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Windows 2008
• What is IP address?

• Types of IP Address
• Ipv4
– Class structure
– Subneting
– Supernetting

• IPV6
– Basic Structure of IPV6
– Implementation of IPV6

• Migration from ipv4 to ipv6

What is IP address?
• IP address is an address having information about how to reach a specific
host, especially outside the LAN.
• An IP address is a 32 bit unique address having an address space of 232.
• Generally, there are two notations in which IP address is written,
– dotted decimal notation and (
– hexadecimal notation.(2001:0000:0000:abcf:0000:0000:3571:1957)
• An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a logical numeric address that
is assigned to every single computer, printer, switch, router or any other
device that is part of a TCP/IP-based network.
• The IP address is the core component on which the networking
architecture is built; no network exists without it.
• An IP address is a logical address that is used to uniquely identify every
node in the network.
• Because IP addresses are logical, they can change.
• They are similar to addresses in a town or city because the IP address
gives the network node an address so that it can communicate with other
nodes or networks, just like mail is sent to friends and relatives.
• The numerals in an IP address are divided into 2 parts:
– Network part specifies which networks this address belongs to
– Host part further pinpoints the exact location.
• For example, when I enter a website like into my
browser, my request to load that page is sent to DNS servers that
look up that hostname ( to find its corresponding IP
address ( Without the IP address attached, my
computer will have no clue what it is that I'm after.

• There 3 types of IP address.

– Public IP address

– Private IP address

– Reserved IP address.
Public IP Addresses
• Certain IP addresses are reserved for public use and others
for private use.

• This is what makes private IP addresses unable to reach the

public internet, because they aren't even able to
communicate properly unless they exist behind a router.

• Excluding the addresses above, public IP addresses range

from "1..." to "191...".

• All of the "192..." addresses are not registered publicly, which

means they can only be used behind a router as private IP
Private IP addresses
• The following ranges are reserved by the Internet Assigned
Numbers Authority (IANA) for use as private IP addresses:
– to
– to
– to
• The first set of IP addresses from above allow for over 16
million addresses, the second for over 1 million, and over
65,000 for the last range.
• Another range of private IP addresses is to, but those addresses are for Automatic
Private IP Addressing (APIPA) use only.
• In 2012, the IANA allocated 4 million addresses of for use in carrier-grade NAT environments.
Reserved IP Addresses
• Another set of IP addresses that are restricted even further are
called reserved IP addresses.
• These are similar to private IP addresses in the sense that they can't
be used for communicating on the greater internet, but they're
even more restrictive than that.
• The most famous reserved IP is This address is called
the loopback address and is used to test the network adapter or
integrated chip(IC).
• No traffic addressed to is sent over the local network or
public internet.
• Technically, the entire range from to is
reserved for loopback purposes but you'll almost never see
anything but used in the real world.
• Addresses in the range from to are also
reserved but don't do anything at all.
• If you're even able to assign a device an IP address in this range, it
will not function properly no matter where on the network it's
IPv4 and IPv6
• There are two versions of IP: IPv4 and IPv6.
• If you've heard of these terms, you probably
know that the former is the older, and now
outdated, version while IPv6 is the upgraded IP
• The way IPv4 addresses are constructed means
it's able to provide over 4 billion unique IP
• While this is a very large number of addresses,
it's just not enough for the modern world with all
the different devices people are using on the
• IPv6, on the other hand, supports a whopping
(huge) 340 trillion, trillion, trillion addresses
• That's 340 with 12 zeroes! This means every
person on earth could connect billions of devices
to the internet.
• True, a bit of an overkill, but you can see how
effectively IPv6 solves this problem.
• One reason IPv6 is replacing IPv4 is that it
can provide a much larger number of IP
addresses than IPv4 allows.
• With all the devices we have constantly
connected to the internet, it's important that
there's a unique address available for each one
of them.
• The IPv4 Addressing system is divided into five
classes of IP Addresses.
• It uses 32 bits.
• All the five classes are identified by the first octet
of IP Address.
• Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and
Numbers is responsible for assigning IP
• The first octet referred here is the left most of all.
The octets numbered as follows depicting dotted
decimal notation of IP Address:
IPV4 Class structure
• The number of networks and the number of
hosts per class can be derived by this formula:

• When calculating hosts' IP addresses, 2 IP

addresses are decreased because they cannot
be assigned to hosts, i.e. the first IP of a network
is network number and the last IP is reserved for
Broadcast IP.
Class A Address
• The first bit of the first octet is always set to 0 (zero).
Thus the first octet ranges from 1 – 127, i.e.

• Class A addresses only include IP starting from 1.x.x.x to

126.x.x.x only. The IP range 127.x.x.x is reserved for
loopback IP addresses.
• The default subnet mask for Class A IP address is which implies that Class A addressing can
– 126 networks (27-2) and
– 16777214 hosts (224-2).
• Class A IP address format is thus:
Class B Address
• An IP address which belongs to class B has the first two
bits in the first octet set to 10, i.e.

