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Main competitors

Sleepwell, Kurlon, Wakefit, FLO, Duroflex, Sleep Company, Sleepy Head

Brand Personality:
Warm, Nurturing, Innovative, Eco-conscious, Comfortable

Specific visual styles or themes you prefer?

Natural, earthy tones (greens, browns, soft blues)
Illustrations of koalas and eucalyptus leaves
Clean and minimalist design

Are there any brand attributes or values you want to emphasi e? z

Comfort, Sustainability, Quality, Innovation, Warmth, Natural

What emotions or associations should the brand evoke?

Comfort, Relaxation, Nature, Wellness, Sustainability

Are there any logos or brands you admire (even outside the industry)?

because of colour adidas (colour

code, name and and font)
logo design

colour identity minimal

stylish font

acronym and

identity and
simple and nice colour theme colour combo

Logos we dislike:
Maruti Suzuki/ Suzuki, Tata Motors logo, etc

Product line-up Idea:

All product names will be inspired by nature which symbolises peace and relaxing like Snow,
Ocean, Rain Forest, Cloud, etc. Each product will have its own identity including colour and
theme, and the way it is shown (for eg: background in the catalogue pictures)

Key Findings :

Color & Font Minimal Stylish Identity Comfortable Wellness

Nature Relaxation Sustainability Eco-conscious Warm Natural

koalas Eucalyptus leaves Quality Innovation

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