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Exploring Medical Language A Student

Directed Approach 9th Edition Brooks

Test Bank
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Chapter 08: Female Reproductive System
Test Bank


1. Egg cells are stored in the

a. ovaries
b. ovum
c. uterus
d. vagina
ANS: A REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

2. Menstruation, pregnancy, and labor are the functions of the

a. vagina
b. uterus
c. ovaries
d. cervix
ANS: B REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

3. The passageway from the ovary to the uterus is called the

a. uterine tube
b. fimbria
c. fundus
d. ovum
ANS: A REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

4. The muscular middle layer of the uterus is the

a. endometrium
b. perimetrium
c. peritoneum
d. myometrium
ANS: D REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

5. The rounded upper portion of the uterus is the

a. corpus
b. fundus
c. cervix
d. Douglas cul-de-sac
ANS: B REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

6. The ovaries are largely made up of

a. graafian follicles
b. fimbriae
c. immature ova
d. corpus
ANS: A REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
7. The connection of the uterus to the outside of the body is the
a. rectouterine pouch
b. hymen
c. cervix
d. vagina
ANS: D REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

8. The pigmented area at the center of the breast is called

a. the papilla
b. the areola
c. the nipple
d. glands
ANS: B REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

9. The pelvic floor in both the male and female is called the
a. perineum
b. vulva
c. genital
d. inguinal region
ANS: A REF: 296 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

10. The two pairs of lips that surround the vagina are the
a. Bartholin glands
b. vulva
c. clitoris
d. hymen
ANS: B REF: 296 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

11. The narrow lower portion of the uterus is called the

a. corpus
b. fundus
c. vagina
d. cervix
ANS: D REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

12. The large central portion of the uterus is called the

a. corpus
b. fundus
c. pouch
d. myometrium
ANS: A REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

13. The fingerlike ends of the uterine tubes are the

a. graafian follicles
b. ova
c. fimbriae
d. vulva
ANS: C REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

14. The pair of mucus-producing glands located on each side of and just above the vaginal
opening are the
a. external genitals
b. fimbriae
c. Bartholin glands
d. rectouterine pouch
ANS: C REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

15. The combining form that means woman is

a. episi/o
b. uter/o
c. gynec/o
d. arche/o
ANS: C REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

16. The combining form that means uterus is

a. arche/o
b. mast/o
c. metr/i
d. men/o
ANS: C REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

17. The ovaries are indicated by the combining form

a. oophor/o
b. episi/o
c. colp/o
d. culd/o
ANS: A REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

18. The combining form salping/o means

a. cervix
b. vagina
c. breast
d. uterine tube
ANS: D REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

19. The combining form men/o is defined as

a. last, ending
b. menstruation
c. first, beginning
d. regular
ANS: B REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
20. The combining form colp/o is defined as
a. vagina
b. uterus
c. ovary
d. cul-de-sac
ANS: A REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

21. The prefix peri- means

a. surrounding (outer)
b. half
c. behind
d. inside
ANS: A REF: 299 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

22. The suffix -salpinx is defined as

a. absence of a normal body opening
b. uterus
c. ovaries
d. uterine tube
ANS: D REF: 299 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

23. A word part that means absence of a normal body opening, occlusion, or closure is
a. cervic/o
b. -salpinx
c. -atresia
d. trache/o
ANS: C REF: 299 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

24. The term that means painful menstrual flow is

a. menorrhagia
b. amenorrhea
c. dysmenorrhea
d. metrorrhagia
ANS: C REF: 300 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

25. The term that means blood in the uterine tubes is

a. hydrosalpinx
b. salpingocele
c. pyosalpinx
d. hematosalpinx
ANS: D REF: 301 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

26. The term mastitis means inflammation of the

a. breast
b. uterine tube
c. uterine muscle
d. myometrium
ANS: A REF: 301 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

27. The term that means inflammation of the vagina is

a. colpitis
b. cervicitis
c. perimetritis
d. salpingitis
ANS: A REF: 300 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

28. The term for inflammation of the inner (lining) of the uterus is
a. endometritis
b. myometritis
c. vaginitis
d. perimetritis
ANS: A REF: 300 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

