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School of Business Administration

El kounsy Aymen

First Progress Report

I. Overview of the company

Nestle is an internationally recognized multinational food and beverage corporation with a

long history and a strong industry presence. Nestle, as one of the market's largest companies,
is dedicated to offering high-quality, healthy, and delicious goods that fulfill the different
needs and interests of people globally. Nestle Casablanca, Nestle's Moroccan subsidiary,
operates with a specific focus on catering to the Moroccan market's distinctive demands. The
company's portfolio includes a diverse range of well-known brands that have become staples
in Moroccan families. Nestle Casablanca's Marketing and Management Department is critical
to the company's growth and success by developing and implementing successful marketing
strategies targeted to Moroccan consumers.

As a business student concentrated on marketing and management, my internship at Nestle

Casablanca has provided me with practical exposure to the complexities of the food and
beverage industry. This experience has allowed me to apply the theoretical knowledge gained
from my studies and gain a deeper understanding of consumer behavior, market trends, and
strategic marketing practices. By actively participating in projects and collaborating with the
team, I have been able to develop and refine essential skills in market research, project
management, data analysis, and communication.

Moving forward, I am excited to continue my contributions to Nestle Casablanca's marketing

initiatives and further enhance my skills and knowledge in the field. I am grateful for the
learning opportunities provided by the company and the guidance and support from my
supervisor and colleagues throughout my internship.
School of Business Administration

II. Personal objectives

During my internship at Nestle Casablanca, I set specific personal goals to optimize
my learning and professional development. By matching my ambitions with the
department's objectives, I hope to make important contributions to Nestle's marketing
campaigns while also developing essential skills and getting practical experience in
marketing and management.

1. One of my key goals is to apply the theoretical knowledge I've gained during my
education to real-world marketing circumstances. I intend to apply the marketing
concepts, tactics, and frameworks that I have learnt into practice by actively
participating in initiatives and tasks. This will allow me to bridge the theoretical
and practical divides and improve my capacity to assess and solve marketing
problems in a corporate setting.
2. Gain sector Insights: Another goal is to gain a better understanding of the food
and beverage sector, specifically in the Moroccan market. I intend to actively
study and analyze the industry's characteristics, such as consumer behavior,
market developments, and the competitive environment. This will enable me to
gain a comprehensive understanding of the industry's issues and possibilities, as
well as provide me with industry-specific information and insights.
3. Improve Your Professional Skills: My internship is focused on developing and
honing critical professional skills. I want to improve my market research, data
analysis, project management, and communication skills. I will be able to enhance
these talents and gain experience by actively participating in team projects and
collaborating with seasoned professionals.
4. Cross-functional Collaboration: Nestle's Marketing and Management Department
works closely with other departments such as product development, sales, and
supply chain. One of my primary goals is to actively engage with colleagues from
various functional areas and acquire exposure to their viewpoints and experience.
This will give me a better understanding of how different company activities are
interconnected and enable me to work effectively in cross-functional teams.
5. Create a Professional Network: A significant goal is to develop professional ties
and increase my industry network. I intend to actively engage with coworkers,
seek mentorship from experienced professionals, and take use of the company's
networking opportunities. Creating a strong professional network will not only
enable knowledge sharing but will also open doors in order to advance one's

By establishing these personal goals, I hope to optimize my learning and make a

significant contribution to Nestle Casablanca's marketing ambitions. I am convinced
that meeting these goals will benefit not just me individually, but also the department
School of Business Administration

and the organization as a whole. I'm looking forward to the rest of my internship and
the chances it will provide for my professional development.

III. State the Business Problem

Nestle Casablanca's main commercial challenges in the Moroccan food and beverage market
include rising competition and shifting consumer tastes. Nestle must remain aware of
industry changes in order to preserve its market leadership and suit the changing needs of
Moroccan consumers

Moroccan commerce is characterized by a growing middle class, urbanization, and a growing

emphasis on health and wellness. Consumer preferences have shifted toward healthier, more
nutritious food and beverage options as a result of these causes. Nestle must therefore alter its
product line and marketing efforts to meet these evolving expectations.

Furthermore, the Moroccan food and beverage business has grown extremely competitive,
with both domestic and international players striving for market dominance. Nestle is under
pressure to differentiate itself and provide consumers new value propositions as competition
heats up. Nestle must develop innovative goods, launch compelling marketing campaigns,
and generate strong brand loyalty in order to sustain growth and maintain its market position.

Moreover, the expanding digital landscape and the advent of e-commerce offer Nestle with
both opportunities and problems. Nestle must build successful digital marketing strategies
and optimize its online presence to engage with consumers in a meaningful way as more
consumers turn to online platforms for purchasing decisions.

Nestle Casablanca's Marketing and Management Department is critical in addressing these

commercial difficulties. The department must create and implement successful marketing
strategies that are in step with the changing Moroccan market situation. Conducting extensive
market research, evaluating consumer behavior and preferences, and building engaging
branding and marketing campaigns that resonate with the target audience are all part of this

I hope to help to addressing these business difficulties throughout my internship by actively

participating in market research projects, assisting in the formulation of marketing strategies,
and assisting in the implementation of promotional activities. I intend to develop my
knowledge and abilities in marketing and management by receiving direct experience in
handling these industry-specific difficulties, while also contributing unique insights to Nestle
School of Business Administration

Methodology and Data

I will use a combination of qualitative and quantitative research approaches to examine the
business challenge at Nestle Casablanca. These methods will enable me to collect relevant
data, get insights into consumer behavior, and assess the efficiency of the company's
marketing tactics.

I will undertake qualitative research, such as in-depth interviews and focus group discussions,
to acquire a better knowledge of consumer preferences and perspectives. These
methodologies will allow me to investigate customer attitudes, motivations, and actions in
Morocco regarding Nestle's goods and the larger food and beverage business. The qualitative
data collected will provide significant insights and aid in the identification of upcoming
trends and opportunities.

Quantitative Research: To supplement the qualitative findings and provide a broader

viewpoint, I will conduct quantitative research. This will entail gathering numerical data from
a representative sample of Moroccan customers via surveys and questionnaires. I will be able
to quantify customer preferences, gauge brand perception, and find patterns and correlations
within the target market using the survey data.

Data Analysis: The acquired data will be evaluated with the help of appropriate analytical
tools and procedures. Statistical analysis methods such as descriptive statistics, correlation
analysis, and hypothesis testing may be included. I will be able to find relevant trends,
relationships, and insights from the data by using statistical analysis. In addition, I intend to
do a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis to evaluate Nestle's
competitive position in the Moroccan market and discover areas for strategic improvement.

Data Sources: I will collect primary data for my study using surveys and interviews with
Moroccan customers. The survey questionnaires will be designed to collect demographic
data, consumption trends, brand preferences, and perceptions of Nestle's products. Secondary
data sources such as industry reports, market research studies, and internal corporate data will
also be used to supplement and validate the findings.

The data collection method will be performed ethically, with participants' privacy and
confidentiality protected. All obtained data will be meticulously categorized, coded, and
entered into an appropriate program or statistical tool for analysis. Tables, charts, and other
visual representations will be used to enhance clarity and facilitate data comprehension.

I hope to provide a well-rounded study of the business challenge at hand by adopting this
complete methodology and utilizing both qualitative and quantitative data analysis
School of Business Administration

methodologies. This method will allow me to gain relevant insights, identify possibilities for
Nestle Casablanca, and make concrete recommendations for solving the difficulties in the
Moroccan food and beverage sector.

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