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Electrical Circuits and Systems (EE1302)

Dr. Arvind Kumar Prajapati

(Assistant Professor Grade-II)

Electrical Engineering Department

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
Electrical Circuit

❑ A circuit in which electrical current is flowing called electrical circuit.

❑ Each component of the electric circuit is known as electrical element.

❑ An electric circuit is an interconnection of electrical elements.


❖ The most basic quantity in an electric circuit is the electric charge.

❖ Charge is an electrical property of the atomic particles of which matter consists, measured in
coulombs (C).

❖ The electrical effects of charge are described in terms of positive and negative charges.

❖ According to experimental observations, the only charges that occur in nature are integral multiples
of the electronic charge (Q = 𝑛𝑒, where n is the no. of electrons and e is the charge on an electron
− 1.602 × 10−19 C)

❖ In a mechanical system ‘the matter’ matters, for an electrical system the charge takes all the
Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
❑ The law of conservation of charge states that charge can neither be created nor
destroyed, only transferred.
❑ To define what is electric charge, let us recall the atomic structure consisting of
neutrons, protons and electrons.

Electron charge -
1.602176634 × 10−19 C
Proton charge -
1.602176634 × 10-19 C
Neutron charge – 0 C

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
❖ To define what is electric charge, let us recall the atomic structure consisting of neutrons,
protons and electrons.
❖ If any atom has equal number of electrons and protons, it means that the effective charge on
the body is zero.
❖ If from a body consisting of neutral atoms, some electrons are removed, there will be a
deficit of electrons in the body, and the body will attain positive charge.
❖ If neutral atoms of a body are supplied some extra electrons, the body will attain negative
❖ Thus, we can say that the deficit or excess of electrons in a body is called charge. It can
neither be created nor be destroyed.

Definition: Electric charge is a basic property of matter carried by some elementary

particles that govern how the particles are affected by an electric or magnetic field.

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
❑ Voltage (potential) at a particular point is defined as the energy required to bring a
positive charge from infinite to that point.

❑ Potential difference between two points is defined as the energy required to move a unit
charge one point to another point.
❑ Electromotive force (emf) is the energy given by the source to transfer positive charge
from one terminal to other.
❑ All the above quantities are scalar and measured in volts (V) and decide the flow of
❑ The voltage between two points a and b in an electric circuit is the energy (or work)
needed to move a unit charge from a to b; mathematically

∆𝑤 𝑑𝑤
𝑉𝑎𝑏 = =
∆𝑞 𝑑𝑞

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
❑ The sign associated with a voltage is also called its polarity.

❖ As in the case for current, we must assume a positive direction (polarity) for the
voltage. Consider the three diagrams below.


v=4V vab = 4 V v=4V

. b

❖ Each of the above gives the same information.

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts

❑ We always assume a polarity for the voltage. When we solve the circuit for the voltage,
we may find that the actual polarity is not the polarity we assumed.


❖ The negative sign for 6 V indicates that if the red lead of a voltmeter is placed on +
terminal and the black lead on the – terminal the meter will read downscale or –6v. A
digital meter would read –6 v.
Basic Electric Circuit Concepts

• Potential difference: Illustration of potential difference

• In a circuit, voltage drop/potential difference in a

component or between two points is measured by
connecting a voltmeter in parallel.
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Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
– In any conducting material, the flow of electrons forms what is called current.
• Thus, electrical current is expressed as a flow of negative charge, i.e., electrons.
– Current (I) is a measure of rate of flow of electric charge (Q). This is expressed as,

Where, Q is measured in Coulomb (C), and t in seconds (s).

– The unit of current, therefore, is Coulomb per second, when 1 C of charge flows in 1 s;
the magnitude of current is called ampere, named after Andre-Marie Ampere.

1 Coulomb = 6.28 x 1018 electrons

– In a circuit, the current through a component or wire is measured by connecting an

ammeter in series.
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Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
Electrical current

❑ An electric current is the movement of electrical charges along a definite path.

❑ The rate of flow of charge is known as electric current, measured in amperes (A).