29. The term amenorrhea is defined as

a. rapid flow of blood from the uterus at menstruation
b. scanty menstrual flow
c. absence of menstrual flow
d. painful menstrual flow
ANS: C REF: 300 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

30. The term that means inflammation of the uterine muscle is

a. endocervicitis
b. myometritis
c. perimetritis
d. adenitis
ANS: B REF: 301 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

31. The term menometrorrhagia refers to

a. rapid flow of blood from the uterus
b. rapid flow of blood at menstruation
c. rapid flow of blood from the uterus at menstruation (and between menstrual
d. scanty menstrual flow
ANS: C REF: 301 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Built from Word Parts

32. An abnormal opening between the bladder and the vagina is called
a. prolapsed uterus
b. pelvic inflammatory disease
c. vesicovaginal fistula
d. adenomyosis
ANS: C REF: 306 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts

33. The term that means abnormal condition of growth of endometrial tissue in various areas of
the pelvic cavity is
a. adenomyosis
b. endometritis
c. myoma
d. endometriosis
ANS: D REF: 305 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts

34. Myoma of the uterus is also called

a. endometriosis
b. fibroid tumor
c. prolapsed uterus
d. adenomyosis
ANS: B REF: 305 OBJ: 3
TOP: Disease and Disorder Terms Not Built from Word Parts

35. Colpoplasty is a surgical

a. repair of the uterus
b. repair of the vagina
c. repair of the breast
d. fixation of the uterus
ANS: B REF: 309 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

36. The term that means an excision of the uterus is

a. hysterectomy
b. laparoscopy
c. hysterotomy
d. hysteropexy
ANS: A REF: 310 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

37. Suturing of the vagina (wall of the vagina) is called

a. colporrhaphy
b. episiorrhaphy
c. colpoplasty
d. episioperineorrhaphy
ANS: A REF: 309 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts
38. The term that means excision of the uterine tube and the ovary is
a. hystero-oophorectomy
b. salpingo-oophorectomy
c. hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
d. episioperineorrhaphy
ANS: B REF: 310 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

39. The term perineorrhaphy is defined as a(n)

a. suturing of (a tear in) the vulva
b. excision of the vulva
c. suturing of (a tear in) the perineum
d. suturing of the vagina
ANS: C REF: 310 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

40. The term for the creation of an artificial opening in a uterine tube is
a. salpingectomy
b. salpingostomy
c. salpingocele
d. hematosalpinx
ANS: B REF: 310 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Built from Word Parts

41. A surgical repair of a weakened vaginal wall performed to correct a cystocele and a rectocele
is called
a. dilation and curettage
b. anterior and posterior colporrhaphy
c. myomectomy
d. episioperineoplasty
ANS: B REF: 315 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts

42. Sterilization is accomplished by a procedure called

a. dilation and curettage
b. cervicectomy
c. tubal ligation
d. uterine artery embolization
ANS: C REF: 316 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts

43. Stereotactic breast biopsy is a technique that combines computer-assisted biopsy and
a. lumpectomy
b. radical mastectomy
c. mammography
d. simple mastectomy
ANS: C REF: 316 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts

44. Uterine artery embolization is used to treat

a. vesicovaginal fistula
b. fibroids of the uterus
c. cancer of the uterus
d. abnormal uterine bleeding
ANS: B REF: 316 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts

45. Surgical removal of the cone-shaped area of the cervix is called

a. endometrial ablation
b. dilation and curettage
c. conization
d. myomectomy
ANS: C REF: 315 OBJ: 4
TOP: Surgical Terms Not Built from Word Parts

46. A surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the Douglas cul-de-sac (the rectouterine pouch) is
a. culdoscopy
b. hysterosalpingogram
c. culdocentesis
d. culdoscope
ANS: C REF: 309 OBJ: 5
TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts

47. The term that means a visual examination of the uterus (uterine cavity) is
a. hysteroscopy
b. Pap smear
c. sonohysterography
d. pelviscopy
ANS: A REF: 320 OBJ: 5
TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts

48. The term that means a visual examination of the vagina (and cervix) is
a. culdoscopy
b. colposcopy
c. pelviscopy
d. hysteroscopy
ANS: B REF: 320 OBJ: 5
TOP: Diagnostic Terms Built from Word Parts

