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Modelling the gear rack geometry

Article · December 2003


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4 authors, including:

Theodore Costopoulos I. Thanou

ELVALHALCOR Alstom Switzerland Ltd


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Modelling the Gear Rack Geometry

M. Grigoriadis, Th. Costopoulos, V. Kois, I. Thanou

Athens 2003
The Cutting Rack and its Geometry

The gear rack is one of the most used cutting tools in order to generate gears. The
study of gear rack contains its physical description, the definition of the primary
geometrical components-variables, which define completely its shape, the analytical
calculation of its derived geometrical components, as well as the definition of its
characteristic key points, those which are needed in order to be able to export
equations of analytical geometry.

1. Physical Form-Description
The gear rack can be considered as part of a gear which has infinite diameter. It has
all the characteristics of a gear up to the point that these have not been abraded
because of the infinity of the diameter. The shape below shows the general form of a
gear rack. As pitch of the rack, can we define the destination between two successive
correspondent points of its profile.

Scheme 1.1: General form of rack

▪ Setting the boundaries of parts of the tooth rack

We can have a look below at the shape of a gear rack tooth which is a constitutive unit
of the rack and whose width equals to the pitch of the rack.

Scheme 1.2: Description of rack’s tooth

We can clearly see three areas: the head, the foot and the crest. Of main importance
for this specific study is the profile of the rack tooth, which means its border, and
which is the part that comes in touch with the workpiece.
▪ Description of main geometrical elements
In the scheme below we can observe the basic geometrical elements of the tooth.

Scheme 1.3: Main geometrical elements of rack’s tooth

First we can define as reference a coordinating system, where axis Y coincides with
the symmetry axis. Axis X defines the reference point from which can be measured
the addendum as well as the dedendum. Also from physical aspect axis X, if there
does not exist any displacement which adjoins on the initial circle of the gear which is
to be manufactured. Having as a basis this specific destination from the rotation center
of the gear which is going to be manufactured, we can calculate the linear velocity of
its displacement in relation to the angular velocity of gear.
To the important elements of the tooth belong also the semi angle of its sides, which
equals to the nominal angle of the involute curve of the gear which will arise from the
elaboration as well as the radial of foot and head.

Scheme1.4: Rack with rounding edges

2. Primary geometrical elements-variables of designing

Before we define the primary geometrical elements of the rack, we must specify a
bulk for the easier standardization of gears as well as for the comparison of their size.
This bulk is module (Μn).
Mn = (2.1)
- t0 : Pitch of initial circle which is constant all over the altitude of the rack because
the last is considered to be part of a gear which has infinite diameter.

▪ Primary geometric variables

In order to designate completely the shape of gear rack it is required to know the rates
of the geometric variables below:

1. Pitch
2. Semi angle of
3. Initial thickness
4. Addendum
5. Dedendum
6. Rounding radius
of head
7. Rounding radius
of foot

Scheme 2.1: Primary geometric variables

In the above variables pitch t0 will be replaced with module. Instead of the initial
thickness of tooth will be used a direct derivative bulk which is called thickness tooth
factor. This factor can be defined as the quotient of the initial thickness (S0) to the
pitch of initial circle.
Cs = (2.2)

→ Symbolism of geometric variables

Mn Module (mm)
Cs Rack thickness factor (non-dimensional bulk)
A0 Semi angle of rack or involute curve’s angle (°)
Hf Dedendum (mm)
Hk Addendum (mm)
Rf Rounding radius of foot (mm)
Rk Rounding radius of head (mm)

We must notice here that all the above mentioned variables have always positive
rates. The thickness tooth factor (Cs) fluctuates between (0,1) while the invalute curve
angle takes rates between [0, ) . It is useful to express all the above variables also in
form of factors on the value of the module.

H cf Addendum’s factor (non-dimensional bulk)

H ck Dedendum’s factor (non-dimensional bulk)
Rcf Foot’s rounding factor (non-dimensional bulk)
Rck Head’s rounding factor (non-dimensional bulk)

There can be also defined the following symbols:

t0 Pitch of rack (mm)

s0 Initial thickness (mm)
l0 Initial diaclase (mm)

The initial diaclase equals to:

l0 = t0 − s0 (2.3)
Also it applies:
l0 = (1 − Cs ) ⋅ t0 (2.4)

Scheme 2.2: The symbols and their physical meaning

3. Characteristical points of the rack’s profile

Our next step from the definition of the primary geometrical elements which fully
define the rack profile is the designation of the characteristical points of the profile.
On the basis of these points, we will extract the analytical equations which describe
the profile.
There has been already defined the coordinating system. To continue, we define the
characteristical elements on the profile (Scheme 3.1 - page below).
Due to the symmetry of the tooth, the points will be also symmetric to the axis Y. The
points have been numbered scanning the profile from the left to the right side. Points
which are on the right side of the tooth have correspondingly the same numbering
followed by the symbol m (mirrored). There is a total of 11 keypoints at every
symmetric tooth side, out of which only one is shared (point 5).
Every pair of symmetric points has the same y-coordinate value but as regards the x-
coordinate the pair has opposite signs. The left side has minus x-coordinate whereas
the right has a positive one.