∆𝑞 𝑑𝑞
𝑖= =
∆𝑡 𝑑𝑡
❖ The charge transferred between time 𝑡0 and t is obtained by integrating both sides of above equation

𝑡 𝑡
𝑄 = ‫׬ = 𝑡𝑑 𝑖 𝑡׬‬0 𝑖𝑑𝑡 +𝑄0

❑ In solving for current in a circuit, we must assume I1 = 4 A I2 = - 3 A

a direction, solve for the current, then reconcile

our answer. This is illustrated in the figure.
❑ In the diagram above, current I1 is actually 4 A as
assumed. The actual positive direction of Circuit 1 Circuit 2

current I2 (equal to -3 A) in the opposite

direction of the arrow for I2. (a) (b)

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts

1. How much charge represented by 100 electrons?

2. The total charge entering a terminal is given by 𝒒 = 𝟓𝒕𝒔𝒊𝒏𝟒𝝅𝒕 mC. Calculate the current at
t=0.5 sec.

3. Determine the total charge entering a terminal between t=1 s and t= 2 s if the current passing
the terminal is 𝒊 = 𝟑𝒕𝟐 − 𝒕 𝑨.

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
4. The charge entering a certain element is shown in below figure, find current at (a) t=1ms (b)
t=6ms (c) t=10ms.

5. The charge flowing in a wire is plotted in following figure, sketch the corresponding current.

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
6. The current flowing in a device is shown in below figure, calculate the total charge that passed
through the element.

7. The current flowing in a device is shown in below figure, calculate the total charge that passed
through the element at (a) t=1s (b) t=3s (c) t=5s.

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts

1. 1.602 × 10−17 C

2. 31.42 mA

3. 5.5 C

4. (a) 40 A (b) 0A (c) -20A

5. As shown in figure

6. 15𝜇𝐶

7. (a) 10 C (b) 22.5C (c) 30C

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
Problem: Estimate the increase in the electric charge storage capacity in
coulomb if a mobile phone battery capacity is improved from 3000 mAh
to 5000 mAh.
1000mAh: This indicates that the battery can provide 1000mA or 1A of current for 1hr
(3600 sec).
SI unit of current: Ampere (A)
SI unit of time: Second (s)
Initial charge stored Q1 = I x t = 3 x 3600 = 10800 C
Desired charged Q2 = I x t = 5 x 3600 = 18000 C
Increment = Q2 – Q1 = 18000 – 10800 = 7200 C

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Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
Resistance :
– Electrical property of the material which oppose the flow current and dissipates
the energy
– The physical property, or ability to resist current, is known as resistance and is
represented by the symbol R.
– The resistance of any material with a uniform cross-sectional area A depends on
A and its length, as shown in Figure below:

24-08-2023 Module-1: DC Circuit Analysis 16

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
❑ Electrical resistance is the property of a material which offers opposition to the current
and dissipates energy. The unit of resistance (R) is ohm (Ω).

❑ In a conductor the resistance is due to the collision between moving electrons and fixed
conductor ions.

❑ The resistance of a conductor depends upon its length, cross sectional area, material and

The Ohms Law can provide the concept of resistance as resistance offered by the material
when current of I ampere flows through it with a potential difference of V volt across the
material. This implies

𝑅= 𝐼
The power absorbed by the material can be given by:

𝑃 = 𝑉𝐼 = 𝐼𝑅 𝐼 = 𝐼 2 𝑅 watts

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
❑ Four factors affect the resistance of a metallic conductor: length, cross sectional area,
type of material which the conductor is made and temperature.



Where, 𝜌 (rho) is the proportionality constant at a given temperature. It is known as
resistivity or specific resistance of the conductor material. Its unit is ohmmeter.

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
Temperature coefficient of resistance

❑ The temperature coefficient of resistance of a material is defined as the change in

resistance with respect to change in temperature at the resistance at base temperature.

change in resistance
change in temperature
resistance at the base temparture

𝑅2 − 𝑅1
𝜃 − 𝜃1
𝛼= 2

𝑅2 = 𝑅1 (1 + 𝛼(𝜃2 − 𝜃1 ))

1. Temperature coefficient is positive for the conductor.

2. It is negative for the semiconductor and insulator.

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
Depending on the ρ we can
easily differentiate between
conductor, semiconductor and
insulator as shown in Table

24-08-2023 Module-1: DC Circuit Analysis 20

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
• Resistivity or specific resistance:
– Specific resistance is the nature of a material may be defined as the
resistance between the opposite faces of that material. Resistivity is
commonly represented by the Greek letter ρ(rho). The SI unit of
electrical resistivity is the ohm-meter (Ω⋅m).

