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Dog agility is a dog sport in which a handler directs a dog through an obstacle course in a race
for both time and accuracy. Dogs generally run off-leash with no food or toys as incentives. The
handler can touch neither dog nor obstacles.(1) , the handler's controls are limited to voice,
movement, and various body signals, requiring (2) training of the animal. In its simplest
form, an agility course consists of a set of standard obstacles, laid out by an agility judge in a design of
his own choosing on a roughly 100 by 100-foot (30 by 30 m) area, with numbers indicating the order
in which the dog must complete the obstacles. Courses are (3) enough that a dog could not
complete them correctly without human direction. In (4) , the handler must assess the course,
decide on handling strategies, and direct the dog through the course, with precision and speed
equally important. Many strategies exist to (5) for the inherent difference in human and
dog speeds and the strengths and weaknesses of the various dogs and handlers.

1. ...
A. In contrast
B. Consequently
C. However
D. Still
E. Besides
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 1 adalah B. Kalimat ini membutuhkan conjunction yang menyatakan sebaliknya
dan pilihan yang tepat adalah consequently
2. ...
A. exceptional
B. exceptionally
C. excepting
D. exception
E. excepted
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 2 adalah A karena bagian ini adalah frase kata benda dan dalam frase kata
benda memerlukan dua kata yaitu kata sifat dan kata benda sehingga exceptional bisa dipilih untuk
menjadi kata sifat
3. ...
A. regular
B. thorny
C. complicated
D. straightforward
E. interesting
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 3 adalah C karena kosakata ini dianggap mewakili kata yang berarti sulit atau
4. ...
A. compete
B. competitor
C. competitive
D. competitively
E. competition
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 4 adalah E karena kata ini dianggap bisa menjadi adverb of place
5. ...
A. compensate
B. estimate
C. appreciate

D. examine
E. investigate
Jawaban nomor 5 adalah E karena kata ini dianggap bisa melengkapi kalimat yang menjelaskan perbedaan
antara hewan dan manusia
Insects, such as some moths and fruit flies, react to microbial infection in the same way as mammals; hence,
they can be used to test the efficiency of new drugs and to reduce the need for animal testing.
Neutrophils, a type of white blood cell and part of the mammalian immune system, and haematocytes,
cells that carry out a similar function in insects, react in the same way to infecting microbes. Both the
insect and mammalian cells produce chemicals with a similar structure which move to the surface of the
cells to kill the invading microbe. The immune cells then enclose the microbe and release enzymes to break it
down. Insects such as fruit flies, Greater Wax Moths and a type of Hawkmoth can be used to test the efficacy
of new antimicrobial drugs or to judge how virulent fungal pathogens are. It is now routine practice to use
insect larvae to perform initial testing of new drugs and then to use mice for confirmation tests.

6. The topic of the paragraph is ...

A. using insects for drug safety tests
B. using fruit flies to check blood cells
C. the dangers of insect testing
D. the benefits of moths
E. reducing animal testing
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 6 adalah A dalam teks ini dijelaskan bagaimana insect digunakan untuk
mengetes obat tertentu atau obat baru

7. The sentence that best ends the paragraph is ...

A. Researchers will continue to explore the similarities between insect and mammalian responses so
that insects can be used as models to study different disease states in humans
B. Dr. Kevin Kavanagh from the National University of Ireland presented his research findings at
the Society for General Microbiology's meeting at Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh
C. As well as reducing by up to 90% the number of mice required, this method of testing is quicker as tests
with insects yield results in 48-72 hours whereas tests with mice usually take 4-6 weeks
D. Immune cells in insects and mammals are structurally and functionally similar despite being
separated by over 400 million years of evolution
E. Some scientists, especially those who have never been involved in the experiment, nevertheless,
refuse to believe that human reaction can be substituted by moth reaction
Jawaban untuk nomor 7 adalah C karena kalimat ini dianggap bisa menjadi kesimpulan dan bisa
menjadi closing sentence

In a basement lab at Stanford University Medical School, a mummy lay tightly wrapped in tattered
linen as a handful of scientists looked on. Starting with his feet, the scanner rotated around the mummy,
snapping X-ray-type images that appeared on nearby computer screens. The pictures, showing well-preserved
bone structure, were then mathematically manipulated to generate 3-D images that give a fuller picture
of the skeleton.
The highly sophisticated scanning technology allows scientists to learn about the 5-foot-4-inch (163-
centimeter-tall) mummy in remarkable detail without doing invasive or damaging procedures. The digital
images will show features that relate to paleopathology, diseases that may have been suffered by the
individual, also mummification style and patterns - how they may change through time. It will also be
useful for teaching anatomy to everyone from small children through medical school.
The mummy is believed to be an ancient Egyptian priest, and this mummy belongs to the Fine Arts
Museums of San Francisco. It was dug up from a cemetery in Akhmim, on the east bank of the Nile.
Akhmim, from which the maternal relatives of the famous King Tut come, was an important provincial
capital and the site of one of Egypt's major temples.
Scientists have not been able to pinpoint the mummy’s age when he died or his cause of death. The
scanning tests may help them get a little closer. For now, they can only date him to around 500 B.C., just
before the Persian conquest, when the last native Egyptian dynasty ruled. It is one of the eras which is
very poorly understood.
After scientists are finished with him, the mummy will be the centerpiece of an exhibit at the Legion of
Honor in San Francisco. The mummy has been out on loan from the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
since 1944, and the exhibit, ”Very Postmortem: Mummies and Medicine,” is considered his
8. An appropriate title for the text is ...