Scheme 3.1: Characteristical points of the rack’s profile

▪ Calculation of coordinates of characteristic points
There follows the calculation of coordinates of every keypoint analytically, as
functions of the primary geometrical designing rack variables.
• Keypoint #1:

t0 M ⋅π
X P1 = − =− n
2 2

YP1 = H f

Scheme 3.2: Geometry of point 1

⎛ M ⋅π ⎞
P1 ⎜ − n , Hf ⎟ (3.1)
⎝ 2 ⎠
• Keypoint #3:

s0 C ⋅t
X P3 = − =− s 0 =
2 2
C ⋅ M n ⋅π
=− s

YP3 = 0

Scheme 3.3: Geometry of point 3

⎛ C ⋅ M n ⋅π ⎞
P3 ⎜ − s , 0⎟ (3.2)
⎝ 2 ⎠
• Keypoint #2:

X P2 = X P3 − H f ⋅ tan ( A0 )

YP2 = H f

Scheme 3.4: Geometry of point 2

P2 (X P3 − H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) , H f ) (3.3)

• Keypoint #4:

X P4 = X P3 + H k ⋅ tan ( A0 )

YP4 = − H k

Scheme 3.5: Geometry of point 4

P4 (X P3 + H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) , − H k ) (3.4)
• Keypoint #5:

X P5 = 0

YP5 = − H k

Scheme 3.6: Geometry of point 5

P5 (0 , − Hk ) (3.5)

• Keypoint #7:

⎛π A ⎞
X P7 = X P2 − R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟
⎝4 2 ⎠

YP7 = H f

Scheme 3.7: Geometry of point 7

⎛ ⎛ π A0 ⎞ ⎞
P7 ⎜ X P2 − R f ⋅ tan ⎜ 4 − 2 ⎟ , H f ⎟ (3.6)
⎝ ⎝ ⎠ ⎠
• Keypoint #6:

X P6 = X P7

YP6 = YP7 − R f

Scheme 3.8: Geometry of point 6

P6 (X P7 , YP7 − R f ) (3.7)

• Keypoint #8:

X P8 = X P6 + R f ⋅ cos ( A0 )

YP8 = YP6 + R f ⋅ sin ( A0 )

Scheme 3.9: Geometry of point 8

P8 (X P6 + R f ⋅ cos ( A0 ) , YP6 + R f ⋅ sin ( A0 ) ) (3.8)

• Keypoint #11:

⎛π A ⎞
X P11 = X P4 + Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟
⎝4 2 ⎠

YP11 = − H k

Scheme 3.10: Geometry of point 11

⎛ ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P11 ⎜ X P4 + Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ , − H k ⎟ (3.9)
⎝ ⎝4 2 ⎠ ⎠

• Keypoint #9:

X P9 = X P11

YP9 = YP11 + Rk

Scheme 3.11: Geometry of point 9

P9 (X P11 , YP11 + Rk ) (3.10)

• Keypoint #10:

X P10 = X P9 − Rk ⋅ cos ( A0 )

YP10 = YP9 − Rk ⋅ sin ( A0 )

Scheme 3.12: Geometry of point 10

P10 (X P9 − Rk ⋅ cos ( A0 ) , YP9 − Rk ⋅ sin ( A0 ) ) (3.11)

▪ Results sum up of first period’s calculations

Summing up equations (3.1) up to (3.11) we have on our disposal all the equations
which are needed in order to define the characteristical points.


M n ⋅π
P1 − Hf

P2 X P3 − H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) Hf

Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π
P3 − 0

P4 X P3 + H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) −Hk

P5 0 −Hk

P6 X P7 YP7 − R f

P7 ⎛π A ⎞ Hf
X P2 − R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟
⎝4 2 ⎠
P8 X P6 + R f ⋅ cos ( A0 ) YP6 + R f ⋅ sin ( A0 )

P9 X P11 YP11 + Rk

P10 X P9 − Rk ⋅ cos ( A0 ) YP9 − Rk ⋅ sin ( A0 )

P11 ⎛π A ⎞ −Hk
X P4 + Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟
⎝4 2 ⎠

Despite of the fact that all the above equations allow us the coordinate calculation of
every characteristical point taking account only of the primary geometrical designing
variables rates, it is noticed that the coordinates of some of the points are referred in
relation to other points coordinates. In order to override this constraint we have to
replace all the in-between references to the coordinates of any points with their equal
which will be expressed in terms of primary geometrical designing variables (and

▪ Analysis in primary geometrical variables terms

We notice down only the above mentioned relations in terms of primary variables and
only. The results of the replacement are as follows:

- Left Side of Tooth

• Keypoint #1 :
M n ⋅π
X P1 = − (3.12)
YP1 = H f (3.13)

• Keypoint #2 :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π
X P2 = − − H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) (3.14)
YP2 = H f (3.15)

• Keypoint #3 :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π
X P3 = − (3.16)
YP3 = 0 (3.17)

• Keypoint #4 :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π
X P4 = − + H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) (3.18)
YP4 = − H k (3.19)
• Keypoint #5 :
X P5 = 0 (3.20)

YP5 = − H k (3.21)

• Keypoint #6 :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P6 = − − H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ (3.22)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP6 = H f − R f (3.23)

• Keypoint #7 :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P7 = − − H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ (3.24)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP7 = H f (3.25)

• Keypoint #8 :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P8 = − − H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ + R f ⋅ cos ( A0 ) (3.26)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP8 = H f − R f + R f ⋅ sin ( A0 ) (3.27)

• Keypoint #9 :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P9 = − + H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ (3.28)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP9 = − H k + Rk (3.29)