• Conductivity:
– It is a fundamental material's property to conduct electric current. It is
commonly signified by the Greek letter σ (sigma) and the SI unit of
electrical conductivity is siemens per meter (S/m).

𝝈 = S/m or ℧/m (mho/meter)

24-08-2023 Module-1: DC Circuit Analysis 21

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
❑ The rate of doing work is called power. Power is measured in joules per second (J/s). The
special name of watt (W) is given to this unit.
❑ Power is defined as the time rate of change of doing work. We can express this as,
work 𝑑𝑤
𝑝= =
time 𝑑𝑡
We can also write above equation as
∆𝑤 𝑑𝑞
𝑝= = 𝑣𝑖
∆𝑞 𝑑𝑡

❑ The unit of power is Joules/second which is also called Watt (W). If power is more it is
expressed in Kilowatt (kW).
❑ The law of conversation of energy is also hold in an electric circuit. Therefore, in any
electric circuit the algebraic sum of the power must be zero.
❑ In any closed electric circuit, power is both supplied and absorbed. The amount that is
supplied must be equal to the amount that is absorbed.
෍𝑝 = 0
Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
❑ We adopt a passive sign convention in order to define the sign of supplied power and the sign of
absorbed power. Consider the following.

❑ Power supplied: If the assumed direction of the current leaves the assumed positive polarity of the
voltage, power is supplied (𝑝 < 0; 𝑖. 𝑒. 𝑝 = − 𝑣𝑒).
❑ Power absorbed: If the assumed direction of the current enters the assumed positive polarity of the
voltage, power is absorbed (𝑝 > 0; 𝑖. 𝑒. 𝑝 = + 𝑣𝑒).

❖ Passive sign convention is satisfied when the current enters through the positive terminal of an
element and 𝑝 = +𝑣𝑖 . If the current enters through the negative terminal, 𝑝 = −𝑣𝑖

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts

+ 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑏𝑠𝑜𝑟𝑏𝑒𝑑 = − 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑠𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑙𝑖𝑒𝑑

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
❑ Energy is the capacity to do work, measured in joules (J).

❑ The electric power utility companies measure energy in watt-hours, this is such as large number we
usually think kWh. 1kWh is equal to one 1 unit. We pay our electric bills for power measured in

As we know
Hence, the energy absorbed or supplied by an element from time 𝑡0 to time t is

𝑡 𝑡
𝑤 = න 𝑝 𝑑𝑡 = න 𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑡
𝑡0 𝑡0

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
• Problem: How much energy does a 100-W electric bulb consume in
two hours?
• Solution: Energy = Power x time = 100 x 2 = 200 W
= 100 x 2 x 60 x 60 = 720000 J
= 720 kJ

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Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
Calculation of Electric Bill:
• The cost of electricity depends upon the amount of energy consumed in kilowatt-
hours (kWh).
• However, even if a consumer uses no energy at all, there is a minimum service
charge the customer must pay because it costs money to stay connected to the
power line.
Typical average monthly consumption of household appliances for 5
Appliance kWh consumed Appliance kWh consumed
Water heater 500 Washing machine 120
Freezer 100 Stove 100
Lighting 100 Dryer 80
Dishwasher 35 Microwave oven 25
Electric iron 15 Personal computer 12
TV 10 Radio 8
24-08-2023 4 Clock
Module-1: DC Circuit Analysis 2 27
Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
• Problem: A homeowner consumes 700 kWh in January. Determine
the electricity bill for the month using\ the following residential rate
Base monthly charge of ₹50.00.
First 100 kWh per month at ₹8.00/kWh.
Next 200 kWh per month at ₹6.50/kWh.
Over 300 kWh per month at ₹5.00 /kWh.
• Solution: Total bill = Base price + 100 x 8 + 200 x 6.5 + 400 x 5
= 50 + 800 + 1300 +2000 = ₹4150 /-

24-08-2023 Module-1: DC Circuit Analysis 28

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
Problem: A factory has a 240-V supply from which the following loads are taken :

Lighting: Three hundred 150-W, four hundred 100 W and five hundred 60-
W lamps

Heating : 100 kW.

Motors : A total of 44.76 kW (60 b.h.p.) with an average efficiency of 75


Misc.: Various load taking a current of 40 A.

