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The condition of Covid-19 Pandemic affect all aspects of life, including the education sector. The era of
Digital Education 4.0, which has been being prepared through the use of digital technology in the learning
process using cyber systems, is now required to take place quickly even though the accuracy of its
application has not been optimal. Generally, the process of adapting to new methods takes place
gradually. However an instant application is needed these days during the pandemic where students and
teachers are not allowed to do face-to-face class. Various attempts were then designed to find
appropriate learning methods to be applied in distance learning process. One of them was Blended
Learning approach. This study aims to see the effect of Blended Learning on Biology learning outcomes
of students during the Pandemic. The population in this study was students of high school level at PKBM
Rumah Taman Sekar Bandung. This research using a qualitative descriptive method by comparing the
average results of the Biology UTS odd semester for the past three years using the face-to-face method
with the latest UTS using the Blended Learning methods.

The conditions of the Covid-19 Pandemic affect all lines of life including the education sector. The era of
Digital Education 4.0, which has been being prepared through the use of digital technology in the learning
process with cyber systems, is now required to take place quickly even though the accuracy of its
application is not optimal. Usually the process of adapting to new methods takes place gradually, now
requiring instant application in the midst of pandemic conditions that do not allow students to do face-to-
face learning. Various attempts were then made to find appropriate learning methods to be applied to the
distance learning process, one of which was Blended Learning approach. This study aims to see the
effect of Blended Learning on Biology learning outcomes of students during the Pandemic. The
population in this study were students of high school level at PKBM Rumah Taman Sekar Bandung, using
a qualitative descriptive method by comparing the average results of the Biology UTS odd semester for
the past three years using the face-to-face method with the latest UTS using the Blended Learning

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