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This report is dedicated to God (JESUS) Almighty who is the ultimate giver of wisdom and to my
beloved family for their financial support and encouragement throughout my stay in school.

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I would like to express my deep gratitude and heartfelt appreciation to God for his endless mercy,
blessings, and unwavering protection during this entire period. A tree does not make a forest. Without
some special people, this project would not have been possible. This is why I am pleased to acknowledge
the following people: My lecture and project supervisor, Engr. Joachim NESSERE, Depart. of SE and the
other hand, all my classmates for their moral contribution, corrections and support. We have been
encouraging one another.

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A domestic security system is essential for both convenience and safely. Its purpose is to ensure the
protection of homes from intruders. In this project, we have developed a system that generate instant SMS
alerts to registered cell phone numbers whenever an intrusion is detected. This system is designed to
provide a prompt response as soon as an intruder is detected, utilizing a GSM module to send an
immediate SMS to the homeowner. This technology allows homeowner to control and monitor their
surveillance system remotely, providing them with peace of mind. To archive these, a relay and magnet
are installed at the entry point, which triggers a signal through a public telecom network. This signal can
either send a messages or redirect a call, providing real-time updates about the status of the home or
conveying predefined messages embedded in a microcontroller. Any suspicious activities are promptly
communicated to the homeowner through SMS using GSM technology.

Keywords: Security, SMS, GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)

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CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................6
1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE PROJECT.............................................................................................6
1.2 BACKGROUND OF STUDY...........................................................................................................6
1.3 PROBLEM STATEMENT................................................................................................................7
1.4 OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................................................8
1.5 LIMITATIONS.................................................................................................................................8
CHAPTER TWO.........................................................................................................................................9
2.1 DOMESTIC SECURITY SYSTEM......................................................................................................9
2.1.1 EXISTING SYSTEMS.................................................................................................................11
2.2 THE HISTORY OF DOMESTIC SEGURITY SYSTEM...................................................................12
2.2.1 The Ancient Egyptians................................................................................................................12
2.2.2 Roman times.............................................................................................................................13
2.2.3 Early 1700s...............................................................................................................................14
2.2.4 19th Century.............................................................................................................................14
2.2.5 The 20th Century......................................................................................................................14
2.2.6 Present Day...............................................................................................................................15
2.3 HOME AUTOMATION.....................................................................................................................15
2.4 SMART HOME TODAY....................................................................................................................16
2.5 GSM TECHNOLOGY........................................................................................................................17
2.5.1 Technical details of GSM.............................................................................................................18
2.5.2 Applications of GSM....................................................................................................................18
2.5.3 The role of Takeaway...................................................................................................................19
2.5.4 GSM Specifications......................................................................................................................19
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................20
SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND METHODOLOGY......................................................................................20
3.1 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................20
3.1.1 System Diagram...........................................................................................................................21

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3.1.2 Hardware Subsystems...................................................................................................................21
3.1.3 Algorithm.................................................................................................................................22
3.1.4 Software Design.......................................................................................................................22
3.1.4 Results......................................................................................................................................23
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................................23
CONSTRUCTION AND COMPONENT LIST........................................................................................23
4.1 MOUNTING OF THE COMPONENTS.........................................................................................23
4.2 INTERCONNECTION OF COMPONENTS..................................................................................24
4.3 BILL OF ENGINEERING MATERIALS AND EVALUATION...................................................24
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................................24
RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION.........................................................................................24
5.1 CONCLUSION...............................................................................................................................24
5.2 RECOMMENDATIONS.................................................................................................................25

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In a world of uncertainty and crime, the need for security has become a central concern of all
Stakeholders. An increase number of crime perpetrators has been observed over time. This high level of
crime has caused a considerable number of victims all around the world. All linked to less or no security
systems implementation both in residential area as well as in corporate environment.

This project aims at giving residents an assurance of instantaneous alert in the form of SMS notification
on users registered cell phone number for any form of threat to the security of their house. With this
technology the house owner can control and monitor his/her house from distance.