Assuming that the lighting load is on for 4 hours/day, the heating for 10 hours per day
and the remainder for 2 hours/day, calculate the weekly consumption of the factory in
kWh when working on a 5 day a week? If one unit charge is 3.0 Rs. Calculate the bill
paid by factory in a week.
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Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
Solution: The power consumed by each load can be tabulated as
given below :

24-08-2023 Module-1: DC Circuit Analysis 30

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
1. A lightning bolt with 8 kA strikes an object for 15 𝜇s. How much charge is deposited on
the object?

2. The current entering the positive terminal of a device is 𝑖 𝑡 = 3𝑒 −2𝑡 A and the voltage
across the device is 𝑣 𝑡 = 5 𝑑𝑖Τ𝑑𝑡 V. Find (a) Find the charge delivered to the device
between t=0 and t=2 s. (b) Calculate the power absorbed (c) Determine the energy
absorbed in 3 s.

3. Calculate the power absorbed or supplied by each element in the following figure

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
4. A 1.8-kW electric heater takes 15 min to boil a quantity of water. If this is done once a
day and power costs 10 cents/kWh, what is the cost of its operation for 30 days?

5. Following figure shows the power consumption of a certain household in 1 day.

Calculate: (a) the total energy consumed in kWh, (b) the average power per hour (c) if
one unit charge is 10 Rs. Find electric bill for 30 days.

6. Estimate the increase in the electric charge storage capacity in coulomb if a mobile phone
battery capacity is improved from 3000 mAh to 5000 mAh.

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts

1. 120 mC.

2. (a) 1.4725C (b) -90 𝑒 −4𝑡 W (c) -22.5J

3. Battery supplied 36W, load 1 consumed 24W and load 2 consumed 12W.

4. 135 cents = 1.35 dollar.

5. (a) 10kWh (b) 416.7W (c) 10*30*10=3000Rs.

6. 7200C

Basic Electric Circuit Elements
Circuit elements can be categorised into passive elements and active elements.
1. Active Elements

2. Passive Elements

Passive Elements
The element which receives energy (or absorbs energy) and then either converts it into heat
(R) or stored it in an electric (C) or magnetic (L) field is called passive element.

1. Resistor

2. Capacitor

3. Inductor

Basic Electric Circuit Elements

Basic Electric Circuit Elements
Active Elements

❑ The elements that supply energy (or power) to the circuit is called active element.

❑ Examples of active elements include voltage and current sources, generators, and some electronic

❑ A transistor is an active circuit element, meaning that it can amplify power of a signal.

❑ Transformer is not an active element because it does not amplify the power level and power remains
same both in primary and secondary sides. Transformer is an example of passive element.

❑ Energy sources are two types:

1. Independent sources

2. Dependent sources.

Basic Electric Circuit Elements
Power Sources
The source which supplies the active power to the network is known as the electrical power source. The
power source is of two types namely
1. Independent source
2. Dependent source
Independent Source
The magnitude (value) of an independent source does not depend upon the current in the circuit or
voltage across any other element in the circuit. There are two types of independent sources.
1. Independent Voltage Source: An independent voltage source is a two-terminal network element
that provides a specified voltage across its terminals. The value of this voltage at any instant is
independent of the other voltage or current of the circuit. The terminal voltage may be a constant, or
it may be some specified function of time. The symbols for such voltage sources are shown in
following figure.

Basic Electric Circuit Elements
2. Independent Current Source: An independent current source is a two-terminal network element
that produces a specified current. The value and direction of this current at any instant is
independent of the other voltage or current. The output current may be a constant or it may be a
function of time. The symbols for such current sources are shown in following figure.

Basic Electric Circuit Elements
Dependent Source
The magnitude (value) of a dependent source gets changed due to some other current or voltage in the
circuit. A dependent source is represented by a diamond-shaped symbol. These sources are also called
controlled sources. These sources are classified into four types, depending on whether the control
variable is voltage or current and the controlled source is a voltage source or current source.

1. CCCS: Current controlled current source (Example: BJT as IC= β IB).

2. CCVS: Current controlled voltage source (Current source connected network of OP-AMP)

3. VCVC: Voltage controlled voltage source (Amplifier)

4. VCCS: Voltage controlled current source (FET)

Figure (a): Dependent voltage source (b) Dependent current source

Basic Electric Circuit Elements
1. Voltage-Controlled Voltage Source (VCVS): A voltage-controlled voltage source (VCVS) is a
network component that provides a voltage in the circuit and that voltage is proportional to a
voltage between two points in the circuit. The symbol for such a source is shown in following figure.

