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Which is soil science?

It's an essential field of study that deals with the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil and
how they affect agriculture, ecology, and environmental quality. It's a really interesting field of study that
has a lot of real-world applications.

Soil individual

In simple terms, a soil individual, also known as a polypedon, is a single unit of soil that is made up of
multiple smaller units called pedons. A pedon is essentially a small section of soil that has been defined
and classified according to its unique characteristics. So, a soil individual is essentially a larger unit that
consists of multiple pedons that have similar characteristics. Soil individuals are important because they
help us to understand and classify different types of soil. They also help us to create soil maps, which are
used for things like agricultural planning and environmental management.


A soil horizon is a layer of soil that has distinct characteristics and is usually visible as a distinct color
band in the soil profile. Soil horizons are created by different processes, such as weathering, leaching, and
deposition. They are important because they help us to understand how a soil has developed and what its
properties are.

Soil Morphology

Soil Morphology. Soil morphology is the study of the physical characteristics of soil, such as its color,
texture, structure, and consistency. Basically, it's the study of what a soil looks like and how it's put
together. Morphological features can tell us a lot about the origin and development of a soil, as well as its
suitability for different uses

What are the 10 useful of soil

1. Soil is essential for plant growth. It provides a medium for roots to grow and absorb water and
2. It helps to regulate the water cycle. It can absorb and store water, which is then released slowly
into the environment.
3. It helps to filter and purify water, making it suitable for drinking and other uses.
4. It's a major habitat for many organisms, including microorganisms, insects, and animals. Ok
5. Soil is a major source of raw materials. It provides clay, sand, and gravel for construction and
other uses.
6. It's a major carbon sink, helping to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
7. It can be used for recreational purposes, such as gardening, hiking, and camping.
8. Soil is a major source of raw materials for the production of biofuels and bio-products.
9. It's an important part of the cultural heritage of many communities, providing a connection to the
past and a sense of place.
10. Soil is an important factor in land use planning and management. Soil characteristics determine
what types of land use are suitable for a particular area, and they help to determine the best ways to
manage and conserve the land.

Comment why soil is better studied in the field than in the laboratory

Because Soil is a dynamic, complex system that's constantly changing. It's affected by many factors, such
as climate, topography, vegetation, and human activities. All of these factors interact in complex ways,
and it's not possible to fully replicate the soil environment in a laboratory setting. When soil is studied in
the field, researchers can observe all of these factors and how they interact with each other. This gives a
much more complete picture of how soil works in the real world.

In tabular form differentiate between the major rock types, their origin and properties

S/N Soil type Origin Properties

1 Igneous rocks Multi magma or lava Light color, cores, grained,
dark colour, fine grained
2 Sedimentary rocks De-position and compaction Any colour and core grained
3 Metamorphic rocks Modification from igneous to Any colour is fine grained or
sedimentary cores grained
What are the differences between physical and chemical weathering products

Physical weathering is a process where rocks are broken down by the action of physical forces, such as
freezing and thawing, wind, and the action of water. The weathering products of physical weathering
include things like pebbles, sand, and clay. Chemical weathering, on the other hand, is the process where
rocks are broken down by the action of chemical reactions. The weathering products of chemical
weathering include things like carbonic acid and calcium bicarbonate.

Physical weathering tends to occur faster than chemical weathering, but the products of chemical
weathering are more easily carried away by water and wind. Physical weathering produces smaller
particles, while chemical weathering produces both larger and smaller particles. Also, chemical
weathering can occur even when the temperature is below freezing, while physical weathering requires
temperatures above freezing.

List and explain 6 factor's of soil formation

The six main factors of soil formation are
1. parent material 2. climate, 3. organisms, 4. Relief 5. time, 6. human activity.

 Parent material is the existing rock from which the soil is formed.
 Climate affects the amount of precipitation, temperature, and other factors.
 Organisms include plants, animals, and other organisms that live in the soil.
 Relief refers to the shape and slope of the land.
 Time is the amount of time the soil has been forming.
 Human activity includes the effects of farming, forestry, and other human actions.
List 6 essential characteristics of soil

i. texture,
ii. structure,
iii. porosity,
iv. consistency,
v. color,
vi. pH.

