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Globalization in Politics

Traditionally politics has been undertaken within

national political systems. National governments have been
ultimately responsible for maintaining the security and
economic welfare of their citizens, as well as the protection
of human rights and the environment within their borders.
With global ecological changes, an ever more integrated
global economy, and other global trends, political activity
increasingly takes place at the global level.

Through political integration initiatives like the

European Union and intergovernmental institutions like the
Picture Credit: UN Photo/Paulo Filgueiras

International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization, politics can now occur above
the level of the state as a result of globalization. Global movements and NGOs can help political action
transcend national boundaries. In order to contact international organizations and other players directly rather
than through their national governments, civil society organizations build alliances with organizations in other
nations, use global communications channels, and lobby these groups directly.

 Global Policy Forum or GPF, posted an article about political process of globalization stating that
political integration can take place above the state. It relates to the political process in a way that it will
be easier to understand the concept or purpose through the help of global organization that come
together to bring out ideas for better alliance. Instead of working through national governments they take
the political activity to transcend national borders.

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