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Journal of Power Electronics (2020) 20:308–318


Battery–inductor–supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for DC

Duy‑Hung Dam1 · Hong‑Hee Lee1

Received: 10 September 2019 / Revised: 6 November 2019 / Accepted: 14 November 2019 / Published online: 10 December 2019
© The Korean Institute of Power Electronics 2019

This paper presents a new configuration for a hybrid energy storage system (HESS) called a battery–inductor–supercapacitor
HESS (BLSC-HESS). It splits power between a battery and supercapacitor and it can operate in parallel in a DC microgrid.
The power sharing is achieved between the battery and the supercapacitor by combining an internal battery resistor and an
output LSC filter, which consists of a supercapacitor and an inductor. The battery current is smoothened to supply and receive
only the low-frequency current component under any disturbance and load condition through cooperation with the superca-
pacitor. Complete guidelines to design the parameters of the BLSC-HESS are also presented. Simulation and experimental
results demonstrate that the proposed BLSC-HESS configuration achieves a high-stability performance and a lower cost,
and is easily applied to DC microgrids.

Keywords DC microgrid · Batteries · Hybrid energy storage system · Supercapacitor · Pulsed load

1 Introduction pulse current significantly increases the operation tempera-

ture of batteries, which decreases the system efficiency and
Due to the increasing number of DC generation sources the lifetime of the batteries. Furthermore, fast load changes
and requirements of energy storage devices, DC microgrids and low-frequency current ripples shorten the lifetime of a
have been attracting a great deal of attention. In a microgrid fuel cell and affect its long-term performance [2]. To solve
system, there are many kinds of renewable energy sources this problem, a supercapacitor can be used to manage pulse
(RESs) such as photovoltaics, wind turbines, and fuel cells, loads and load transitions. The size of the battery can be
and it is necessary to integrate them. To stabilize the distur- reduced by 64% when it is combined with a supercapacitor
bances caused by changes in the loads and generation in a in a HESS when compared to an energy storage system with
microgrid, a battery energy storage system (BESS) is one of only a battery [3].
the most promising solutions. An ideal BESS has very high Many HESS configurations have been studied for DC
energy and power densities, which has yet to be achieved. microgrids. These configurations are classified into three
Fortunately, the combination of a battery and supercapaci- types, as shown in Fig. 2.
tor can provide high energy and power densities in a hybrid
energy storage system (HESS) [1]. (1) A battery and a supercapacitor are connected in parallel
A typical DC microgrid is composed of different RESs to the DC bus through a DC–DC converter, as shown
and HESSs, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Each unit is connected in Fig. 2a [4, 5]. This is the simplest configuration.
to a common DC bus through a DC–DC converter to sup- It has advantages such as low cost and easy control.
ply power to various kinds of loads. When the power load However, current sharing between the battery and the
changes, a HESS supports the transient high power and dis- supercapacitor is not controllable.
patches the power fluctuation of the RESs [1]. For instance, (2) A battery and a supercapacitor are connected to a multi-
input topology converter, as shown in Fig. 2b [6–9].
* Hong‑Hee Lee In this method, the line impedance between the bat- tery and the supercapacitor is neglected, which reduces
the system losses. However, the control scheme of this
Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Ulsan, method is hard to adapt to a DC microgrid, since it
Ulsan, Korea

Battery–inductor–supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for DC microgrids 309