• Keypoint #10 :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P10 = − + H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ − Rk ⋅ cos ( A0 ) (3.30)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP10 = − H k + Rk − Rk ⋅ sin ( A0 ) (3.31)

• Keypoint #11:
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P11 = − + H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ (3.32)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP11 = − H k (3.33)

- Right Side of Tooth

• Keypoint #1m :
M n ⋅π
X P1m = (3.34)
YP1m = H f (3.35)

• Keypoint #2m :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π
X P2 m = + H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) (3.36)
YP2 m = H f (3.37)

• Keypoint #3m :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π
X P3 m = (3.38)
YP3 m = 0 (3.39)

• Keypoint #4m :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π
X P4 m = − H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) (3.40)
YP4 m = − H k (3.41)

• Keypoint #5m :
X P5 m = 0 (3.42)

YP5 m = − H k (3.43)

• Keypoint #6m :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P6 m = + H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ (3.44)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP6 m = H f − R f (3.45)

• Keypoint #7m :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P7 m = + H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ (3.46)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP7 m = H f (3.47)

• Keypoint #8m :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P8 m = + H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ − R f ⋅ cos ( A0 ) (3.48)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP8 m = H f − R f + R f ⋅ sin ( A0 ) (3.49)

• Keypoint #9m :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P9 m = − H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ (3.50)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP9 m = − H k + Rk (3.51)
• Keypoint #10m :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P10 m = − H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ + Rk ⋅ cos ( A0 ) (3.52)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP10 m = − H k + Rk − Rk ⋅ sin ( A0 ) (3.53)

• Keypoint #11m :
Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞
X P11m = + − H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ (3.54)
2 ⎝4 2 ⎠
YP11m = − H k (3.55)

The sum of all the above equations describes completely all these characteristic points
of the tooth profile that are needed for the composition of the analytical equations
which define the profile.
It must be taken into account that the rack might not have rounded edges or at the foot
or at the head or at both of them. In this case we put null rates in all the above
equations only for the corresponding curvature radius (Rf , Rk respectively) and so
some of the above mentioned equations are perished. As one should expect some of
the above points coincide.

▪ Examination of the mathematic validity of equations, control of domain and

examination of aberration points existence of primary geometrical variables
o Module ( M n )
Module is a purely calculus bulk and it has not straightforward natural importance.
But it is directly dependent on the pitch rate (t0) because it is its constant multiple with
the constant rate of . The pitch as natural dimensional bulk can take whatever real
positive rate. It is understandable that null pitch rate would have no meaning because
there would be no rack anymore! Therefore the module must follow as well the
constraints of the pitch. So:
M n ∈ ( 0, +∞ ) (3.56)

o Thickness Factor ( Cs )
The thickness factor, as a factor, constitutes also a calculus bulk. Being the result of
the multiplication of the initial thickness by and provided that t 0 > 0 , there is no
issue of aberration points’ existence. But it is submitted to natural constraints, which
means that the initial thickness that is a natural dimensional bulk can not be bigger
than pitch. Of course it would have no meaning neither to have a factor equal to zero
either equal to the pitch, because then there would be no rack at all! So:
Cs ∈ ( 0,1) (3.57)

o Semi angle of rack or invalute curve angle ( A0 )

Semi angle is a natural dimensional bulk and as a result it can have only real rates. Its
alteration boundaries can be defined by its natural importance.
Scheme 3.13: Rectangular rack and rack with negative semi angle
The under limit is zero, which as it is shown in scheme 3.13 appears in case of
rectangular rack. In this case the rack sides are parallel, so the angle which developes
between the two sides is null. The geometry of the rack which shows at the same
scheme with negative semi angle is not valid as well as the existence of such a cutting
rack has not a practical sense. The upper limit of the semi angle is mathematical the
90° (90 degrees). But if semi angle takes that specific rate there would not exist a
rack! So:
A0 ∈ ⎡⎣ 0o ,90o ) (3.58)

⎡ π⎞
A0 ∈ ⎢ 0, ⎟ (3.59)
⎣ 2⎠
o Altitudes and rounding radials of foot and head ( H f , H k , R f , Rk )

These four variables are natural dimensional bulks. Their rates must be real and
positive. They can take as well null rates. It must be taken into account that despite
the fact that the two rounding radials can be both null, dedendum and addendum can
not. It must beat least one of both must not equal to zero, otherwise there will be no
rack! So:
H f ∈ [ 0, +∞ ) (3.60)

H k ∈ [ 0, +∞ ) (3.61)

R f ∈ [ 0, +∞ ) (3.62)

Rk ∈ [ 0, +∞ ) (3.63)

o The function of tangent

The only point which needs examination for possible existence of aberration is the
trigonometrical part of the equations and more specific those where the term of the
tangent appears which has discontinuity for rates of argument equal to . The
function of tangent appears in equations (3.12) - (3.55) with only two arguments:
⎧tan ( A0 )

⎨ ⎛ π A0 ⎞
⎪tan⎜ 4 − 2 ⎟
⎩ ⎝ ⎠
→ We examine the first case for the argument’s rate which infinites the function:
A0 = ± . But from the equation 3.59 something like that is not possible because the
argument is out of the domain.

→ In the second case :

⎛ π A0 ⎞ π
⎜ − ⎟=± ⇒
⎝4 2 ⎠ 2
⇒ A0 = −
⇒ A0 =
Similarly in this case the argument would escape from the domain, a fact that
enables unsolvable the aberration for the equation 3.59.