A. Stanford Computer to Help Paleopathology

B. An Exhibition of an Egyptian Priest's Mummy
C. New Technology to Find A Mummy's Cause of Death
D. The Homecoming of The Fine Arts Museums' Collection
E. Scanning Technology to Help Unwrap the Mystery of the Mummy
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 8 adalah E karena teks ini menjelaskan bagaimana teknologi seperti X ray dan 3D images
memperoleh struktur tubuh mumi tanpa merusaknya

9. The word invasive in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by ...

A. consistent
B. surgical
C. serious
D. comprehensive
E. invading
jawaban untuk soal nomor 9 adalah B. Kedua kata ini memiliki arti yang mirip yaitu membedah atau
10. What can be learnt from the computer images about the mummy?
A. How long he had lived.
B. How he died.
C. His hierarchy in Egyptian temples.
D. How he was mummified.
E. How he had served King Tut.
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 10 adalah D karena pernyataan ini terdapat di closing sentence paragraf ke 2


You have invited your friend over for dinner. Your child sees your friend reach for some cookies
and says, ”Better not take those, or you'll get even bigger.” You're embarrassed that your child
could speak so rudely. However, you should consider that your child may not know how to use
language appropriately in social situations and did not mean harm by the comment. An individual
may say words clearly and use long, complex sentences with correct grammar, but still have a
communication problem — if he or she has not mastered the rules for social language known as
pragmatics. Adults may also have difficulty with pragmatics, for example, as a result of a brain
injury or stroke. An individual with pragmatic problems may say inappropriate or unrelated things
during conversations, tell stories in a disorganized way, or have little variety in language use. It is
not unusual for children to have pragmatic problems in only a few situations. However, if problems
in social language use occur often and seem inappropriate considering the child's age, a pragmatic
disorder may exist. Pragmatic disorders often coexist with other language problems such as
vocabulary development or grammar.

1. The topic of this paragraph is ...

A. pragmatic disorder
B. pragmatic aspect of language
C. pragmatics, logic and semantics
D. children with pragmatics difficulties
E. what causes pragmatics problems
Jawaban untuk nomor 1 adalah E karena masalah pragmatik tidak hanya dialami oleh anak-anak saja tetapi
juga oleh orang dewasa yang mengalami brain injury

2. The paragraph which follows this one most likely discusses ....
A. pragmatic language tips
B. how to test social pragmatic skills
C. pragmatic disorder and language inhibition
D. semantic-pragmatic disorder in children
E. pragmatic impairment and associated behavioral problems
jawaban untuk soal nomor 2 adalah E. Dalam teks dijelaskan bagaimana anak dan
orang dewasa yang mengalami masalah terkait pragmatik dan keduanya
menunjukkan perilaku yang mengganggu saat berkomunikasi dengan orang lain

The thought of a car or truck that can drive itself is at once both exciting and frightening.
Autonomous vehicle navigation, as the technology is known, may make life more convenient if it
allows people to kick back and enjoy a good book or movie while their cars guide themselves
through rush-hour traffic. However, what happens if it starts to rain or if traffic suddenly picks up?
If the technology is to work at all, it will have to be completely safe on all roads, under all
speeds, and in all weather. Therein lies the challenge: if cars and trucks are to drive autonomously,
they will need futuristic sensors and advanced computing capabilities to respond to ever-changing
road conditions.
Perhaps the most extreme example of ever-changing conditions is a war zone, where roads may
be reduced to rubble and vehicles are natural targets of attack. Rolling out fleets of self-navigating
vehicles for the military is an enticing idea because it could keep thousands of troops out of harm's
way. Nevertheless, will it be possible for these vehicles to operate in war zones? This question was
the inspiration for a recent Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) contest aimed at
spurring the development of such technologies.
Held at a former air force base in Victorville, Calif. in late 2007, the DARPA Urban Challenge
offered a $3.5 million purse to competitors who could design the fastest and safest vehicles that could
traverse a 60-mile urban course in moving traffic in less than six hours. The contestant vehicles were
unmanned and had to complete a simulated military supply mission, maneuvering through a mock city
environment, avoiding obstacles, merging into moving traffic, navigating traffic circles, and negotiating
intersections - all while conforming to California driving rules. Of the 89 international teams that
entered the challenge, only six finished in the allotted time.
Wende Zhang of General Motors was part of the team that designed the winning vehicle,
which finished with the fastest time - an average speed of approximately 13 miles per hour. The
GM team drew upon existing technology already offered in some of their vehicles that can assist in
parking or detect lane markers and trigger alarms if the drivers are coming too close to the
shoulder of the road. For the DARPA challenge, they developed a more sophisticated package of
sensors that included GPS coupled with a camera and a laser-ranging LIDAR system to guide and
correct the vehicle's route through the city. In Baltimore, Zhang will present GM's patented new
methods for detecting lanes and correcting a vehicle's route, which helped them win the challenge.
Though they won, people should not look for robotic chauffeurs immediately. The technology
must prove reliable in many different road, weather and lighting conditions. Still, says Zhang, a
commercially-viable autonomous driving product may be available in the next decade.