2. Voltage-Controlled Current Source (VCCS): A voltage-controlled current source (VCCS) is a

network component that provides a current in a branch of the circuit and that current is proportional
to the voltage between two points in the circuit.

Basic Electric Circuit Elements
3. Current-Controlled Voltage Source (CCVS): A current-controlled voltage source (CCVS) is a
network component that establishes a voltage between two points in the circuit that is proportional to
the current in a branch of the circuit. The symbol for such a source is shown in following figure.

4. Current-Controlled Current Source (CCCS) : A current-controlled current source (CCCS) is a

network component that establishes a current in a branch of the circuit that is proportional to a
current in some branch of the network. The symbol for such a source is shown in following figure.

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts
1. Calculate the power supplied or absorbed by each element in the following figure.

2. Suggest the correct name of the following dependent source.

3. A small electric car is equipped with a 40-hp electric motor. How much energy does the
motor deliver in one hour, assuming the motor is operating at maximum
power for the whole time?

Basic Electric Circuit Concepts

1. P1 = −100, p2 = 60, p3 = 48, p4 = −8


3. 107.424MJ

Basic Circuit Elements Terminology

Fig. 1. Closed vs Open circuit

Short circuit – A short circuit is a circuit element with resistance approaching zero.
It is generally represented by a simple wired connection.

At short circuit 𝑅 = 0,

𝑉 =𝐼×𝑅 =0

This is showing that the voltage is zero but the current could be anything.

Fig. 3. Normal circuit vs short circuited

Basic Circuit Elements Terminology

Open Circuit
An open circuit is a circuit element with resistance approaching infinity.

For an open circuit, 𝑅 = ∞

𝐼 = lim 𝑅 → ∞ = = 0
𝑅 ∞
This expression is indicating that the current is zero though the voltage could be anything.

Basic Circuit Elements Terminology
Electric network:
A combination of various circuit elements, connected in any manner, is called an electric network
Linear circuit:
The circuit whose parameters are constant, that is, they do not change with the application of voltage or
current is called a linear circuit.
Non-linear circuit:
The circuit whose parameters change with the application of voltage or current is called a non-linear circuit.
Circuit parameter:
The various elements of an electric circuit are called its parameters, such as resistance, inductance, and
Bilateral circuit:
A bilateral circuit is one whose properties or characteristics are the same in either direction, for example,
transmission line.
Unilateral circuit:
A unilateral circuit is one whose properties or characteristics change with the direction of its operations, for
example, diode rectifier.

Basic Circuit Elements Terminology

A mesh is a loop that has no other loops inside it. As mesh is having no other loop within it, so:
number of mesh in any circuit will be less than equal to number of loops.

Total number of nodes: 6, branches: 7, loops: 3, mesh: 2.

Basic Circuit Elements Terminology

A branch is a part of the circuit which extends from one principal node to another.

A branch represents a single element such as voltage source or resistor etc. In other words, branch represents
any two terminal elements.


A node to be any point in a circuit where the terminals of two or more elements are connected together.

If three or more elements are connected together at a node, then that node is sometimes called a junction or
essential node or principal node.

All points connected together by resistanceless wires represents the same node.


Loop is any closed path in a circuit.

A network with b branches, n nodes, and l independent loops will satisfy the fundamental theorem of network

𝑏 =𝑙+𝑛−1

Basic Circuit Elements Terminology
Series Connection: Two or more elements connected end to end, so that the same current flows through
all the elements is called series circuit.
Two or more elements are in series if they exclusively share a single node and consequently carry the same
1. Each element will carry same current
2. Voltage across each element will differ

𝑅𝑇 = 𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + ⋯ + 𝑅𝑁
Parallel Connection: Two or more elements are in parallel if all are connected between the
same two nodes and consequently have the same voltage across them.
1. Each element will carry different current
2. Voltage across each element will be same

1 1 1 1
= + + ⋯+
Basic Circuit Elements Terminology

Simplifications of DC Circuits:
The key to simplifying circuits is to combine complex series-parallel arrangements of
resistors into one main resistor.
The general rules for solving these types of problems are as follows:
1. Start simplifying the circuit as far away from the terminals of equivalent resistance
as possible.
2. Reduce series and parallel configurations into equivalent resistances (𝑅𝐸 ).
3. Continue, moving towards the terminals until a single equivalent resistor
represents the entire resistor network.