▪ Introduction of rack’s displacement

The rack’s displacement is used in the cutting process for reasons like avoidance of
undercuts or for geometrical constraints of distance between shafts wheels of common
stage. The displacement does not change the rack’s geometry at all. The only change
that bears is the transition of the y-coordinates point’s rates of the rack. It can be
defined the displacement’s variable Xd with the axial of displacement adjoining to the
initial circle of the part which is going to be manufactured. This variable will be
entered in all the above equations. Furthermore, a new coordinating system (XR – YR)
can be defined, which is parallel to the initial but transposed by –Xd in direction of
axis Y.

Scheme 3.14: Effect of displacement on the reference coordinating system

So, the equations shape by adding the term Xd to the previous one and they will be
referred from now on to the coordinating system (XR – YR) . This relative system
will be used from now on in replacement to the previous one. In case of null
displacement the following equations are abraded to the aforementioned.

Coordinates of characteristic points with displacement

⎛ M ⋅π ⎞
P1 ⎜ − n , H f + Xd ⎟ (3.66)
⎝ 2 ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎞
P2 ⎜− − H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) , H f + X d ⎟ (3.67)
⎝ 2 ⎠

⎛ C ⋅ M n ⋅π ⎞
P3 ⎜ − s , Xd ⎟ (3.68)
⎝ 2 ⎠
⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎞
P4 ⎜− + H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) , − H k + X d ⎟ (3.69)
⎝ 2 ⎠

P5 (0 , − Hk + X d ) (3.70)
⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P6 ⎜− − H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ , H f − R f + X d ⎟ (3.71)
⎝ 2 ⎝4 2 ⎠ ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P7 ⎜− − H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ , H f + X d ⎟ (3.72)
⎝ 2 ⎝4 2 ⎠ ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P8 ⎜− − H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ + R f ⋅ cos ( A0 ) , H f − R f + R f ⋅ sin ( A0 ) + X d ⎟ (3.73)
⎝ 2 ⎝4 2 ⎠ ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P9 ⎜− + H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ , − H k + Rk + X d ⎟ (3.74)
⎝ 2 ⎝4 2 ⎠ ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P10 ⎜− + H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ − Rk ⋅ cos ( A0 ) , − H k + Rk − Rk ⋅ sin ( A0 ) + X d ⎟ (3.75)
⎝ 2 ⎝ 4 2 ⎠ ⎠

⎛ C ⋅ M n ⋅π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P11 ⎜ − s + H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ , − H k + X d ⎟ (3.76)
⎝ 2 ⎝ 4 2 ⎠ ⎠

⎛ M n ⋅π ⎞
P1m ⎜ , H f + Xd ⎟ (3.77)
⎝ 2 ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎞
P2 m ⎜ + H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) , H f + X d ⎟ (3.78)
⎝ 2 ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎞
P3m ⎜ , Xd ⎟ (3.79)
⎝ 2 ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎞
P4 m ⎜ − H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) , − H k + X d ⎟ (3.80)
⎝ 2 ⎠

P5m (0 , − Hk + X d ) (3.81)
⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P6 m ⎜ + H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ , H f − R f + X d ⎟ (3.82)
⎝ 2 ⎝4 2 ⎠ ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P7 m ⎜ + H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ , H f + X d ⎟ (3.83)
⎝ 2 ⎝4 2 ⎠ ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P8m ⎜ + H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + R f ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ − R f ⋅ cos ( A0 ) , H f − R f + R f ⋅ sin ( A0 ) + X d ⎟ (3.84)
⎝ 2 ⎝4 2 ⎠ ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P9 m ⎜ − H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ , − H k + Rk + X d ⎟ (3.85)
⎝ 2 ⎝4 2 ⎠ ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P10 m ⎜ − H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ + Rk ⋅ cos ( A0 ) , − H k + Rk − Rk ⋅ sin ( A0 ) + X d ⎟ (3.86)
⎝ 2 ⎝4 2 ⎠ ⎠

⎛ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⎛π A ⎞ ⎞
P11m ⎜ − H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) − Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ , − H k + X d ⎟ (3.87)
⎝ 2 ⎝ 4 2 ⎠ ⎠

4. Analytical equations of rack’s profile

First of all it will be defined the particular parts which constitute the profile and
afterwards it will be formulated the corresponding parametrical equations with the
corresponding constraints of their parameters. Then it will be calculated the lengths
and the aptitude’s equations of partial parts, parametrically.

▪ Designation particular profile’s parts

The profile constitutes from a serie of rectilinear parts and circle’s arc. It is also
symmetric around the tooth symmetry axis, Υ ≡ ΥR .

Scheme 4.1: Particular profile’s parts

The profile constitutes from 8 rectilinear parts and from 0 ÷ 4 circle’s arc. The mass
of circle’s arcs depends on the existence of rounding or not at the foot and the head of
the tooth. It can be considered that the profile disposes always 4 circle’s arcs, which
are abraded to points in case of the rounding radial equals to zero.

Points of scanning from the left to the right side:

P1 → P7 → P8 → P3 → P10 → P11 → P5 , P5m → P11m → P10 m → P3m → P8 m → P7 m → P1m

Parts of scanning from the left to the right side:

K1 → K 2 → K3 → K 4 → K5 → K 6 → K6 m → K5m → K 4 m → K3m → K 2 m → K1m

▪ Procedure of parameterization
The analytical equations of the particular parts will be phrased with the parameter t
where t ∈ [0,1]. Also they will be formulated in such a way that there would exist
sequence from the left (point P1) to the right side. The common border of two
subsequent parts will correspond to value of parameter equal to 1 for the part that
precedes and 0 for the part that follows.