3. The best title for this passage is ...

A. Future War Zone Vehicles

B. A Giant Leap in automotive industry
C. Research on the development of unmanned vehicles
D. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
E. The Triumph of General Motors in a competition
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 3 adalah C dimana di dalam teks dijelaskan bagaimana mobil dan truk dibuat
otomatis tanpa pengendara dan bagaimana teknologi ini dikembangkan di berbagai tempat termasuk di
wilayah perang

4. What is stated about autonomous vehicle navigation in the passage?

A. It cannot function if it runs out of electricity.
B. Bad weather and traffic jam are minor problems for autonomous vehicles.
C. Sixty teams managed to design autonomous vehicles in the DARPA competition.
D. Autonomous vehicles will be equipped with a state-of-the art navigating system.
E. Robotic chauffeurs will be ready in the near future.
Jawaban nomor 4 adalah D dan ini bisa dilihat penjelasannya di paragraf kedua “they will need
futuristic sensors and advanced computing capabilities to respond to ever-changing road

5. It can be inferred from the passage that the DARPA Urban Challenge ...
A. meant to search for an advanced manned navigation system
B. was only open for American teams
C. gave a trivial prize to the winning team
D. is to develop self-navigating vehicles for all sorts of road conditions
E. was not very competitive
jawaban untuk soal nomor 5 adalah A. Penjelasannya dapat diperoleh dari topic
sentence dan supporting sentence paragraf ke 4

6. The word ”obstacles” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to which of

the following?
A. Problems
B. Difficulties
C. Obstructions
D. Burdens
E. Nuisances

Jawaban untuk soal nomor 6 adalah B karena obstacles mempunyai arti yang sama dengan difficulties
7. Which of the following statements is FALSE?
A. Futuristic sensors and advanced computing abilities will be essential feature of autonomous
B. Using self-navigating vehicles in the army will reduce the number of
injured soldiers in wars.
C. The DARPA Urban Challenge looked for the fastest and safest
autonomous vehicle.
D. The GM team's new detecting and navigating methods played an
important role in its victory.
E. The U.S. Army is already well-prepared and ready to launch unmanned vehicles
in current wars.
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 7 adalah E. Dalam teks dijelaskan mengenai teknologi yang mendukung
percobaan pembuatan kendaraan militer yang tahan di medan perang akan tetapi tidak dijelaskan
mengenai kendaraan yang akan digunakan untuk menghadapi perang terbaru

8. Last summer, he visited Nasau, a small but vibrant city, with a great range of designer outlets
... luxury goods at tax-free prices.
A. that sells
B. sold
C. they sold
D. selling
E. to sell
jawaban untuk soal nomor 8 adalah B karena kalimat ini menceritakan kegiatan yang terjadi di masa
lampau dan kalimat ini memerlukan kata kerja dalam bentuk past tense

9. "Excuse me. Could you tell me which bus I should take to get to Plaza Indonesia?”
"Sorry, I don't know. You... ask the driver.”
A. could have
B. had better
C. ought to have
D. must have
E. would rather
jawaban untuk soal nomor 9 adalah B karena kata had better berati sebaiknya atau sama juga artinya
dengan should

10. .... a new policy related to the establishment of business was released, entrepreneurs had found it
difficult to get a license for their new businesses.
A. When
B. After
C. Since
D. Until
E. While
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 10 adalah D. Opsi A dan E memiliki fungsi yang sama yaitu digunakan
dengan past tense dan past continous tense sedangkan Since dan after digunakan dengan present
perfect tense sehingga kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi kalimat ini adalah until

(1) . (2) The first requirement is to complete a course

in a certified climbing school, where you learn about mountain conditions and safe
climbing. (3) Another requirement is to wear special clothing; a helmet and climbing
boots to complete your outfit. (4) You must also carry special equipment: iron
spikes to hammer into cracks for support and safety and special climbing ropes.
(5) In addition, there are also strict climbing rules for mountaineers. (6)
Mountaineers sometimes bring their mountain bikes. (7) You can climb alone or in
teams of two or more. (8) When you climb in a team, each person is tied around
the waist to the same rope to protect a climber who slips from falling. (9) At all
times, you must be aware of falling rocks and when you are tired, you need to find
a ledge to rest on. (10) Most mountain climbers would agree that mountain
climbing has many rewards. (11) The higher you climb, the more beautiful the
view is of the valley floor. (12) You can see treetops, lakes, and distant mountains.
(13) Above you, the sky and moving clouds are a spectacular sight.

1. The paragraph should begin with ...

A. Mountain climbing is a dangerous sport with special needs and strict climbing
B. Mountain climbing requires not only special clothing but also expensive
C. There are some requirements that you have to meet before you go climbing
D. Mountain climbing is risky; yet, many people do it because of the rewards
E. Mountain climbing is not a popular sport as it needs rigorous preparation
Jawaban untuk nomor 1 adalah C karena kalimat ini mencakup segala hal dalam teks
sehingga bisa digunakan untuk menjadi topic sentence

