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Name : Melani Kariri Hara

NPM : CA221120254

Task : English

Lecuter : Nila Prasetyaningsih,S.S,MA

Write about yourself at least in two paragraphs !

Answer :

Hallo mom,i would like to introduce my self

My full name is Melani kariri hara,you can call melan ,i come from east sumba. I am a migrant who
currently lives in north Jakarta (kelapa gading),i am 23 years old,i work at PT.Partindo tunggal perkasa
as admin ,located in central Jakarta,This company operates in the field of sales of technical
equipment,i have worked at this company for 4 years.

I like spice food,and i like peach color,my hobby is badminton and i like swimming when i have free
time ,i’m usually a quit person (introvert) but if i’m familiar,i’m easily open to chatting.i like working
with a team, i like holidays around the city,but it has to be with a team (because i’m afraid of myself

Hmmmm maybe that’s all about me,so thankyou mom

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