▪ Parameterization of rectilinear parts

⎧⎪ X part = X initial + (X final − X initial ) ⋅ t

⎪⎩Y part = Yinitial + (Y final − Yinitial ) ⋅ t
For value of parameter equal to 0 the beginning point is taken into account but for the
value 1 the ending point.

▪ Parameterization of circle’s arc parts

We make use of parametric polar equations of circle. It has been decided that the
description will be started from the left and it will be finished to the right (positive
scanning). Therefore some of the arcs must be scanned anticlockwise and some of
them clockwise. Additionally, in the equation will take part also the arc’s center. The
parameter must be connected with the curve’s angle of arc as we move from the
beginning point to the ending one. The angle which is contained in every arc equals to
( − A0 ).

Scheme 4.2: Direction and position of circle’s arcs

Arcs K2 and K2m are scanned clockwise as well K5 and K5m anticlockwise. The initial
angles for every arc are:
π 3π
K2 : , K 5 : π + A0 , K 5 m : , K 2 m : π − A0
2 2

The equations of the circle’s arc will be as follows:

X circle'sarc = X center 's + Rrounding ⋅ cos(θ initial ± θ width ⋅ t )
0 ≤ t ≤1
Ycircle'sarc = Ycenter 's + Rrounding ⋅ sin(θ initial ± θ width ⋅ t )

Parametrical equations of particular parts of profile’s left side

• K1

X K1 = X P1 + X P7 − X P1 ⋅ t ) ⎫

⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.1)
YK1 = YP1 + YP7 − YP1 ⋅ t ) ⎪⎭

• K2

⎛π ⎛π ⎞ ⎞ ⎫
X K 2 = X P6 + R f ⋅ cos ⎜ − ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t ⎟ ⎪
⎝2 ⎝2 ⎠ ⎠ ⎪
⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.2)
⎛π ⎛π ⎞ ⎞ ⎪
YK 2 = YP6 + R f ⋅ sin ⎜ − ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t ⎟
⎝2 ⎝2 ⎠ ⎠ ⎪

• K3

X K3 = X P8 + X P3 − X P8 ⋅ t ) ⎫

⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.3)
YK3 = YP8 + YP3 − YP8 ⋅ t ) ⎪⎭

• K4

X K 4 = X P3 + X P10 − X P3 ⋅ t ) ⎫

⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.4)
YK 4 = YP3 + YP10 − YP3 ⋅ t ) ⎪⎭

• K5

⎛ ⎛π ⎞ ⎞ ⎫
X K5 = X P9 + Rk ⋅ cos ⎜ π + A0 + ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t ⎟ ⎪
⎝ ⎝2 ⎠ ⎠ ⎪
⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.5)
⎛ ⎛π ⎞ ⎞ ⎪
YK5 = YP9 + Rk ⋅ sin ⎜ π + A0 + ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t ⎟
⎝ ⎝2 ⎠ ⎠ ⎪

• K6

X K6 = X P11 + X P5 − X P11 ⋅ t ) ⎫

⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.6)
YK6 = YP11 + YP5 − YP11 ⋅ t ) ⎪⎭

Parametrical equations particular parts of profile’s right side

• K 6m

X K6 m = X P5 m + X P11m − X P5 m ⋅ t ) ⎫

⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.7)
YK6 m = YP5 m + YP11m − YP5 m ⋅ t ) ⎪⎭

• K5m

⎛ 3π ⎛ π ⎞ ⎞ ⎫
X K5 m = X P9 m + Rk ⋅ cos ⎜ + ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t ⎟ ⎪
⎝ 2 ⎝2 ⎠ ⎠ ⎪
⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.8)
⎛ 3π ⎛ π ⎞ ⎞ ⎪
YK5 m = YP9 m + Rk ⋅ sin ⎜ + ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎝2 ⎠ ⎠ ⎪

• K 4m

X K 4 m = X P10 m + X P3 m − X P10 m ⋅ t ) ⎫

⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.9)
YK 4 m = YP10 m + YP3 m − YP10 m ⋅ t ) ⎪⎭
• K3m

X K3 m = X P3 m + X P8 m − X P3 m ⋅ t ) ⎫

⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.10)
YK3 m = YP3 m + YP8 m − YP3 m ⋅ t ) ⎪⎭

• K 2m

⎛ ⎛π ⎞ ⎞ ⎫
X K 2 m = X P6 m + R f ⋅ cos ⎜ π − A0 − ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t ⎟ ⎪
⎝ ⎝2 ⎠ ⎠ ⎪
⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.11)
⎛ ⎛π ⎞ ⎞ ⎪
YK 2 m = YP6 m + R f ⋅ sin ⎜ π − A0 − ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t ⎟
⎝ ⎝2 ⎠ ⎠ ⎪

• K1m

X K1m = X P7 m + X P1m − X P7 m ⋅ t ) ⎫

⎬ 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.12)
YK1m = YP7 m + YP1m − YP7 m ⋅ t ) ⎪⎭

▪ Calculation of length of particular parts

The length of particular rectilinear parts can be calculated by simply defining the
destination between the point’s extremums by using the mathematical type from
Analytic Geometry:

L= ( X end − X start )2 + (Yend − Ystart )2 (4.13)

More specific, in case of horizontal rectilinear parts the above equation is abraded to:
L = X end − X start (4.14)

The length of circle’s arcs can be calculated by multiplying the value of rounding
radial by the included angle:
L = Rrounding ⋅ θ included (4.15)

The symmetric particular parts have the same length.

