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PED 026 : Fitness Exercises-Written interview Activity


Ms. Barbado is a volleyball varsity player in their university since their first year in college. She has been
competing locally and bringing pride to their university name, Saint Louis University. She begins with warm
up exercises to help their body lower the chances of getting any certain injuries and also helps their physical
and psychological state to be prepared. Her warm up exercises usually last for at least 5 to 10 mins in order
to work all the muscle groups and begin the intensity slowly and then build up the pace from then on.

Ms. Barbado starts with warm up exercises that targets and enhances the balance, core, and stretching of
muscles. Her training begins with the High knee hug for at least 30 seconds to improve their hip flexors
and adds a balance training component for the opposing ankle then moves on with high knee jog for
another 30 seconds to prepare the lower body for a series of impactful events. Next is, High knees
laterally for at least 30, similar to the high knees and it focuses on pushing the muscles in the legs to
prepare your body for explosive lateral activity. Next is the sumo squat for 45 seconds, this is a warm up
exercise that stretches and opens up the hip and gets the body through a range of motion low-medium
volleyball positions. Next is Quad Stretch for 45 seconds, it stretches leg muscles and enhances the
balance on the opposite ankle. Next is baby skips for 30 seconds, a side to side hip sway to improve core
control and coordination work. Next is, spiderman exercises for at least 60 seconds, warms up the core
and shoulders while stretching hips and preparing the body for lunging motions. Next is, toes in-toes out
for 45 seconds, this exercise improves the balance and stretches the ankles and foot fascia. Followed by
Atlas for 60 seconds, this is a fusion warm up exercise that warms up three major components by opening
up the hips and stretching through the hips and back, its main target is to improve the core, balance, and
dynamic stretch. and last is high skips for after warming up the body it prepares their body for movements
that creates impact to the body.

Ms. Barbado experienced a sprained ankle during her training one time and it took her 4 to 6 weeks to
heal and then after that it took her an additional 2 weeks to get back to her original condition before she
received the injury. During her training she was wearing her new bulky spiked shoes and the beginning of
her training went to a good start until her team was called for a practice game and required them to do a
spike practice. This was a practice where the players would jump high and hit the volleyball onto the other
side of the net. When it was Ms. Barbado's turn to jump, her landing was off and sprained her right ankle.
after that, her coach examined her ankle, bandaged it and then told her to rest for the whole training. It
was devastating for Ms. Barbado received the injury because they were training for a university
competition around Baguio City.

Ms. Barbado also added that not only did her shoes contribute to her accident but also her mental state has
given an impact to her performance. She said that she has always been so nervous every time she would
train with her team because she was afraid of being called out and being scolded; however , she always tried
to give her best performance in every game they went to. The accident was embarrassing for her and was
really devastating because she has not yet proved to the team what she is capable of and she thought that it
was the worst timing to have an injury.


Mr. Pestaño is a 22 year old exercise enthusiast and has been maintaining an exercise routine for over a year
now. To start his routine, he would begin with warm up exercises for about a maximum of 5 minutes and
approximately 30 to 60 seconds each set. He focuses mostly on dynamic stretching because it helps the
muscles to more flexible and reach the limit of the muscle or even surpass the limit of the body as Mr.
Pestaño explained.

Mr. Pestaño would start with the side bends, for 16 seconds each side because his hamstrings would always
ache at first he said whenever he would wake up the next day. Next would be, Leg swings for 30 seconds to
improve hip joints whenever he would walk, run, or jog. Next is, Arm crossover for another 30 seconds to
stretch the tricep and biceps and chest muscles. Next would be lunge with hamstring Stretch for 30 seconds,
this warm up focuses on the glutes, hamstrings and quadriceps. Next would be, Arm circles for 30 seconds,
this exercise targets the muscles on the shoulders, arms, chest and neck. Next is, Toe walk for 30 seconds,
this exercise targets the calves and ankles. Next is, Lunge and twist for 30 seconds, this exercise focuses on
oblique muscles, abdominals and hip flexors. And last is an inchworm for 30 seconds, this exercise targets
the lower back muscles, claves, hamstrings, core and shoulder muscles.

Mr. Pestaño, received an ankle sprain during his cardiovascular exercise or jogging and took him 4 weeks to
recover from the injury. This happened after he warmed up in his home and as part of his routine is to start a
jog before other intense exercises. He would run for about 30 mins and then go back home however while he
was jogging he was feeling a bit tired and slowly reducing his speed then when he slowed down, his ankle
slipped and immediately felt pain. He sat on the side of the road to regain his strength and stood up and
walked back home. He did not have the chance to continue his exercise at home, he just rested the whole

Mr. Pestaño added that when was slowing down, he felt his knees weaken or suddenly shake when he was
trying to slow down. He said that he might have felt a bit tired after warming up and felt thirsty while
jogging however he forgot to bring his drinking bottle while on the jog. After he healed from the injury, he
started to train again little by little until he regained the strength from his ankle and then built up the
intensity of his exercise routine again.

Physical activities are a method that helps us boost our motivation and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Ms.
Barbado and Mr. Pestaño have similar goals and preparation methods in order to condition their bodies
before executing their main exercise or training. Despite the difference between the two , Ms. Barbado is an
athlete and Mr. Pestaño is an exercise enthusiast, they both performed the appropriate warm up or routine
prior to the main exercise or sport. And with both of them making the necessary preparations they still
received the same injury.

Based on both interviews, the level of pain that was received was similar and the period of time of healing
was also similar and they both got injured. The only difference is the event and how the injury happened. Ms
Barbado had a mental fatigue which caused her to be nervous and did not maintain balance on her landing
hence causing the injury on her ankle. Mr. Pestaño had a physical fatigue and dehydration hence causing the
injury to take place. Despite that they both got similar injuries, they still received it in different situations.

In order to prevent these situations to occur once more Ms. Barbado must prepare herself mentally so that
this will not cause her performance to be affected in her future competitions on the other hand Mr. Pestaño
must prepare his body physically and properly rest between and after sets before taking on the main exercise
so that he could avoid the unnecessary injuries along the way. The injuries could have been prevented if both
parties were aware of their weaknesses on the aspects of their body. Taking Muscle Endurance tests is
recommended by professionals in order to determine the limit of one's body and to avoid injuries in the
future. Therefore, if Ms. Barbado prepared herself mentally and Mr. Pestaño prepared more physically, these
injuries would not have happened in the first place. Taking care of our bodies and mind is also important in
our journey to success.




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