Update 1 Capstone

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Blog Update #1

October 31st, 2023

I got my Capstone idea approved in mid-September and I have been thinking and
prepping since then. So far while starting and working on my capstone over the last few
weeks, I have brainstormed and thought of many different ideas of what I can do and
how I can prepare to start. I have looked online at different websites about mental
health disorders and different coping methods that people use for their disorder. I think
the biggest obstacle and challenge for my capstone is going to be how I put it all
together and how I format and word it, that is why I am first planning out everything
before writing anything down so I can make it as best as I can. This week my goal is to
create my Capstone Instagram account by the end of the week and get it all set up and
ready and try to create an introduction post along with a short bio of what my account
will be about. Over the next few weeks my goal is to put everything I have thought
about together and write out a set plan of what I am going to do, I also need to create
my website over the next few weeks and started adding my work there.

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