The use of a bulky and high-cost DC–DC converter to

connect a supercapacitor and a battery is another obstacle
to the integration of the supercapacitor into systems such as
electric vehicles and small residential buildings. A passive
solution, where the battery and supercapacitor are connected
in parallel, is widely used in electric vehicles due to its low
cost, low maintenance and small volume. Moreover, this
passive solution can operate without considering the super-
capacitor voltage or SoC. However, when a HESS is used
as an input source for a DC–DC converter to increase the
power quality of the system, the switching noise and ripple
Fig. 1  Typical configuration of a DC microgrid with HESSs current from the DC–DC converter cannot be filtered out by
a conventional parallel battery–supercapacitor configuration.
It also has a limitation in that the high-frequency current
component leaks to the battery side, which decreases the
lifetime of the battery.
The authors of [19] proposed a new HESS configuration
to smoothen battery current using a supercapacitor and an
inductor. However, the design and performance were not
sufficiently verified. Furthermore, a combined model for
the HESS and the DC–DC converter was considered for the
theoretical analysis. Therefore, the HESS model was not
generalized for application with any type of DC–DC con-
verter. To solve this problem, a battery inductor supercapaci-
tor HESS (BLSC-HESS), which was developed by analyzing
Fig. 2  HESS configurations the HESS and DC–DC converter individually, is proposed.
The proposed BLSC-HESS can be easily connected to any
DC–DC converter in a DC microgrid with a simple droop
requires an additional control method to cooperate with controller. To analyze the reliability of the proposed topol-
other units in the microgrid. ogy, the parameters were investigated, including the superca-
(3) A battery and a supercapacitor are connected to the DC pacitance, inductance and internal resistance of the battery.
bus through a DC–DC converter, as shown in Fig. 2c Design guidelines for the BLSC-HESS parameters are pre-
[10, 11]. In this configuration, the control options sented. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed topology
are increased. However, a complicated controller is was verified by simulation and experimental results.
required to coordinate the operation of the superca-
pacitor and the battery. Moreover, the line resistance
between the supercapacitor and the battery requires a 2 System description
spike in the battery current when the load changes.
A typical DC microgrid including a HESS is shown in
To integrate a HESS into a DC microgrid, a dedicated Fig. 1. The sources and loads are connected to a common
control method should be used. Recently, several coordinat- DC bus. The HESS units are used to compensate the current
ing methods have been adapted to integrate a battery and a mismatch between the RES and the load to effectively oper-
supercapacitor into a system based on a high-pass filter or ate the microgrid system.
virtual impedance methods. Two main objectives are con-
sidered: battery current compensation and supercapacitor 2.1 Cooperation in a DC microgrid
state of charge (SoC) regulation [12–18]. A supercapacitor
has been used to handle the high-frequency components of To integrate various sources in a DC microgrid, a cooperat-
the HESS output current [12–14]. Thanks to this method, ing controller such as a master–slave or droop controller is
the battery current can be smoothly compensated. A virtual normally required. In general, droop control is more popular
impedance method was applied to make the supercapacitor for DC microgrids due to its advantage in terms of decen-
and the other units cooperate [16–18]. However, none of tralization without a communication interface. The current
these methods can seamlessly restore the SoC of the super- sharing in droop control is based on the virtual resistance or
capacitor, which requires additional controllers. droop coefficient, and the higher the droop coefficient is, the

310 D.-H. Dam, H.-H. Lee

Fig. 4  Proposed HESS configuration

connected to a common DC bus through a DC–DC con-

verter. As can be seen in Fig. 4, the construction of the
inductor and supercapacitor is regarded as a low-pass filter
Fig. 3  Models of: a impedance-based battery; b simple battery; c for the battery. The output current of the BLSC-HESS is
decoupled into two parts based on the frequency domain:
the battery current and the supercapacitor current. The low-
lower the shared current is. In a DC microgrid, at least one frequency current is handled by the battery, while the high-
RES unit is operated with droop control to regulate the DC frequency current is handled by the supercapacitor. The
bus voltage. In this study, a DC microgrid is controlled by BLSC-HESS parameters are investigated to analyze the
droop control to share power between sources. performance of this low-pass filter.

