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Parimal Mishra Mobile No.

– +91-7011972290
Analyst, Ernst & Young LLP Email –

Memes are way too cool, but have we ever tried thinking?
What is about to follow, you won’t even care because you might be way too busy with your life but it’s a humble
request if you are literate, please go through this 4-minute read to know where India as a nation is headed.

We live in the 21st century, so proud of it right, so I believe that “Everything is a bluff until backed up by

India, the second most populated, seventh-largest country in the world, yet developing? I agree with the fact that
becoming developed with this population size will take time, but have we thought about how much time? I guess
probably not because the population on which we are counting on is busy in making, sharing and laughing on

Let me share some interesting statistics with you so that you can evaluate your vision and thoughts on India
becoming a developed nation:

1. India ranks 86th in the list of youngest countries in the world, quite bad right. But what if I tell you it is the
youngest amongst the most populated countries in the world.
2. India’s median age is 26.8 years which is the best when compared in terms of geographical area and third
when compared in terms of population.
3. In terms of population, Nigeria ranks first and Pakistan second, but both these nations has a very high
dependency ration which 88% and 65% respectively which is quite higher when compared to India’s, which is
around 54%. Also, the combined population of Nigeria and Pakistan is equal to India’s one third, so in this way
India is in much better condition than these 2 nations.

Table 1Median Age (Geographical Area wise)

S.No Nation Median Age (in years)

1. Russia 38.6
2. Canada 40.8
3. USA 38.2
4. China 37
5. Brazil 31.4
6. Australia 37.2
7. India 26.8

1 Page

Figure 1 Median Age (Geographical Area wise)

Parimal Mishra Mobile No. – +91-7011972290
Analyst, Ernst & Young LLP Email –

Table 2 Median Age (Population wise)

S.No Nation Median Age (in years)

1. China 37
2. India 26.8
3. USA 38.2
4. Indonesia 28.4
5. Pakistan 22.8
6. Brazil 31.4
7. Nigeria 18.1

Figure 2 Median Age (Population wise)

So, the bottom line is, that India seems to be in the best position.

We often brag that CXO’s of all leading companies are from India. Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai and the list can go
on and on, but what do we do with that fact? We share a post about them, get some likes and discuss them within
our friends, family, acquaintances in the comments section and move on. But let me share this with you, neither
Satya Nadella nor Sundar Pichai is going to see your post because they are well-educated literates and are well
aware of their responsibilities. They are busy doing their jobs making this world a more convenient one for the

India as a nation has the capability of building a better Google, a better Microsoft, a better Apple, a better Tesla
etc in India but we are not ready to take up this task. 65% of 1.3 billion is under 35 years of age and in what are
we focussing on? MEMES.

Some interesting facts associated with meme are:

1. 55% of 13-35-year-olds send memes every week—and 30% send them every day.
2. 38% follow meme accounts on social media.
3. 74% send memes to make people smile or laugh—and 53% send them to react to something.
Parimal Mishra Mobile No. – +91-7011972290
Analyst, Ernst & Young LLP Email –

Figure 3 Meme?

With no surprise, by taking India’s population into consideration, India accounts for the maximum number of
Facebook users which is nearly 260 million out of 2.4 billion globally. Considering this fact and combining it with
the above mentioned 3 facts about meme, we can clearly understand that a large amount of Indian youth is
engaged in memes rather than what we expect them to be in which includes gaining knowledge, innovating,
discovering, researching, etc.

We as the youth of this country has a responsibility which we should be ready to take up and it’s certainly not only
entertainment within one’s circle. It's about contributing to the Indian economy and making the dream of
becoming a 5 trillion economy faster than we expect. When the entire world is looking up to India, we can’t let
down our nation.

I truly believe, if 850 million youth-only will get to work seriously, we can beat any nation in the world on any
parameter. We are gifted with geographic and demographic advantages and we should leverage it wisely and lead
by an example.

Also, I am not that saying social media is bad or entertainment is not what we focus on, I am just stating that
engaging only in the entertainment stuff on social media specifically memes which I see a lot will make our nation
lag behind. On a personal note, use the services provided by Sundar Pichai more than Mark Zuckerberg. I hope
you will get it.

We are the fastest growing economy, what if we can be faster? Think about it, it will blow your mind.

Sources – 1. Google Inc



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