Nowadays internet is used to control home appliances (IoT devices). GSM (Global System for Mobile
Communication) technology use input signal from appliances, here IoT devices and translate them into
message on device. That means after detection of an intrusion the GSM Modem sends the appropriate
message to the house owner's phone. The signals or data which comes from sensors or other equipment
digitalize it by GSM module and send it to receiver.

A domestic security system isn’t just deterrent for criminals. This product can also keep you safe from a
fire or other disasters. Connecting the unit to a fire alarm can alert you within seconds if there is a fire.
The product can even alert the police and fire service.

In order to accomplish our goal, we have conducted thorough research on home security. We have read
excellent books on the topic, including Construction of a GSM Based Home Automation Using AVR by
Okorofor Chined Henry and GSM Module and Microcontroller by Abhishek S. Parab and Amol Joglekar.
These books have given us a comprehensive understanding of home security, and we are now well-
equipped to move forward with our project.


Domestic security is vital and has become a rapid developing industry over the past 20 years due to the
digital revolution. Although it may seem like home security is a new concept on the surface, it is not.
With evidence we may say that it dates back to around 2,000 BC to ward off unwanted visitors.

When coming to domestic security is very important to the groundbreaking work of the present state
of domestic security systems owes a great debt to the groundbreaking work from Augustus Pope to

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other continuers, those who came before him. Therefore, it is crucial to reflect on the historical
evolution of domestic security systems in order to fully appreciate the remarkable progress we have
achieved starting from 1700s when the first door alarm was created by Mr Tildesley to 20th Century
when all alarm systems were linked to emergency call systems.

In today’s era, the majority of individual possess mobiles phones, thereby transforming the world into a
true global village. With a mobile phone, anyone can be reached at any given moment. However, the
potential of mobile phones extends far beyond simple texting or conversations. It serves as a platform for
generating new innovations and ideas that can further enhance its capabilities.

We have entered the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), where these
cutting-edge technologies are seamlessly integrated into smart devices. These devices, part of the
Internet of Things (IoT), can be controlled remotely from any corner of the globe. Furthermore, all
data and visual content captured by these devices are securely stored in the cloud making life easy
and the way we live.

These days, apart from supporting voice calls a mobile phone can be used to send text messages as well
as multimedia messages (that may contain pictures, graphics, animations, etc). Sending written text
messages is very popular among mobile phone users. Instant messaging, as it is also known, allows quick
transmission of short messages that allow an individual to share ideas, opinions and other relevant

We have implemented a GSM-based security control system that effectively alerts us by sending a text
message to our phones. This gives homeowners a greater sense peace of mind, regardless of their physical
location, as they can now ensure the safety of their houses without being physically present in order to
take his/her house safe from robbers.


The driving force behind our project stems from a prevailing social crime we have witnessed
during our recent stay in Accra. While it is important to acknowledge that this issue is not novel
to our society, experiencing it first-hand has stirred a deep desire within us to make a meaningful
contribution to our beloved city. Our vision for this project is aimed at benefiting all citizens,
beginning with the people of Ghana and extending its impact throughout the broader sphere.

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There are thousands of people who live in fear. There is no security or peace of mind because
one day you will return home or a neighbour calls you on your mobile because someone broke in
to steal and that fear makes us feel defenceless and helpless. At night you sleep and live with the
worry that someone might break in to steal and your life is in danger.

This project is not to completely put an end to thefts but, taking into account everything that has
been discussed previously, this project is to reduce the dangers and possibilities of thieves to
assault other people's properties with less chance of success. Trying to return the peace that was
once stolen from thousands of people.