2.2 Battery and supercapacitor models 3.1 BLSC‑HESS parameters

Figure 3 shows battery and supercapacitor models, which To design the parameters of the BLSC-HESS properly,
are used as equivalent models to evaluate the performance of there are two main points to consider: the current coupling
the HESS. Figure 3a is the impedance-based model, which frequency between the battery and the supercapacitor, and
is widely used in battery design, SoC estimation or real-time the voltage level of the supercapacitor. The currents on the
battery simulation [20]. In this paper, since the battery is BLSC-HESS can be analyzed using the transfer function
only used for charging or discharging in a HESS applica- GiBLSC (s) of the ratio between the battery current and the
tion, the model in Fig. 3b is used to analyze a battery that supercapacitor current. The supercapacitor voltage level
operates at a low frequency [21, 22]. In Fig. 3b, the battery can be calculated using the transfer function GvBLSC (s) of the
is regarded as a voltage source Vbat with a series resistor Rb supercapacitor voltage level over the battery voltage level.
at a specific SoC: From Fig. 4, the battery current ibat and the supercapacitor
{ current isc can be obtained as
Vbat = VOC (SoC) { ( ) ( )
Rb = Rs
, (1) ib = Vbat(− vsc ∕ R)b + ZL1
isc = vsc ∕ Rsc + ZCsc
, (2)
where VOC (SoC) is the open circuit voltage of the battery
at a specific SoC, and Rs is internal equivalent resistance. where ZL1 and ZCSC are the impedances of L1 and CSC, respec-
The supercapacitor has a much higher power density and tively. In the frequency domain, Eq. (2) is rewritten as
a lower internal resistance, and can be modeled as shown in

Fig. 3b [4]. The values of Csc and Rsc are from a datasheet
−vsc (s)
⎪ ib = (Rb +L1 s)
provided by the manufacturer. ⎨ i = � vsc (s) � . (3)
⎪ sc Rsc + C 1 s
⎩ sc

3 Proposed BLSC‑HESS configuration The total current of the HESS is the sum of the battery
current and the supercapacitor current:
The proposed BLSC-HESS configuration is shown in Fig. 4. i = ib − isc (4)
The BLSC-HESS is constructed by inserting an induc-
tor between the battery and the supercapacitor, which are Then, GiBLSC (s) is obtained as follows:

Battery–inductor–supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for DC microgrids 311

ib 1 + Rsc Csc s
GiBLSC (s) = = ( ) . (5)
i 1 + Rsc + Rb Csc s + L1 Csc s2

From (5), GiBLSC (s) has one zero and two poles when L1 is
greater than zero:
� �
⎧ z = −1∕ R C
sc sc √
⎪ 1
⎪ p = − (Rsc +Rb )Csc − (Rsc +Rb ) Csc −4L1 Csc
2 2

⎨ 1

2L1 Csc . (6)
⎪ (Rsc +Rb )Csc + (Rsc +Rb ) Csc −4L1 Csc
2 2
⎪ P2 = −
⎩ 2L1 Csc

In the case of a conventional battery and supercapacitor

connection, L1 is zero and GiBLSC (s) becomes

| i 1 + Rsc Csc s
GiBSC (s) = GiBLSC (s)| = b = ( ) . (7) Fig. 5  Bode diagrams of GiBLSC (s) (solid lines) and GiBSC (s) (dot-
|L1 =0 i 1 + Rsc + Rb Csc s
ted lines) according to Csc when L1 = 0.5 mH, RSC = 15 mΩ and
Rb = 0.1 Ω
From (7), GiBSC (s) has one zero and one pole:
{ 1
z10 = − R
sc Csc
1 . (8)
p10 = −
(Rsc +Rb )Csc

Since one pole is missing, the conventional configuration

has a weak point in that the gain of GiBSC (s) at high frequen-
cies is high due to its zero. To analyze the effects of the
BLSC-HESS parameters, each parameter was swept, and
Bode diagrams of the BLSC-HESS were shown to examine
the performance.