• K1 , K1m

LK1 = X P7 − X P1 = X P7 − X P1 (4.16)

LK1m = X P1m − X P7 m = X P1m − X P7 m (4.17)

• K2 , K2m

⎛π ⎞
LK 2 = ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ R f (4.18)
⎝2 ⎠
⎛π ⎞
LK 2 m = ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ R f (4.19)
⎝2 ⎠
• K 3 , K3m

(X ) + (Y )
2 2
LK3 = P3 − X P8 P3 − YP8 (4.20)

(X ) + (Y )
2 2
LK3 m = P8 m − X P3 m P8 m − YP3 m (4.21)

• K4 , K4m

(X ) + (Y )
2 2
LK4 = P10 − X P3 P10 − YP3 (4.22)

(X ) + (Y )
2 2
LK4 m = P3 m − X P10 m P3 m − YP10 m (4.23)

• K5 , K5m

⎛π ⎞
LK5 = ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ Rk (4.24)
⎝2 ⎠
⎛π ⎞
LK5 m = ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ Rk (4.25)
⎝2 ⎠
• K6 , K6m
X P5 =0
LK6 = X P5 − X P11 = − X P11 (4.26)
X P5 m =0
LK6 m = X P11m − X P5 m = X P11 (4.27)

▪ Calculation of inclination’s angle in profile’s point

It is defined as inclination’s angle in a profile’s point the angle which is created
between the tooth’s symmetry axis and the tangent on the profile in the specific point.
It is measured starting at the symmetry axis and ending at the tangent’s branch which
is lying at the same half plane with the point under examination, from both sides of
symmetry axis.
Inclination’s angle at points which belong to the profile’s right side will be valued
with positive signal whereas those of them which belong to the profile’s left side will
be valued with negative signal. The domain, given the rack’s geometry, will fall, as
⎡ π⎤
far as the profile’s right side points are concerned into ⎢0, ⎥ whereas the respective
⎣ 2⎦
⎡ π ⎤
interval for the profile’s left side points will be ⎢− ,0⎥.
⎣ 2 ⎦
Points which lie at the same particular rectilinear part will have the same inclination’s
angle’s rate, which rate will be constant all over the length of the part and for every
rate of parameter t.
Scheme 4.3: Inclination’s angle at profile’s point

• K1 , K1m
AK1 = − 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.28)
AK1m = 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.29)
• K2 , K2m

π ⎛π ⎞
AK 2 = − + ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.30)
2 ⎝2 ⎠
⎛π ⎞
AK 2 m = A0 + ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.31)
⎝2 ⎠
• K 3 , K3m
AK3 = − A0 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.32)

AK3 m = A0 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.33)

• K4 , K4m
AK 4 = − A0 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.34)

AK4 m = A0 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.35)
• K5 , K5m

⎛π ⎞
AK5 = − A0 − ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.36)
⎝2 ⎠
π ⎛π ⎞
AK5 m = − ⎜ − A0 ⎟ ⋅ t 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.37)
2 ⎝2 ⎠
• K6 , K6m
AK6 = − 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.38)
AK 4 m = 0 ≤ t ≤1 (4.39)
It is noticed that in equations (4.30), (4.31), (4.36) and (4.37), which refer to the
rounding acmes of the profile, are not included at all the rates of rounding radials. All
the above mentioned equations apply even if any of the rounding radials or both of
them have null rate.

5. Alteration’s boundaries of primary variables

Alteration’s boundaries of one of the primary geometric variables are considered

these two rates in the middle space of them is possible for the variable to take rates
without the rack’s geometry getting invalid. The two thresholds (upper and lower
limit) are calculated keeping the rest primary variables constant. The designation of
thresholds depends on the general rack’s geometry and the way it is affected from the
rate’s change of geometrical variable. The validity of rack’s geometry depends
primarily on the position of profile’s key points, between them.

▪ Key – points

Scheme 5.1: Keypoints for the validity of the rack’s geometry

In scheme 5.1 we can see the key points of the profile. The positions of these points
are alterated as the rates of primary variables change. Due to symmetry it is needed to
study only one of the two sides of the profile. It will be studied the left side, whose
key points must satisfy the following conditions:
& Point P6 must have bigger x-coordinate than the corresponding of P1 , or
marginally the x-coordinate of point P6 must be equal with this one of point
P1.Namely, as it is shown on the scheme P6 must be righter than P1 or marginally
they must lie at the same vertical.
& Point P9 must have x-coordinate less than zero or marginally equal to zero.
Namely P9 must be left of symmetry axis or marginally coincide with it.
& Point P8 must have bigger y-coordinate than the corresponding of P10 or
marginally equal to it. Namely, P8 must lie upwards of P10, or marginally coincide
with it.