It is normal to feel uncomfortable when our personal space is violated. Regardless of our location, our
homes should always provide a sense of safely. Let’s imagine one of the worst-case scenarios: you return
from work and realize that someone has broken into your house and made away almost all of your
belongings. How would you react? Of course, naturally this upsetting experience would make anyone feel
unsafe and start seeking solutions to prevent it from happening again. For that reason, the goal of our
project is to develop a system that effectively protects individuals' property and assets from all types of

In our project, we have identified five primary objectives that are crucial to figure out. These objectives
are essential for ensuring the safety and security of your home and family. Let’s outline them:
 Protection. Ensuring the physical of individual and their belongings within then home
 Avoiding danger. There is nothing more daunting than having to fight off or confront a thief in
your home. The main objective is to prevent any potential danger or harm to yourself and your
loved ones.
 Reducing loss. With a security system in place, the likelihood of burglars entering your home is
significantly reduced, thereby minimizing the risk of losing your belongings.
 Peace of Mind. These security system grants us a sense of tranquility, knowing that your
residence is safeguarded.
 Deterring Burglars. The presence of visible alarm system indicators, such as stickers, yard
signs, and outdoor cameras for video surveillance, serves as a proven deterrent to potential
burglars. Criminals often seek easy opportunities, and the clear indicator of an active security
system makes them twice before targeting your property.

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Our project has certain limitations and a list of such is mentioned below:

a) The action will be taken by the GSM modem i.e. to alert an owner about intruder or danger to
b) The device should be installed on the door, as the intruder opens the door the magnet which is
situated in the door go away from Relay so LED glows with RED light and the appropriate action
will be taken by GSM modem.



Nowadays our society is facing a big problem of confusion between two words; house and home that
actually plenty of people do not properly use them as they should. For you to have a good understanding
of our project is vital for us to light you up about that confusion so as to correctly address you to the main
purpose of our goal.

According to Britannica Dictionary (2023) “the word house is used to talk about a building made for
people or a family to live in. The word home is used to talk about the family living in a house, or the
familiar space inside a person's house, or the place someone was born or lived as a child”. All that means
when we want to talk about the place or the building itself, we should use house and home or domestic
when we want to talk about the familiar place a person or family lives in. Conceding that the driving force
behind our project stems from a prevailing high level of robbery hence we’ve chosen “home” over house
as house is more general word for the building someone lives in. Home is more personal and involves the
people and daily activities inside.

Now when it comes to home security system the idea is more general yet, far off from what we want to
accomplish, because a lot of things come into play as we always include both; the security
hardware, placed on a property and individuals' personal security practices. Security hardware includes
“doors, locks, alarm systems, lighting, motion detectors, and security camera systems” (USA, 2017).
Personal security involves practices like “ensuring doors are locked, alarms are activated, owning a Dog,

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windows are closed” (USA, 2017), and extra keys are not hidden outside. But we are interested in the first
one, the security hardware and within the security hardware, the “alarm system” is our challenge.

After honestly positioning you, perhaps you may begin asking questions inward and we assume the first
one could be “how could we define then domestic security system?” Well, as you may find a lot of
definitions concerning to domestic security system. Our project is founded on these one taking from
CHINEDU HENRY who defined domestic secirity system as an “electronic networking technology to
integrate devices and appliances so that the entire home can be monitored and controlled centrally as a
single machine”. Another term that describe the same technology is “domotics”, which derives from the
Latin word domus, meaning home, and informatics, meaning the “study of the processes involved in the
collection, categorization, and distribution of data” (HENRY, 2013, p. 18). However, since this
technology is still very much in flux, other terms are also used in the literature with equivalent meaning,
such as: “smart home”, “smart house”, “digital home” or electronic home”.

The problem of burglary is becoming actually more serious all over the world. If we compare the average
burglary here in Ghana with some other countries we are going to realize the horrible situation we are all
involved, more reasons to protect our homes. United States has “2.5 million burglaries per year” (El,
2023, p. 2) and many of these burglaries occur during the day at a “rate of every 90 seconds” (FBI, 2022)
estimating “72% of these home robberies happened when no one was home” confirmed by FBI (2022)

and Licensed Agent (2023) respectively and that coincided with APPIAHENE (2022) on his statement
after reseaching, he said that most of the burglary in Ghana happened when people aren’t home and the
table below summarizes the long-term decline in the number of burglaries observed across the town.

