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ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021

Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 16273-16284

Modeling and Simulation of Photovoltaic

Module Using P&O MPPT Algorithm
Vasupalli Manoj1, Rajesh Babu Damala2, BathulaVineela Rathan3
Assistant Professor, Department of EEE, GMR Institute of Technology, Rajam, Srikakulam District,
Andhra Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Chaitanya Engineering College, Kommadi,
Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh, India


ABSTRACT:The sun is the only source of energy for all of Earth's life. Photosynthesis is the
primary way through which green plants produce their own sustenance. In order for this process
to take place, there must be sufficient light. The sun is the most common source of this light.
Plants and other creatures that consume plants are the primary sources of sustenance for animals.
Heat is also required for the survival of plants and animals. As a result, plants serve as solar
energy reservoirs. One minute's worth of sun energy on India is enough to power our country for
a full day. This tremendous amount of solar energy that reaches the Earth has been underutilised
by mankind. Solar energy refers to the sun's rays. Deep within the sun, a nuclear fusion reaction
generates all of the sun's energy. Hydrogen and helium nuclei are formed when hydrogen and
helium are combined. These processes release energy into the atmosphere, which is then
absorbed by the Earth. Radiant energy is another name for solar energy. Radiant energy from the
sun can be divided into two categories: visible and infrared. Light infrared photons are the most
crucial. Ultraviolet and X-ray radiation. An innovative technique for tracking a solar PV panel's
greatest power point is presented in this study. As temperatures and irradiance change, the MPP
of a PV cell can change as well, resulting in a non-linear V-I characteristic and MPP. In order to
track the (MPP) and maintain the system's operation, appropriate algorithms must be used
because the power output changes based on irradiation and cell temperature. It is used to model a
photovoltaic system with (MPPT) function in Matlab/Simulink.

KEYWORDS:Solar cell, PV System, MPPT, P&O.


As global temperatures continue to increase, the need to transition to greener types of energy is
becoming increasingly important. Advances in renewable energy resources including the Sun,
Wind, Ocean, and many others have been made in recent years. The sun is an abundant source of
energy, and solar power generation has a wide range of applications. Global solar energy
generation is expected to generate 7000 TWh of energy by 2050. As a result, it is imperative to

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 16273-16284

constantly come up with innovative ways to boost the solar energy harvester's production.
Mechanical tracking is the simplest approach to ensure that the instrument receives the maximum
amount of solar energy possible. As described in the literature, mechanical tracking has been
found to be a more effective way than fixed systems. A solar panel's operating voltage must also
be monitored so that the most electricity may be extracted from it. Maximum Power Point
(MPP): The point at which maximum power is achieved (MPP).

The MPP's solar panels can be operated in a variety of ways. An interface is already required for
the solar panels to communicate with the grid; hence, the use of power electronic converters has
been proposed as a possible solution. P&O (perturb and observe) is the most often used
algorithm, which constantly compares the current operating point with the previous operating
point and then determines whether to increase or decrease the operating voltage based on the
comparison. Until the MPP is achieved, this comparison is carried out. Although this method
tends to oscillate about the MPP, it results in the loss of energy that could have been generated.
Oscillations around MPP can be eliminated by using an approach proposed in this study.

That fossil fuels are wreaking havoc on the planet and that the existing quo is unsustainable is
obvious. By 2020, the world needs to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 25 percent,
and by at least 80 percent by the year 2050. Many people have thought about using the sun's
power for a long time. The fundamentals are straightforward. Solar collectors harness the sun's
rays and use them to generate electricity. The use of solar electricity to complement grid power
in urban areas is a viable option. Running power cables is more expensive in rural locations.
There is enormous promise in solar electricity, a clean renewable resource with zero emissions,
which may be harvested through a variety of methods. For both industrial and home use, solar
energy systems are now readily available, with minimal upkeep, thanks to recent advancements
in technology. Incentives from the government could help make solar energy more financially
viable. With current pricing and taxes, a 250KWh-per-month solar production system will cost
roughly Rs. 20 lakhs (2013). Solar power is becoming the primary source of renewable energy in
most developed countries.


An inverted diode and a current source are typically used to represent a solar cell. It's got its own
set of series and parallel resistances all on its own. Series resistance is caused by obstructions in
the electron flow path from the n-to-p junction, while leakage current is the cause of parallel

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 16273-16284

Figure 1.Schematic Cross-Section of a Typical Solar Cell

An accurate simulation relies heavily on a PV cell model's accuracy. The I-V and P-V curves of a
PV cell can be modelled to mimic the real cell in various environmental situations. In order to
replicate a perfect solar cell, a current source and a diode are connected in parallel. Figure 2
shows that shunt and series resistors have to be included to the model because no solar cell is

Figure 2. Equivalent Circuit of PV Cell

The present source of information Photo current (Ipv), Rsh and Rs are utilised to describe the
cell's inherent series and shunt resistance. Because the value of Rsh is usually very large and the
value of Rs is usually modest, they can be ignored to make the analysis easier.

