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There is a saying 'time and tide wait for no man'.

This notion can be found in a poem called 'I

Wandered Lonely as a Cloud' by William Wordsworth. People who understand the importance of
time will never stop progressing and are prone to achieve what they desire in life. Let me give you an
example that you can relate to. As a student, you must be familiar with the word 'procrastinate'.
Procrastinate meaning that we set aside our priorities and we prioritise doing other things like
watching movies and sleep. Procrastinating meaning that our workflow is forced to halt for the time
being until the due date is around the corner. The time that we lost doing unimportant things can
never be regained back . Now that we have limited time to continue our progress which will
significantly affect the quality of our work. Most of us know that time can never be brought back but
we still waste it doing absolutely nothing. Time is gold. Losing our time is equivalent to losing our

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