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Personal Letter

1. Definition
A letter sent by a person for another person in an informal context
Contohnya kaya penpal letter, family letter, love letter, thank you letter,
congratulation letter. Pokoknya semua yang bahasanya informal
2. Purpose
- To share information
- To express gratitude
- To give advice
- To deliver good news / bad news
- To ask for help
- To apologize
- To keep in touch
3. Social function
To establish or maintain a good relationship with someone else
4. Generic structure
- Adress and date
- Salutation > 'dear…,'
- Greeting
- Introduction
- Body
- Closure
- Closing
- Signature > 'love, dad'
- P.S
5. Gaya bahasa (?)
Active voice, pake pronounce 'I', bahasanya informal
Explanation Text
1. Definition
The text that explains how and why a phenomenon happens.
2. Social function
To explain the audience how and why something works or happens.
3. Generic structure
- General statement (what writer is going to talk about)
- Explanation (the writer explains how a phenomenon accurs)
- Closing statement (application or example of the phenomenon)
4. Language feature
- Simple present tense : S + V1
He, she, it pake V1 + (s/es)
- Abstract noun > friendship, childhood, knowledge
- Passive voice : S + to be + V3

- Action verb (tindakan fisik atau mental)
Ex : Julie laugh
- Linking verb (kata kerja penghubung) → butuh pelengkap subjek
Ex : I feel hungry

Cause and Effect

1. Definition
Kalimat yang menyatakan sebab akibat
2. Function
Explains the relationship between two interrelated events, where one event (cause)
causes another event (effect). Jelasin hubungan antara 2 peristiwa terkait yang jadi
sebab sama akibat
3. Signal words
A. Cause
- Because (karena)
- The reason for (alasan untuk)
- On account of (karena)
- Bring about (membawa)
- Give rise to (menimbulkan)
- Created by (dibuat oleh)
- Contributed to (berkontribusi pada)
- Led to (dipimpin ke)
- Due to (karena)
- Owing to (berdasarkan fakta itu)
- In view of (berdasarkan fakta itu)
- Forasmuch as (berdasarkan fakta itu)
- Seeing that (melihat kondisi tersebut)
- Being that (karena)
- Starting point (titik pangkal)
B. Effect
- As a result (hasil dari)
- Then (kemudian)
- Hence (karenanya)
- For this reason (untuk alasan ini)
- Therefore (karena itu)
- Outcome (hasil)
- So (jadi)
- Consequently (akibatnya)
- Finally (akhirnya)
- In order to (untuk)
- Upshot (hasil)
- In consequence (konsekuensinya)
- Reaction (reaksi)
- Accordingly (demikian)
- Thus (dengan demikian)
4. Struktur (diikuti noun / kata benda)
- Signal words : Because of, Thanks to, As a result of, Due to, As a
consequence of, Owing to
- [Signal words + Cause + Effect]
Due to Alfy’s cheating, he got a D from the lecturer.
- [Effect + Signal words + Cause]
He always get punished because of his waking up late habits.
5. Struktur (diikuti s + v)
- Signal words :
- [Signal words + Cause + Effect]
As it is still raining, we have to go home wearing our raincoats.
- [Effect + Signal words + Cause]
I didn’t go to Devi’s house because she was doing her office task.

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