2. The sentence which is irrelevant to the topic of the paragraph is

A. sentence 4
B. sentence 6
C. sentence 9
D. sentence 11
E. sentence 13

By the age of 5, most triplets are on par with their peers in mental and emotional
development, but those born at the lowest weights may still lag behind, according to a study
published in July 2009. Israeli researchers found that among the 126 singletons, twins and
triplets they followed from birth to age 5, triplets generally trailed behind their peers in
cognitive development over the first two years of life. By age 5, however, many triplets had
bridged the gaps in both IQ and social development, the researchers report in the journal
Pediatrics. The exception was triplets who'd been particularly growth-restricted in the
womb — those who, at birth, had weighed more than 15 percent less than the sibling with
the highest birth weight. At age 5, these children were still developmentally behind both
their siblings and peers.
Until now, there had been no well-designed studies following the development of
triplets over the first few years of life. And the catch-up seen among most triplets in this
study is "excellent news," lead researcher Dr. Ruth Feldman, of Bar-Ilan University, told
Reuters Health. Parents of triplets, she said, should be aware that their children may be
slower to reach developmental milestones in infancy, but most are likely to close that gap
during the preschool years. Children who were born substantially smaller than their
siblings may not catch up, however.
At age 5, the study found, these children typically scored at the lower end of the
normal range for intellectual, emotional and social development. For instance, Feldman
explained, average verbal IQ was about 95, which, while within normal range, would
make it difficult for a child to get through standard schooling.
Growth restriction was common among the 21 sets of triplets in the study. In 65
percent, one sibling was born weighing more than l5 percent less than the heaviest sibling.
The findings on development point to the importance of giving these children extra
attention from infancy onward, according to Feldman. "Knowing that these children
respond to parental investment already in the first months of life tells parents to be especially
sensitive and responsive to these children," Feldman explained. In addition, she said, the
children's development during infancy and preschool should be continuously monitored,
and parents and children should receive extra help when needed — such as interventions
to help children regulate their emotions and cultivate social skills, or to improve their
attention and concentration abilities. More studies are also needed, the researchers note, to
see whether the developmental gaps persist into later childhood and adolescence.
3. An appropriate title for the text is ...

A. Intellectual, Emotional and social development of Triplets

B. Triplets, Twins, and Singletons: A Comparison Study
C. Parental Guides to The Development of Babies
D. The Reason for the Slow Growth of Triplets
E. The Correlation between Birth-weight and Intellectual Development
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 3 adalah A karena teks menjelaskan dari paragraf 1-3
mengenai perkembangan triplet dari sisi intelektual, emosi dan perilaku sosial
4. According to the text, which triplet baby would most probably be
developmentally behind her peers?
A. Born with less than 1.5 kg in weight
B. Born weighing 20 percent less than her siblings
C. Born with heaviest weight
D. Born weighing 21 percent more than her siblings
E. Born with lowest weight
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 4 adalah E. Hal ini dijelaskan di topic sentence paragraf
pertama mengenai perbandingan peers dari segi mental dan emosional
5. According to the text, when do triplets typically have the biggest gap in
A. During infancy
B. When they reach the age of five
C. After they reach the age of five
D. During school years
E. During preschool years
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 5 adalah C hal ini dijelaskan di paragraf ke 1 pada kalimat “By
age 5, however, many triplets had bridged the gaps in both IQ and social development, the
researchers report in the journal Pediatrics”
6. The word “persist” in paragraph 4 can be best replaced by...
A. Vanish
B. Elapse
C. Stay
D. Change
E. Maintain
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 6 adalah C. Kata persist dan stay memiliki arti yang sama
yaitu bertahan
7. The text would most probably be found in ...
A. an advertisement of a children health center
B. an article in a medical journal
C. an article in a popular science magazine
D. an article in a Bar-Ilan University publication
E. a preface of a medical book
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 7 adalah B karena artikel ini menyampaikan hasil penelitian
dan terdapat data-data serta prosentase dari hasil meneliti sampel

8. We recommend......information on the internet or official tourism boards

before you decide where to go for your holiday.

A. to search
B. search
C. searching
D. that we search
E. you searching
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 8 adalah E karena setelah kata recommend harus diikuti
dengan subjek dan kemudian verb ing
9. ”How do you like your new bedroom?” "Well, it is too dark. I need.....a
brighter colour.”

A. to have it painted
B. to be painted
C. painting it
D. to have it paint
E. it to be painted
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 9 adalah A. Kalimat ini termasuk causative dan jenis causative
ini dipakai ketika seseorang tidak melakukan sesuatu melainkan menyuruh orang lain
untuk melakukan sesuatu tsb
10. The person recently elected headmaster of our school is well-qualified, sociable,
and ... to his job.

A. his dedication is very high

B. he is highly dedicating
C. is dedicated highly
D. having a high dedication
E. highly dedicated
Jawaban untuk nomor 10 adalah E. Kalimat ini harus pararel dan untuk melengkapinya
diperlukan adverb phrase yang terdiri dari adverb dan adjective sehingga highly
dedicated adalah pilihan yang tepat

(1) . (2) However, plastic in the ocean actually decomposes as it is exposed to
the rain and sun and other environmental conditions. (3) When plastic decomposes it
releases potentially toxic bisphenol A (BPA) and PS oligomer into the water. (4) BPA and PS
oligomer are sources of concern because they can disrupt the functioning of hormones in
animals and can seriously affect reproductive systems. (5) Polystyrene begins to decompose
within one year, releasing components that are detectable in the parts-per-million range. (6)
However, the volume of plastics in the ocean is increasing, so that decomposition products
remain a potential problem. (7) It is estimated that 10 percent of the world's plastic waste
finds its way into the sea and slowly but surely most of it ends up in the Pacific Ocean. (8)
Each year as much as 150,000 tons of plastic debris, most notably Styrofoam, washes up on
the shores of Japan alone. (9) Vast expanses of waste, consisting mainly of plastic, float
elsewhere in the oceans.
1. The paragraph should begin with ....
A. Plastics in daily use are generally assumed to be quite stable
B. Scientists always believed that plastics in the oceans were hazardous only to sea
C. The UN Environmental Program estimates that over a million seabirds, as well as
more than 100 thousand marine mammals, die every year from ingesting plastic
D. Some researchers estimate that there are over six kilos of plastic for every kilo of
naturally occurring plankton in the Pacific Ocean
E. Plastics decompose with surprising speed and release potentially toxic substances
into the water
Jawaban untuk nomor 1 adalah E karena kalimat ini cukup general dan bisa
mencakup semua hal dan tepat untuk dijadikan topic sentence

