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Insect repellents are important tools for prevention of insect-borne diseases as well as
painful or uncomfortable insect bites.And one of natural insect repellent is the lemon grass
(Cymbopogan citratus). Determining the effectiveness of lemon grass as insect repellent is
the main goal of the study. Specifically, it intends to apply the Steam Distillation Technique in
obtaining the natural elemens and essential oil of lemon grass such as citral and citronella.
Using two candies as observation, one is with extract of lemon grass. In fourteen (14)
minutes, one candy that without lemon grass, approach by ants but the candy with lemon
grass is just ignored by ants. The study has found out that lemon grass is an effective and
alternative natural insect repellent. The result of the present study would provide
knowledge and information about lemon grass as insect repellent. Additionally, this study
will produce significant and relevant information for future studies regarding to insect

I. Background of the Study

Insect repellents are important public health tools for the prevention of vector-
borne infecyious diseases (Goddard, 2002). Actions to reduce vector-borne diseases can
result in major health gains and reieve an important constraint on development in poor
regions(Amerasinghe, 2006). And this insect repellents help to prevent and control the
outbreaks of insect-borne diseases such as malaria, lyme disease, dengue fever, and
bubonic plague (Wikipedia, 2011). Technically, an insects or other arthropods to make
directed, oriented movements away from the source of repellent. And lemon grass can
use as natural insect repellent (Helmenstine, 2011).
According to an article of new tech bio, lemon grass is a very popular and used for
medicinal, food and insect repelet products. The lemon grass oils are used in cosmetic,
soaps, perfumes, dyes and odorizes along with thousands of other products. Lemon
grass has thin stems, and the flowers are white, cream or green. It grows around 8 feet in
height in some cases with the majority of species tapering off at 4 feet. Lemon grass is
mainly found in tropical Asia in countries such as India, Ceylon, Brazil, Philippines,
Malaysia, Myanmar, Guatemala,Madagascar, Mauritius, New Guinea and countries in
Africa and South America. In the Philippines, It has a local named known as “tanglad”.
Many repellent products pertaining chemical compound like DEET (N,N-
Diethylmeta-toluamide) used as active chemical ingredient in insect repellent,are now
turn to all natural ingredients as more and more negative data is releasesd. Lemon grass
is extremely safe and is listed on the EPA’s GRAS list (generally regarded as safe). People
all over the world have come to rely on the potent insect repellent properties of lemon
grass and utilize it as a personal area spray.
II. Problem of the Study
This study was conducted to answer the following problem:
Will extract of lemon grass is an effective way of natural insect

III. Hypothesis of the Study

If lemo gras will be extracted its natural components, and observe it by applying the
lemon grass over a subject that can easily approach by insects, then if it repel the insect
away, it is to be an effective natural insect repellent

IV. Objective of the Study

A. General Objective:
The general objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of lemon
grass as natural insect repellent.
B.Specific Objective:
1. To get the time (minutes) using stop watch to observe the time and duration of
the effectiveness lemon grass.
2.To observe the effectiveness of lemon grass using two candies, one candy is
treated with lemon grass and the other candy without lemon grass.

V. Significance of the Study

The study will be conducted t determine the effectiveness of lemon grass as
natural insect repellant. Extraction of lemon grass is though Steam Distillation
Technique. The children will beefit the most because knowledge of insect
repellent will enable them to prevent possible disease. Through this study,the
knowledge of parents regarding lemon grass as insect repellent would be
increasesd and prevention could be done to avoid more serious damage to their
children’s health.

VI. Scope and Limitation

The focus of this study s to determine the effectiveness of lemongrasss as insect
repellent. Investigating the performance of these will be described ny
observation of two candies. One candy will be treated with lemon grass and
another candy is without lemon grass. The study is performed during Christmas
vacation. The data used in the research is gathered through observation and
Steam Distillation Technique.V
VII. Design of the Study
A. Variable

 Independent variable/manipulated variable

1. Ice
2. Water

 Dependent variable/responding variable

1. 20 pieces of lemon grass leaves
B. Materials
1. Stainless pot with an integral stainer
2. Curve pot cover
3. Stainless or steel glass receiving vessel
VIII. Methodology
A. Collecting of Lemon Grass
About twenty (20) pieces of lemon grass was collected near in the house of
the researcher in vacant lot. Only green and fresh leaves were collcted. Additionaly , this
leaves is clean and dry to prevent the other organic substance to be extract in extraction

