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Subject/Grade: P.E.

20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Introduction to Volleyball Time:

Stage 1: Desired Results

Lesson Students will play a regular game of Volleyball. The teacher will review the skills that are
Overview: involved in Volleyball, such as Receiving, Setting, Serving, Spiking, and teamwork skills.
Students at the end of the class will learn the uniqueness of the sport and will have a better
grasp of the skills, which will aid them to better their understanding of the sport.
GLOs: Students will:
● General Outcome A
o Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate
movement activities related to Volleyball
● General Outcome C
o Students will positively work together and/or with each other with activities related
to Volleyball
● General Outcome D
o Students will assume responsibility to lead an active lifestyle through creation of
activities and ensuring safety standards involving Volleyball
SLOs: Students will:
● A20-5: Analyze, evaluate and modify performance of manipulative skills and concepts
—effort, space and relationships—to perform and create a variety of activities to
improve personal performance
● C20-5: Develop and apply practices that contribute to teamwork

● C20-6: Identify and demonstrate positive behaviours that show respect for self and
● D20-3: Develop and apply safety standards and rules in a variety of activities
Lesson Students will:
● Review the skills that are involved in Volleyball

● Demonstrate the skills during the game

● Learn the rules of Volleyball

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

● Rubric

● Observation

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to Safety:
● When whistle is blown, students
Lesson: ● Volleyballs will stop what they are doing
● Be aware of how hard they are
● Volleyball Nets throwing or spiking
● No obstacles in the way
Subject/Grade: P.E. 20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Introduction to Volleyball Time:
● Boundaries
● Antennas
● Yell heads when a ball is incoming
● Pinnnies ● Students should not be in the way
while games are happening

● Cones
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
● Blow whistle to get all the students attention and make them sit in
Pre-assessment (FA)
front of the teacher
● Briefly review what we learned last class
Transition: Get everyone to sit down or pay attention to focus on drills
Learning Activity 1:
● Demonstration
● Warm Up of how to do
the activity
o Warm up with Coyotes and Deers. Then you can get will help
students to warm up with Pepper Visual
● Jumping Spiking Demonstration ● Allowing
Peers to do
o When you are about to hit a jumping spike, you have to
make sure you are timing the hit well. The common steps to will allow
do a hit when you are right handed is stepping with your them to feel
left foot forward, then right, then right again and jump. Do more at ease
the motion of spiking and you hit. knowing that
they can also
● Hitting Practice perform the
o Have two lines where students are hitting. One student
tosses from where the setter is usually and students have to ● Observation
hit the ball over the net. Progression: Progress with having will allow
the students set the ball. teacher to
● Serving Demonstration feedback to
o Demonstrate serving with underhand, emphasize that we students
are not killing the ball. We want a receivable ball, ones
where we can play when we are in Mexico. Then
demonstrate overhand, depending on the group.
● Battleship Serve
o Have a net set up and have two teams per net. Students will
get 6 hula hoops each. They have to set up their side of the
Subject/Grade: P.E. 20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Introduction to Volleyball Time:
court Battleship style, they need a 3, 2, and 1 ship. Each
team will try hitting their opponents ship by serving the
● Rotating Volleyball
o Regular volleyball, but without the serving. They toss the
ball instead, but every time the ball goes over to the side of
the court, students have to rotate each position every time.

● Team Making

o Split the students into even teams in terms of skill.

Depending on how many students there are, you can start
the games with 3v3’s. Ensure that the gym is split into two
Transition: Get everyone to sit down and pay attention
Learning Activity 2:
● Volleyball Rules
○ Only 6 players on the floor at any given time: 3 in the front
row and 3 in the back row.
○ Points are made on every serve for the winning team of the
rally (rally-point scoring).
○ Players may not hit the ball twice in succession (a block is
not considered a hit).
○ Ball may be played off the net during a volley and on a
○ A ball hitting a boundary line is in.
○ A ball is out if it hits an antennae, the floor completely
outside the court, any of the net or cables outside the
antennae, the referee stand or pole, or the ceiling above a
non-playable area.
○ It is legal to contact the ball with any part of a player’s
○ It is illegal to catch, hold or throw the ball.
○ A player cannot block or attack a serve from on or inside
the 10-foot line.
○ After the serve, front-line players may switch positions at
the net.
○ Matches are made up of sets; the number depends on level
of play.
● Ensure that all teams have played each other

Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:
● How many players can you have in the court

● How do you score?

● How many times can you hit the ball?

Subject/Grade: P.E. 20 3 Credit Lesson/Date: Introduction to Volleyball Time:
● What happens if the ball hits the line?

● What do we count as out of bounds?

● Are we allowed to hit the ball with any of our body parts?

● Can you catch or throw the ball?

● Can you block off a serve?

● How many sets are in the game?

● How many points do you need to win a set?

Stage 4: Reflection
Class was good! Students enjoyed the Dive Ship Game! Had little trouble with team making a little bit. I was
getting worried with some students being too competitive and not being inclusive with their fellow
classmates, where they would just serve the whole time and not let others serve, but they eventually started
being aware and included the others. Very proud of the group with being inclusive.

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