3.2 Supercapacitor Csc

Figure 5 shows bode diagrams of GiBLSC (s) and GiBSC (s) when
the value of Csc changes from 10 to 30 F. The remaining
parameters are L1 = 0.5 mH, RSC = 15 mΩ and Rb = 0.1 Ω.
As shown in Fig. 5, the cut-off frequency of GiBLSC (s)
increases when Csc increases. Theoretically, the decoupling Fig. 6  Bode diagrams of GiBLSC (s) (solid lines) and GiBSC (s) (dot-
ted lines) according to Rb when L1 = 0.5 mH, RSC = 15 mΩ and
frequency of GiBLSC (s) is determined by the first pole p1 in
Csc = 28 F
(6) as follows:
( ) √
R + R C − (Rsc + Rb )2 Csc
2 − 4L C
p sc b sc 1 sc The capacitance of the supercapacitor does not affect
fc = − 1 = .
2𝜋 4𝜋L1 Csc the gain of GiBLSC (s) at high frequencies, as shown in Fig. 5.
(9) Therefore, increasing the capacitance of the supercapacitor
L1 is very small when compared with Csc. Thus, the value does not help reduce the high-frequency current component
of the first pole p1 is almost the same as p10 in (8) since the on the battery side.
cut-off frequencies of GiBLSC (s) and GiBSC (s) are the same, as
shown in Fig. 5. Finally, the decoupling frequency fc can be
rewritten as 3.3 Internal resistance Rb of the battery
p10 1 The internal resistance of the battery is predefined, and
fc ≈ − = ( ) . (10)
2𝜋 2𝜋 Rsc + Rb Csc its effect was analyzed to examine the performance of the
BLSC-HESS in different systems. Bode diagrams of GiBLSC (s)
and GiBSC (s) are shown in Fig. 6 with Rb changing from

312 D.-H. Dam, H.-H. Lee

0.1 to 0.5 Ω The remaining parameters are L1 = 0.5 mH , Therefore, to effectively reduce the high-frequency current
RSC = 15 Ωm and Csc = 28 F. component on the battery side, the value of L1 is calculated
With the conventional configuration, a battery with a high so that the gain of GiBLSC (s) at 100 Hz is less than − 20 dB.
internal resistance can reduce the effect of a high-frequency
current component on the battery side since the gain of GiBLSC (s)| < − 20 dB (11)
|f =100 Hz
GiBSC (s) is very small, as shown in Fig. 6. However, when
increasing the battery capacity by increasing the number
of parallel battery cells, the internal resistance becomes
smaller. Therefore, the gain of GiBSC (s) becomes higher. This 3.5 SC voltage
means that the high-frequency current can flow to the bat-
tery side. To analyze the supercapacitor voltage variation, a transfer
function of the supercapacitor voltage over the battery volt-
3.4 Inductance L1 age is obtained from Fig. 4:

Rc + C1 s
To evaluate the effect of the inserted inductor, Bode dia- vsc
Gvsc (s) = = .
grams of GiBLSC (s) and GiBSC (s) are shown in Fig. 7 when L1 Vbat Rc + C1 s + L1 s
changes from 0.5 to 2.5 mH. The remaining parameters sc

are Rb = 0.1 Ω, RSC = 15 mΩ and Csc = 28 F. The gain of From (12), Gvsc (s) becomes unity when L1 s becomes
GiBSC (s) becomes constant at high frequencies and is higher very small since it is difficult for battery voltage to change
than − 20 dB when the internal battery resistance is small quickly. As a result, the output voltage of the supercapaci-
( Rb = 0.1). As a result, currents with high frequencies such tor is equal to the battery output voltage in the steady state.
as ripple current, harmonic current and switching current By choosing the rated voltage of the supercapacitor to be
can flow from the supercapacitor to the battery, which higher than the operation voltage of the battery, the task of
greatly reduces the lifetime of the battery. controlling the supercapacitor voltage can be neglected in
On the other hand, the performance of the BLSC-HESS the BLSC-HESS.
is the same as that of the conventional configuration in the
low-frequency range. However, in a general DC microgrid,
harmonic current can appear due to various types of loads. 3.6 Settling time
With a load such as a variable motor driver, the harmonic
is double the fundamental frequency (100 Hz or 120 Hz). As The settling time of the BLSC-HESS is defined as the time
shown in Fig. 7, the gain of GiBSC (s) is constant and higher required for the response of the BLSC-HESS to reach and
than − 20 dB when the frequency is greater than 1 Hz. How- stay within a range of 10% of its final output current in this
ever, the gain of GiBLSC (s) becomes significantly smaller study. To evaluate the settling time, a unit step of R(s) = 1∕s
when compared with GiBSC (s) due to the inserted inductor L1. was used as the input of the GiBLSC (s), and the output is as