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Observed and Expected Frequencies of Burglary Data in some
places in Accra



400 790

200 385

AccraCentral Kaneshie Kpeshie Nima



LAIJU poited out that there are different types of systems are existing today, all of which can be used for
home security and home automation.
1. iOS-based home automation security system using General Packet Radio Service (GPRS).
The home devices and the iOS application are connected to the cloud which acts as the server. The system
used video cameras, microphones, and motion sensors to provide security to the home. The video cameras
are motion triggered and can be viewed by the user on their GPRS enabled devices using the client
application or over a web browser. Accessing the security system over the web browser opens it up to a
different set of browsing-related security issues like session hijacking, cookie stealing, and crosssite

2. Machine-to-machine Communication Based Smart Home Security System by NFC,

Fingerprint, and PIR Sensor with Mobile Android Application.
Here a multi-layer home security system (HSS) has been developed which maintains six levels of security
and necessary control responses against unwanted burglars and intruders. As a part of this development,
the first security level uses Near Field Communication (NFC) tag, the second level uses a secured
password system and the third level uses fingerprint authentication. After that, a GSM module embedded
with the proposed HSS sends the logged password to a remote server via M2M communication. The
server encrypts the password and notices the homeowner via an android based mobile application whether

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the person is an authenticated person or not. In the final stage of security, if an intruder wants to enter the
room by breaking the password without NFC tag and fingerprint encryption, a Passive Infrared (PIR)
motion sensor will work and sounds a buzzer for alarm. Therefore, the automatic and embedded operation
of the proposed HSS makes it more secure, reliable and robust than other traditional systems.

3. Home automation security system using Short Messaging Service (SMS).

The unauthorized access into the home is identified by monitoring the state of the home door using Light
Emitting Diode (LED) and IR sensors. The proposed system also allows legitimate users to control home
lights and set the 4 digit passkey using SMS. The LED and IR sensors used to identify intrusions could
easily be spoofed by a sophisticated attacker. Informing the user about an intrusion via SMS is not a good
practice, as the user may not be near to the phone to receive the alert on time.

4. Smart Eye
It uses a real time home automation and monitoring system using GPRS. The proposed system alerts the
user about an intrusion who in turn can view the home using a live camera. Each home is connected to the
central server, the user sends control commands to server which the home system reads from the central
server and executes. When a device at home changes state it sends the information to the central server,
which the user can access. The central controller based security system proposed by S. Tsai et al. called
“Home Security System on Intelligent Network” failed to implement any modern security hardware or
did not consider defence against sophisticated intrusion attempts. A central controller based security
system raises some serious privacy and security concerns considering the large scale user data available at
the central controller and increases the potential for large-scale surveillance. Moreover, central controller
based security systems are not feasible for single isolated home.


Ever since the beginning of time, man has felt the need to protect his valuables and ward off unwanted
visitors. So, it was only a matter of time for the idea of domestic security system to be born. The
foundation for effective domestic security system were actually created generations ago from simple
control panels and locks into high-tech gadgets.

It is true that domestic security systems definitely wouldn’t be where they are today without the
initial invention of Augustus Pope and the development and innovation of his predecessors.
Therefore, it’s important to look back on the history of home security systems to see how far we
have really come.

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2.2.1 The Ancient Egyptians

As we have already pointed out above, domestic security system become a rapid developing industry
over the past 20 years due to the digital revolution indeed, evidences show that “back in 2,000
BC the Ancient Egyptians were using wooden pin tumbler blocks with a lock and key mechanism to
protect their homes and themselves and keep their belongings safe.” (Homewatchgroup, 2021). A
wooden key had to be used to lift the pins out of the slots and allow the door to move.

Figure 2: The earliest form of security was the so-called Egyptian lock

2.2.2 Roman times

The locks developed by the Egyptians were much “more secure than the ones created later on by the
Romans. One reason was due to their size” (Blog, 2017). The Romans locks used a spring rather than a
bolt and they were easier to pick than the Egyptians ones.

