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English definition Translated word in 1st language

1. ripple A small wave Onda

2. to blow it Spoil, botch, or bungle something Para soplarlo

3. petrifying Make (someone) so frightened that Petrificante

they are unable to move
4. To pronounce sentence To state the punishment of a Dictar sentencia
5. Springboard (diving term) Flexible diving board that adds to Trampolin
the diver's own spring on take-off

6. Platform (diving term) The solid diving board from which Plataforma de salto
competitors dive
7. Insistent Insisting or demanding something Insistente
8. Compulsion The action or state of forcing or Compulsion
being forced to do something

9. To flutter Fly unsteadily Revolotear

10. Analyze Examine in detail something Analizar

11. To have the wind knocked difficulty of breathing and Quedarse sin respiracion
out of someone temporary paralysis of the
12. dramatically Suddenly or obviously Dramaticamente
13. Shiver Shake slightly and uncontrollably as Temblar
a result of being cold, frightened

14. Confidence The feeling of trust in someone or Confianza

15. Frothy Full of or covered with a mass of Espumoso
small bubbles

16. Longing Feeling of wanting something or Anhelo

someone very much
17. Miserably Feeling or showing unhappiness Tristemente

18. Intently In a way that gives all your Atentamente

attention to something
19. Speck A very small mark, piece, or Partícula
20. Grit Very small pieces of stone or sand Grano

21. nose cone The front part of a spacecraft, Morro

aircraft, or missile
22. anticipation A feeling of excitement about Antisipacion
something that is going to happen
23. reflexes A physical reaction to something Peflejos
that you cannot control
24. cartwheels A fast, skilful movement like a Volteretas
wheel turning
25. pierced Something who have a hole Perforado

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