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Nama: Hilwa Aksani Taqwin

NIM: 2306010142
Rombel: PJKR C


Learning Objective:
1. Mastering the basic skills of playing football.
2. know how to passing correctly.


Hello student, how are you today, let me introduce myself, my name is Hilwa Aksani Taqwin,
today I will teach you physical education and for today’s material we will do passing
in football, for that let’s start learning physical education today, please all student can do a strong
warm-up first.

The equipment that you must prepare includes:
1. Soccer shoes
2. Sock
3. Ball

The passing technique in soccer is the most basic skill that must be mastered by soccer
players. Passing itself is moving the ball from one player to another player in a team. This
passing technique in soccer is not as simple as feeding the ball, but far from it. Players who
pass can be a technique to create opportunities to build attacks. Passing techniques are also
quite diverse, to be able to play the ball game to the fullest, you can do the following kinds of
passing in soccer!
1) Passing with inside foot.
How to pass using the inside foot is as follows:
a) The foot is placed on the side parallel to the ball, then the knee is bent.
b) The soccer foot forms a 90 degree angle with the fulcrum.
c) Body position behind the ball with a slightly upright position.
d) The kick starts from pulling the foot and swinging forward.
e) At the moment of contact the eyes look at the ball and continue to look at the target.
f) After kicking there is a follow-up movement or commonly called follow through.
2) Passing with outside foot.

How to pass using the outside foot is as follows:

a) The foot on the side is parallel to the ball, while the position of the foot is straight
b) The foot of the football forms an angle of 30 degrees with the foot of the pedestal.
c) The position of the body is slightly inclined forward.
d) The kick starts from pulling the foot and swinging forward.
e) When the ball begins to hit the outside foot, the view is fixed on the ball and
continues the view on the target to be addressed.
f) After kicking there is a follow-up movement or commonly called follow through.

3) Passing with the instep/tortoise fot.

How to pass using the instep / tortoise foot is as follows:

a) The feet are resting on parallel to the ball, the feet straight back.
b) The foot of the football forms 30 degrees with the foot of the pedestal.
c) Body position with a slight lean forward.
d) The kick starts from pulling the foot and swinging forward.
e) When hitting the instep, the eye sees the ball and then passes on to the target to be
aimed at or teammates.
f) After kicking there is a follow-up movement or commonly called follow through.


1. The first stage in attempting to pass, position the body well in the
intended direction. In other words facing a teammate and being
able to see his position well to measure the accuracy of the kick.
2. Pull the foot that you want to use to pass backwards, because
pulling back is useful for determining how far the ball will be
passed. It is also useful in controlling the strength of the kick that
will be released.
3. Baiting using the inside leg. Because using the inside leg can be
more accurate in kicking.
4. Follow-up movements are needed, so as not to be boring, usually
players will use follow-up movements or follow throw. In other
words, to make movements that are not rigid and produce
movements that are beautiful and pleasant to see.

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