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Figure 3: Ancient Resource: Ancient Roman Keys and Locks

2.2.3 Early 1700s

After so many generations working to the improvement domestic security system “Tildesley brought
in life the first door alarm” (Homewatchgroup, The Definitive History of Home Security Systems, 2021,
p. 2) which consisted of a set of chimes mechanically linked to the door. When an intruder used a
skeleton key to enter the chimes would sound, alerting the occupier.

2.2.4 19th Century

The 18th century saw a real shift in technology and mechanics, a defining moment within the industrial
revolution, as well as the introduction of electricity into everyday life.

o In 1853, Augustus Pope invented the first electromagnetic alarm system. The system used
electricity, magnets, and alarm bells, and was installed above door frames. Although it was a
new and innovative invention, the electromagnetic alarm system was not widely adopted by the
general public. This was due to apprehensions and skepticism towards newfound electricity,
which was feared to be dangerous or even deadly.
o In 1857, Edwin Holmes bought the rights to Augustus Pope’s original electromagnetic alarm
system design. Holmes made further improvements to the system, and effectively mass-marketed
it in New York.

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o 1877 was the year that Holmes established the first monitored alarm network, overlooked by a
central monitoring station.

2.2.5 The 20th Century

This concept of linking alarm systems to emergency call systems expanded with the use of pre-
existing telephone lines. By the early 20th century, all alarm systems were linked to emergency call
systems, such as the police.

o In the 1970s, motion sensors were created. These sensors worked by emitting ultrasonic
waves, and when these waves were interrupted, an alarm would be triggered. Motion sensors
were implemented into home security system, providing an extra sense of security for
homeowners. However, false alarms were a common occurrence, as the sensors were easily
triggered by pets and passers-by.
o The 1970s saw as well the commercialization of video surveillance for home security,
although the technology was developed in the 1940s. Early CCTV systems used grainy
images, but they were still an effective way to deter crime and protect homes.
o The invention of infrared technology in the 1980s was a major milestone in the history of
home security system. By detecting changes in heat rather than solely movement, infrared
sensors helped to reduce the number of false alarms and made home alarm systems more
o In the 1990s, infrared technology helped to advance the concept of home automation. This
was evident in the development of automated garage doors and infrared controls and
remotes. These initial developments have since been applied to security, allowing us to
create automated actions and control security features via smartphones.
o In 1992, we have the first home security system invented by an African American woman, Marie
Van Brittan Brown. She got the idea in 1966, and that came to life so many years later. These
system was motorized camera that would project images on a monitor with four peepholes
including a remote control that could unlock doors for easy access to first responders when
needed (Science, 2016, p. 2).

2.2.6 Present Day

Today, we are living in the age of smart home security systems, which could be explained as
“natural evolution of our homes” according to (Tuohy, 2023, p. 4). These are systems that are

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interconnected and controlled via smart devices, and can be accessed remotely from anywhere in the
world. All information and footage is store online in the cloud.

With smart security devices, you can keep an eye on your home when you’re away. Unlike
traditional security systems that require long-term contracts, smart devices “allow you to personalize
your home security system and take control of monitoring your own home” (Hellotech, 2023).


In 19th century, concept of home automation came into the picture. The Electronic Computing Home
Operator was developed in the April 1968 and has been enhanced from a set of spare electronics. Further
X10 standard was developed to allow transmitters and receivers to broadcasting messages such as “turn
ON” and “turn OFF” via radio frequency. X10 system has number of disadvantages. With the invention
of the Raspberry pi which is small credit card size computer having large number of peripherals along
with communication ports like Ethernet, USB ports, HDMI port and now a day’s home automation is
become very easy and interesting. Home automation includes all that a building automation provides like
door and window controls, climate controls, control of multimedia home theatres, pet feeding, and plant
watering and so on. Home automation is nothing but ‘Smart home’ or ‘Intelligent home’. Such smart
homes or intelligent homes are controlled with the help of various technologies. GSM, WIFI, Bluetooth,
Zig bee and so on are used for the purpose of home automation (Mr. Bhandarkavthe, 2018).

