inside of
the instrument chamber,have a set data-processing circuit board and a set micro
printer. on the bottom are power supply, output unit and data-printing output
signal, including power switch, fuse box, mains transformer, mains filter, alarm
control relay, output terminals etc.

4、Using method
4.1 Installation
4.1.1 Chamber mounting
Installation dimension of model XOC-01 15ppm bilge water alarm
instrument, see Figure2.

This instrument is fixed on installation site perpendicularly with four M8

bolts, near sampling point of oil-water separator as possible, in order to avoid of
alarm delay caused by collecting water sample. Around the instrument, there
should be enough space for convenient maintenance.
4.1.2 Pipe connection
The instrument connected with outside, see Figure 3.

It is commanded that pipe connection adopts φ8×1mm red copper pipe. Pipe
joint in left middle of chamber is sample water intake joint, and outlet joint is on
the outlet part of measurement box top. Pipe connections all adopt standard
cutting sleeve joints. There is a valve for oil-free water and sample water
conversion on the instrument. It had better to choose water sample collecting point
on the perpendicular unit of discharge pipe of oil water separator, in order to
reduce entrapped air in sample liquid. Make the sample glass tube of this
instrument to be full of sample liquid that flows upwards. Avoid of collecting
water sample from the top or bottom of horizontal segment of discharge pipe of
oil water separator.

Note: Except for the original valve, the valve can not be installed in the
whole sampling pipeline

Open the chamber door, and you can see 12 wiring terminals, power, alarm
instrument and control electromagnetic valve cable that is connected with wiring
terminals through four φ20mm stuffing box at the bottom of the instrument.
Typical terminal wirings, see figure 4.

No1/2 wiring terminals are external power supply of the instrument; No3/4
wiring terminals are assistant power supply that supply work power to the
controlled alarm instrument and electromagnetic valve; No 5/6/7 wiring
terminals are corresponding to assistant contact point of alarm relay 1, and No 6
wiring terminal is common point; No 8/9/10 wiring terminals are corresponding
to assistant contact point of alarm relay 2, and No 9 wiring terminal is common
point. No 1 relay is used to alarm, and No 2 relay is used to control external
electromagnetic valve. In the conditions of electrical outage or alarming,
contact between No5 and No 6 terminal breaks, contact between No 6 and No 7
terminal is connected, contact between No 8 and No 9 terminal breaks, contact
between No 9 and No 10 terminal is connected. In the condition that power is
connected and the instrument runs normally, contact between No5 and No 6
terminal is connected, contact between No 6 and No 7 terminal breaks, contact
between No 8 and No 9 terminal is connected, contact between No 9 and No 10
terminal breaks. No 11 and No12 wiring terminals are used to monitor the
running of oil water separator, Users must use this function to meet the
regulatory requirements. No 11 and No12 wiring terminals were cut short ex
factory, please make the two terminals broke, and then connect it with a
contactor that controls the running of motor of oil water separator.
4.2 Operation
Before operation, please check the following parts:
4.2.1 Electric part:
Earth terminal is reliable or not.
Power voltage is corresponding to the rated voltage of the instrument.
4.2.2 Pipeline:
Check all the pipelines, leaky or not.
If the above checks are ok, it proves that the instrument is good, and the
instrument can be operated. When oil concentration of water sample is equal to or
more than 15ppm, or clean water is used for cleaning or the chamber door is
opened, or the Sample water shut-off,No 1 and No 2 alarm indicator will light
within 2 seconds, and while No 1 and No 2 relay working. Before the instrument
stop running, fill clean water to the instrument for 2 minutes, and then cut off the

power. Start up the instrument again after closing it every time for 10 seconds, in
instrumentorder to ensure normal operation of the instrument.
4.3 Data print
To print the data to be inquired, please input the date of inquired data, and the
detailed method is as the following:
(1) Press “1” key, the two-digit number displayed on panel stands for year,
and the first digit flashes continuously. If modifying year, please input directly a
two-digit number that stands for year, for example, to input the two-digit number
“05” that stands for the year of 2005, please press the number key “0”, and then
the first digit stop flashing, but the second digit begins to flash continuously, after
that, to press the number key “5”, and the second digit stop flashing, but the first
digit begins to flash. If the year displayed on panel is right, please press “Enter”
key. If the year does not need to be modified, also please press “Enter”.
(2) To press “2” key, at this time the two-digit number that stands for month
displays on panel, and the first digit flashes continuously. If modifying month,
please input directly a two-digit number that stands for month, for example, to
input the two-digit number “08” that stands for August, please press the number
key “0”, and then the first digit stop flashing, but the second digit begins to flash
continuously, after that, to press the number key “8”, and the second digit stop
flashing, but the first digit begins to flash. If the month displayed on panel is right,
please press “Enter” key. If the month does not need to be modified, also please
press “Enter”.
(3) To press “3” key, at this time the two-digit number that stands for the date
displays on panel, and the first digit flashes continuously. If modifying date,
please input directly a two-digit number that stands for the date, for example, to
input the two-digit number “26” that stands for the date, please press the number
key “2”, and then the first digit stop flashing, but the second digit begins to flash
continuously, after that, to press the number key “6”, and the second digit stop
flashing, but the first digit begins to flash. If the date displayed on panel is right,
please press “Enter” key. If the date does not need to be modified, also please
press “Enter”.
(4) Press “▼” key, and press “Print”. Thus, printer will print out the alarming
data on some day of some month of some year.
For example, to print the following data:

15:05 10 NORMAL RUN
15:05 16(Alarm) NORMAL RUN
15:10 10 OPEN (Alarm) RUN
15:15 10 OP+CL (Alarm) RUN
15:20 10 CLEAR(Alarm) STOP
15:25 10 NORMAL STOP
When the measured sample water concentration is equivalency or over

15ppm, or clean water is used for cleaning or the chamber door is opened, the
instrument will alarm and record it. In the above print form, the first line “2005-8-
26” stands for alarming date, the first row stands for time of recording alarm; the
second row “VAL” stands for the corresponding concentration when the
instrument alarming; the third row “SEAL” stands for clean instrument and the
corresponding state of the chamber door, that is to say, when the chamber door is
opened, the corresponding state is “OPEN”, when the instrument is cleaned with
water, the corresponding state is “CLEAR”, when the instrument is cleaned with
water and the chamber door is opened, the corresponding state is “OP+CL”, when
the instrument is normal operation, the corresponding state is “NORMAL”, the
fourth row “SEPA” stands for running state of oil water separator when the
instrument alarming, when oil water separator is running, the corresponding state
is “RUN”, and when oil water separator is not running, the corresponding state is
“STOP” . How to monitor the running of oil water separator, please referring to
4.1.4 “Wiring”. If the instrument does not alarm in this period, printer will print
out “NORMAL”; and if the instrument does not run in this period, printer will
print out “OFF”.

Note: If you press the "Test" button, the instrument will simulate an alarm
when the concentration is 15ppm state, once again press the "Test" button, analog
alarm ends.

4.4 To change form

After the forms of printer are used up, we need to change form, and the
method is as the following:

(1)Remove head cover board. See Figure 4-1

Figure 4-1

(2) Remove printer from instrument faceplate. Illustrated as Figure4-2, clamp

the two active clamps with fingers, and remove printer from instrument faceplate.
Notice: To ensure switch off printer power before removing printer.

Figure 4-2

(3) Remove stock form shaft from printer. See Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3

(4) Fix a new stock form around shaft. See Figure 4-4

Figure 4-4

(5) Reference to Figure 4-5, cut the new Stock form.

Figure 4-5
(6) Switch on printer power, press “SEL” key to make SEL indicator to go
out, and then press “LF” key to turn printer head, at this time send stock form to
form feed position under printer head, with some form left outside. After these,
press “LF” key or “SEL” key again. Switch off power, lid head cover board on
printer, and send form head out of from form exit of head cover board.

(7) Illustrated as Figure 4-6, install printer on mounting support of


4.5 To change ink ribbon Figure 4-6
After printer ink ribbon has been used for a period, it need to be changed.
The method is as the following:
(1) Reference Figure 4-1, remove head cover board of printer.
(2) Remove the old ink ribbon (see Figure 4-7) Notice: Firstly put up left end
of ink ribbon, and then put up right end of ink ribbon, finally remove ink ribbon.

Figure 4-7

(3) To change a new ink ribbon. Firstly put right end of ink ribbon on the
gear on right end of printer head, put up left end of ink ribbon a little and hold it.
If right end of ink ribbon does not touch bottom, please switch the knob on ink
ribbon according the arrow direction until right end of ink ribbon touches bottom,
and then put down let end. Please check if ink ribbon is straight or not, and if ink
ribbon is not straight, straighten it up.
(4) Install head cover board again.
4.6 To change memory card
Memory card that is for saving alarming records has some capacity. In
general, memory card does not need to be changed for 18 months. However, the
more are alarming times in the course of running, the shorter is memory card life.
When you have to change memory card, please keep the changed memory card
well, in order to look up the past alarming data if it is necessary. The steps to
change memory card is as the following:
(1) Cut off power supply of instrument.
(2) Open chamber door of instrument.
(3) To look for memory card. Near the middle of main board of instrument,
there is a “MEMORY” integration module, and that is memory card.
(4) Remove memory card with a small “—” shaped screwdriver.
(5) Fit a new memory card supplied by our company. Notice: One end of
memory card in which there is a half circle, is adown (illustrated as printing
board), otherwise memory card is possible to be destroyed.
Attention: Because memory card life is related to recorded alarming times,
please avoid of using the instrument in the following conditions:
(1) Chamber door is not close.