Basic Circuit Elements Terminology

Example 1: What will be the equivalent resistance between terminals P and Q of the
ladder network shown in following Figure.

Basic Circuit Elements Terminology
Solution: By considering series and parallel connection of resistors, the equivalent
resistance across terminals P and Q is determined as below.

Basic Circuit Elements Terminology

So, the equivalent resistance, R E between terminals P and Q is

𝟏𝟐 × 𝟏𝟐
𝑹𝑬 = =𝟔Ω
𝟏𝟐 + 𝟏𝟐
Basic Circuit Elements Law
1. Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit of following figure with, R1=R4= 5 Ω, and
R2=R3= 2Ω.

2. Find the equivalent resistance for the three different circuit configurations.

Basic Circuit Elements Law
1. 11 Ω.
2. (a) r Ω (b) 0 Ω (c) r Ω

Star (Y or T) and Delta (
or ) Transformation
Delta () to Star (Y) Conversion
❑ Situations often arise in circuit analysis when the resistors are neither in parallel nor in series.
❑ Star (Y) and Delta () are said to be equivalent if the impedance at any pair of terminals of
one network is equal to the impedance at the corresponding pair of terminals of the other
❑ In this conversion, we have to find 𝑅1 , 𝑅2 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅3 in terms of 𝑅12 , 𝑅23 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅13 .

Like series and parallel connections, the resistances may be connected in Star and
Delta pattern as shown in Fig (a) and Fig (b) respectively. In star connection:

𝑅1−2 = 𝑅1 + 𝑅2
𝑅2−3 = 𝑅2 + 𝑅3 ቑ (1)
𝑅3−1 = 𝑅3 + 𝑅1
Delta () to Star (Y) Conversion (Contd…)
In Delta connection: resistances seen from the terminals 1-2, 2-3 and 3-1 are respectively:

𝑅12 (𝑅23 +𝑅13 )

𝑅1−2 = 𝑅12 || 𝑅23 + 𝑅13 = 𝑅12 +𝑅23 +𝑅13
𝑅 (𝑅 +𝑅 )
𝑅2−3 = 𝑅23 || 𝑅12 + 𝑅13 = 𝑅22 +𝑅12 +𝑅13 (2)
12 23 13
𝑅13 (𝑅12 +𝑅23 )
𝑅3−1 = 𝑅13 || 𝑅12 + 𝑅23 = 𝑅 +𝑅 +𝑅
12 23 13

Star (Y) and Delta () are equivalent, the equations (1) and (2) are same, we can rearrange the
equation as:
𝑅12 (𝑅23 +𝑅13 )
𝑅1 + 𝑅2 = 𝑅12 +𝑅23 +𝑅13

𝑅22 (𝑅12 +𝑅13 )

𝑅2 + 𝑅3 = (4)
𝑅12 +𝑅23 +𝑅13

𝑅13 (𝑅12 +𝑅23 )

𝑅3 + 𝑅1 = (5)
𝑅12 +𝑅23 +𝑅13

Add the Equations (3) – (5) and divide the result by 2 gives:
𝑅12 𝑅23 +𝑅23 𝑅13 +𝑅13 𝑅12
𝑅1 + 𝑅2 + 𝑅3 = (6)
𝑅12 +𝑅23 +𝑅13
Delta () to Star (Y) Conversion (Contd…)
Subtracting Equation (4) from Equation (6) gives
𝑅12 𝑅13
𝑅1 = (7)
𝑅12 +𝑅23 +𝑅13

Subtracting Equation (5) from Equation (6) gives

𝑅12 𝑅23
𝑅2 = (8)
𝑅12 +𝑅23 +𝑅13

Subtracting Equation (3) from Equation (6) gives

𝑅13 𝑅23
𝑅3 = (9)
𝑅12 +𝑅23 +𝑅13

Thus, Equations (7)-(9) describe if 𝑅12 , 𝑅23 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅13 are connected in delta
connected network, the corresponding equivalent resistances in star connected network
is given by 𝑅1 , 𝑅2 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅3 . In general
𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑑𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠
𝑌 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒 = (10)
𝑠𝑢𝑚 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑡𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠

