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Understanding the Self

Jerra Krisma C. Orquina

SS021 Instructor
Learning Outcomes:

• Explain the association of self and material things

and how material things affects one’s personal
Activity: Debit
Card Challenge
• A very wealthy person gave you a debit card and told
you to use it as much as you want to make yourself
happy. What are you going to do with it?
• Make a list of what you want to have. Write as many
as you want.
1. How do you feel as you do the Debit Card
2. Which among the items you like the most?
William James’ Material Self

• An American Psychologist, wrote a book

entitled “The Principles of Psychology”
• Material self is about our:
1. Body
2. Clothes
3. Immediate family
4. Home
Material Self
According to William James, material self is not only
consisting of one’s own body, but this includes the
different things you possess from:
• Family
• Friends
• Things (clothes, house, cars, gadgets)
• Even your bank account amount
Material Self…

• Oneself • The accumulation

of objects and

• The people they • Accumulated

are acquainted endeavors and
with experiences in

• Oneself: Belief that she can sing

• Achievements: Winning awards
• People acquainted: Believes she
can sing and has talent
• Experiences: Concerts
However, losing of
such objects or people
will render one feel
that a part of the self
was also lost at the
same time
Home as an extension of oneself

• Home is where our heart is.

“A man’s self is the sum total of all
what he CAN call his.”
- William James
We represent
ourselves through
clothes, gadgets, the
friends we have, and
the things that we do.

All of these contribute to whether we are accepted or not

in the world we live in.
To achieve recognition from others, we make choices not only on
our own capabilities but more so on the value we and the other
people give.
• Objects can be
used as a
manifestation of a
good social
The possessions that we dearly have tell
something about who we are, our self
concept, our past, and even our future.

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