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XR media artwork: narrative guided interactive VR 3D experience

production: Marin Sorescu National Theatre - Craiova & Azkuna Zentroa- Bilbao
exhibition: Bilbao - Azkuna Zentroa
team: Catinca Drăgănescu, Ciprian Făcăeru, Sabin Șerban, Dan Făcăeru

short description:
‘Reconstituirea’ is defined by its integrated approach mixing theatre, film and virtual reality with live performers and a gamified multi-layered
mediaturgy. The project aims to explore the boundaries between truth and fiction within the process of ‘reenactment’. It is rather a
phenomenological attempt of understanding how perception influences the creation of multiple subjective versions of reality, in nowadays
society, involving both social critique and emerging media technologies.

The iterative research process explores the experiential and artistic expressions found at the intersection of old and new technologies. Thus
this is the first ‘Reconstituirea’ prototype installation, that iterates the core experiential direction for the ongoing theatre production
developed at TNC and part of ACUTE program.

Prototyping performative directions and scenography conventions, the project will integrate technology as an interactive experience
facilitator, as well as functional links between an old cathode ray tube TV and a state of the art full body tracking VR system.
TV area VR play area

This area has the scope to

accommodate the secondary This area host the main VR
audience that observe the VR experience for one user at a
experience via the live TV time. The estimated duration of
stream and/or wait their turn the experience is 15 min.
to try the VR experience.
The area will be marked on the
floor with a temporary adhesive
equipment: tape.
● old TV set
● power extender equipment:
● TV stand ● VR headset
● sitting area

This area will accommodate the necessary equipment equipment:

used for VR to TV live streaming. Ideally this equipment Slide 5
additional technical area will be hidden from the audience view, yet placed in
within the WIFI and RFI streaming range *we will bring the necessary VR and live streaming equipment
VR project features: Optional features
● VR experience uration 10-15min ● user profile: Age and Gender, select UI &
● full body tracking + avatar embodiment subtitle language
● 3-5x virtual characters
● 1x embodied virtual avatar
● narrative voice (RO only)
● subtitles system: RO/ENG/SP/BASQUE
● body movement recording + sessions storage
for research purposes
What we need from Azkuna Zentroa?
minimal equipment and internet connection:
● Old TV set
● Voice Recorder
● dedicated wifi connection ( we can
bring our own wi-fi router)
● a sofa (optional)
● TV stand/furniture to place the TV
● power outlets/extenders
Our team production goals:
● Narrative scenario
● VR experience design
● VR development
● Voice recording
● Music composition
● VR to TV live streaming
VR to TV live streaming equipment
* we will bring the necessary VR and VR to TV live streaming equipment

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