According to Xfinity’s fedinition from 2019, home automation refers to the “automatic and electronic
control of household features, activity, and appliances”. In simpler terms, it enables you to easily manage
the utilities and functionalities of your home through the Internet, making life more convenient and
secure, and potentially reducing household bills. It is essentially a network that incorporates hardware,
communication, and electronic interfaces to connect various everyday devices with each other through the
Internet. Each device is equipped with sensors and is connected via Wi-Fi, enabling you to control them
from your smartphone or tablet, whether you are home or miles away.


The Oxford Dictionary (2022) defines “smart” as both “stylish and fresh in appearance, having a quick
intelligence”, and “being fashionable and up market”. Sony was among the first companies to attach the
“smart” buzzword to a computer when, in 1982, it marketed the “Smart Sony” computer: no longer
advertised simply as a “home” computer, but tried to cash in on the smart concept by selling it as a device
which could “help you make smarter business decisions” (HENRY, 2013, p. 16). The “smart” concept has

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become since a marketing catchword, still employed today, to sell a wide range of products, hence:
“smart phones”, “smart cameras”, “smart design”, “smart bombs” and “smart homes”. Usually, the word
define devices that are reportedly based on cutting-edge design that unite innovation with practical
simplicity, however, as this would soon be demonstrated, sometimes marketing buzzwords alone cannot
guarantee the sell. Xanadu was the first example of a mass-produced Smart Home. Built throughout the
1980s in the US around the original EPCOT idea, these houses were commercially built dwellings that
made extensive use of Smart Home technologies. To look even more futuristic, the actual house was
made entirely of polyurethane foam. The Xanadu home had a computer that monitored and controlled all
its systems: the kitchen, living room, bathrooms, and bedrooms all had their own electrical and electronic
devices to control the appliances present in the house. For example, the shower could be set to be turned
on at a specific time and a set temperature. The ad campaign eloquently described the house as “Xanadu:
the Computerized House of Tomorrow” and its peculiar appeal was set by the advertisement campaign: a
“house with a brain – a house you can talk to, a house where every room adjusts automatically to match
your changing moods” (HENRY, 2013, p. 17) .As the time moved on, and most of the houses were still
unsold, the technology contained soon became obsolete. One by one, these Xanadu houses started to get
demolished to make space for more “commercially viable” projects and, by October 2005, they were all
gone. In spite of the commercial setback provided by the Xanadu homes, the concept was sound and a
combination of elements such as computers, robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) were to push the
Smart Home concept further, even if sometimes only in research laboratories. Throughout the 1980s,
several innovative ideas provided a clear indication that the technology might have been finally mature
enough to deliver commercially viable solutions. As an example, a device named Waldo, which
interfaced with an Apple computer, could use voice recognition and speech synthesis technology to
control appliances.


The Global System for Mobile communications (GSM) comprises a collection of communications
standards and protocols, which are categorized into three primary systems, known also as architecture of
GSM: the switching system, the base station system, and the operation and support system.

The call processing and subscriber-related task are managed by the switching system, which encompasses
functionalities such as the home location register (database used for manage and management of
subscriptions), mobile services switching central (controls calls to and from other telephones and data
system), visitor location register (database that contains temporally information about subscribers that is
needed by MSC in order to service visiting subscribers), authentication center (provides authentication

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and encryption parameters that verify the user’s identity and ensure the confidentiality of each call), and
equipment identity register (database that contains information about the identity of mobile equipment
that prevents calls from stolen, authentication, or defective mobile stations) (Consortium, 2020).

The Base Station System is composed of base station controllers (BSCs) and base transceiver stations
(BTSs). This includes the BSC, which facilitates control functions and establishes physical links between
the MSC and BTS, as well as the BTS, responsible for managing the radio interface with the mobile
station, including the radio equipment, transceiver and antenna.