(2) Clean instrument with water.
(3) If instrument alarms continuously, please start-up the instrument again
after trouble removal.

5.1 Maintenance of glass tube in measurement lab
Check out whether the glass tube in the measurement lab is polluted or not
after the instrument being used for 1000 hours. Meanwhile the maintenance work
is required and the maintenance method is as follows:
(1) Switch off power of instrument, let clean water to flow through the
instrument for 3 minutes, cut off water supply that flows into the instrument and
keep some water in the glass tube.
(2) After loosening the plug screw and removing it, wash the glass tube with
a cleaning brush until glass tube becomes clean.
(3) Tighten the plug screw and switch on power supply. Let oil-free clean
water to flow through the instrument for 3 minutes.
5.2 Water left in glass tube should vent to avoid glass tube broken when
environmental temperature is below 0℃.
6、Trouble shooting
Troubles Causes Solutions
No display after Power is not connected. To change power
start-up Fuse FU1/FU2 is cut. To change FU1/FU2
Not cleaned glass tube To clean measurement glass tube
Damage of the optical-electrical To inspect and repair the
The indication value is
converter optical-electrical converter
too high
Damage of the circuit To inspect and repair the circuit
board board
Aging optical-electrical
The indication value is To change optical-electrical converter
too low To change glass tube
Leaked glass tube
No printing output No form To set form again
No alarming even Not correct external wiring Correct wiring according to
if indication value Fuse FU3 is cut. Figure 4
is over warning Damage of alarming To change fuse FU3
value relay 1 To change alarming relay 1
Chamber door is not closed
Instrument lasts To close chamber door
Not cleaned glass tube
alarming To clean glass tube
Not correct external wiring Correct wiring according to
Out-control of electro- Fuse FU3 is cut. Figure 4
magnetic valve Damage of alarming relay To change fuse FU3
2 To change alarming relay 1
Non-professional personnel who have not trained can not repair the instrument, in order

to prevent from accidents and unexpected damage.

7、Transportation and storage

7.1 Before packaging and transportation, make sure to drain the pipeline and the
measurement lab. Allow to be transported by common vehicles in the condition
that the packages are complete, while keep the product from impact, rain and
exposing to the sun.
7.2 The instrument should be stored in the room with 2 ~ 55℃ environmental
temperature, no more than 95% humidity, no corrosive gas in air and exposing to
the sun..

8、Complete sets and spare parts

8.1 Complete sets
8.1.1 The instrument, one set
8.1.2 Φ8 joint, two pieces
8.1.3 Fuse 2A three
8.1.4 Specification one
8.1.5 Certification one
8.1.6 Brush one

9.1 Please read its specification before operation of the instrument.
9.2 Please check carefully power supply before operation of the instrument.
9.3 Our company has been responsible for the damage caused by improper
manufacture within a year since the instrument is bought. However, for the
damages caused by false operations, free modification, free repair, improper
maintenance and force majeure, our company would repair with charge of costs.
9.4 Our company does not supply spare parts of some consumables such as
memory card, form, ink ribbon etc, you have to buy if necessary.
9.5 The instrument was inspected and tested seriously when it left factory. Only
our technicians or the personnel who have been trained and achieved the
authorization can calibrate the instrument. Please contact our company if end-user
need to calibrate the instrument.
The crew should pay attention to the following: according to MEPC ( 107 ) 49
Resolution, the item 4.2.11 amendment regulates that the calibration effectiveness should
be verified when IOPP Annual/Intermediate replacement is inspected. The 15PPM bilge
alarm device produced by our company requires that the calibration be conducted every
three years, or replace with the verified 15PPM bilge alarm device. The calibration
certificate of 15PPM bilge alarm device which shows the date of last calibration date
should be preserved on board in case of inspection.

Exemption Clause
1、The customer must read the operating instruction carefully before operating
the equipment, and maintain the equipment timely in accordance with
requirements stipulated in the operating instrution. And our company won’t bear
any responsibilities for the equipment’s damages caused by the customer’s
improper maintenance or operation.
2、Please the shipowner to confirm the equipment operating normally before
leaving China, if the equipment is required to leave Chinese Mainland and
shipped to the unrestricted navigation area. If the equipment gets out of order in
the unrestricted navigation area, the customer must inform our company fifteen
days in aavance for contacting the shipowner, otherwise, our company won’t bear
any responsibilities.

Jiujiang Gongchuang Machinery Equipment Co.,Ltd.

ADD:No.2, Shunfa road, Ecological Industrial town, Lianxi

district, Jiujiang city, Jiangxi province
P.C: 332000
Tel: 0792-8326958、8326956
Fax: 0792-8558525
Mobile: 13507923009


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