2. The sentence which is irrelevant to the topic of the paragraph is sentence number ...
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven
E. Eight
Jawaban untuk nomor 2 adalah D karena Polystyrene tidak dijelaskan di topic sentence,
supporting sentence dan closing sentence
Spider-Man isn't the only person with an interest in spider silk. While Spider-
Man uses the threads to zigzag from building to building, or to snare a bad guy,
scientists are investigating silk for different reasons. Though researchers have
learned a lot about silk by investigating spiders, insects such as caterpillars, ants
and bees also have been studied for the sticky stuff. Scientists are even trying to
get silk from animals such as goats.
It turns out silk might be good for weaving a lot more than shirts and ties. In
the future, the silky fiber might be used to make supertough bulletproof vests and
light but strong parachute cords. Silk also might work well for delicate tasks inside
the body. Researchers are experimenting with using silk to support growing cells,
the same way a construction crew builds scaffolding around a building to help
keep everything in its place during construction.
Spider silk is an ideal material, according to a researcher from University of
Wyoming, but humans have been gathering silk not from spiders but from
silkworms for hundreds of years. But silkworm silk has its problems. A silkworm
covers its silk in sticky glue that holds the cocoon together. Sometimes humans
have a bad allergic reaction to this glue.
Spiders, on the other hand, don't use sticky glue. Most spiders have an
abdomen made up of five different sections. The last two sections are where the
silk-making happens. These sections of the lower belly are modified into special
structures called spinnerets, which are sort of like faucets for silk. The silk is mixed
in glands and then secreted out of the spinnerets. Spiders can't shoot silk out for
long distances the way Spider-Man does. Instead, they attach the emerging silk to
something, like a tree branch, and then move away from the branch. This pulls
the silk outward.
The main ingredient in spider silk is proteins, and there are many different
kinds, depending on which spider is spinning and which silk it wants to make. Some
of the proteins are very large and complicated, and therefore hard to make a lot of
in the lab. So some scientists have put the genes that have the instructions for
making silk into other creatures, such as goats. The silk-making genes are turned on
only in the goat cells that make milk, so when these goats are milked, there is silk in
the milk. However, a liter of milk may have only 15 grams of silk, which means it
would take about 600 gallons of milk to make one bulletproof vest. At higher
concentrations the milk starts clumping, perhaps because the silk proteins are
sticking to milk proteins.

3. An appropriate title for the text is ....

A. The Chemical Characteristic of silk
B. Silk Making : from Worms to Spiders
C. Artificial Spider Silk Production
D. The Long History of Silk
E. Silk's Superpower
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 3 adalah B. Teks menjelaskan bahwa sutra dari ulat sutra paling
banyak digunakan dan sutra dari laba-laba masih dalam penelitian selain itu teks juga
menjelaskan bagaimana bahan sutra dibuat dari memanfaatkan laba-laba
4. Which field might use silk in the future?
A. Health and automotive
B. Agriculture and military
C. Biochemistry and construction
D. Military and medicine
E. Mining and hospitality
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 4 adalah D. Teks menjelaskan mengenai “supertough
bulletproof vests” dan “Silk also might work well for delicate tasks inside the body”
sehingga bidang yang akan menggunakan sutra dimasa mendatang adalah Militer dan

5. Why did the writer mention building construction?

A. To illustrate hwo strong and elastic silk is
B. To describe how researchers extract silk out of spiders
C. To explain about the process of silk making
D. To illustrate how growing cells can be held up by silk
E. To compare between silk from silkworms and silk from spiders
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 5 adalah D. Di paragraf ke 2 dijelaskan “Silk also might work
well for delicate tasks inside the body. Researchers are experimenting with using silk to
support growing cells, the same way a construction crew builds scaffolding around a
building to help keep everything in its place during construction.” Sehingga bisa
disimpulkan bahwa sutra bisa membangun growing cells
6. The word “clumping” in paragraph 5 is best replaced by ...
A. Clotting
B. Cluttering
C. Spreading
D. Dispersing
E. Collecting
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 6 adalah A karena kedua kata memiliki kemiripan arti. Clumping
berati menggumpal dan clotting berarti pembekuan

7. Which of the following statements about the text is FALSE?

A. The use of silk in health is still empirical.
B. Silk making genes can be planted into animals other than goats.
C. Humans have long been collecting spider silk for various purposes.
D. Secreting silk from specially-engineered milk is effective but not efficient.
E. In the future, we will possibly use silk made by bees or ants.
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 7 adalah C karena sutra yang telah berabad abad dipakai berasal
dari ulat sutra bukan dari laba-laba

Anybody who is over the age of six knows that there is nowhere safe for skateboarders to
skate. This prevents young people from enjoying an active, energetic and adventurous

Just watch a local street for a short while and note the steady stream of skaters speeding up
and down the foopaths. Toddlers can be trampled on and old ladies can be knocked down
as they struggle home carrying their cat food from supermarkets. Thunderous rattles are
heard on our main roads each night as skaters travel without lights and without signs to
oncoming cars.

Skateboarding is a serious sport that improves young people’s health. It increases fitness,
improve balance and strengthens the joints in knees and ankles. Although it appears to be a
solo sport, when groups practice together and compete to perform stunts or runs, they
form firm friendships.

