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Expanded Definition


-a one or more paragraphs that attempt to explain a complex term.

When words are being defined by dictionaries, what mostly appears is the full definition of a
term, which we can broaden more by providing its expanded definition.

Perhaps, expanded definition has two types:

1. Standard/Formal Sentence Definition and

2. Informal Sentence Definition

Types of Expanded Definition

1. Standard/Formal Sentence Definition

-a brief, explicit, precise and objective dictionary meaning of the term, consisting of the

a. The term (word or phrase) to be defined

b. The class of object or concept to which the term belongs.

c. The differentiating characteristics that distinguish it from all others.


•Water (term) is a liquid (class) made up of molecules of hydrogen and oxygen in ratio of 2
to 1 (differentiating characteristics).

•Astronomy (term) is a branch of scientific study (class) primarily concerned with celestial
objects inside and outside of the earth’s atmosphere (differentiating characteristics).

•Mitosis (term) is a process (class) of nuclear division of cells, consisting of prophase,

metaphase, anaphase, and telophase (differentiating characteristics).

Above examples are the full definitions of the given terms. Note that the differentiating
characteristics as part of the definition are facts that make the term different amongst the
2. Informal Sentence Definition

- This one use known words or examples to explain an unknown term. These definitions
may be synonyms or antonyms introduced by or, in other words, or like. It could also be an
analogy or illustration.


• Freedom, also referred to as liberty or independence, is a state people reach when

they are free to think and do whatever they please.
• Bullying occurs when someone uses his or her power or prestige to intimidate and
terrorize another person. At times, the bully pushes someone around to get
something specific from that person, but at other times, the bully simply is mean just
to watch the other person squirm. Tormenting anyone for any reason is
inappropriate and should not be tolerated.

Below are distinguishing features of formal and informal definitions:


DEFINITION Use for business, legal, and Use for personal purposes and
professional purposes. casual communications.

SENTENCE LENGTH Long (and complex) Short (and simple)

LANGUAGE Formulaic Direct

VOICE Passive Active


PRONOUNS Third person First and second person

TONE Serious and official Light and friendly


This time, let us proceed to the soul of our lesson, writing an expanded definition of a

Now, to avoid making yourself confused, let us go back again to examples of full definition.
What composes a full definition? We have term, class, and distinguishing characteristics.
Full Definition

Pattern 1

Carbohydrates are a food group including sugars, starches, and cellulose.




Distinguishing Characteristics

Pattern 2

A food group including sugars, starches, and cellulose is carbohydrates.

From the given example, what do you think are the indicators?

Other examples:

1. An Algorithm is a finite description of a finite number of steps required to accomplish

some well-defined tasks.

2. Computer memory is one of three basic components of a computer which stores

information for future use - both the data that will be operated on as well as the programs
that direct the operations to be performed.

3. Reservoir rock is a type of rock that has sufficient porosity and permeability to allow gas
and oil to accumulate and be produced in commercial quantities.

4. Influenza is an acute highly contagious infection of the respiratory tract, which occurs
sporadically or in epidemics and that lasts up to month.

Carbohydrates are a food group including sugars, starches, and cellulose.

Carbohydrates can also be defined chemically as neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen
and oxygen. The body breaks down most sugars and starches into glucose, a simple sugar
that the body can use to feed its cells. Dietary intake of complex carbohydrates can lower
blood cholesterol when they are substituted for saturated fat.

Carbohydrates are classified into mono, di, tri, poly and heterosaccharides. The
smallest carbohydrates are monosaccharides such as glucose whereas polysaccharides such
as starch, cellulose and glycogen can be large and even indeterminate in length.


Full Definition

Expanded Definition

Various Ways of Giving Expanded Definitions


Full Definition

Expanded Definition

No.1 Description

Anyone born between 1981 and 1996 (ages 23 to 38 in

2019) is considered a Millennial. Millennials are mostly watching television and exposed in
using different social media application.

No.2 Process Narration

Generation transition is the process of shifting from one generation to another. Generation
Transition takes place after different considerations and factors. First, after a big movement
in society such as technological explosion which paved way for different generations.

No.3 Additional Definition

Generation transition is the process of shifting from one generation to another. Generation
Transition takes place after different considerations and factors. First, after a big movement
in society such as technological explosion which paved way for different generations.
Generation Transition is also defined as the changes happening in lifestyle and social
interaction which leads to significant differences.

No.4 Historical Background

Generation Y is known as the generation which was born between the early 1980s and the
early 2000s. Generation Y evolved during 1996 or 1997 which was named as "Generation"
or Generation Z by different philosophers because of their distinct peculiarity in using social
media and technology.

No.5 Cause/ Causes

Generation transition is the process of shifting from one generation to another. Research
proved that transition of generations has caused millennials to encounter societal problems
which influenced how they raised their children.

No.6 Problem-Solution

Generation Transition really affects even the environment that some areas are sacrificed for
developments. However, it can be a way to fix the gap by starting a new generation which
cares for nature.

No.7 Examples

Generation Z people can be the young Tiktok users, young loggers, and young social media

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