▪ Conditions of validity of rack’s geometry

• 1st Condition :
X P6 ≥ X P1 (5.1)

• 2nd Condition :
X P9 ≤ 0 (5.2)
• 3rd Condition :
YP8 ≥ YP10 (5.3)

Marginally all the above conditions are abraded as:

• 1st marginal condition :
X P6 = X P1 (5.4)
• 2nd marginal condition :
X P9 = 0 (5.5)

• 3rd marginal condition :

YP8 = YP10 (5.6)
Supposing we replace in the marginal conditions the rates of variables with the rates
from the equations (3.66)-(3.77) and we simplify them, we extract:
M n ⋅ π ⋅ ( Cs − 1) + 2 R f ⋅ sec ( A0 ) + 2 ( H f − R f ) ⋅ tan ( A0 ) = 0 (5.7)

⎛ π A ⎞ C ⋅ M n ⋅π
H k ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + Rk ⋅ tan ⎜ − 0 ⎟ − s =0 (5.8)
⎝4 2 ⎠ 2

H f + H k + ( R f + Rk ) ⋅ ( sin ( A0 ) − 1) = 0 (5.9)
▪ Examination of the effect of primary variables on the validity conditions
It is not demanded examination of all the primary geometrical variables. The rack’s
displacement (Xd) does not affect the validity of its geometry, whereas module (Mn) is
considered to be a fundamental variable, whose alteration’s limits will be not studied.
Module will be considered constant all over the duration of the examination’s process.
The examination’s process will be held for every one of the designing variables A0,
Cs, Hf, Hk, Rf and Rk. It is demanded to assess their impact on the equations (5.7) ~
(5.9) and to define of the property of every threshold, which means if it consists an
upper or lower limit.
Obviously, not all of the variables affect the sum of the marginal conditions.
Moreover, if with the solution of the marginal conditions and the replacement of the
rates of the rest of the variables is given a result out of the domain or if the function
can not be defined then the result must not be taken into account.
• Tooth’s thickness factor (Cs)
Regarding the under alteration’s limit of Cs, beyond that which has put in the
domain C s ∈ (0,1) , it is defined from the 2nd condition. Solving the equation (5.8) for
Cs gives us:
2 ⋅ ( Rk ⋅ sec ( A0 ) + ( H k − Rk ) ⋅ tan ( A0 ) )
CsMIN = (5.10)
M n ⋅π
The upper alteration’s limit is defined from the domain and the 1st marginal condition.
Solving the equation (5.7) for Cs comes out:
M n ⋅ π − 2 R f ⋅ sec ( A0 ) − 2 ⋅ H f ⋅ tan ( A0 ) + 2 R f ⋅ tan ( A0 )
CsMAX = (5.11)
M n ⋅π
Equations (5.10) and (5.11) do not present any discontinuity’s points in the domain of
primary variables. In case that any of the equations gives a rate out of the domain of
Cs then it must be ignored and the respective threshold is set out of the domain.
● Rounding radial of head (Rk)
There is no constraint set regarding the lower alteration’s limit of Rk , apart from that,
which has been set in the domain: Rk ∈ [0,+∞). Therefore:
RkMIN = 0 (5.12)
The upper alteration’s limit is defined from the 2nd and the 3rd conditions. Solving the
equations (5.8) and (5.9) for Rk results in:

Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π − 2 H k ⋅ tan ( A0 )
RkMAX 2 = (5.13)
2sec ( A0 ) − 2 tan ( A0 )

H f + H k + R f ⋅ ( sin ( A0 ) − 1)
RkMAX 3 = (5.14)
1 − sin ( A0 )

Provided that it is not set an upper limit in the domain it will be finally:

RkMAX = min RkMAX 2 , RkMAX 3 ) (5.15)
The equations (5.13) and (5.14) do not bear any discontinuity in the domain of
primary variables.
• Rounding radial of foot (Rk)
There is set no constraint regarding the lower alteration’s limit of Rf , apart from that,
which has been set in the domain: R f ∈ [0,+∞ ). Therefore:

R f MIN = 0 (5.16)

The upper alteration’s limit is defined from the 1st and the 3rd conditions. Solving the
equations (5.7) and (5.9) for Rf results in:
(1 − Cs ) ⋅ M n ⋅ π − 2 H f ⋅ tan ( A0 )
R f MAX 1 = (5.17)
2sec ( A0 ) − 2 tan ( A0 )

H f + H k + Rk ⋅ ( sin ( A0 ) − 1)
R f MAX 3 = (5.18)
1 − sin ( A0 )
Provided that it is not set an upper limit in the domain it will be finally:

R f MAX = min R f MAX 1 , R f MAX 3 ) (5.19)

Equations (5.17) and (5.18) do not bear any discontinuity in the domain of primary
● Addendum (Hk)
Regarding the lower alteration’s limit of Hk , beyond that which has been set in the
domain: H k ∈ [0,+∞), it is designated from the 3rd condition. Solving the equation
(5.9) for Hk gives us:
H kMIN 3 = − H f + ( R f + Rk ) ⋅ (1 − sin ( A0 ) ) (5.20)

So the lower limit is formulated as follows:

H kMIN = max 0, H kMIN 3 ) (5.21)

The upper alteration’s limit is defined only from the 2nd marginal condition as the
domain does not set any constraint. Solving the equation (5.8) for Hk gives us:
H kMAX = Rk + ⋅ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⋅ cot ( A0 ) − Rk ⋅ csc ( A0 ) (5.22)
The equation (5.20) does not bear any discontinuity in the domain of primary
variables contrary to (5.22) which is infinited for rate of A0 equal to 0. In this case the
equation is ignored and applies that the upper limit of the domain of Hk which is in
any case the infinity.
• Dedendum (Hf)
Regarding the lower alteration’s limit of Hk , beyond that which has been set in the
domain: H f ∈ [0,+∞ ), it is designated from the 3rd condition. Solving the equation
for Hk gives us:
H f MIN 3 = − H k + ( R f + Rk ) ⋅ (1 − sin ( A0 ) ) (5.23)