Young people should be prevented from becoming overweight couch potatoes. If they are
actively involved in skating, they do not smoke,take drugs or break the laws for fun.

Kids will always seek thrills and excitement. They need to practice their 180s, 360s, and
Ollie’s free from restrictions. We must build skate parks in the suburbs so that streets are
safe for small children and senior citizens and skaters have spaces where they can race,
chase, speed, and soar towards the sun.

8. Where do the kids usually ride their skateboard?

A. In the main roads and foot paths
B. In front of the supermarket
C. In front of their home
D. In the suburbs
E. In the park
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 8 adalah E dan ini bisa dilihat penjelasannya di paragraf
terkahir yaitu fungsi taman sebagai arena skate untuk anak-anak

9. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?

A. There is no safe place for skateboarders
B. Kid seek an excitement in skate
C. The goodness of skateboarding
D. The skateboarding is a serious sport
E. How to prevent overweight by skateboarding
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 9 adalah D. Penjelasannya terdapat topic sentence di
paragraf ke 3

10. What must we do to let the skaters play?

A. Join them anywhere
B. Give them space in the park
C. Let them play in the main roads
D. Let them play in the local street
E. Build a skate park in the suburbs
Jawaban untuk nomor 10 adalah B dan ini dijelaskan di closing sentence paragraf


Recent technological advances in manned and unmanned undersea vehicles

have overcome some of the limitations of divers and diving equipment. Without a
vehicle, divers often become sluggish and their mental concentration becomes limited.
Because of undersea pressure which affected their speech organs, communication
among divers was difficult or impossible. But today, most oceanographers make
observations by means of instruments which are lowered into the ocean or from
samples taken from the water. Direct observations of the ocean floor are made not
only by divers but also by deep-diving submarines. Some of these submarines can
dive to depths of more than seven miles and cruise at depths of thousand feet.
Radio-equipped buoys can be operated by remote control in order to transmit
information back to land-based laboratories.

1. The main idea of the passage tells us the reasons why...

A. undersea vehicles were not well-equipped for explorations
B. recent exploration of the ocean has proved to be successful
C. high technology for undersea exploration was not implemented earlier
D. divers could not communicate well with land-based laboratories
E. deep-diving submarines can send information to divers in the laboratories
2. Which of the following statements is the most suitable concluding sentence
of the paragraph?

A. In short, the technology in undersea exploration should be improved.

B. Therefore, divers should avoid undersea pressure to be able to
C. In fact, deep-diving submarines are the best means for oceanographers to
conduct undersea explorations.
D. To conclude, it is the radios divers use to communicate that makes the
undersea exploration successful.
E. Thus, successful communication in the exploration of ocean greatly
depends on the divers and vehicles.

Delivering medicine to the world's poorest people is a challenge. Hot, poor places
such as Tanzania have many microbes but microscopic health budgets. Dangerous myths
deter many sick rural folk from seeking medical help. Even if they do seek help, it is often
unavailable, for they do not have the money to pay for it, and their government rarely has
the money to give it to them for free. Because they cannot afford adequate health care,
poor people are sick a lot of the time. And because they are sick a lot of the time, they find
it hard to put in the long hours of productive labour that might make them less poor.
All hope is not lost, however. A recent experiment in Tanzania has shown that a small
health budget can go a long way, provided that the money is spent with care. With the
help of a Canadian charity, the Tanzanian health ministry set up a health project in two
rural districts, with a combined population of about 700,000. Five years ago, annual health
spending in Tanzania was about 8 a head. This figure included an estimate for the annual
cost of trained staff. The charity added 2 a head to the pot, on condition that it was spent
rationally. By this, the donors meant that the amount of money spent on fighting a
particular disease should reflect the burden that disease imposed on the local population.
This may sound obvious; however, in this region, no one had a clue which diseases
caused the most trouble, so the first task was to find out. Researchers were sent out to
carry out a door-to-door survey, asking representative households whether anyone had
been ill or died recently, and if so with what symptoms. These raw numbers were then
crunched to produce a ’burden of disease’ profile for the two districts. In other words,
researchers sought to measure how many years of life were being lost to each disease,
including the damage done to families when breadwinners die.
They then compared their results with the amount spent by the local health
authorities on each disease and found that it bore no relation whatsoever to the harm
which the disease inflicted on local people. Some diseases were horribly neglected, such as
malaria, which accounted for 30% of the years of life lost but only 5% of the health
budget. Other conditions, meanwhile, attracted more than their fair share of cash.
Tuberculosis, which accounted for less than 4% of years of life lost, received 22% of the
This tiny infusion of cash from the Canadians, in the form of an extra 2 a head, was
enough to allow the districts health authorities to make their spending reflect the disease
burden. The results of all this were stunning. Infant mortality fell by 28% between 1999 and
2000 and the proportion of children dying before their fifth birthday dropped by 14%.
3. The most suitable title for the text is ....
A. The Effects of an Aid Package from a Canadian Charity
B. The General Health Condition of Tanzanian People
C. A Survey on the Health Condition in Tanzania
D. The Difference a Small Increase in a Tiny Health Budget can Make
E. Deadly and Virulent Diseases Found among the Tanzanian
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 3 adalah C karena teks menjelaskan hasil penelitian dan
survei yang dilakukan kepada warga Tanzania

