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Objective: Prepare and use necessary tools and supplies/materials

according to OHSC requirements.

Subject: Nailcare

Grade Level: Grade 9

Learning across curriculum:

1. Science - Understanding the chemical components of nailcare products.

2. Mathematics - Calculating the cost of materials needed for nailcare procedures.

3. Health - Discussing the importance of proper nailcare for hygiene and preventing

Review Motivation:

1. Show a video demonstration of a professional nail technician creating beautiful

nail designs.

2. Share before and after photos of nails that were properly cared for.

3. Conduct a short quiz on the importance of nailcare to assess prior knowledge.

Activity 1: Identifying Tools and Supplies

Materials: Nailcare tools and supplies (nail clippers, nail file, cuticle pusher,
nail polish, etc.)

Instructions: Students will be shown different tools and supplies used in

nailcare. They will identify each item and explain its purpose.


- Correctly identified all tools and supplies (5 points)

- Explained the purpose of each item accurately (5 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. What is the purpose of a cuticle pusher?

2. Why is it important to have a clean nail file?

Activity 2: Proper Handling and Storage of Tools

Materials: Nailcare tools and supplies, storage containers

Instructions: Students will demonstrate how to properly handle and store

nailcare tools and supplies. They will be given scenarios where they need to
identify the correct tool and explain the proper way to handle and store it.


- Correctly identified the appropriate tool for each scenario (5 points)

- Explained the proper handling and storage of tools accurately (5 points)

Assessment Questions:

1. How should nail clippers be stored to prevent rusting?

2. Why is it important to sanitize tools before and after use?

Activity 3: OHSC Requirements for Nailcare Procedures

Materials: OHSC guidelines, nailcare tools and supplies

Instructions: Students will study the OHSC requirements for nailcare

procedures. They will then demonstrate how to

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