1 1 + Rsc Csc s
F(s) = R(s)GLCS (s) = × ( ) .
s 1 + Rsc + Rb Csc s + L1 Csc s2
Using the MATLAB symbolic toolbox, the output signal
is expressed in the time domain as follows:
t(Rb +Rsc )

F(t) = 1 − e
− 2L1
Fsub (t). (14)

Due to the complicated Fsub (t), a statistical method was

used to estimate the settling time. The decoupling frequency
is decided by the first pole p1. Thus, the settling time ts was
calculated by MATLAB and compared with the value of the
first pole to determine the relationship between them. The
parameters(( of the BLSC-HESS
) ) were swept to evaluate the
ratio ts ∕ Rsc + Rb Csc . The parameter ranges are from 0.1
Fig. 7  Bode diagrams of GiBLSC (s) (solid lines) and GiBSC (s) (dotted to 0.54 Ω for Rb , from 10 to 40 F for Csc(( , and from) 0.1)to
lines) according to L1 when Rb = 0.1 Ω, RSC = 15 mΩ and Csc = 28 F 1.5 mH for L1. The calculated ratio of ts ∕ Rsc + Rb Csc is

Battery–inductor–supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for DC microgrids 313

v∗out = Vnom − rd iout , (18)

where Vnom is the nominal DC bus voltage, Vout ∗

and iout are
the reference output voltage and the output current of the
HESS, respectively. In addition, rd is the droop coefficient
or virtual impedance.
The droop coefficient is calculated based on the rated cur-
rent of the HESS as
Vnom − Vmin
rd = , (19)

where Vmin is the minimum allowable voltage of the DC

Fig. 8  Ratio between the settling time and Csc (Rbat + Rsc ) bus, and irated is the rated current of the HESS converter. The
output voltage of the HESS is regulated by the inductor cur-
rent, and the inductor current reference i∗L is obtained from
the PI controller of the voltage control loop:
( )
kIv ( ∗ )

iL = kPv + vout − vout ,

Fig. 9  Control diagram of the BLSC-HESS where kPv and kIv are the PI gains of the voltage control loop.
Another PI controller is then used to control the inductor
plotted in Fig. 8, where the ratio is approximately constant at ( )
kIi ( ∗ )
2.25. Therefore, the settling time can be estimated as d = kPi + iL − iL , (21)
( )
ts ≈ 2.25Csc Rb + Rsc . (15)
where kPi and kIi are the PI gains of the current control loop.
Finally, design guidelines for the BLSC-HESS are briefly The cut-off frequency of the current loop is selected to be
summarized as follows: 1∕10 of the switching frequency of the HESS converter, and
Step 1 Select the settling time ts in (15) or (16), which the cut-off frequency of the voltage control loop is chosen
is calculated based on the decoupling frequency fc of the as 1∕10 of the current loop cut-off frequency.
3.8 HESS size and efficiency discussion
2.25 1
ts =
2𝜋 fc
. (16)
The proposed configuration uses only one additional induc-
tor instead of a DC–DC converter. Even though its volume
Step 2 Calculate the capacitance of the supercapacitor:
becomes slightly larger when compared with the configura-
ts tion in Fig. 2a, it is much smaller than the configuration in
Csc = ( ). (17)
2.25 Rsc + Rb Fig. 2b or c. In addition, the inductor volume is much smaller
with a cheaper price when compared with a DC–DC converter,
Step 3 Calculate the value of the inductor, which helps to because a small inductance is enough to decouple the high
reduce the ripple current on the battery side by reducing the frequency current between the battery and the SC. Since the
gain of GiBLSC (s) at a high frequency. As described in (11), the cut-off decoupling frequency depends on the hardware param-
value of the inductor is chosen so that the gain of GiBLSC (s) at eters, it needs to be changed when the battery or inductor is
100 Hz is smaller than − 20 dB. replaced. Some HESS topologies are compared in Table 1.
From Table 1, it can be said that the proposed configuration
has superior performance in terms of price and volume.
3.7 HESS control scheme

