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Monkeypox is very unlikely to be a pandemic like Covid-19, but

Singapore should not be surprised if the virus is detected here,

Health Minister Ong Ye Kung said on Saturday (May 28).

In a Facebook post, he said: "In the coming weeks, we should not be

surprised if (monkeypox) is detected in Singapore, as our people
travel widely and we are a commercial and international hub.

"Thankfully, we have in place the necessary protocols and public

health measures, triggered by an imported case in 2019."

Monkeypox is an infectious disease usually transmitted to humans

by animals, and it has been on the rise globally.

Mr Ong noted how monkeypox has generated much interest,

including at the World Health Assembly that he recently attended.

He said the disease is no longer a rare disease confined to certain

places in Africa, but is being passed from humans to other humans
in many parts of the world.

Clusters of cases have emerged in Europe and North America in

recent weeks, which is considered unusual as monkeypox is not
often seen outside western and central Africa.
In his post, Mr Ong reassured the public that monkeypox is unlikely
to be a pandemic like Covid-19, as it is transmitted mostly by close
physical contact and not airborne like the coronavirus.

"For example, if you are very close to someone with rash lesions due
to monkeypox, you can be infected," he said, elaborating on the
incubation period and typical symptoms of the disease.

The minister advised that anyone with a new unexplained rash

should see a doctor immediately to be examined, even if they have
not travelled recently, so they can be diagnosed and receive
treatment early.

"Most often it is due to another common disease like chickenpox,

but if you have monkeypox, then you can receive appropriate care
and prevent spread to people around you," he said.

"As for the general public, avoid close contact with individuals who
are unwell with fever or have a pox-like rash. It is always good to
maintain high standards of personal hygiene at all times, including
washing of hands with soap before touching your face."

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