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Topic no-31

1st & 2nd Sems/CSE,CE,ME/Reg & Eve

A. H. M. Delwar Haidar. Professor EEE; Tag: EEE-A

Squirrel cage induction motor action’s link

Single phase induction motor

Working principle:
Here we discussed about only a Single phase capacitor run Squirrel cage
induction motor. In a single phase squirrel cage induction motor single phase
supply can’t produce rotating magnetic field. For that's why the motor can not run
itself. To make rotating field we split the single phase and convert it as two coils
as two phase. One is called starting coil and another is called running coil. We join
a capacitor in the starting coil in series according to figure-5.b. As a result, Starting
Current ISt or IA and Running current IRun or IB current reaches at maximum
magnitude at 90° degrees apart. If the phase difference between two coils are 90
degree, the best and maximum performance is obtained. So the magnetic field also
reaches at maximum magnitude at 90° degree apart, first in starting coil(A) and
after 90° at running coil (B). As a result a rotating magnetic field developed. This
rotating magnetic field has a speed which is known as the synchronous speed.
This rotating magnetic field induces the voltage in rotor bars and hence short-
circuit currents start flowing in the rotor bars. These rotor currents generate their
self-magnetic field which will interact with the field of the stator. The rotor field
will try to oppose its cause, and hence rotor starts following the rotating magnetic
field. In this way, the rotor maintains a constant speed which is just less than the
speed of rotating magnetic field or synchronous speed.
Construction: View & Diagrams:

1. One of the appearance of a Single 2. Stator & Rotor

Phase Induction Motor

3. Magnetic flux direction around the conductor with respect to current flow.

4.Two set windings are shown.One is 5. a) 90° displaced coil arrangement, as

starting or auxiliary coil and another
a result 90° apart current flowing wave.
is running or main coil
6. Starting or auxiliary coil and 5.b) Simple circuit of two coils and
running or main coil arrangement as
vector diagram of starting current and
fig-4 & 5.b
running current

7. Total circuit diagram

8. Whenever a current flows in a coil 9. When the current flows in squirrel

the magnetic flux direction of both
cage rotor bar, the induced EMF’s
coil sides.
current flow and flux direction.
10. Ultimatly how does a torque produced in the rotor with respect to armatur
current flow.

Applications of Single Phase Induction Motor

These are used in low power applications and widely used in domestic applications
as well as industrial. And some of those are mentioned below

 Pumps
 Compressors
 Small fans
 Mixers
 Toys
 High speed vacuum cleaners
 Electric shavers
 Drilling machines

These motors are commonly used in:

 Centrifugal pumps
 Industrial drives (e.g. to run conveyor belts)
 Large blowers and fans
 Machine tools
 Lathes and other turning equipment


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