4. What can be infered from paragraph 1?

A. People in African countries do not go to doctors due to perilous myth.
B. The budget for health in Tanzania is low as there aren't many diseases.
C. When people in Tanzania are sick, they have no hope to recover.
D. In Tanzania medical treatment is accessible for the poor.
E. Poverty and illness in Tanzania are like a vicious cycle.
Jawaban untuk soal 4 adalah A karena orang Tanzania percaya dengan perilous myth dan
mereka pun tidak punya uang untuk pergi ke dokter dan pemerintah pun juga tidak
memberikan fasilitas kesehatan gratis untuk warganya

5. The term a ’burden of disease’ in paragraph 3 means

A. the worse the disease the more the burden
B. the relative effects of different diseases on a society
C. a disease is burdensome for the poor
D. each society and family has its own burden caused by disease
E. a disease affects not only the sick but also the breadwinner.
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 5 adalah C dan ini dijelaskan di paragraf ke 2 dan 3
pemerintah Tanzania memiliki budget yang sedikit untuk fasilitas kesehatan dan
pemerintah Kanada memberikan bantuan dana kemudian peneliti melakukan
survei terhadap penyakit yang dilakukan secara door to door dan hasilnya penyakit
adalah beban berat bagi keluarga4

6. Which of the following statements about the text is FALSE?

A. The additional amount

B. The budget allocated for each person included the training cost for the medical
C. The presence of myth in Tanzania may have discouraged people to go to
D. A serious disease probably affected not only the patient but also the family.
E. The amount of budget allocated to each disease depended on how harmful
a disease was.
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 6 adalah D karena hal ini sama sekali tidak terdapat
dalam teks
7. The purpose of the writer in writing this article is probably to
A. show how generous foreign institutions can be in helping other countries
B. persuade other countries to copy the Tanzanian model
C. show how the money is spent is more important than how much is spent
D. explain the types of diseases people can find in Tanzania
E. invite donors to donate money to countries in need of cash
jawaban untuk soal nomor 7 adalah E. Di teks dijelaskan betapa sulitnya rakyat
Tanzania memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan karena minimnya dana dan salah satu
donor bagi Tanzania adalah Kanada dan teks ini ingin menyampaikan agar memberikan
bantuan pada negara yang membutuhkan
8. Dani was extremely tired when he arrived, because he.... for his flight for three

A. waited
B. was waiting
C. had waited
D. had been waiting
E. had been waited
jawaban untuk soal nomor 8 adalah D karena kalimat ini merupak past perfect continous
tense dan terdapat keterangan waktu for three hours

9. The term ’rock’,.... a shortened form of ’rock-and-roll’, was coined by an American

broadcaster to replace ’rhythm-and-blues’.
A. it is
B. which is
C. for which
D. which it is
E. is
jawaban untuk soal nomor 9 adalah B karena kalimat ini adalah relative clause yang non
restrictive dan diantara pilihan yang tersedia which is dianggap paling tepat untuk
melengkapi kalimat ini

10. Last summer, he visited Nasau, a small but vibrant city, with a great range of
designer outlets .... luxury goods at tax-free prices.
A. that sells
B. sold
C. they sold
D. selling
E. to sell
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 10 adalah B karena kalimat ini merupakan past tense maka
verb yang dibutuhkan juga harus past tense

. So far we have been concerned primarily with positive economic

theories. Such “scientific” theories take the real world as an object to be studied,
attempting to explain those economic phenomena that are observed. Positive
economics seeks to determine how resources are in fact allocated in an economy.
A somewhat different use of economic theory is normative, taking a definite
stance about what should be done. Under the heading of normative analysis,
economists have a great deal to say about how resources should be allocated. For
example, an economist engaged in positive analysis might why and how the
American health care industry uses the quantities of capital, labor, and land that
are currently devoted to providing medical services. The economist might also
choose to measure the costs and benefits of devoting even more resources to
health care. But when economists advocate that more resources should be
allocated to health, they have implicitly moved into normative analysis.

1. This paragraph should begin with ...

A. A final feature of most economic models is the attempt to differentiate
carefully between “positive” and “normative” questions.
B. The difference between “positive” and “normative” questions is how
resources should be allocated.
C. The different use of economic theory is the attempt to analyze “positive” and
“normative” questions.
D. A final feature of most economic models is the attempt to analyze positive
E. Most economic models are positive and “normative” analysis.
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 1 adalah E karena kalimat ini cukup general sehingga bisa
dijadikan topic sentence untuk paragraf diatas
2. From the passage, we can conclude that