The BLSC-HESS is easily controlled without any concern

about the SoC of the supercapacitor or its voltage restora-
tion. Figure 9 shows a HESS control diagram. From Fig. 9,
the droop controller is described as

314 D.-H. Dam, H.-H. Lee

Table 1  Comparison between Configuration Components Volume Cost High-frequency Efficiency

different HESS configurations compensation perfor-

Figure 2a BAT + SC + 1 × converter ++ ++ − ++

Figure 2b BAT + SC + 1 × multiport-converter − − +++ +
Figure 2c BAT + SC + 2 × converter −− −− +++ +
Proposed BAT + SC + L + 1 × converter + + ++ ++

− Negative point, + Positive point

Table 2  Parameters used in the simulation and experiment

Parameters Symbol Value

DC microgrid
DC bus voltage Vnom − Vmin 45–48 V
Droop coefficient of HESS rd 0.3
DGs output current 0–8 A
Load 10, 20 Ω
BLSC-HESS converter
Inductor L2 0.5 mH
Output capacitor C 2200 µF
Switching frequency fs 20 kHz
Battery open circuit voltage VOC 24 V
SC nominal voltage 24 V

4 Simulation results Fig. 10  Case I: simulation results of a single HESS in a system

The DC microgrid shown in Fig. 1 was modeled using

PSIM simulation software to evaluate the proposed BLSC- mode, the battery output current iBAT1 changes smoothly,
HESS with the parameters in Table 2. The nominal DC thanks to the pulse current iSC1 supplied by SC1.
bus voltage in the microgrid is 48 V with a load of 20 Ω, Figure 10b shows the output current iHESS1 of the HESS1
and the two distributed generation sources are controlled converter to regulate the output voltage, which is calculated
as a current source to imitate renewable energy sources. by the droop equation in (18). Therefore, the DC bus voltage
The BLSC-HESS is connected to the DC bus through a vbus is regulated very well, as shown in Fig. 10c. Moreover,
bidirectional converter, as shown in Fig. 4. the battery and supercapacitor voltages are always the same,
To evaluate the effectiveness of the BLSC-HESS, three as shown in Fig. 10d, which confirms the relationship in (12)
case studies were investigated. Case I shows normal opera- with normal battery voltage variations. Figure 10 shows that
tion, case II shows the effect of the BLSC-HESS parame- the BLSC-HESS effectively decouples the current from the
ters on settling time, and case III evaluates the cooperation battery and the supercapacitor under load variations.
of two BLSC-HESSs. Case II Figure 11 shows the output currents iBAT1 and
Case I Only one BLSC-HESS is activated, and iSC1 of the battery and the supercapacitor when changing
the parameters of the BLSC-HESS are L1 = 0.47 mH , the parameters. For the same parameters used in case I,
Csc = 4 F , Rsc = 25 mΩ and Rb = 0.1 Ω. In Fig. 10, when the output current is shown in Fig. 11a for a performance
the distributed generation current suddenly increases from comparison. In addition, the settling time is 1 s, which is
0 to 5 A, the BLSC-HESS changes from the charge mode calculated from (15). When the supercapacitor capacitance
to the discharge mode to balance the system power flow is doubled to 8 F, the settling time becomes 2 s. Figure 11b
according to the change of the injected current from the shows that the battery current response becomes slower due
distributed generation. As shown in Fig. 10a, even though to the decreased decoupling frequency fc of GiBLSC (s) with an
the HESS changes from the charge mode to the discharge increased capacitance. In Fig. 11c, the internal resistance of