49. Which of the following is a blood test used in the detection of ovarian cancer?
a. CA-125
b. Pap smear
c. transvaginal sonography
d. culdocentesis
ANS: A REF: 324 OBJ: 5
TOP: Diagnostic Terms Not Built from Word Parts

50. The term that means white discharge (from the vagina) is
a. oligomenorrhea
b. menorrhagia
c. leukorrhea
d. dysmenorrhea
ANS: C REF: 327 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts

51. The beginning of menstruation is called

a. menopause
b. oligomenorrhea
c. menarche
d. premenstrual syndrome
ANS: C REF: 327 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts

52. Mastalgia is defined as

a. white discharge
b. pain in the breast
c. heavy menstrual flow
d. pain in the vagina
ANS: B REF: 327 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts

53. The study of women (a branch of medicine dealing with health and diseases of the female
reproductive system) is
a. urology
b. obstetrics
c. gynecology
d. gynecologist
ANS: C REF: 326 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts

54. The term that means sagging breasts is

a. mastalgia
b. reduction mammoplasty
c. mastodynia
d. mastoptosis
ANS: D REF: 327 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts

55. Which of the following means abnormal passageway between two organs?
a. menopause
b. fistula
c. speculum
d. dyspareunia
ANS: B REF: 329 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Built from Word Parts

56. An instrument used to open a body cavity for visual inspection is a

a. fistula
b. speculum
c. culdoscope
d. pelvimeter
ANS: B REF: 329 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts

57. The term dyspareunia means difficult or painful

a. intercourse
b. menstruation
c. contraception
d. menopause
ANS: A REF: 329 OBJ: 6
TOP: Complementary Terms Not Built from Word Parts

58. The abbreviation for the term that means severe illness that might affect menstruating women
using tampons is
a. PID
b. TSS
c. HRT
d. IUD
ANS: B REF: 306 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations

59. TVS is the abbreviation for

a. total vaginal hysterectomy
b. transvaginal hysterectomy
c. total vaginal hymenectomy
d. transvaginal sonography
ANS: D REF: 324 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations

60. The abbreviation for the medical term meaning inflammation of the female pelvic organs is
a. PID
c. GYN
d. SHG
ANS: A REF: 306 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations

61. The physician requested an instrument to open the vagina for visual examination called a
a. hysteroscope
b. speculum
c. colposcope
d. fistula
ANS: B REF: 329 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application

62. The patient is scheduled in surgery for an excision of the uterine tube or a(n)
a. hysterectomy
b. cervicectomy
c. oophorectomy
d. salpingectomy
ANS: D REF: 310 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application

63. Because a cancerous lesion was revealed in a biopsy, the physician scheduled the surgical
removal of the breast or a(n)
a. mammoplasty
b. mastectomy
c. oophorectomy
d. colporrhaphy
ANS: B REF: 310 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application

64. The patient was advised to conduct regular breast self-examinations and keep up with annual
mammograms after the diagnosis of a disorder characterized by benign cysts in the breast or
a. fibrocystic breast condition
b. hydrosalpinx
c. mastitis
d. breast cancer
ANS: A REF: 305 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application

65. To correct the patient’s prolonged bleeding, the physician scheduled a surgery that involves
widening of the cervix and scraping of the endometrial lining of the uterus or a(n)
a. A&P repair
b. conization
c. dilation and curettage
d. cervicectomy
ANS: C REF: 315 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application

66. The patient had all of the symptoms of being pregnant including absence of menstrual flow or
a. dysmenorrhea
b. amenorrhea
c. menorrhagia
d. oligomenorrhea
ANS: B REF: 300 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application

67. After a difficult delivery, the woman had a surgical repair of the vulva or a(n)
a. colporrhaphy
b. episiorrhaphy
c. perineorrhaphy
d. vulvectomy
ANS: B REF: 309 OBJ: 8 TOP: Practical Application


Match each item with the correct description below.

a. hymen
b. ovaries
c. fimbria
d. vagina
e. uterine tube
f. areola
g. cervix
h. fundus
i. perimetrium
j. endometrium

1. rounded upper portion of the uterus

2. passageway for the ovum to move from the ovary to the uterus
3. outer layer of uterus
4. pigmented area around the breast nipple
5. fold of membrane found near the opening of the vagina
6. inner layer of the uterus
7. connects the uterus to the outside of the body
8. egg cells are formed and stored here
9. narrow lower portion of the uterus
10. fingerlike projection at the free end of the uterine tube

