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The hero of the last Millennium

Being creative has been a defining characteristic of humans since the beginning of time. We have an
innate desire to imagine, to create, to build, to make, to invent. The fire. The wheel. The automobile. The
airplane. The bulb. The electricity. The antibiotics. The x-rays. The atom bomb. Some of the inventions
and most technology was for making our life more convenient and pleasurable. But there were also
spectacular innovations and discoveries that made a big difference in the world. And, the personal
computer was one of them.

The first personal computer was called the Altair and was produced by a small firm named MITS. This
machine, which used Intel Corporation’s 8080 microprocessor, was developed in 1974. The main
advantage of the personal computer over ENIAC and other early computers was its relatively small size
and a decent price which made it more affordable.

Computers were initially invented to automate calculations and were used mainly in the workplace. After
its invention the machine went though many improvements and became more and more popular.
Because of its great potential, the computer has become an irreplaceable household item, widely used
for dealing with many daily tasks. This machine has a huge influence on human’s life and changed many
areas of it including communication, business, financial services, education, shopping, health care,
transportation, entertainment and many others. Main advantages of computers include fast data
processing, accuracy, automation, ease of access, multitasking. In addition to that, they make it available
to work, study, buy or sell and communicate online which helps to save our time, effort and money.

The computer is in a class of its own being the most life changing and successful invention of the last
Millennium. It is more important than other innovations or discoveries by virtue of its widespread usage
and various potential. Moreover, the computer has been intervened to every sphere of human life such
as mobile phones, television, supermarkets, hospitals, railways, sports, schools and universities, job
recruitment, machine learning, artificial intelligence, etc. This machine made a world a more
comfortable place to live and helped all mankind.

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