Battery–inductor–supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for DC microgrids 315

inductance of L1 = 0.47 mH , the battery current fluctuation

is reduced, and the gain of GiBLSC (s) is around − 28 dB.
Case III To evaluate the proposed BLSC-HESS configu-
ration in parallel operation, two BLSC-HESSs and two dis-
tributed generators were used. The two distributed genera-
tors inject a total current of 10 A into the DC bus, which is
connected to a load of 10 Ω. The power sharing between the
HESSs is ensured by the droop controller. Good power shar-
ing is achieved with the same battery output currents iBAT1
and iBAT2, as shown in Fig. 13. Moreover, the current sharing
between the battery and supercapacitor in the two HESSs
shows good performance with the same settling time ts. As
a result, the proposed HESS configuration effectively oper-
ates in parallel when using the conventional droop control.
The simulation results show that the proposed BLSC-
Fig. 11  Case II: impacts of the SC capacity Csc and the battery inter- HESS configuration is applicable, and that it has advantages
nal resistance Rb on simulation results in terms of a lower cost and a simple control scheme. It can
operate with the conventional droop control method or any
advanced coordinating methods in a DC microgrid.
the battery is increased to Rb = 0.2 Ω, while Csc is kept at
4 F. The settling time of the BLSC-HESS is the same (2 s)
as in Fig. 11b. Case II verifies the theoretical analysis to 5 Experimental results
determine the settling time in (15).
To investigate the effect of inductance in the BLSC- To validate the proposed BLSC-HESS configuration, the
HESS, the inductance L1 was changed from 0 mH in Fig. 12a DC microgrid in Fig. 1 with two HESSs and one distrib-
to 0.12 mH in Fig. 12b and to 0.47 mH in Fig. 12c. The other uted generator was implemented in the laboratory. The
parameters were kept the same (Csc = 4 F and Rb = 0.1 Ω). two BLSC-HESS converters in Fig. 4 were controlled by a
To simulate a high-frequency fluctuation in the system, a TMS320F28379D DSP controller board, and another DSP
high-frequency current iDG1 of 100 Hz was injected into the control board was used for the converters of the distributed
DC bus, which results in a ripple in the output current iHESS1 generator. The parameters of the DC microgrid are the same
of the HESS1 converter. With the conventional configuration as those used in the simulations. The experimental setup is
( L1 = 0 mH ), the gain of GiBSC (s) at 100 Hz is higher than
− 20 dB, as shown in Fig. 5. The battery current iBAT1 has a
high fluctuation, as shown in Fig. 12a. When L1 = 0.12 mH,
the gain of GiBLSC (s) at 100 Hz is reduced, which results in
the lower current fluctuation in Fig. 12b. With a much higher

Fig. 12  Case II: impacts of the inductance L1 on simulation results: a Fig. 13  Case III: simulation result of the cooperation of two HESSs
without L1; b L1 = 0.12 mH; c L1 = 0.47 mH in a system