1. ANS: H REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

2. ANS: E REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
3. ANS: I REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
4. ANS: F REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
5. ANS: A REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
6. ANS: J REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
7. ANS: D REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
8. ANS: B REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
9. ANS: G REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy
10. ANS: C REF: 295 OBJ: 1 TOP: Anatomy

Match each item with the correct description below.

a. gynec/o
b. metr/o
c. peri-
d. -atresia
e. men/o
f. mast/o
g. episi/o
h. arche/o
i. -salpinx
j. colp/o
11. breast
12. first, beginning
13. uterine tube
14. woman
15. vagina
16. surrounding (outer)
17. absence of a normal body opening
18. vulva
19. menstruation
20. uterus

11. ANS: F REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

12. ANS: H REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
13. ANS: I REF: 299 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
14. ANS: A REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
15. ANS: J REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
16. ANS: C REF: 299 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
17. ANS: D REF: 299 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
18. ANS: G REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
19. ANS: E REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts
20. ANS: B REF: 297 OBJ: 2 TOP: Word Parts

Match each item with the correct description below.

a. menorrhagia
b. endometriosis
c. mastopexy
d. mammoplasty
e. conization
f. colposcope
g. hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy
h. mastalgia
i. fistula
j. menopause

21. excision of the uterus, uterine tubes, and ovaries

22. cessation of menstruation
23. abnormal passageway between two organs
24. performed to lift sagging breast tissue
25. pain in the breast
26. rapid flow of blood at menstruation
27. treatment for noninvasive cervical cancer
28. surgical repair of the breast
29. instrument used for visual examination of the vagina (and cervix)
30. abnormal condition of tissue growing outside of the uterus

21. ANS: G REF: 310 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 TOP: Medical Terms

22. ANS: J REF: 329 OBJ: 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 TOP: Medical Terms
23. ANS: I REF: 329 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
24. ANS: C REF: 310 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
25. ANS: H REF: 327 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
26. ANS: A REF: 301 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
27. ANS: E REF: 315 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
28. ANS: D REF: 310 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
29. ANS: F REF: 320 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
30. ANS: B REF: 305 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms

Match each item with the correct description below.

a. episiorrhaphy
b. mastoptosis
c. dyspareunia
d. adenomyosis
e. dilation and curettage
f. culdocentesis
g. colpoplasty
h. salpingostomy
i. Pap smear
j. gynopathic

31. creation of an artificial opening in a uterine tube

32. surgical repair of the vagina
33. surgical puncture to aspirate fluid from the rectouterine pouch
34. difficult or painful intercourse
35. cytological study of cervical and vaginal secretions
36. growth of endometrium into the muscular portion of the uterus
37. suturing of (a tear in) the vulva
38. surgical procedure to widen the cervix and scrape the endometrium
39. pertaining to diseases of women
40. sagging breast

31. ANS: H REF: 310 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms

32. ANS: G REF: 309 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
33. ANS: F REF: 309 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
34. ANS: C REF: 329 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
35. ANS: I REF: 324 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
36. ANS: D REF: 305 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
37. ANS: A REF: 309 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
38. ANS: E REF: 315 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
39. ANS: J REF: 326 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms
40. ANS: B REF: 327 OBJ: 3|4|5|6 TOP: Medical Terms

Match each item with the correct description below.

a. TSS
b. GYN
c. UAE
d. D&C
e. FCC
f. Cx
g. HRT
h. TVH
i. BC
j. PID
41. hormone replacement therapy
42. cervix
43. fibrocystic breast condition
44. pelvic inflammatory disease
45. toxic shock syndrome
46. birth control
47. uterine artery embolization
48. dilation and curettage
49. gynecology
50. total vaginal hysterectomy

41. ANS: G REF: 329 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations

42. ANS: F REF: 295 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
43. ANS: E REF: 305 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
44. ANS: J REF: 306 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
45. ANS: A REF: 306 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
46. ANS: I REF: 328 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
47. ANS: C REF: 316 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
48. ANS: D REF: 315 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
49. ANS: B REF: 326 | 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations
50. ANS: H REF: 331 OBJ: 7 TOP: Abbreviations

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