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Essentials of Human Diseases and

Conditions 6th Edition Frazier Test

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Chapter 07: Diseases and Conditions of the Musculoskeletal System
Frazier & Drzymkowski: Essentials of Human Diseases and Conditions, 6th Edition


1. A progressive degeneration and weakening of the skeletal muscles is known as

a. muscular dystrophy (MD).
b. multiple sclerosis.
c. myasthenia gravis.
d. none of the above.
Suggested causes of scoliosis are deformities of the vertebrae, uneven leg lengths, and muscle
degeneration or paralysis from diseases, such as poliomyelitis, cerebral palsy, and MD.

REF: 323 OBJ: 3

2. A lateral curvature of the spine is known as

a. kyphosis.
b. lordosis.
c. lumbago.
d. scoliosis.
Scoliosis is a lateral (sideways) curvature of the spine. Scoliosis typically is congenital, but
some diseases can also cause it.

REF: 323 OBJ: 3

3. Which of the following statement(s) about fibromyalgia is/are true?

a. It is a painful debilitating syndrome that causes chronic pain in muscles and soft
tissues surrounding joints.
b. The cause is unknown.
c. Diagnosis includes pain at specific tender points.
d. All of the above are true.
Fibromyalgia, one of the most common diseases affecting the muscles, causes chronic pain in
muscles and soft tissues surrounding joints. Fatigue is extremely common in patients with this

REF: 317 OBJ: 2

4. Chronic, progressive, inflammatory disease of bones and joints caused by degenerative

changes in the cartilage is called
a. chondromalacia.
b. osteochondroma.
c. osteoarthritis.
d. rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease or degenerative arthritis, is by far the
most common form of arthritis. It develops as a result of normal wear and tear on the joints
and is most common in the elderly, being almost universal in those older than 75 years.

REF: 324 OBJ: 4

5. A tick-carried bacterium causes _____, which is characterized by symptoms of arthritis,

malaise, myalgia, and neurologic and cardiovascular signs.
a. ankylosing spondylitis
b. Lyme disease
c. systemic lupus erythematosus
d. kyphosis
Ticks that bite the skin spread Lyme disease by injecting the bacterium from their guts into
the human body when securing a blood meal.

REF: 326 OBJ: 5

6. An infection in a bone, which can lead to an abscess formation and sequestrum if not properly
cared for, is called
a. osteomyelitis.
b. rickets.
c. osteochondroma.
d. osteitis.
Inflammation, swelling, localized heat, redness, pain, and local tenderness over and around
the affected bone are characteristic signs and symptoms of osteomyelitis. Other signs and
symptoms of osteomyelitis include chills, fever, sweating, and malaise. As the infection
progresses, a purulent material called a subperiosteal abscess may develop. Osteomyelitis
usually requires extensive, long-term antibiotic treatment with follow-up care to prevent
recurrent infections.

REF: 330 OBJ: 7

7. Inflammation of the joints caused by excessive uric acid levels in the blood and joints is
a. myositis.
b. bursitis.
c. fibrositis.
d. gouty arthritis.
With proper management, potential damage to the bones and joints can be avoided. Chronic
gouty deposits of uric acid (tophi) can be difficult to treat, so if they do not shrink with
medication, they can be surgically resected.

REF: 333 OBJ: 8

8. Which of the following is true about bursitis?

a. Bursitis is curable.
b. Bursitis usually involves the joint.
c. The prognosis for bursitis is guarded with treatment.
d. The patient is advised to apply heat to bursitis.
Bursitis is curable. With treatment and proper attention to any underlying cause, the outlook is

REF: 329 OBJ: 6

9. Wasting away or deterioration of muscle is called

a. hypertrophy.
b. ankylosis.
c. atrophy.
d. myositis.
Permanent muscle atrophy can result from tendon damage.

REF: 353 OBJ: 1

10. A vitamin D deficiency can cause the abnormal metabolic bone disease called
a. osteoporosis.
b. osteogenesis imperfecta.
c. osteomalacia.
d. osteoclasis.
Osteomalacia is a metabolic bone disease resulting from deficiency or ineffective use of
vitamin D, which is essential for proper bone formation. Without adequate vitamin D, the
body cannot absorb and use the bone-building minerals (calcium and phosphorus).

REF: 341 OBJ: 11

11. Which statement is true about osteomalacia?

a. Osteomalacia can be caused by too much sunlight.
b. Osteomalacia is called rickets in children and can impact the growing skeleton.
c. The treatment involves taking vitamin B.
d. None of the above is true.
Osteomalacia causes the bones to become increasingly soft, flexible, and deformed. When the
disorder occurs in children, it impacts the growing skeleton and is called rickets.

REF: 341 OBJ: 11

12. _____ is an injury that is the result of overuse, overstretching, or forcible stretching of a
muscle beyond its functional capacity. It sometimes involves a tendon or ligament.
a. Avulsion
b. Sprain
c. Shin splints
d. Strain
A strain is an injured tendon, muscle, or other tissue resulting from overuse, overstretching, or
excessive forcible stretching of the tissue beyond its functional capacity.