Star (Y) to Delta () Conversion
In this conversion, we have to find 𝑅12 , 𝑅23 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅13 in terms of 𝑅1 , 𝑅2 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅3 .
From Equations (7)-(9) (multiply Equations (7) and (8), (7) and (9), (8) and (9) and
adding them), we get :
2 2 2
𝑅12 𝑅23 𝑅13 + 𝑅23 𝑅12 𝑅13 + 𝑅13 𝑅12 𝑅23
𝑅1 𝑅2 + 𝑅2 𝑅3 + 𝑅3 𝑅1 =
(𝑅12 + 𝑅23 + 𝑅13 )2

𝑅12 𝑅23 𝑅13 (𝑅12 +𝑅23 + 𝑅13 )

(𝑅12 +𝑅23 + 𝑅13 )2
𝑅12 𝑅23 𝑅13
= (11)
𝑅12 +𝑅23 +𝑅13

Division of Equation (11) by Equation (9) gives

𝑅1 𝑅2 + 𝑅2 𝑅3 + 𝑅1 𝑅3 σ 𝑅1 𝑅2
𝑅12 = =
𝑅3 𝑅3
𝑅1 𝑅2
= 𝑅1 +𝑅2 + (12)
𝑅3 63
Star (Y) to Delta () Conversion
Division of Equation (11) by Equation (7) gives

𝑅1 𝑅2 + 𝑅2 𝑅3 + 𝑅1 𝑅3 σ 𝑅1 𝑅2
𝑅23 = =
𝑅1 𝑅1
𝑅2 𝑅3
= 𝑅2 +𝑅3 + (13)

Division of Equation (11) by Equation (8) gives

𝑅1 𝑅2 + 𝑅2 𝑅3 + 𝑅1 𝑅3 σ 𝑅1 𝑅2
𝑅13 = =
𝑅2 𝑅2
𝑅1 𝑅3
= 𝑅1 +𝑅3 + (14)

Thus, Equations (12)-(14) state that if the connection is in star connected network, the
corresponding delta connected network can be designed whose value of resistances are
given by Equations (12)-(14).

Star (Y) and Delta () Transformation (Contd…)
Problem 1: Consider the following 𝝅 connected network. Convert the connection into a T
connected network with its equivalent resistors.

Here, 𝜋 connected network means the ∆ connected network. The T connected network means
Star connection.
RX= (10 × 5) / (10 + 5 + 3) = 2.78 Ω
RY= (10 × 3) / (10 + 5 + 3) = 1.67 Ω
RZ= (5 × 3) / (10 + 5 + 3) = 0.83 Ω
The corresponding circuit will be as follows.
Star (Y) and Delta () Transformation (Contd…)
Problem 2: Find power loss across 1 Ω resistor.

Let, ∆ bcd structure can be reduced to equivalent star connected network with resistances
RX, RY and RZ. The whole modified network has been shown below:
RX = (2 × 3) / (2 + 3 + 2) = 0.86 Ω
RY = (2 × 3) / (2 + 3 + 2) = 0.86 Ω
RZ = (2 × 2) / (2 + 3 + 2) = 0.57 Ω

Star (Y) and Delta () Transformation (Contd…)
The equivalent circuit o the above circuit can
be redrawn as:

Now, calculation of resistance between b and e point is as follows:

Rbe = [ (0.86+2) || (0.86+2)] + 0.57 = 2 Ω
So, current I can be calculated as:
I = 10 / (1+2) = 3.33 A
So, power drawn = 𝐼 2 𝑅 = 3.332 × 1 =11.1 W
Star (Y) and Delta () Transformation (Contd…)
Example 1: Find an equivalent resistance between A and B in the network given
following Figure

Star (Y) and Delta () Transformation (Contd…)
Solution: Converting the two delta networks formed by resistors of 4.5 Ω, 3 Ω,
and 7.5 Ω into equivalent star networks.

Star (Y) and Delta () Transformation (Contd…)

Simplifying the network by using a series-parallel combination.

𝑹𝑨𝑩 = 𝟕. 𝟒𝟓 Ω

Star (Y) and Delta () Transformation (Contd…)
Example 2: Find equivalent resistance Rab using star to delta ?

Star (Y) and Delta () Transformation (Contd…)
Solution :



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