The relationship shown below, as well as the picture above, accurately depict the optimal
voltage-current characteristics of a solar cell.

q V+R s I V+R s I
I=Iph-I0 exp −1 −
Ak B T R sh


Iph = photocurrent,

ID = diode current,

I0 = saturation current,

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 16273-16284

A = ideality factor,

q = electronic charge 1.6x10-9,

kB = Boltzmann’s gas constant (1.38x10-23),

T = cell temperature,

Rs = series resistance,

Rsh = shunt resistance,

I = cell current,

V = cell voltage

The power output of a solar cell is given by



IPV = Output current of solar cell (A).

VPV = Solar cell operating voltage (V).

PPV =Output power of solar cell (W).

Figure 1 shows the power-voltage (P-V) characteristics for a functioning photovoltaic module at
1000 W/m2 irradiance and 25oC temperature.

Figure 3. Power-Voltage (PV) Characteristic of a Photovoltaic Module.


A typical solar panel converts only 30 to 40 percent of the sun's rays into electricity. The solar
panel's efficiency can be increased by using the maximum power point tracking approach.

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 16273-16284

The Thevenin impedance (source) and load impedance (load) must match in order for a circuit
to produce its maximum power output. To put it another way, our impedance matching problem
is reduced to tracking the maximum power point.

As a means of increasing the output voltage, a boost converter is being used in conjunction with
a solar pan el to boost the voltage from the source. We can match the source impedance to the
load impedance by adjusting the boost converter's duty cycle.

1) Perturb & Observe

The most basic approach is called Perturb & Observe (P&O). Voltage sensors are used to
measure the voltage of PV arrays in this method, which is less expensive and easier to
implement because only one sensor is needed. Despite its low time complexity, this method
continues to perturb in both directions even when it gets very near to the MPP. It's at this point
that we can either establish a suitable error limit or utilise a wait function that increases the
algorithm's time complexity. As a result of this method's failure to account for the quick change
in irradiation level (which alters MPPT), the incorrect MPP is calculated. We can use the
incremental conductance method to get around this issue.

Figure 4.Flowchartof Perturb &ObserveAlgorithm

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 16273-16284


Construction of PV Module Using MATLAB

TABLE 1. Solar Cell Parameters [13]

Parameter Variable Specifications

OpenCircuitVoltage VOC 21.8Volts
ShortCircuitCurrent ISC 3.11Amps
VoltageatMPP(Calculated) VM 17.1Volts
CurrentatMPP(Calculated) IM 2.78Amps
PoweratMPP(Calculated) PM 47.5Watts
DiodeIdealityFactor n 1.36
NumberofsolarPVcellsinapanel N 36
ThermalVoltage Vt 0.0259Volts

Figuer-5: Construction of PV Module (Main Block) Using MATLAB

Output at 1000W/m2 Irradiance

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 16273-16284


Figuer-7: PV characteristics

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 16273-16284

From the above figure maximum power is 47.5 W which is obtained at 17.1V and the current is

Output at 800W/m2 Irradiance

Figuer-8: Construction of PV Module for 800W/m2 Irradiance


ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 16273-16284

Figuer-10: PV characteristics

From the above figure maximum power is 39 W which is obtained at 17V. The current is 2.29A

Output at 600W/m2 Irradiance

Figuer-11: Construction of PV Module for 600W/m2 Irradiance

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 16273-16284


Figuer-13: PV characteristics

ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021
Design Engineering Issue: 8 | Pages: 16273-16284

From the above figure maximum power is 29 W which is obtained at 16.8V. The current is 1.72A


This paper includes a general purpose PV simulation module and demonstrations of its use in the
Matlab/Simulink simulation environment. Transient response assessments can be performed
using this PV model's direct connection to Sim Power Systems' electrical circuit. An electrical
driver for circuit connection and a model of PV cell behavior are the basic components of the PV
module. PV panel voltage and current potential are estimated using a behavioral model under
various conditions of solar radiation (G) and module temperature (Tc). The load is electrically
responded to by the power–limited electrical driver. Transient study of a PV-powered power
system can benefit from the use of the suggested PV module. To verify MPP tracking systems, it
is also useful Today, the integration of solar electricity into microgrids is a top priority for the
power system industry. A large-scale power system integration simulation is more necessary
today since these tools will play a key role in the design and administration of a more efficient
power system.

And so, the conclusion is drawn as well

 An irradiance source of 36 cells in series is employed for this project. It can produce up to
47.5 watts of power.
 When the irradiation is 1000W/m2, the photo voltaic array produces its maximum output.


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