The Operation and Support System can be divided into two components. The operator segment is linked
to all equipment within the switching system and to the BSC. On the other hand, the support and system
segment servers as a functional entity through which the network operator monitors and controls the

Figure 4: GSM Network Elements from International Engineering Consortium

2.5.1 Technical details of GSM

GSM is a cellular network, enabling mobile phone to establish connections by detecting cells within their
immediate surrounding area (HENRY, 2013, p. 19). Consequently, GSM networks function across four
distinct frequency ranges, yet the majority of them operate within the 900MHz or 1800 MHz bands.

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Within the 900MHz band, the uplink frequency band is between 890 MHz and 915MHz, while the
downlink frequency covers the range of 935MHz to 960MHz. In the 1800MHz band, the uplink
frequency ranges from 1710MHz to 1785MHz, and the downlink is between 1805MHz and 880MHz
(HENRY, 2013, pp. 20-21).

2.5.2 Applications of GSM

GSM boasts numerous applications, but we will focus on highlighting those that are have exceedingly
crucial for the successful attainment of our objective. In this instance, the ones we are specifically
considering are: Sending and receiving short messages (SMS) “where the ability to send and receive text
messages between mobile phones is known as the Short Message Service (SMS) delivering up to 140
octets over the GSM platform’s control system air interface” (BasuMallick, 2022). Text messaging allows
a cell phone user to receive a quick short message on their cell phone.

Another highly significant application of GSM revolves around data security and security alert, “which
stands as a paramount factor in enhancing security. This pertains to the indicators for Mobile Equipment
(ME) and Mobile Station (MS) subsystem that facilitate users in remotely controlling household
appliances. Additionally, the security alert subsystem offers compressive automated security monitoring”
(BasuMallick, 2022). This same system can instruct users via SMS from a particular phone number on
how to change the condition of the home appliance based on the person’s needs and preferences. The
client is configured via SIM, allowing the system to observe Mobile subscribers on the database.

2.5.3 The role of Takeaway

We live in the 5G generation, yet GSM remains a standard technology for mobile phones and IoT device
management environments. This is because it is a building block for wireless connectivity, particularly in
remote regions. “GSM also functions as a redundancy method, helping systems stay connected even if the
primary networks are offline” (BasuMallick, 2022). Enterprises must understand and accommodate GSM
technology to build a sustainable IoT environment.

2.5.4 GSM Specifications

Before looking at the GSM specifications, it is important to understand the following basic terms:

a. Bandwidth – the range of the channel’s limits: the broader the bandwidth, the faster data can be
b. Bits per second (bps) – a single on-off pulse of data; eight bits are equivalent to one byte.
c. Frequency – the number of cycle per unit of time; frequency is measured in hertz (Hz).

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d. Kilo (k) – kilo is the designation for 1,000; the abbreviation kbps represents 1,000 bits per
e. Megahertz (MHz) -1,000,000 hertz (cycles per second).
f. Watt (W) – a measure of power of a transmitter.

Specifications for different personal communication services (PCS) system very among the different PCS
network. Listed below is a descriptions of the specifications and characteristics for GSM.

 Frequency band – the frequency range specified for GSM is 1,850 to 1,990 MHz (mobile station
to base station)
 Duplex distance is 80MHz. It is the distance between uplink and downlink frequencies. A
channel has two frequencies, 80 MHz apart.
 Channel separation. The separation between adjacent carrier frequencies. In GSM, this is 200
 Modulation. It is the process of sending a signal by changing the characteristic of a carrier
frequency. This is done in GSM via Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK)
 Transmission rate. GSM is a digital system with an over-the-air bit rate of 270 kbps
 Access method. GSM utilizes the time division multiple access (TDMA) concept. TDMA is a
technique in which several different calls may share the same carrier. Each call is assigned a
particular time slot.
 Speed Coder. GSM uses linear predictive coding (LPC). The purpose of LPC is to reduce the bit