REF: 348 OBJ: 12

13. A bone that is normally in contact with a joint but becomes separated from that joint causing
loss of joint function is a
a. fracture.
b. separation.
c. dislocation.
d. dorsiflexion.
Traumatic dislocations require immediate emergency medical care. Occasionally the injury
that causes the dislocation also causes a fracture.

REF: 350 OBJ: 16

14. The onset of a stiff and painful shoulder after injury or a period of disuse is typical of
a. a compression injury of the shoulder.
b. a shoulder avulsion.
c. bursitis.
d. adhesive capsulitis (“frozen shoulder”).
Adhesive capsulitis is a condition in which a shoulder is significantly limited in its range of
motion (ROM) as a result of inflammation, scarring, thickening, and shrinkage of the capsule
that surrounds the normal shoulder joint. With time the pain subsides, but the mobility of the
shoulder often remains permanently impaired, or frozen.

REF: 351 OBJ: 17

15. _____ is/are a tendon injury that produces immediate, severe pain, inflammation, and
immobility of the affected part.
a. Tendonitis
b. A fracture
c. A severed tendon
d. All of the above
Tendons are long, fibrous cords that connect muscles to bones (for example, the Achilles
tendon connects the gastrocnemius muscle to the calcaneus bone at the back of the heel). A
severed tendon is torn completely into two sections and thus prevents the muscle from
performing its function of moving a body part.

REF: 352 OBJ: 17

16. An inflammatory response at the heel bone, which is a common problem in individuals active
in sports and especially in runners, is
a. hallux valgus.
b. plantar fasciitis.
c. spur.
d. both b and c.
The plantar fascia is a thick, fibrous material on the bottom of the foot. It is attached to the
calcaneus, fans forward toward the toes, and acts like a bowstring to maintain the arch of the

REF: 354 OBJ: 19

17. The name of the injury involving the semilunar cartilages in the knee is
a. rotator cuff tear.
b. torn meniscus.
c. sciatic injury.
d. compression injury.
A meniscus is a semilunar cartilage found in the knee joint. A tear of the meniscus is a crack
or fissure that is usually a result of wear or injury. The injured knee should be immobilized
immediately and elevated, with ice applied to slow bleeding and edema. No weight bearing
should be allowed, and the physician should be seen as soon as possible. Antiinflammatory or
analgesic medications are often needed.

REF: 357 OBJ: 20

18. _____ is an injury to the shoulder muscles and is usually the result of acute trauma or
degenerative changes. It leaves the individual unable to abduct his or her arm.
a. A strain
b. A frozen shoulder
c. A torn rotator cuff
d. Bursitis
Tears in the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles can produce an immediate snapping sound and
acute pain. The person may be unable to abduct the arm. ROM becomes limited to varying
degrees depending on the severity of the particular tear.

REF: 358 OBJ: 21

19. _____ is a surgical procedure necessary because of peripheral vascular disease and consequent
gangrene. Trauma, malignancy, or congenital defects are additional reasons.
a. Amputation
b. Arthroscopy
c. Fasciectomy
d. None of the above
The extent of the amputation can range from removal of a portion of a digit to a complete
disarticulation at the hip or shoulder.

REF: 349 OBJ: 14

20. An unpleasant sensation or complication that sometimes follows the removal of an appendage
is called
a. fibrositosis.
b. myositosis.
c. phantom limb.
d. sciatica.
It is the feeling that the limb is still attached. Phantom limb pain of the leg can present as a
burning sensation of the foot or as a feeling of having the toes stepped on when no limb exists.

REF: 349 OBJ: 14

21. A degenerative disorder of the metatarsal-phalangeal joint of the great toe is called
a. hammertoe.
b. hallux valgus.
c. hallux rigidus.
d. polymyositis.
Hallux rigidus is a stiff big toe that develops as a result of degeneration of the cartilage of the
first metatarsophalangeal joint.

REF: 343 OBJ: 12

22. A strong, tough strand or cord of dense connective tissue that serves as attachment for muscle
to bone is
a. a ligament.
b. cartilage.
c. collagen.
d. a tendon.
Tendons are tough strands, or cords, of dense connective tissue. They serve to attach muscles
to bones and other parts

REF: 315 OBJ: 1

23. The major supporting element or “glue” in the connective tissue is

a. ligaments.
b. cartilage.
c. collagen.
d. tendons.
Collagen, a fibrous protein, constitutes 30% of the total body protein and is the major
supporting element, or glue, in the connective tissues between the cells that holds them

REF: 316 OBJ: 1

24. Tough, dense, fibrous bands of connective tissue that hold bones together are called
a. ligaments.
b. cartilage.
c. collagen.
d. tendons.
ANS: A REF: 315 OBJ: 1

25. Which of the following statements is/are true about osteoporosis?

a. Osteoporosis rarely causes permanent disability.
b. Osteoporosis is a silent disease until a bone breaks to cause pain.
c. No specific diagnostic data are available to confirm osteoporosis.
d. All of the above statements are true.
Collapse of vertebrae from the weakened bone of osteoporosis is often responsible for the
hunchback (dowager’s hump) that develops in the older person, particularly the
postmenopausal woman.