• Class B IP Addresses range from 128.0.x.x to

191.255.x.x. The default subnet mask for Class B is
• Class B has 16384 (214) Network addresses and 65534
(216-2) Host addresses.
• Class B IP address format is:
Class C Address

• The first octet of Class C IP address has its first 3 bits

set to 110, that is:

• Class C IP addresses range from 192.0.0.x to

223.255.255.x. The default subnet mask for Class C is
• Class C gives
– 2097152 (221) Network addresses and
– 254 (28-2) Host addresses.
• Class C IP address format
Class D Address

• Very first four bits of the first octet in Class D IP

addresses are set to 1110, giving a range of:

• Class D has IP address range from to
• Class D is reserved for Multicasting.
• In multicasting data is not destined for a
particular host, that is why there is no need to
extract host address from the IP address, and
Class D does not have any subnet mask.
Class E Address
• This IP Class is reserved for experimental
purposes only for R&D or Study. IP addresses
in this class ranges from to Like Class D, this class too is
not equipped with any subnet mask.
• Ipv6 is the latest version of ipv4
• It uses 128 bits for addressing.
• Therefore it gives lots of addressing in it.
• It uses Hexa-decimal values for
• There are 3 parts of addressing
• IPv6 addresses use 128 bits to represent an address which
includes bits to be used for subnetting. The second half of the
address (least significant 64 bits) is always used for hosts only.
Therefore, there is no compromise if we subnet the network.
• 16 bits of subnet is equivalent to IPv4’s Class B Network. Using
these subnet bits, an organization can have another 65
thousands of subnets which is by far, more than enough.
• Thus routing prefix is /64 and host portion is 64 bits. We can
further subnet the network beyond 16 bits of Subnet ID, by
borrowing host bits; but it is recommended that 64 bits should
always be used for hosts addresses because auto-configuration
requires 64 bits.
• IPv6 subnetting works on the same concept as Variable Length
Subnet Masking in IPv4.
• /48 prefix can be allocated to an organization providing it the
benefit of having up to /64 subnet prefixes, which is 65535 sub-
networks, each having 264hosts.
• To represent the values in readable format, this system
uses 0-9 symbols to represent values from zero to nine
and A-F to represent values from ten to fifteen.
• Every digit in Hexadecimal can represent values from 0
to 15.
• Address Structure
• An IPv6 address is made of 128 bits divided into eight
16-bits blocks.
• Each block is then converted into 4-digit Hexadecimal
numbers separated by colon symbols.
• For example, given below is a 128 bit IPv6 address
represented in binary format and divided into eight 16-
bits blocks:
• 0010000000000001 0000000000000000
0011001000111000 1101111111100001
0000000001100011 0000000000000000
0000000000000000 1111111011111011
• Each block is then converted into Hexadecimal and
separated by ‘:’ symbol
• Even after converting into Hexadecimal format, IPv6
address remains long.
• IPv6 provides some rules to shorten the address. The rules
are as follows:
• Rule.1: Discard leading Zero(es):
• In Block 5, 0063, the leading two 0s can be omitted, such as
(5th block):
• 2001:0000:3238:DFE1:63:0000:0000:FEFB
• Rule.2: If two of more blocks contain consecutive zeroes,
omit them all and replace with double colon sign ::, such as
(6th and 7th block):
• 2001:0000:3238:DFE1:63::FEFB Consecutive blocks of
zeroes can be replaced only once by :: so if there are still
blocks of zeroes in the address, they can be shrunk down to a
single zero, such as (2nd block):
• 2001:0:3238:DFE1:63::FEFB
Migration From IPv4 to IPv6
• Complete transition from IPv4 to IPv6 might not be possible
because IPv6 is not backward compatible.
• This results in a situation where either a site is on IPv6 or it is
• It is unlike implementation of other new technologies where
the newer one is backward compatible so the older system
can still work with the newer version without any additional
• To overcome this short-coming, we have a few technologies
that can be used to ensure slow and smooth transition from
IPv4 to IPv6.
• Dual Stack Routers
• A router can be installed with both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
configured on its interfaces pointing to the network of relevant
IP scheme.
• In the above diagram, a server having IPv4 as well as IPv6
address configured for it can now speak with all the hosts on
both the IPv4 as well as the IPv6 networks with the help of a
Dual Stack Router. The Dual Stack Router, can communicate
with both the networks. It provides a medium for the hosts to
access a server without changing their respective IP versions.
• Tunneling
• In a scenario where different IP versions exist on intermediate
path or transit networks, tunneling provides a better solution
where user’s data can pass through a non-supported IP
• The above diagram depicts how two remote IPv4 networks
can communicate via a Tunnel, where the transit network was
on IPv6. Vice versa is also possible where the transit network
is on IPv6 and the remote sites that intend to communicate
are on IPv4.
• NAT Protocol Translation
• This is another important method of transition to IPv6 by
means of a NAT-PT (Network Address Translation – Protocol
Translation) enabled device. With the help of a NAT-PT
device, actual can take place happens between IPv4 and IPv6
packets and vice versa. See the diagram below:
• A host with IPv4 address sends a request to an IPv6 enabled
server on Internet that does not understand IPv4 address. In
this scenario, the NAT-PT device can help them
• When the IPv4 host sends a request packet to the IPv6
server, the NAT-PT device/router strips down the IPv4 packet,
removes IPv4 header, and adds IPv6 header and passes it
through the Internet. When a response from the IPv6 server
comes for the IPv4 host, the router does vice versa.

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