316 D.-H. Dam, H.-H. Lee

shown in Fig. 14. The distributed generation converter is

controlled to inject a current of 4.5 A into a DC bus that is
connected to a load of 8 Ω. The internal resistance of the bat-
tery is 0.3 Ω, and it can be changed by adding a serial resis-
tor to the battery. Three case studies were carried out to eval-
uate the characteristics of the proposed HESS configuration.
Case I Only one BLSC-HESS is activated, and the
parameters of the BLSC-HESS are L1 = 0.47 mH and
Csc = 28 F . When the load is connected to the DC bus, the
HESS changes from the charge mode to the discharge mode.
As shown in Fig. 15a, the battery current iBAT1 smoothly
changes from the charge mode to the discharge mode thanks
to the pulsed supercapacitor current iSC1. Figure 15b, c shows
waveforms of the HESS converter output current iHESS1 and
DC bus voltage vbus, which are regulated by the droop con-
troller. In Fig. 15d, the supercapacitor voltage is equal to the
battery voltage in the charge mode and the discharge mode.
Thus, it is always kept in a safe operation range.
Fig. 15  Case I: experimental results of a single HESS in a system
Case II With the same setup conditions as case I, only
the parameters of the BLSC-HESS are changed to evaluate
its performance. The internal battery resistance normally Under an unbalanced AC load of an inverter in a DC
changes when the battery parameters change. However, in microgrid, harmonic and high-frequency currents are gen-
this experiment, it is changed by adding an external serial erated on the DC bus. To evaluate the effectiveness of the
resistor. Figure 16 shows the impacts of the supercapacitance BLSC-HESS configuration in a high frequency range, a
Csc and the battery internal resistance Rb. Figure 16a shows harmonic current iDG1 of 100 Hz was injected into the DC
the supercapacitor and battery currents of case I, for which microgrid through the distributed generation converter.
the settling time is 20 s. When the internal battery resist- As a result, the output current iHESS1 fluctuated to regu-
ance is changed by adding an external resistance of 0.1𝛺 , late the DC bus. In Fig. 17, all three tested cases have the
the settling time becomes longer in Fig. 16b than it is in same amount of injection current. The inductance L1 was
Fig. 16a. The settling time is increased from 20 to 25 s when increased to investigate the effect on the BLSC-HESS.
the internal resistance is increased from 0.3 to 0.4 Ω, which Figure 17a shows the output currents of the supercapacitor
coincides with the calculation in (16). When the superca- and the battery without an inductor L1. The supercapacitor
pacitance Csc is increased from 28 to 56 F, the settling time
is increased from 20 to 40 s, as shown in Fig. 16c.

Fig. 16  Case II: impacts of the SC capacity Csc and the battery inter-
Fig. 14  Experimental setup nal resistance Rb on experimental results

Battery–inductor–supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for DC microgrids 317

Fig. 17  Case II: impact of the inductance L1 on experimental results:

a without L1; b L1 = 0.47 mH; c L1 = 1.12 mH

cannot help to reduce the fluctuation in the output current Fig. 18  Case III: experimental result of the cooperation of two
iBAT1 of the battery. By adding an inductance of 0.47 µH, the HESSs in a system
fluctuation of the battery current iBAT1 is reduced, as shown
in Fig. 17b. In Fig. 17c, the fluctuation of the battery current
iBAT1 is much smaller then when the inductance is increased high-frequency current components. Therefore, the battery
to 1.12 mH. The results in Fig. 17 show that the battery cur- handles the low-frequency current, while the supercapaci-
rent is smoothened by inserting the inductor. tor handles the high-frequency current. The battery life is
Case III HESS1 and HESS2 were used to observe the extended, thanks to the reduced magnitude of the fluctuation
performance of the BLSC-HESS in parallel operation. Two of the battery current. In addition, the lifetime of the super-
HESSs are controlled by droop control to share the load capacitor is also increased since its voltage is ensured to be
power and to regulate the DC bus voltage. The output cur- within a safe operating range. The proposed BLSC-HESS
rents of the battery and supercapacitor of the BLSC-HESSs configuration is easily controlled by a conventional droop
are shown in Fig. 18a, b for HESS1 and HESS2. Since both controller. Thus, it can be directly applied to a DC microgrid
the HESSs have similar system parameters, the output cur- with extendable capabilities and is easily adaptable to old
rents of their batteries ( iBAT1 , iBAT2 ) and supercapacitors or new systems. This study also offered a design process
(iSC1 , iSC2 ) are almost the same. Good sharing performance for the proposed BLSC-HESS. Finally, the performance and
is shown by the matching of the HESS output currents iHESS1 effectiveness of the system were verified by a simulation and
and iHESS2 in Fig. 18c. A stable DC bus voltage vbus under experimental results.
load variation is shown in Fig. 18d.
These experimental results show the effectiveness of Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by the National
Research Foundation of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Govern-
the BLSC-HESS in smoothening battery current with both ment (NRF-2018R1D1A1A09081779) and in part by the KETEP and
low- and high-frequency currents. The results also verify the MOTIE (No. 20194030202310).
the theoretical analysis and design guidelines. The simplic-
ity of the configuration and controller make it easy to apply
and practical.
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