Figure 1:Fresh and clean dry lemon grass

The extraction process will be done through Steam Distillation Technique.
Due to lack of laboratory apparstus, the researcher intends to use an improvised
apparatus. It requires a stainless pot with an integral strainer,a curve pot cover, and
a stainless or steel glass receiving vessel. The Consumables are water, ice,and
lemongrass leaves to be extracted.
Most essential oils available today are extracted using a steam distillation
process. It is believed by many to be the only way oils should be extracted. This
distillation process really is quite simple as long as this extraction process is closely
monitored, the steam will remain at a temperature that won’t damage the lemon
grass (essential of aromatherapy, 2011).
First, set the pot on the heat source and fill with purified water to level just
below the strainer bottom when it is in place. A strainer will be insertes and fill it
with lemongrass leaves. Clear the space in the center of the strainer to set the
receiving vessel. Position the pot cover on the top in vertically. Make sure that the
drip tip is centered over the receiving vessel. Fill the pot cover as much ice as it can
hold. It is not necessary to add water to the pot cover. Boil it up to 15-30 minutes.
Get the extract of lemon grass in the receiving vessel (ragan, 2005).

Figure 2: The strainer filled with lemon grass leaves and a receiving vessel.
Figure 3: An improvised set up of Steam Distillation Technique. (A) The researchers actual set
up of sream distillation, where extraction of lemon grass is on-going. (B) Labeled different
parts of improvised set up of stem distillation technique.

Figure 4: The extracted product from lemon grass.

IX. Observation
Using two candies as observation,one candy is treated with lemon grass and
the other candy is without lemon grass. Put it in the area were ants are present for faster
observation in the both candies. Using stopwatch, get the time that ants will approach to
both candies and observe what candy ants will go to.

X. Result and Discussion

A. Observation
As the result,in the observation of two candies, one is with lemon grass and
the other is without lemon grass. After fourteen (14) minutes,the candy
without lemon grass are now approaching by the ants,but the candy with
lemon grass still no ants,because of the lemon grass that repel the ants away.

(A) (B)
Figure 5:Observation of two candies after 14 minutes. (A) The candy with lemon grass has
no ants at all. It is because the lemon grass repel the ants.(B The candy without lemon grass
as yu can see, ants are now approaching to the candy.
B. Discussion
Lemon grass oil is an essential oil used in deodorant, herbal teas, skin care products,
fragrance, insect repellents, and or aromatherapy (Dutta, 2007). Lemon grass and closely
related species belonging to the genus Cymbopogan are popular used as insect repellents
(Trongtokit , 2005) and various experimental studies support its use as an insecticide of
insect repellent (Girgenti, et al.,2002; Heimerdinger, et al., 2009). Lemon grass is an
important essential oil yielding plant. The plant yields lemon grass oil of commerce after
steam distillation of its leaves. And this oil used as an insect repellent. One of the important
consitituent of the oil is citral (3,7-dimethy-2,6-octadiental) (Ghosh, 2005). Citral is therefore
an aroma compound used in perfumery for its citrus effect. Citral is also used as a flavor and
for fortifying lemon oil. It also has strong antimicrobial qualities (Onawnmi, 1989),and
pheromonal effectsin insects (Wikipedia, 2011).

Citral has a toxic effect on the sensory nervous system in insect antennae (Hapke, 2001)
that affect the behavior and physiology of insects. That is why the candy that has treated by
lemon grass can repel the ants because of its citral content that when the ants smell it using
their antennae, it will have a pheromonal effect of it.And another important constituent of
lemon gras oil is the citronella. Citronella oil is also renowned plant-based insect
repellent,and has been registered for this use in the United States since 1948 (U.S. EPA
Citronella factsheet, 2007). The United States Environmental Protection Agency considers oil
of citronella as a biopesticide with a non-toxic mode of action (EPA Citronella Registration
Factsheet, 1997). With these two constituents of lemon grass, it can repel the insects away
and protect us from insect bites and vecrtorborne disease.

XI. Conclusion
The hypothesis was right. Lemon grass can repel insect away and can be an
effective and alternative way of natural insect repellent.

LEADER:Kezziah Xc Nicole S. Asung

Sherie Dela Cruz Rey John Laniog
Reign Pescador Jenica Cyrah Laguyo
Hannah Rae Sam Khenzie Jhane Langreo
Penaflorida Rheanna Fate Lanestosa
Andrea Grace Puerto Kingston Scott Menguillo
Allen Vincent Celis Violet Pearl Gonzales

Submitted to: Vinesa Gamosa Palomo

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