A. normative economic theory has influenced most economists

B. economists tend to use positive economic theory rather than normative
C. both positive and normative economic theories have been used by
D. either positive or normative economic theories have not been used by
E. the difference between positive and normative theories is how to measure
the capital
jawaban untuk soal nomor 2 adalah C. Baik positif dan normatif teori digunakan
para ahli ekonomi untuk “to determine how resources are in fact allocated in an
economy” dan “how resources should be allocated”
Sometimes, race and ethnicity are used interchangeably, but it is important to
understand that they are two different things, else they would not have two
different names. Race has been defined as, ”human population, that is believed to
be distinct in some way from other human beings based on real or imagined
physical differences”. The racial classification is rooted more in the idea of biological
classification of humans, based on the morphological features, such as skin color or
facial characteristics. More often than not, an individual is externally classified
into a racial group, instead of the individual choosing, where he/she belongs as part
of his /her identity. The whole concept of race and specific racial groupings is often
controversial, because of their impact on social identity and how the identity
influences a person's position in the social. Some examples of race include,
Chinese, the Indians, the Arabs, etc. The term ethnicity is derived from the Greek
word ethnos, which roughly translates to ‘nation’. More commonly it is said to be
people of the same race, who share a distinctive culture. In the modern day usage,
the word ethnicity is used to reflect the different kinds of encounters
industrialized states have with the different types of so called ‘subordinate’
groups, such as immigrants and colonized subjects. To explain it further, ethnicity
refers not to the physical characteristics, but to the social traits, which are shared by
a certain group of human population. The distinction is made on the basis of
nationality, tribe, religion, faith, language, culture and traditions. The examples of
ethnicity include the Hispanics or the Latin American community, the Native
Americans in the United States of America, etc. The first main difference
between race and ethnicity is the fact that race is primarily unitary. A person can only
belong to one race, but can have multiple ethnic affiliations. To elaborate the point
further, ethnically a person can be called Irish or Polish, but if the difference has to
be made on the basis of race, then the person is classified as black or white. The
next fundamental difference is that race is socially imposed and is also
hierarchical. At the same time, a person has no control over his or her race. It is
more about how you are perceived by others around you. But when it comes to
ethnicity, a person can have control over ethnicity up to a certain limit. We will
take an example to understand the point better. If a person is born in India to
Indian parents, but is adopted by a French family in France, ethnically he feels
French, eats French food, speaks French and is well versed with the French history
and culture, but is not aware of Indian history, language, culture, etc. However,
when the person travels to the United States, he is treated racially as Asian.

3. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Race and Ethnicity: Similarities and Differences.
B. The Differences between Race and Ethnicity
C. Race and Ethnicity are Used Interchangeably
D. The Definition of Race and Ethnicity
E. Race and Ethnicity: Some Common Characteristics
Jawaban nomor 3 adalah B karena di awal kalimat atau topic sentence dijelaskan bahwa
race dan ethnicity adalah dua hal yang berbeda

4. The word ‘fabric’ can best be replaced by ...

A. cloth
B. material
C. structure
D. condition
E. gap
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 4 adalah C karena fabric disini menggambarkan satu
kesatuan atau sesuatu yang terstruktur

5. Which of the following statements about the passage is FALSE ...

A. The word race and ethnicity are occasionally used to mean each other.
B. Race is based more on people's physical appearance.
C. The concept of racial labeling might lead to social conflict
D. The term ethnicity has always been defined the same.
E. Ethnicity is based more on people's social characteristics than physical
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 5 adalah E karena people’s physical apperance merupakan
bukan definisi dari ethnicity

6. What can be inferred from the passage about the race and ethnicity?
A. Race is something that you are born with, but ethnicity can be controlled
to some extent.
B. Race and ethnicity are both innate characteristics.
C. Both race and ethnicity might be the reasons for discrimination.
D. People can easily identify to which ethnicity a person belongs, but not to
which race he is affiliated.
E. People cannot choose which ethnicity and race they want to belong to.
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 6 adalah D. Kalimat ini dijelaskan dengan pernyataan“A
person can only belong to one race, but can have multiple ethnic affiliations.”

7. This passage is most likely found in a textbook of which of the following

A. Geography
B. Politics
C. Philosophy
D. Psychology
E. Sociology
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 7 adalah E karena teks ini menjelaskan mengenai perbedaan
suku, ras, dan etnik serta kehidupan sosial maka bidang yang akan membahas ini adalaj
bidang sosiologi

There are some reasons for keeping dogs as pets in the city area, but many people feel
that keeping pet dogs should not be allowed in the city. Dogs are often not taken care of
properly. They are kept in small backyards and rarely taken for walks. They are left in the
yard all day by themselves while the family is at work. Very little attention is given to the
dog, and it is not a very good life for it. It is no wonder why these dogs bark and disturb
the neigbours and become a nuisance to the community.

On the other hand, not all people treat their dogs this way, and why should the people
receive a lot of pleasure and enjoyment from dog suffering? Dogs can make a lonely
person’s life happy or make wonderful playmate. It can also teach a child responsibility
as they not only get to lay with a dog, but also need to exercise, feed, and care for the

I feel that we should be allowed to keep dogs in the city because if it is taken care
properly, dogs can be a great source of pleasure. As a child, I used to enjoy playing and
taking care of my pet. There is not greater loyalty a person can get than from a well-
cared dog.

8. Some people do not like the presence of pet dogs in their surrounding because...
A. The dogs are left in the yard
B. The dogs are often neglected
C. The dogs often bark and disturb neigbours
D. The dogs play with the owner’s child
E. The dogs guard the security of the environment
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 8 adalah C. Ini dijelaskan di closing sentence di paragraf
ke 1

9. The main ideas of the last paragraph is...

A. Pet dogs are loyal animal
B. Pet dogs are more loyal than humans
C. Dogs can be a great source of pleasure
D. The writer has no objection to keep dogs in the city
E. The writer used to play and take care of his pet when he was child
Jawaban untuk soal nomor 9 adalah C karena anjing bisa memberikan kebahagiaan
kepada orang yang merasa kesepian

10. We can infer from the text that keeping a pet dogs in the city will not cause any
problem as long as...
A. The dogs are amusing
B. The neighbours like having pet dogs
C. The dogs do not bark at the neighbours
D. The wire has succeeded in persuading the neighbours
E. Its presence does not disturb the neighbourhood
Jawaban nomor 10 adalah E. Selama anjing dipelihara dengan baik maka bisa
menjadi sumber kebahagiaan bagi orang disekelilingnya

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