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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
Santa Cruz District


Date: ____________________________
Designation: __________________________________

Topic: How K-3 Children Learn Math

Insights or Realizations (Insights or realizations gained from the facilitator, mentor, or

coach regarding new concepts learned and known concepts that were more understood)

A. A totally new concept

As I explored how K-3 children learn math, I discovered a totally new concept: the
importance of hands-on and experiential learning. While I was aware of the value of
hands-on activities in math education, I had not fully grasped the extent to which young
learners benefit from concrete experiences. I realized that providing manipulatives,
visual aids, and interactive games allows children to actively engage with mathematical
concepts, fostering a deeper understanding of abstract ideas. This newfound
understanding opened possibilities for more effective and engaging math instruction in
my classroom.

B. A familiar concept but learned something new

During my exploration of how K-3 children learn math, I also encountered a familiar
concept but gained a new perspective. I had previously recognized the significance of
creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment, but today I learned the
importance of incorporating real-life contexts and connections in math instruction. By
relating math concepts to everyday situations, children can better understand the
relevance and applicability of math in their lives. This realization strengthened my
belief in the power of contextual learning and provided me with fresh ideas to enhance
my math lessons.

Lessons Learned

A. Easy points (what was easy to learn or apply to learners and why)
One aspect of teaching math to K-3 children that was relatively easy to learn and apply
to learners was the integration of games and interactive activities. Young children are
naturally curious and eager to explore, and incorporating games and hands-on
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
Santa Cruz District

activities made learning math enjoyable and accessible to them. These activities not
only captured their attention but also facilitated their understanding of mathematical
concepts. The children actively participated, collaborating with their peers and
developing problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging manner.

B. Challenging points (what difficult to learn or apply to learners and why)

However, I also encountered challenges in applying my learner-centered teaching
philosophy to math instruction for K-3 children. One of the most significant difficulties
was addressing individual learning needs within a diverse classroom. Some students
required additional support and reinforcement, while others were ready for more
advanced challenges. Adapting the lessons to cater to different levels of understanding
while maintaining an inclusive learning environment was a complex task. It demanded
careful differentiation, ongoing assessment, and individualized instruction to ensure all
students could thrive in math.

Next Course of Action

(what to do next to address challenges encountered)

To address the challenges I encountered, my next course of action involves ongoing

professional development and collaboration with colleagues. I will seek out resources
and strategies specifically tailored to differentiated math instruction for K-3 learners.
By engaging in discussions and sharing experiences with fellow educators, I can gather
insights and learn from their successful practices.

Furthermore, I plan to expand my repertoire of hands-on activities and games to cater

to diverse learning needs and abilities. By providing a range of options and
opportunities for exploration, I can better meet the varying levels of understanding
within my classroom. I will also continue to integrate real-life contexts and
connections, ensuring that math instruction remains relevant and meaningful to my

In conclusion, today's exploration of how K-3 children learn math reinforced the
significance of a learner-centered teaching philosophy in promoting engagement and
understanding. While I encountered both easy and challenging points throughout the
process, I am committed to further developing my instructional practices to address
these challenges. Through ongoing reflection, professional development, and
collaboration, I am confident in my ability to create a dynamic and inclusive learning
environment that supports the mathematical growth and development of all my K-3
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Occidental Mindoro
Santa Cruz District

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