Texture refers to the relative proportion of sand, silt, and clay in the soil.

Structure is the arrangement of the soil particles.

Porosity is the amount of space in the soil that is not occupied by solid particles.

Consistency is the degree of cohesion between soil particles.

Color is a result of the presence of organic matter, minerals, and water.

pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the soil.

Define and explain the soil physical properties

Soil physical properties include texture, bulk density, porosit, soil tilth, Soil aggregation and Permeability

Soil texture. Refers to the relative proportion of sand, silt, and clay in the soil

Bulk density is the ratio of dry soil mass to volume.

Porosity is the ratio of pore space to total volume.

Soil tilth is a measure of the physical condition of the soil, and it's closely related to soil structure. It's
basically a measure of how easy it is to till or cultivate the soil. A soil with good tilth is easy to dig, work,
and cultivate.

Permeability is the ease with which water and air move through the soil. Together, these properties affect
the water-holding capacity, aeration, and drainage of the soil.

Soil aggregation is the tendency of soil particles to form clumps or aggregates. Aggregation is a good
thing, as it improves soil structure, drainage, and aeration.

List four terms used to describe consistence

The four terms used to describe the consistence of soil are 1. Friable 2. Firm 3, hard 3. very hard.
Friable soil is easily broken apart and can be crushed or crumbled with little effort. Firm soil is harder to
break apart and requires some force. Hard soil is difficult to break apart, and it usually requires tools to do
so. And very hard soil is extremely difficult to break apart and may even be impossible to break without
tools. These terms are usually listed in soil surveys to describe the consistence of the soil.

Write short note on the following concept.

1. Soil classification
2. Technical classification
3. Ultisols and oxisols.
4. Reconnaissance soil survey

Soil classification in general. Basically, soil classification is a way of organizing and categorizing soils
based on their properties and characteristics. There are many different classification systems in use around
the world, but one of the most common is the USDA soil taxonomy system. This system is based on the
idea that soils can be classified according to their properties, such as their texture, structure, color, and
chemical composition. Within the USDA system, there are different levels of classification, from the
broadest level (orders) down to more specific levels (suborders, great groups, and so on).

Technical classification. This refers to the classification of soil based on engineering considerations,
rather than just soil properties. It's used for engineering projects like building foundations, road
construction, and so on. Technical classification is based on the physical and mechanical properties of the
soil, such as the strength, compressibility, and other properties. This type of classification is important
because it can help engineers and other professionals select the right soils for specific projects.

Ultisols and Oxisols. These are two types of soil orders in the USDA system. Ultisols are highly leached
soils that have lost most of their nutrients. They're often found in humid tropical and subtropical regions.
Oxisols are highly weathered soils that have low nutrient content and poor structure. They're found in
tropical regions that have experienced a lot of weathering. Both ultisols and oxisols can be challenging to
work with and often require special management practices to improve their fertility and productivity.

Reconnaissance soil surveys. These are a type of soil survey that's done to get a general idea of the soil
conditions in a given area. They're usually done on a large scale, like an entire county or state. They're not
as detailed as detailed soil surveys, which are done on a much smaller scale, but they can be helpful for
making broad decisions about land use and management. Reconnaissance soil surveys can be used to
identify problem areas, like areas that are prone to erosion or flooding.

Describe a procedure to follow in conducting a detailed soil survey of an area where no aerial
photograph are available?

Here's what you'd need to do. First, you'd need to do a lot of legwork on the ground. That means walking
the entire area and taking detailed notes on the soil conditions. You'd need to note the texture, color,
structure, and other characteristics of the soil. You'd also need to take note of any physical features in the
area, like rocks, trees, and so on. This process would be much more time-consuming than a survey that
uses aerial photographs, but it's still possible to get an accurate assessment of the soil conditions.

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