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Background of the study

"Not all learners progress at the same pace because each learner's ability
and learning progress is unique." Every student has unique skills and capacities
in life. Proficiency in Computer System Servicing is crucial for students to
handle computer issues and ensure comprehension when replicating their

Connelly. (2013) stated that educational institutions have always been

essential in ensuring that students with the abilities necessary for the jobs or
careers they have selected. The primary goal of education is to adequately
prepare students for life beyond school, and entering the workforce is an
essential and crucial component of that goal. It might be time to reconsider how
public education helps students choose their educational and professional paths
as our society and economy continue to change.

Although assessments of computer literacy differ, the problems with

competency show that pupils in the lower years of secondary school have
significant differences in their computer literacy skills. Though up to 10% have
extremely poor computer literacy, in technologically sophisticated countries
over half of Year 8 pupils display competency, or advanced proficiency, in
computer literacy. Progression maps that might be used to guide curriculum
development can also be derived from assessments of computer literacy.
Students' career and educational pathways are chosen by John Ainley (2018).

Thus, the purpose of this study was to ascertain how the grade 12
students at Northlink Technological College - New Pandan, City of Panabo,
related to their level of competency and hands-on experience in the Computer
System Servicing trade sector.


Research Design

Correlational study is a quantitative method of research in which there

are two or more quantitative variables from the same group of subjects.
According to McCombes, S. (2019), a correlational research design measures a
relationship between two variables without the researcher controlling either of
them. It aims to find out whether there is either:
This correlational study was used to be able to determine the
relationship between hands-on exercises and level of competency in this study.

Research Participants

Students in grade 12 CSS at Northlink Technological College S.Y.2023-

2024 are involved in this study. It is carried out with the students to give them a
better knowledge of how the hands-on exercise and level of competency work.
This is because there are a variety of tasks or activities that they must do in a
set amount of time. The Grade 12 pupils were selected by the researcher
because to their greater CSS expertise and they know more about it than
anyone else.

Research Instrument

The researchers used a survey-research guide questionnaire to collect

information from the chosen respondents about the hands-on exercises and
level of competency experienced by the Grade 12 students in Computer
Systems Servicing at Northlink Technological College in order to accomplish
the study's goal with a dependable and accurate result.

The survey research guide questionnaire was designed with the specific
questions that the researchers hope to find out more about. It has 20 statements
for the practical exercise and an additional 20 statements about the respondents'
level of competency with the following answers: (5) Always; (4) Often; (3)
Sometimes; (2) Rarely; and (1) Never. The five-point Likert scale will be used
to assess and interpret the respondents' responses in accordance with the study's

Data Procedure

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