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Watch the following and answer it.

1.In written and spoken texts there is usually a thesis statement.

However, the thesis is sometimes unclear, so you focus on the main
idea. What is the thesis statement or main idea of the text?

La idea principal del vídeo es que la moda rápida tiene un costo

ambiental y social muy alto, y que tanto la industria como los
consumidores deben adoptar prácticas más sostenibles para reducir su
impacto. El vídeo presenta diferentes ejemplos de cómo se puede lograr
esto, desde el reciclaje de ropa hasta el alquiler y la reparación.

2. What do you think the most important argument is?

I think the most important argument is that fashion is responsible for

global carbon emissions, contributing to global warming and climate
change. This shows the magnitude of the problem and the urgency of
action to reduce the environmental impact of fashion. Additionally, the
video mentions that fast fashion also has negative social consequences,
such as labor exploitation, unsafe working conditions, and low wages for
garment workers.

3. Give one example of support or evidence for the argument.

An example that supports the argument is the case of water pollution

and the chemicals generated by the fast fashion industry. The artificial
materials used to manufacture the garments require large quantities of
toxic chemicals that end up being dumped in the waters of the countries
where they are produced and This affects not only the ecosystem, but
also the health of the people who live near these waters

4. Is there an element of persuasion to the text? What action should you

take? Was the text direct about the action or did you have to make an
inference? Was the text direct about the action or did you have to make
an inference?

The video wants to convince consumers to change their habits, instead

of buying new clothes, they propose that they rent and support brands
like Patagonia that care about sustainability and that pressure large fast
fashion companies to be aware of the impact of their supply chains.
Furthermore, I believe that these actions are not mentioned directly in
the text, but are left in the air for the viewer to capture.

5. List 3 new vocabulary words.

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