REF: 329 OBJ: 10

26. Which of the following statements is true about Lyme disease?

a. It is curable with early treatment.
b. Vaccine for Lyme disease is readily available.
c. Lyme disease only exists in the northeast part of the United States.
d. None of the above is true.
Lyme disease is curable with antibiotics. The outlook for patients with Lyme disease is a
function of how early it is detected.

REF: 327 OBJ: 5

27. Risk factors for primary bone tumors include

a. prior chemotherapy or radiation therapy (RT).
b. a history of Paget’s disease.
c. both of the above.
d. none of the above.
The most affected bones are the pelvis, vertebrae, ribs, hip, femur, and humerus. Risk factors
for primary bone tumors include prior chemotherapy, RT, or a history of Paget’s disease or
other benign bone lesions. Bone tumors, whether benign or malignant, are treated by surgical
excision. The surrounding muscle, bone, and other tissue are often removed also, and bone
grafting may be needed. The goal is to perform limb-sparing surgery, but tumor location and
extent may necessitate amputation.

REF: 337 OBJ: 9

28. A patient reporting bone pain, with or without local swelling, and systemic symptoms
a. requires a timely medical evaluation.
b. needs the earliest appointment available.
c. neither of the above.
d. both a and b.
A patient having bone pain must be evaluated for fracture and infection of bone along with
blood calcium and alkaline phosphatase levels. Systemic symptoms also may be present and
indicate the need for the earliest possible appointment.

REF: 334 OBJ: 9

29. A bone tumor weakens the bone and makes it more susceptible to fracture when subjected to
the slightest strain. This is called
a. a simple fracture.
b. a pathologic fracture.
c. both of the above.
d. none of the above.
Any force, external or internal, that disrupts the continuity of the bone causes a fracture.
Diseases such as neoplasms, tuberculosis of the bone, Paget’s disease, and osteoporosis cause
pathologic fractures, which occur without significant external trauma.

REF: 336 OBJ: 13


1. Tumors in muscles are very common.

Neoplasms of muscle include benign tumors or malignant sarcomas that may arise at any site
in the body. Surgical resection of the tumor is performed for all tumors, benign or malignant.

REF: 338 OBJ: 9

2. Osteoporosis occurs more often in men in a 4:1 ratio.

It occurs more often in women than men, especially in postmenopausal women. Women who
are small boned, who come from northern European or Asian backgrounds, who smoke, and
who have a family history of the disease are at the greatest risk for osteoporosis.

REF: 339 OBJ: 10

3. A bunion is also called hallux valgus.

A bunion is often the result of a foot disorder known as hallux valgus, in which the great toe is
positioned toward the midline of the body. The condition has also been associated with RA.

REF: 342 OBJ: 12

4. A strained muscle is more serious than a sprained muscle.

Sprains may include damage to blood vessels and nerves, and edema, ecchymosis, and sharp,
transient pain may develop.

REF: 349 OBJ: 15

5. Muscles are classified as either voluntary or involuntary.

Skeletal muscle is voluntary and is under the control of the conscious mind. Smooth muscle
and heart muscle are involuntary and function without conscious control or awareness.

REF: 313 OBJ: 1

6. The skeletal system is composed of 306 bones.

The skeletal system is composed of 206 bones. These serve to provide an important support
system for the many body parts, enabling a person to assume various body postures.

REF: 313 OBJ: 1

7. The complete skeleton is formed by the end of the third month of gestation.

The fetal skeleton is composed of cartilage tissue, which is replaced gradually by bone cells in
a process called ossification. The complete skeleton is formed by the end of the third month
of fetal age.

REF: 314 OBJ: 1

8. The majority of joints are of the slightly movable type.

Slightly movable (amphiarthrodial) joints (for example, the intervertebral joints and the pubic
symphysis) are connected by cartilage.

REF: 315 OBJ: 1

9. Inflammation of the bursae is called polymyositis.

Bursitis is inflammation of a bursa. A bursa is a tiny fluid-filled sac that functions as a gliding
surface to reduce friction between tissues of the body.

REF: 328 OBJ: 6

10. When it is necessary for a patient with osteoarthritis to use a cane to lessen the strain on a
joint, always examine cane tips to be certain that they are not dangerously worn.

For supportive care, it may be necessary to use a cane, walker, braces, or crutches to lessen
the strain on some joints. (Always examine cane tips to be certain that they are not
dangerously worn!)

REF: 326 OBJ: 4

11. Overuse and overpronation are the most common factors that predispose an individual to shin

Pronation of the foot is an inward rotation of the ankle that causes the inner arch of the foot to
sag and the ankle joint to tip upward. Excessive pronation places abnormal stress on the calf
muscles. This leads to the development of shin splints and tendon and ligament strain around
the ankles and knees.

REF: 353 OBJ: 18

12. Fractures, or broken bones, are classified by the nature of the fracture, which is the result of
the mechanism of injury.

Fractures, or broken bones, are caused by stress on the bone resulting from a traumatic insult
to the musculoskeletal system, severe muscle spasm, or bone disease. They can occur in any
bone in the body.

REF: 345 OBJ: 13

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