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Make a project on these two topics: (BOTH COMPULSORY)
1. Describe the meaning of active listening? How can one be an active listener? How is active list
beneficial for you?
2. You stumble upon a mysterious old pocket watch at a flea market, and to your astonishment, it
through time.
ENGLISH - 1 However, each time you use it, there is a catch: someone from the past is transported to the prese
Write a story exploring the ethical and personal dilemmas you face as you grapple with the conseq
of time travel and the unexpected visitors from the past. Feel free to adapt and expand upon this p
to create a unique and engaging story.
Topic: "The Time Traveler's Dilemma"

Make a project on these two topics: (BOTH COMPULSORY)
1. Describe the casket story in your own words.
ENGLISH - 2 The conflict between Shylock, the Jewish Moneylender and Antonio, the Christian Merchant is bo
and economic. Dwell on their enmity and explore the ways in which Shakespeare portrays the tw
to show their differences and similarities.
2. With reference to The Little Match Girl, write the following:
1) The summary and analysis of the story. 2) The character of the Little Girl in detail.
TELUGU Word Document

Holiday Homework Class 10th 2nd Language

परियोजना कार्य
सम्मिलित परिवार पर आधारित कोई एक फिल्म देखकर उसका निम्नलिखित बिंदुओँ के आधार पर परियोजना कार्य कीजिए।
1. फिल्म का नाम
2. परियोजना कार्य की प्रस्तावना
3. फिल्म से जुडी हस्तियोँ के नाम उदा- निर्माता (Producer), निर्देशक (Director), कथाकार (Story writer), संगीत निर्देशक
(Music director), गीतकार (Song writer)
4. फिल्म के प्रमुख पात्रोँ का परिचय
5. फिल्म का उद्देश्य
6. फिल्म के शीर्षक की सार्थकता
7. जानकारी का स्त्रोत
8. उपसंहार
Solve the project work from ICSE Syllabus (anyone)

Students have to complete the physics practical record (pdf of the experiments will send in Anusandhan)
and they have to learn first three chapters of the syllabus.
1. Force
2. Work, power and energy
3. Machines
They will be having a test on these chapters after the vacation.

CHEMISTRY Practical record
Complete the record book collecting the information from the below attachment.

Y Collect and answer atleast 5 years ICSE board question papers .
Project Work
ECONOMICS Last year questions
COMPUTER Programming Assignments (Class X)
S The students should complete a minimum of
20 laboratory assignments during the whole year to
reinforce the concepts studied in class.
Suggested list of Assignments:
The laboratory assignments will form the bulk of the
course. Good assignments should have problems
which require design, implementation and testing.
They should also embody one or more concepts that
have been discussed in the theory class. Asignificant proportion of the time has to be spent in the
laboratory. Computing can only be learnt by doing.
The teacher-in-charge should maintain a record of all
the assignments done by the student throughout the
year and give it due credit at the time of cumulative
evaluation at the end of the year.
Some sample problems are given below as examples.
The problems are of varying levels of difficulty:
(i) User defined methods
(a) Programs depicting the concept of pure,
impure, static, non- static methods. (b) Programs based on overloaded methods.
(c) Programs involving data members, member
methods invoking the methods with respect to
the object created. (ii) Constructors
(a) Programs based on different types of
constructors mentioned in the scope of the
syllabus. (b) Programs / outputs based on constructor
Select any two games from table A and prepare detailed project according to table B on both the chosen
Table A (Games) Table B ( contents of projects)
• Cricket
• Football
• Hockey
• Basketball
• Volleyball
• Badminton

Ø History of the game

Ø Invention of the game
PHYSICAL Ø Rules and regulations
EDUCATION Ø Fields and measurement
Ø Fundamental skills
Ø Terminologies
Ø Warm up activities
Ø Common injuries
Ø Prevention and treatment of injuries
Ø Tournaments
Ø Governing bodies
Ø Basic first aid techniques
Ø Bibliography.

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