This system construct with 8051 microcontroller which contains a piece of code for a specific action. The
action will be taken by the GSM modem i.e. to alert an owner about intruder or danger to house. That

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device should be installed on the door, as the intruder opens the door the magnet which is situated in the
door go away from Relay so LED glows with RED light and the appropriate action will be taken by GSM


Door Yellow LED changed to
Opens Red LED

Send SMS to Owner

Remain same yellow

Figure 5: Flowchart
3.1.1 System Diagram

Security System Relay Magnet

Microcontroller LED

GSM Chip phone

Figure 6: System Overview

3.1.2 Hardware Subsystems

The project is designed and implemented using the following units:

 GSM module unit

 Peripheral interface control (P.I.C) unit
 Microcontroller

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 Relay
 Magnet
 Power surge monitoring and control unit , (AVR)

Figure 4: Block diagram of the project

In the methodology, the over all system design is in two parts: hardware design and software design. The
hardware design is the physical parts of the system while the software design treats the programs that
were written to control the microcontroller at the processing center of the system. The hardware design is
the heart of the project. This is the physical implementation where the various components used for the
design were incorporated together on a vero board through soldering. It consists of many units which
includes a GSM module, a PIC unit and other units listed above.

3.1.3 Algorithm

 Step1: Initialize 8051µc, rely, GSM module with connection.

 Step2: Switch on the circuit and keep it on.
 Step3: If magnet attached to rely then keep as it is.
 Step4: Else if magnet detached from Relay then GSM module will send SMS to owner.

3.1.4 Software Design

This Proposed System uses microcontroller 8051, C programming language embedded within it and
compile using C-compiler and to burn the program using Flash Magic software. ".HEX" file will be burn
in microcontroller.

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Figure 6: Dummy model Figure 7: Figure 7: Detection of intruder

Figure 8: Receiving a message on mobile phone

3.1.4 Results

This system tested on the latest technology available in smartphone which gives a proper result. This
system is easy to use and very simple. The model can be installed with an economical cost. The GSM
technology gives a good response after received a message of particular action from microcontroller.

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SMS received time to house owner is basically depend on the signal strength range that you have got
through mobile tower. We have developed and tested the model using C language further the same model
can be enhanced with the help of some high end language and which would be more portable.



The mounting of the components were placed according to block diagram above (figure 4). The soldering
process was carried out using a lead and soldering iron. This was done by joining the supposed terminals
together before soldering. And after soldering each unit, test was carried out using a meter to ensure good
contact. A patrax box was used for the enclosure of the project. Patrax is an electrical installation box
used for housing electrical/electronic components. It is made of plastic material, 50×20mm rectangular
shape with 10mm thickness. This box houses the control unit.


The interconnections of the circuit were done using a PVC connecting wire. This enabled the necessary
connections at different sections of the circuit to be made by extending the terminals or connection made
with a wire to a deserved point in the circuit. Connecting wires is a flexible wire made from copper and
will be used to connect component or subsystems.



N ($)
1 Power Supply Unit $234.54 2
2 Driver $197.56
3 GSM Module Unit $490,89 2
4 GSM Signal $389.96 1
5 Magnet $96.65 1

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6 Microcontroller $294.87 2
7 2V, 30 AMPS $86.89 1

From the summary of the table, it can be seen that the total cost of the project implementation is $967.03


The GSM based home security system has been designed and tested with the mobile network. The user
can get alerts anywhere through the GSM technology consequently making the system location
independent. A flexible way to control and explore the services of the mobile, AT commands is used in
the system. The communication of home is only through the SMS which has been tested with the mobile
networks and is working on any mobile network.


Installing a security system in your home can provide numerous benefits, enhancing the safety and
security of your property and loved ones. So then when considering a security system for your home, it's
essential to assess your specific security needs, budget, and any unique circumstances or concerns you
may have. You can then choose a system and features that align with your requirements, providing the
level of protection and peace of mind you desire for your home and family.

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