So the lower limit is formulated as follows:

H f MIN = max 0, H f MIN 3 ) (5.24)

The upper alteration’s limit is defined only from the 1st marginal condition as the
domain does not set any constraint. Solving the equation (5.7) ως προς Hf results in :
H f MAX =
⋅ (1 − Cs ) ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⋅ cot ( A0 ) − 2 R f ⋅ ( csc ( A0 ) − 1) ) (5.25)

The (5.23) does not bear any discontinuity in the domain of primary variables
contrary to (5.25) which is infinited for rate of A0 equal to 0. In this case the equation
is ignored and the upper limit of the domain of Hf is valid, which is in any case the
● Semi angle of sides (A0)
As the lower alteration’s limit of A0 is concerned, beyond that, which has been set in
⎛ π⎞
the domain: A0 ∈ ⎜ 0, ⎟, it is designated from the 3rd condition. Solving the equation
⎝ 2⎠
for A0 gives:
⎛ H f + Hk ⎞
A0MIN 3 = arcsin ⎜1 − ⎟ (5.26)
⎜ R f + Rk ⎠⎟

So the lower limit is formulated as follows:
A0MIN = max 0, A0MIN 3 ( ) (5.27)

The upper alteration’s limit is designated, apart from the domain, also from the 1st and
the 2nd marginal condition. Solving the equations (5.7) and (5.8) for A0 gives us
⎧ ⎛ ⎞
⎪ ± arccos ⎜ 2 ⋅ H f ⋅ ( H f − 2R f ) ⎟
⎪ ⎜⎜ ⎟ (5.28)
( Cs − 1) ⋅ M n 2 ⋅ π 2 + 4 ⋅ H f ⋅ ( H f − 2 R f ) ⋅ ( H f − R f ) + ( Cs − 1) ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⋅ R f ⎟⎠
⎪ ⎝
A0MAX 1 =⎨
⎛ 2 ⋅ H f ⋅ ( H f − 2R f ⎞

⎪ ± arccos ⎜
) ⎟
⎜⎜ ⎟
⎪ ( Cs − 1) ⋅ M n 2 ⋅ π 2 + 4 ⋅ H f ⋅ ( H f − 2 R f ) ⋅ ( R f − H f ) + ( Cs − 1) ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⋅ R f ⎟⎠

⎩ ⎝

⎧ ⎛ 2 ⋅ H k ⋅ ( H k − 2 Rk ) ⎞
⎪ ± arccos ⎜ − ⎟

⎝ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π + 4 ⋅ H k ⋅ ( H k − 2 Rk ) ⋅ ( H k − Rk ) − Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⋅ Rk
2 2 2 ⎟
⎠ (5.29)
A0MAX 2 =⎨
⎪ ⎛ 2 ⋅ H k ⋅ ( H k − 2 Rk ) ⎞
⎪± arccos ⎜ − ⎟
⎪⎩ ⎜
⎝ Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π + 4 ⋅ H k ⋅ ( H k − 2 Rk ) ⋅ ( H k − Rk ) + Cs ⋅ M n ⋅ π ⋅ Rk
2 2 2 ⎟

So as for the equation (5.26) to be valid, the amount into the arcsin function must be
within the space [-1,1] and also must be Rf + Rk ≠ 0. The equations (5.28) and (5.29)
are complicated and in order for them to be valid there must be fullfilled the following

- The numerator of the fractions inside the function arc(cos), must be lower or equal
to the denominator.
- The denominator of the fractions inside the function arc(cos), must not be equal to
- The radicand in the denominator of the fractions must be bigger or equal to zero.
The equations (5.28) and (5.29) can take totally up to 8 rates for every specific sum of
rates of the primary geometrical variables. Some of them may not be defined, some of
them can be infinited. These are not taken into account. It will be taken into account
only these which are within the domain of A0. Therefore:
⎛ π −⎞ (5.30)
A0MAX = min ⎜ A0MAX 1−1 , A0MAX 1−2 , A0MAX 1−3 , A0MAX 1−4 , A0MAX 2−1 , A0MAX 2−2 , A0MAX 2−3 , A0MAX 2−4 , ⎟
⎝ 2 ⎠

6. Programming implementation and collection of schemes

The implementation of all the mentioned mathematic equations which have been
extracted has been done in programming language of high level, in the environment of
Visual Basic. It has been taken into account the discontinuity’s points which exist in
every one and the code has been adapted accordingly, so as to collect parametrically
the following :

Scheme 6.1: The result of the change of the sides’ semi angle’s rate
Scheme 6.2: The result of the change of the tooth’s thickness factor

Scheme 6.3: The result of the change of the foot’s rounding radius
Scheme 6.4: The result of the change of the head’s rounding radius

Scheme 6.5: The result of the change of the dedendum’s rate

Scheme 6.6: The result of the change of the addendum’s rate

Scheme 6.7: Change of module’s rate- constant proportions

Scheme 6.8: Three dimensional representation of rack

Scheme 6.9: Detail of rack’s tooth

Th. Costopoulos, Gearing and speed reducers, Editions 1985, 1989, 1995, 1999.
Laboratory of Machine Elements, Mechanical Engineering, NTUA

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