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Francheska Ortizo GEUNDETS


My One eye Mother

. The son feelings of shame and anger led them to distance themselves from their

mother, even after she sacrificed her own eye for them when they lost an eye in an

accident as a child. Over the years, the son becomes successful but remains distant

from their mother. When the mother tries to visit her grown-up child and

grandchildren, she is met with ridicule and harsh words. Later, upon her passing, the

son receives a letter from her, revealing the true reason behind her sacrifice and

expressing her love and pride for her child. The letter causes the son to regret their

past behavior and recognize the depth of their mother's love.

My opinion on the son action he is a deeply wrong and emotionally immature

individual. He exhibits a strong sense of resentment and embarrassment towards his

one-eyed mother, focusing only on her physical appearance rather than appreciating

her sacrifices and love. He reacts to her presence at school with anger and cruelty,

causing emotional pain to his mother without considering the impact of his actions on

her. His words are hurtful and selfish, wishing for her to disappear and even

suggesting that she should die. The son's lack of empathy and understanding

towards his mother's feelings demonstrate a significant lack of emotional maturity.

My opinion on the mother action she is a truly selfless and loving individual, despite

the difficult circumstances she faces. Despite having only one eye, she puts her

family's needs above her own. Her unwavering dedication to her family is evident

even when her son treats her with disdain and embarrassment. She endures hurtful

remarks and neglect from her son, but she remains silent and patient, displaying the
depth of her love for him. Despite facing rejection and humiliation, the mother's

unconditional love and selflessness shine through, making her a sympathetic and

admirable character. Her character serves as a touching reminder of the huge

sacrifices parents often make for their children, and the importance of appreciating

and cherishing the love and care they provide.

As an observer of the story, I find "My One-Eyed Mother" to be a deeply emotional

and impactful narrative that explores the difficulty of family relationships and the

power of love and sacrifice. The story effectively captures the raw emotions and

reactions of the characters, particularly the son's initial resentment and

embarrassment towards his one-eyed mother. The son's hurtful and thoughtless

behavior towards his mother is painful to witness, but it also serves as a powerful

reminder of how our actions can have long-lasting consequences on our loved ones.

The character of the mother is the heart of the story. Despite being treated poorly by

her son, she remains a symbol of unconditional love and selflessness. Her sacrifice

of giving her own eye to her son after his accident is a powerful representation of a

mother's boundless love for her child. Overall, "My One-Eyed Mother" is a

wonderfully written tale that touches the soul and leaves the reader with a deep

understanding of the value of compassion, affection, and forgiveness in family

connections. It is a story that advises readers to treasure the special times spent with

their loved ones and to appreciate the sacrifices made on their sake.

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